2022年8月28日 星期日

遠流電影館 1989~2003 101本



遠流電影館編號001號的是路易斯.吉奈提(L. D. Giannetti)著,焦雄屏等人翻譯的《認識電影》,1989年出版,是電影科系學子幾乎人手一本的教科書。這個系列的最後一本是編號101、2003年出版的德勒茲《電影Ⅱ:時間─影像》。從1989到2003年,15年的時間出版了101本電影專書,包括電影理論、電影批評、國內外導演傳記、電影幕後、電影技術等。航叔說:

「『遠流電影館』可以說是台灣電影叢書,出版最多最齊全,品質也最好。中國小說家余華特地寫信給我,說對這系列書很有興趣,我就把當時已出版的一些書寄給他。」" ~~


2022年8月27日 星期六

144) 父子合寫普通日本人的生命史 (約1925~2015) 小熊英二 《活著回來的男人:一個普通日本兵的二戰及戰後生命史》 ;《日本人」的界限:沖繩・愛努・台灣・朝鮮,從殖民地支配到復歸運動》

 144) 父子合寫普通日本人的生命史 (約1925~2015)  小熊英二   《活著回來的男人:一個普通日本兵的二戰及戰後生命史》 

1962年生於東京,東京大學大學院總和文化研究科國際社會科學博士,現為慶應義塾大學總合政策學部教授,專攻歷史社會學。1996年以《単一民族神話の起源:〈日本人〉の自画像の系譜》獲得三得利學藝賞;2003年以《民主」と「愛国」:戦後日本のナショナリズムと公共性》獲得每日出版文化賞、大佛次郎論壇賞;2013年以《社会を変えるには》獲得中央公論社新書大賞。《活著回來的男人:一個普通日本兵的二戰及戰後生命史》獲得2015年新潮社小林秀雄賞。其他重要著作包括《1968:若者たちの叛乱とその背景〈上/下〉》、《市民と武装 :アメリカ合衆国における戦争と銃規制》、《清水幾太郎:ある戦後知識人の軌跡》。他執導的311福島核災議題紀錄片《首相官邸前的人們》已於2015年公開上映。


定價: 900元

定價: 420元


小熊英二表示,自19世紀中旬開始,日本帝國擴張的過程並非一以貫之,反而政策相對模糊,其統治下的 #沖繩#愛努#台灣#朝鮮 的定位和人民因而搖擺不定,中央和地方相互映照、拉扯,反覆辯論「何謂日本、何謂日本人」?指出了1879年以後,日本與周邊地區的辯證中,國家與人民的概念是如何複雜而多層次,並詳細分析各時期的政策、法律、教育方針,呈現出尚待我們明辨、釐清的幽微處,以及這些衝突與融合如何同時影響、挑戰了日本作為一個「國家」的定義。《「日本人」的界限》梳理了以日本為中心,複雜多變的民族、國家面貌,探問日本百年來的殖民政策、國家與人民的本質,釐清近代東亞歷史最難辨難解的一面。
第一章 琉球處分——納入「日本人」
第二章 沖繩教育與「日本人」化——同化教育的內涵
第三章 「帝國北門」的人們——愛努教育與特別保護法
第四章 領有台灣——同化教育的矛盾與衝突
第五章 總督府王國的誕生——台灣的「六三法問題」
第六章 身為韓國人的日本人——日韓合併下的「新日本人」戶籍問題
第七章 差別即平等——殖民政策與種族主義
第八章 「民權」與「一視同仁」——殖民者與通婚問題
第九章 花紅柳綠——日系移民的朝鮮統治論
第十章 內地延長主義——原敬與台灣
第十一章 統治改革的挫折——朝鮮參政問題
第十二章 沖繩民族主義的創生——伊波普猷的沖繩學
第十四章 「生於朝鮮的日本人」——唯一的朝鮮人眾議院議員・朴春琴
第十五章 東方主義的折射——柳宗悅與沖繩語言論爭
第十六章 皇民化與「日本人」——總體戰與「民族」
第十七章 最後的改革——戰敗前的參政權
第十八章 國界線上的島嶼——沖繩作為「外國」
第十九章 從獨立論到復歸論——戰敗後的沖繩歸屬論爭
第二十章 「祖國日本」的意涵——1950年代的復歸運動
第二十一章 革新民族主義的思想——受學者的「日本人」論點影響的沖繩觀
第二十二章 1960年的方言牌——戰後沖繩教育的復歸運動
第二十三章 反復歸——1972年的復歸與反復歸論

the Europe is facing dramatic change in many dimensions all at once. Undertones of War By DMUND BLUNDEN. Langston Hughes

If things go right for Ger­many, its success at transforming itself may prove to be one of Vladimir Putin’s biggest regrets. But that is a big if

