124) 《董浩雲的世界》中70年代上半葉 董浩雲(C.Y. Tung, 1912-1982)- 海洋巨子:The Best and Most Important "Ship" is Friendship;70年代話航業;當代航業與世界經濟: “海上學府” :李約瑟:中國科技史我看郭美貞
124) 《董浩雲的世界》中70年代上半葉
旗下輪船多達150艘,總重量超過1,100萬噸,其中 1979年建成重達57萬噸的「海 上巨人」,為至今全球最大輪船,引為一時美談;他亦不忘扶掖後學,1971年斥資購入當時世上最大客輪「伊利莎白皇后」號,改建為「海上學府」,真正「把 世界作當作他的戰場、他的課室、他的領域」。
UPI (NYT); Obituary
April 17, 1982, Saturday
Late City Final Edition, Section 1, Page 15, Column 1, 398 words
April 17, 1982, Saturday
Late City Final Edition, Section 1, Page 15, Column 1, 398 words
C.Y. Tung, who controlled one of the world's largest shipping fleets, died Thursday of a heart attack. He was 71 years old. Mr. Tung, a citizen of Taiwan who was based in Hong Kong, built a fleet of tankers, passenger ships, bulk carriers and container vessels -more than 150 ...
《董浩雲的世界》是《董浩雲日記》的姐妹篇,收錄董浩雲各個時期所發表的重要論文、報告、書信及演講;長女金董建平於過去 四年,更專誠走訪她父生前友好 及部屬,記錄各人對董浩雲的印象和評價,均為寶貴的口述史料。在此基礎上,本書又選編了當時海內外各界對他的評論,冀能從不同的層面揭示出這位世界船王的 內心世界與傳奇人生。
《董浩雲日 記》由鄭會欣編註,鄭博士專研民國社會經濟史,現職香港中文大學中國文化研究所研究員;《董浩雲的世界》則是由金董建平與鄭會欣共同編纂,書中輔以學者的 註釋及珍貴的照片。「董浩雲 - 海洋巨子」展覽,歡迎參觀。
《董浩雲日 記》由鄭會欣編註,鄭博士專研民國社會經濟史,現職香港中文大學中國文化研究所研究員;《董浩雲的世界》則是由金董建平與鄭會欣共同編纂,書中輔以學者的 註釋及珍貴的照片。「董浩雲 - 海洋巨子」展覽,歡迎參觀。
The Real Seawise Giant: C.Y. Tung Diary and The World of C.Y. Tung
真正的海上巨人:《董浩雲日記》 及《董浩雲的世界》
C.Y. Tung Diary and The World of C.Y. Tung have officially come out. The Chinese University Press and the Tung Foundation hosted a book launch ceremony at The Rotunda, Exchange Square I & II, Central, Hong Kong on 30 November 2004. The officiating guests included the honorable Mr. C.H. Tung, Chief Executive of the HKSAR and the eldest son of C.Y. Tung; Professor Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong; and Professor Rayson Huang, a bosom friend of C.Y. Tung and former Vice-Chancellor of The University of Hong Kong. Friends from political, commercial, academic, publishing and media sectors were invited to share the joy. 《董浩雲日記》與《董浩雲的世界》正式出版,中文大學出版社與香港董氏慈善基金會於2004年11月30日假香港中環交易廣場第一、二座The Rotunda舉行出版酒會,敦請董浩雲長子、香港特別行政區行政長官董建華先生、香港中文大學校長劉遵義教授與及董浩雲生前好友、香港大學前任校長黃麗 松教授等蒞臨主禮,並廣邀政、商、學、出版、傳媒界友好光臨指導。
Named by Forbes (Aug 1, 1970) as one of the top shipping giants in the world, C.Y. Tung (1912-1982) was the pioneer who devoted his whole life to the modernization of Chinese shipping. His diary, containing more than 1 million Chinese characters, clearly reveals his idealism, his professionalism and his dedication in realizing his dream: to put Chinese merchant ships in international waters and to restore China's maritime greatness to the era of Admiral Zheng He of the Ming Dynasty. At the time of his death in 1982, the Far Eastern Economic Review wrote, "The independent shipowner is a special breed of internationalist, … Tung (the world's largest independent owner in terms of number of ships), … was one of the last of the breed."
