2019年10月31日 星期四

Akira Kurosawa and his films

The Films of Akira Kurosawa. University of California Press, 1965. 3rd edition, expanded and updated, 1998. ISBN 978-0-520-22037-9

2019年10月30日 星期三

Sutras with illustrations on fig leaves

Sutras with illustrations on fig leaves

This is a finely illustrated Chinese manuscript containing two Buddhist sūtras and images painted on leaves.

The text

This illustrated manuscript from China contains the text of two of the most popular Buddhist sūtras of the Mahāyāna tradition: the Heart Sūtra and the Diamond Sūtra. The inscription on the wood cover reads: ‘Buddha of Unmeasurable Long Life’. The Heart Sūtra covers one page at the beginning of the book, with text written in silver. The longer text of the Diamond Sūtra covers the rest of the item and it is written in gold. Each page of text is accompanied with one of thirty illustrations representing various religious scenes, including Buddhist saints, priests and protectors.

The material

Each illustration is painted on a leaf of the ficus religiosa or Bodhi tree, a species of fig native to Asia. This tree is considered sacred in Buddhist tradition for it is said to be the tree under which Siddhartha Gautama, later known as Buddha, attained enlightenment in Bodh Gaya, India. The leaves are heart shaped with a long tip, which allows rain to fall off easily during tropical rainstorms. For painting, the leaves are soaked in water until the green cells disintegrate and only the frame remains. They are then dried and backed with paper. The blue colour of the background is often used to give a nice visual contrast to the sparkling colours used on the leaves, and the gold or silver of the text.

Full title:
Two of the Sacred Books of the Buddhists; in Chinese; written in gold and silver characters on an azure ground, with numerous illuminations, beautifully executed, on leaves of the sacred fig-tree. Folio. [11,746.]
18th–19th century, China
Manuscript / Concertina album
Usage terms
Public Domain
Held by
British Library
Add MS 11746

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2019年10月29日 星期二

Tokyo's Jimbocho neighborhood 神田神保町

日本 東京の地名


神田神保町は、東京都千代田区の地名。住居表示未実施。現行行政地名は神田神保町一丁目から神田神保町三丁目。郵便番号は101-0051。書店街として知られる。幕臣・神保長治の屋敷があったことに由来する地名。 ウィキペディア

2019年10月27日 星期日

臺灣日月潭史話、臺鍾彰化史話 上卷 (劉枝萬 編著 簡史朗校注導讀

臺灣日月潭史話、臺鍾彰化史話 上卷 (劉枝萬 編著   簡史朗校注導讀




作者: [德]黑塞(Hermann Hesse)
人民幣 ¥36.80
馬基雅維利與達•芬奇相遇時,關於權力他們談了些什麼?米勒與夢露的愛情悲劇中有沒有現代人的完美主義傾向? 從亞里斯多德和柏拉圖,到溫斯頓•邱吉爾和查理•卓別林,再到約翰•列儂和小野洋子…… 這些世界歷史上的傑出人物都曾有過不同凡響的相遇與相知,充滿了激情、希望與哲思,對人生意義、社會道德、科學信仰等思索與拷問啟迪了後人,給人類社會的發展提供了方向。本書擷取了世界歷史長河中十五對傑出人物的相遇故事,通過客觀優美的敘述展示出他們的邂逅對關於人類的重要問題所給出的答案。
赫爾格•黑塞(1963— ),德國自由撰稿人、編劇和記者,主要從事歷史、文化和經濟方面的研究。他的著作《我既然站在這裡,就別無選擇》於2007 年被德國《那時》(Damals)雜誌評為娛樂類歷史年度書籍,被翻譯成14 種語言。
目  錄
第一章 柏拉圖與亞里斯多德:世界是理念的仿製品嗎
第二章 阿伯拉爾與艾洛伊絲:頭與心,孰重孰輕
第三章 馬基雅維利與達•芬奇:權力到底是什麼
第四章 開普勒與華倫斯坦:信仰濫觴與終結於何處
第五章 大衛•休謨與亞當•斯密:世上有不負責任的自由嗎
第六章 歌德與洪堡:自然的本質是什麼
第七章 格蘭特與謝爾曼:戰爭可以是正義的嗎
第八章 俾斯麥與拉薩爾:一個正確的國家是什麼樣的
第九章 凡高與高更:藝術真的是生活必需的嗎
第十章 維特根斯坦與凱恩斯:人的一生可以做什麼
第十一章 愛因斯坦與玻爾:世界是按計劃運行的嗎
第十二章 邱吉爾與卓別林:如何戰勝邪惡
第十三章 米勒與夢露:我非得完美無缺嗎
第十四章 約翰•列儂與小野洋子:我能拯救這個世界嗎
第十五章 德克勒克與曼德拉:人類如何克服暴力

2019年10月26日 星期六

Janis Joplin 1943~1970 四本傳記 Janis: Her Life and Music 等

Janis Lyn Joplin (January 19, 1943 – October 4, 1970) was an American rock, soul, and blues singer-songwriter, and one of the most successful and widely known rock stars of her era. After releasing three albums, she died of a heroin ...



Buried Alive: The Biography of Janis Joplin ペーパーバック – 1992/9/15


London Review of Books!

London Review of Books
Cover from the first ever issue of the LRB
The ‘London Review of Books’
Karl Miller
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Last call for 40th anniversary events!
Jeremy Harding, Nikita Lalwani and Adam Shatz on Monday; Anne Carson, Amit Chaudhuri, Nico Muhly and Paul Muldoon on Wednesday.
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Fairy Flight in ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’
William Empson
The sex life of the spirits needs also to be considered, but this review is already too long.
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Wynne Godley asks if Britain will have to withdraw from Europe
The implications for Britain of EEC membership are rapidly becoming so perversely disadvantageous that either a major change in existing arrangements must be made or we shall have, somehow, to withdraw.
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A letter
Brigid Brophy
Puritans, who hate and fear fiction, regularly pronounce ‘the novel’ dead, using the singular because they wish there were only one. But champions of fiction often do it no better justice, with their appeals to pity and duty on behalf of the poor, démodé, tottering old thing.
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Also in this issue:
John Bayley: William Golding’s first novel for twelve years, Karl Miller: V.S. Naipaul, Stuart Hampshire: Human Nature, Ralf Dahrendorf: Conservative Policy and the Universities, Emma Rothschild: The Economics of Illness, Rosalind Mitchison: Malthus and population theory, Michael Holroyd: Sidney and Beatrice Webb, Dan Jacobson: Lawrence and the Mince-Pies, Randolph Quirk: Dictionaries, and poems by Seamus Heaney and Ted Hughes.
Video: The Lost Art of Paste-Up


Happy 40th anniversary, London Review of Books! Oliver Sacks first published in the LRB in 1981, working with editor and co-founder Mary-Kay Wilmers, who helped shape many of the essays that eventually appeared in "The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat."
Read a selection of Dr Sacks's LRB essays here: www.lrb.co.uk/contributors/oliver-sacks