Germany is facing dramatic change in many dimensions all at once
It will not be easy to handle

Can Russian history explain the Ukraine crisis? Historian and author Orlando Figes considers the myths and ideologies that drive Russia’s aggression on “The Economist Asks” podcast. Listen now

Can Russian history explain the Ukraine crisis?
Host Jon Fasman talks to historian Orlando Figes about the myths and ideologies that drive Russia’

The Economist ust 27th, 20 priests and bishops will kneel before Pope Francis in St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican to become cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church. This will be the eighth tranche picked by the pope

How new cardinals are changing the Roman Catholic Church

Undertones of War

252 pages | 5 1/4 x 8 | © 1928

“I took my road with no little pride of fear; one morning I feared very sharply, as I saw what looked like a rising shroud over a wooden cross in the clustering mist. Horror! But on a closer study I realized that the apparition was only a flannel gas helmet. . . . What an age since 1914!”

Preface to the Second Edition

i The Path without Primroses
ii Trench Education
iii The Cherry Orchard
iv The Sudden Depths
v Contrasts
vi Specimen of the War of Attrition
vii Steel Helmets for All
viii The Calm
ix The Storm
x A Home from Home
xi Very Secret
xii Caesar Went into Winter Quarters
xiii The Impossible Happens
xiv An Ypres Christmas
xv Theatre of War
xvi A German Performance
xvii Departures
xviii Domesticities
xix The Spring Passes
xx Like Samson in his Wrath
xxi The Crash of Pillars
xxii Backwaters
xxiii The Cataract
xxiv 1917 in Fading Light
xxv Coming of Age
xxvi School, not at Wittenberg
xxvii My Luck

A Supplement of Poetical Interpretations and Variations

A House in Festubert
The Guard’s Mistake
Two Voices
Preparations for Victory
Come On, My Lucky Lads
At Senlis Once
The Zonnebeke Road
Trench Raid near Hooge
Concert Party: Busseboom
Rural Economy
E. W. T.: On the Death of his Betty
Battalion in Rest
Vlamertinghe: Passing the Chatêau, July, 1917
Third Ypres
The Welcome
Gouzeaucourt: The Deceitful Calm
The Prophet
II Peter ii
La Quinque Rue
The Ancre at Hamel: Afterwards
’Trench Nomenclature’
Their Very Memory
On Reading that the Rebuilding of Ypres approached Completion
Another Journey from Béthune to Cuinchy
Flanders Now
Return of the Native
The Watchers

Undertones of War 思果先生譯書名:戰火低吟

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Undertones of WarAuthor Edmund Blunden
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Genre Memoir
Publisher R. Cobden-Sanderson

Publication date 1928

Undertones of War is a 1928 memoir of the First World War, written by English poet Edmund Blunden. As with two other famous war memoirs-—Siegfried Sassoon's Sherston trilogy, and Robert Graves' Good-Bye to All That--Undertones represents Blunden's first prose publication,[1] and was one of the earliest contributors to the flurry of Great War books to come out of England in the late 1920s and early 1930s.[2]

Paul Fussell has called Undertones of War an "extended elegy in prose,"[3] and critics have commented on its lack of central narrative. Like Henri Barbusse's Under Fire and Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front, the text presents a series of war-related episodes rather than a distinct, teleological narrative.

/ˈʌn.də.təʊn/ US

undertone noun (CHARACTERISTIC)

[ C ]
a particular but not obvious characteristic that a piece of writing or speech, an event, or a situation has:
I thought her speech had slightly sinister undertones.
It was a comedy act with an undertone of cruelty.

[ C ]
a colour, smell, flavour, etc. that is part of something but not the most obvious part:
The elephant's pale grey skin carries undertones of violet.
The gin has a unique crisp flavour that is very well-balanced with light, sweet undertones.

Poet, social activist, novelist, playwright, and short story writer James Mercer Langston Hughes was born in Joplin, Missouri on this day in 1902.
"Lenox Avenue: Midnight" by Langston Hughes
The rhythm of life
Is a jazz rhythm,
The gods are laughing at us.
The broken heart of love,
The weary, weary heart of pain,-
To the rumble of street cars,
To the swish of rain.
Lenox Avenue,
And the gods are laughing at us.
From the publication of his first book in 1926, Langston Hughes was hailed as the poet laureate of black America, the first to commemorate the experience of African Americans in a voice that no reader, black or white, could fail to hear. Lyrical and pungent, passionate and polemical, this volume is a treasure-an essential collection of the work of a poet whose words have entered our common language.