董浩雲(C.Y. Tung, 1912-1982),1970年獲美國《福布斯》雜誌(1970年月8月1日)譽為「世界船業大王」之一,畢生致力於中國遠洋航運的現代化,其日記展示 了他的抱負與專業精神,為實現理想不遺餘力,深盼中國商船遠征國際水域,重振明朝中國「鄭和下西洋」的盛世。1982年,董浩雲猝然而逝,財經雜誌《遠東 經濟評論》報導:「獨立船東是國際企業家中相當特別的行當,……董先生(以船隻數量為定,他是世界最大獨立船東)就是這行當中最後幾位之一。」
It has been two decades since C.Y. Tung's death. Much has been written about his legendary life: the shipping magnate who owned 150 ships totalling more than 11 million tons, his role and advocacy for shipboard education, the purchase of the largest passenger ship Queen Elizabeth to turn it into the Seawise University in 1971, and the building of the world's largest ship in the world, the 564,763-ton Seawise Giant, in 1979.
董浩雲逝世至今逾二十年,其人事業依然為人稱道。這名航運大亨旗下輪船多達150艘,總重量超過1,100萬噸,其中 1979年建成重達57萬噸的「海 上巨人」,為至今全球最大輪船,引為一時美談;他亦不忘扶掖後學,1971年斥資購入當時世上最大客輪「伊利莎白皇后」號,改建為「海上學府」,真正「把 世界作當作他的戰場、他的課室、他的領域」。
Interest in C.Y. Tung was again aroused when his eldest son, C.H. Tung, became the first Chief Executive of the HKSAR in 1997. The family then decided that it was time to do a proper biography of C.Y. Tung. After much deliberation, they felt that the publication of the diary would be the best source for a thorough understanding of C.Y. Tung.
介紹董浩雲生平的文字一向紛繁,尤其長子董建華於1997年就任香港特別行政區首任行政長官的前後,更是不勝枚舉。有見及 此,董浩雲的子女特把先父的日記 整理成書,並連同相關文獻,交由香港中文大學出版社出版為《董浩雲日記》及《董浩雲的世界》,務將董浩雲的真實面貌呈現出來。
The 4-volume set comprising C.Y. Tung Diary and The World of C. Y. Tung, is published by The Chinese University Press. It is edited by Cheng Hwei Shing. Dr. Cheng, a historian well-versed in the socio-economics in Republican China, is currently Researcher at the Institute of Chinese Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Supplemented with scholarly annotations and precious photos, the diaries reveal the inner world of C.Y. Tung.
Spanning 34 years, the diary's first entry, dated March 1948, recorded that the writer, as one of the three representatives of the Ministry of Communication, was on his way to the United States to take delivery of old ships as payment for privately-owned ships destroyed during the Second World War. The last entry was dated 13 April 1982, just two days before his untimely death in Hong Kong.
《董浩雲日記》分上、中、下三冊,收錄自1948年月3月董浩雲第一次遠赴美國接收舊船,作為賠償二次大戰中損燬的私有 船隻;直至1982年4月13日 他逝世前兩天止的日記。時間跨度長達34年,總字數約一百萬字,記述他白手起家、創建董氏航運王國的經過與心跡,側見中國現代航運業發展的艱難進程。 The 4th volume, The World of C.Y. Tung, contains an anthology of articles, letters, reports and speeches by C.Y. Tung. It also features various interviews with C.Y. Tung's friends and counterparts by Alice King, C.Y.'s eldest daughter, in the last four years. They are themselves valuable verbal history records. Commentaries on C.Y. from around the world are included to complement the collection.
