2007年12月5日 星期三

Jarrold and Sons

.....倍因所译育珂的小说都由伦敦书店Jarrold and Sons出版,这家书店似乎很热心于刊行这种异书,而且装订十分讲究.我有倍因译的《育珂短篇集》,又长篇《白蔷薇》(原文A Feher Rozsa,英译改称Halil the Pedlar),及波兰洛什微支女士(Marya Rodziewicz)的小说各一册,都是六先令本,但极为精美,在小说类中殊为少见。匈加利密克扎特(Kalman Mikzsath)小说《圣彼得的雨伞》译本,有倍因的序,波思尼亚穆拉淑微支女士(Milena Mrazovic)小说集《问讯》,亦是这书店的出版,此外又刊有奥匈人赖希博士(Emil Reich)的《匈加利文学史论》,这在戈斯所编《万国文学史丛书》中理特耳(F.Riedl)教授之译本未出以前,恐怕要算讲匈加利文学的英文书中唯一 善本了。

好几年前听说这位倍因先生已经死了,Jarrold and Sons的书店不知道还开着没有,──即使开着,恐怕也不再出那样奇怪而精美可喜的书了罢?但是我总不能忘记他们。倘若教我识字的是我的先生,教我知道读 书的也应该是,无论见不见过面,那么R.Nisbet Bain 就不得不算一位,因为他教我爱好弱小民族的不见经传的作品,使我在文艺里找出一点滋味来,得到一块安息的地方,——倘若不如此,此刻我或者是在什么地方做 军法官之流也说不定罢?


Jarrold is a privately owned business based in the historic St James Mill near to the centre of Norwich. The company was founded in Woodbridge, Suffolk in 1770 and currently employs over 450 people.

The company has three operating divisions – Retail, Properties and Training. The company has also set up a new wholly owned subsidiary called St James Facility Management. For more information about the activities of the divisions please use the links.

In January 2007 Jarrold's book publishing division was sold to specialist heritage publisher NPI Media Ltd. For any enquiries telephone 0870 6206220. Jarrold's calendar division has been sold to Vista Stationery & Print Ltd. For any enquiries please telephone 01603 677316.

John Jarrold Printing Museum