Yale University Library
“Hold fast to dreams; for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.” Happy birthday to American poet Langston Hughes (1902-1967)! This photograph of Hughes can be found in the Langston Hughes Papers at the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library:http://beinecke.library.yale.edu/…/langston-hughes-papers-1…

2022年8月22日 星期一

李安先生藝術家兼卓越的管理者,例子:《臥虎藏龍》Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) 、Life of Pi

李安先生藝術家兼卓越的管理者,例子:《臥虎藏龍》Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) 、Life of Pi


約有 378,000 項結果 (搜尋時間:0.40 秒) 


FILM REVIEW; Master the Fire of Flashing Steel, the Grace of ...

2000年12月8日 — The film opens today in Manhattan. In Ang Lee's soulful action film, ''Crouching TigerHidden Dragon,'' Chow Yun Fat strides onto the screen ...

Review: 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny ...

2016年2月28日 — This sequel, directed by Yuen Wo Ping, mostly uses different actors as it tries to recapture the feel and success of the 2000 original.

FILM FESTIVAL REVIEW; Action Fans, Be Prepared For Heart ...

2000年10月9日 — Crouching TigerHidden DragonNYT Critic's Pick: Directed by Ang Lee: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance: PG-13: 2 hours.

Video: Trailer From the Film 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon'

View a trailer from the film 'Crouching TigerHidden Dragon'. (Requires Real Player) · Current Film Reviews. Credit: Sony Pictures Classics ...

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

2001年2月2日 — n 8-year-old girl full of deceit - that's poison," says Jade Fox (Ms. Pei-Pei), a bitter warrior who shoots a poisoned needle into the neck of ...

ARTS ABROAD; Lee's 'Tiger,' Celebrated Everywhere But at ...

2001年2月27日 — Ang Lee's romantic martial arts epic, Crouching TigerHidden Dragon, is doing lackluster box office in Hong Kong, birthplace of the genre, ...

With 'Crouching Tiger' Sequel, Netflix Takes Aim at Hollywood

2014年9月29日 — Netflix and the Weinstein Company said that they planned to release a sequel to the movie “Crouching TigerHidden Dragon” simultaneously on ...

Crouching Tiger Concerto - Tan Dun - LSCO & Betsy Husby



Drawing from China's shamans, Tan Dun often turns to what he calls organic instruments: a pair of stones, bamboo, a leaf. Or in the case of Water Passion, cups of water dipped into a basin.

Organic sounds also turn up in his film score for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and a concerto he wrote for Yo-Yo Ma.

Ang Lee (Chinese:; Pinyin: Lǐ Ān ) (born October 231954) is an American film director originally from Taiwan. He was born and raised in Pingtung, Taiwan and educated in the United States, where he found success as a Hollywood director, well-known for his wuxia film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000).

He completed his bachelor's degree in Theater from the University of Illinois and received his MFA from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, where in 1984 he made a thesis film called Fine Line. He was a classmate of Spike Lee and worked on the crew of the latter Lee's thesis film, Joe's Bed-Stuy Barbershop: We Cut Heads .

Many of his films have focused on the interactions between modernity and tradition. His films have also tended to have a light-hearted comic tone which marks a break from the tragic historical realism which characterized Taiwanese filmmaking after the end of the martial law period in 1987. Lee's films also tend to draw on deep secrets and internal torment that begin to come to the surface such as the gay-themed films The Wedding Banquet (1993), Brokeback Mountain (2005), the martial arts epic Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) and the comic book adaptation Hulk (2003)

He received the Dartmouth Film Award in 2002, along with Meryl Streep.

He taught filmmaking to actor Kai Christophe Wong.

Lee's film Brokeback Mountain (2005) won the best film award at the Venice International Film Festival, was named 2005's best film by the Los Angeles film critics. It also won the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture - Drama, with Lee winning the Golden Globe Award for Best Director - Motion Picture.

His wife, Jane, is a microbiologist; they have two children, Haan and Mason.


External links

「與魔鬼共騎」故事描述內戰時的美國青年,他們為找尋自我、為建立一個更美麗的家園而努力不懈。「 與魔鬼共騎 (Ride with the Devil)」的編劇是李安的老搭檔詹姆斯薛莫斯,故事則改編自丹尼爾伍德瑞爾(Daniel Woodrell)的小說「Woe to Live On」。

Ride With the Devil is a 1999 American Civil War drama directed by Ang Lee. The film starred Tobey MaguireJeffrey WrightJonathan Rhys-Meyers and folk/ pop singer Jewel . The film was meant to be a summer blockbuster and it cost over US$35,000,000 to produce (a large sum for most Westerns). However, it received pans and negative press after screenings. It was released on around 140 screens in the U.K. and made barely over £100,000 . It was then released on 8 U.S. screens fetching only $64,000. It immediately went to video and DVD and as of 2003 has yet to turn a profit.

It is based on the novel Woe to Live On, by Daniel Woodrell and the screenplay was written by James Schamus.

Plot synopsis

Jake Roedel ( Tobey Maguire) and Jack Bull Chiles ( Skeet Ulrich) are friends in Missouri when the Civil War starts. Jack Bull's dad is killed by Kansas union Jayhawkers. The two boys join the Missouri irregulars known as "bushwhackers" or " border ruffians" -- informal units loyal to Missouri, not willing to fight someone else's war in Virginia. They meet George Clyde ( Simon Baker) and his former slave Daniel Holt ( Jeffrey Wright), whom he granted his freedom. They battle using guerrilla tactics and hide out during the winter months. Jack and Sue Lee ( Jewel Kilcher), widowed daughter-in-law to the man that is hiding them, become lovers. When Jack dies in a skirmish, Jake escorts Sue Lee south to a safe farm. The bushwhackers, led by William Quantrill, make a raid into Lawrence, Kansas. In the midst of the raid a quarrel arises between Jake and fellow bushwacker Pitt Mackeson ( Jonathan Rhys-Meyers). For the remaining part of the film Jake fears for his life. Towards the end of the film the two meet again. Pitt tells of their mutual friends who were hanged in Dover, Kansas, and in a roundabout way he tells of his intentions to meet a similar fate in his nearby hometown.

李安先生在台灣拍此片The upcoming film adaptation is directed by Ang Lee based on an adapted screenplay by David Magee. Suraj Sharma, who has no previous acting experience, will play Pi. Life of Pi is scheduled to be released on 21 December 2012.


史帝芬?卡拉漢這位漂流者,不僅生動地描述了具體事件,更在情感思考上有深度的探索。因為史帝芬在漂流時期,一般生存條件被剝削到最低程度,所以 他的感官與心智出奇的敏銳。他對許多事物的體認是非凡的,舉凡對基本物資與工具的珍惜、對自身的反省、對自然的融合與崇敬、對信仰的領會……,透過似禪如 詩的文字,把這場漂流的歷程,寫成面對內心與神跡的朝聖之旅,發人深省。
我與史帝芬相識於2009年4月,當時我正難於下決心接不接《少年Pi》。原著是好書,劇本卻不知怎下手,更別提片子該怎麼拍。看了史帝芬這本《漂流》,覺得似乎比《少年Pi》還有意思。於是我找了編劇David Magee聯繫史帝芬,然後一起殺到緬因州去向他請益。
史帝芬是一位老式木造帆船的專家,他帶著我,連同他太太Kathy一起出航,我們在小船上聊了很多,又於次日長談(這個人,真的可以做好朋友)。 之後,我便決定接下這部片子。這部片子到了2010年8月多經費才批准下來,我們在台中建造一個新式的大造浪池,又把廢置的水湳機場改造成片廠工作。


但 《少年Pi》的後期製作既長且煩,有時真有頹廢到想放棄的時候。但是與史帝芬的電話問候與通信中,他的堅毅與樂觀,凡事感恩的態度,對我有著很大的鼓勵。 其實不論在海上漂流,或者是在病榻上抗癌,他的精神是一致的──他永遠對能夠成為宇宙運作中的一份子感到珍惜,永遠盡心盡力的體會與學習,並不吝分享他 人,是一位難得的好人與修行者。
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Life of Pi
Life of Pi cover.png
Author Yann Martel
Original title Life of Pi
Country Canada
Language English
Genre(s) Novel
Publisher Alfred A. Knopf Canada
Publication date September 2001
Pages 356
ISBN ISBN 0-676-97376-0 (first edition, hardcover) ISBN 0-15-602732-1 (US paperback edition)
ISBN 1-565-11780-8 (audiobook, Penguin Highbridge)
OCLC Number 46624335
Preceded by Self
Followed by We Ate the Children Last
Life of Pi is a fantasy adventure novel by Yann Martel published in 2001. The protagonist Piscine Molitor "Pi" Patel, an Indian boy from Pondicherry, explores issues of spirituality and practicality from an early age. He survives 227 days after a shipwreck, while stranded on a boat in the Pacific Ocean with a Bengal tiger.
The novel was rejected by at least five London publishing houses[1] before being accepted by Knopf Canada, which published it in September 2001. The UK edition won the Man Booker Prize for Fiction the following year.[2][3][4] It was also chosen for CBC Radio's Canada Reads 2003, where it was championed by author Nancy Lee.[5] The French translation, L'Histoire de Pi, was chosen in the French version of the contest, Le combat des livres, where it was championed by Louise Forestier.[6] The novel won the 2003 Boeke Prize, a South African novel award. In 2004, it won the Asian/Pacific American Award for Literature in Best Adult Fiction for years 2001–2003.[7]