《董浩雲的世界》是《董浩雲日記》的姐妹篇,收錄董浩雲各個時期所發表的重要論文、報告、書信及演講;長女金董建平於過去 四年,更專誠走訪她父生前友好 及部屬,記錄各人對董浩雲的印象和評價,均為寶貴的口述史料。在此基礎上,本書又選編了當時海內外各界對他的評論,冀能從不同的層面揭示出這位世界船王的 內心世界與傳奇人生。
《董浩雲日 記》由鄭會欣編註,鄭博士專研民國社會經濟史,現職香港中文大學中國文化研究所研究員;《董浩雲的世界》則是由金董建平與鄭會欣共同編纂,書中輔以學者的 註釋及珍貴的照片。另外,香港中文大學出版社與董氏慈善基金會於11月22日至12月4日,假香港中環交易廣場第一、二座The Rotunda舉行「董浩雲 - 海洋巨子」展覽,歡迎參觀。
English Version
The "C.Y. Tung, Larger Than Life" Exhibition, hosted by The Chinese University Press and the Tung Foundation, takes place at The Rotunda, Exchange Square I & II, Central, Hong Kong from 22 November to 4
有關詳情,請聯絡香港中文大學出版社,電話:2609 6076。
編注者鄭會欣先生在"簡體字版後記" (北京三聯 2007) 說明個別文字"修定".....我可以指出主要的幾種"不全"
譬如說 老布希總統說中國是個"分列的國家" (a divided country) 都刪啦 將台灣的如張群....等多刪去 即 採用"......"或"中略"等方式 CHINESE 楊英風 等都變成"中國楊英風" 少數 台灣 改成 "台灣地區"
有些翻譯不準確 譬如說 採用 unwittingly...
真正的海上巨人:《董浩雲日記》 及《董浩雲的世界》
C.Y. Tung Diary and The World of C.Y. Tung have officially come out. The Chinese University Press and the Tung Foundation hosted a book launch ceremony at The Rotunda, Exchange Square I & II, Central, Hong Kong on 30 November 2004. The officiating guests included the honorable Mr. C.H. Tung, Chief Executive of the HKSAR and the eldest son of C.Y. Tung; Professor Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong; and Professor Rayson Huang, a bosom friend of C.Y. Tung and former Vice-Chancellor of The University of Hong Kong. Friends from political, commercial, academic, publishing and media sectors were invited to share the joy. 《董浩雲日記》與《董浩雲的世界》正式出版,中文大學出版社與香港董氏慈善基金會於2004年11月30日假香港中環交易廣場第一、二座The Rotunda舉行出版酒會,敦請董浩雲長子、香港特別行政區行政長官董建華先生、香港中文大學校長劉遵義教授與及董浩雲生前好友、香港大學前任校長黃麗 松教授等蒞臨主禮,並廣邀政、商、學、出版、傳媒界友好光臨指導。
Named by Forbes (Aug 1, 1970) as one of the top shipping giants in the world, C.Y. Tung (1912-1982) was the pioneer who devoted his whole life to the modernization of Chinese shipping. His diary, containing more than 1 million Chinese characters, clearly reveals his idealism, his professionalism and his dedication in realizing his dream: to put Chinese merchant ships in international waters and to restore China's maritime greatness to the era of Admiral Zheng He of the Ming Dynasty. At the time of his death in 1982, the Far Eastern Economic Review wrote, "The independent shipowner is a special breed of internationalist, … Tung (the world's largest independent owner in terms of number of ships), … was one of the last of the breed."
董浩雲(C.Y. Tung, 1912-1982),1970年獲美國《福布斯》雜誌(1970年月8月1日)譽為「世界船業大王」之一,畢生致力於中國遠洋航運的現代化,其日記展示 了他的抱負與專業精神,為實現理想不遺餘力,深盼中國商船遠征國際水域,重振明朝中國「鄭和下西洋」的盛世。1982年,董浩雲猝然而逝,財經雜誌《遠東 經濟評論》報導:「獨立船東是國際企業家中相當特別的行當,……董先生(以船隻數量為定,他是世界最大獨立船東)就是這行當中最後幾位之一。」
It has been two decades since C.Y. Tung's death. Much has been written about his legendary life: the shipping magnate who owned 150 ships totalling more than 11 million tons, his role and advocacy for shipboard education, the purchase of the largest passenger ship Queen Elizabeth to turn it into the Seawise University in 1971, and the building of the world's largest ship in the world, the 564,763-ton Seawise Giant, in 1979.
董浩雲逝世至今逾二十年,其人事業依然為人稱道。這名航運大亨旗下輪船多達150艘,總重量超過1,100萬噸,其中 1979年建成重達57萬噸的「海 上巨人」,為至今全球最大輪船,引為一時美談;他亦不忘扶掖後學,1971年斥資購入當時世上最大客輪「伊利莎白皇后」號,改建為「海上學府」,真正「把 世界作當作他的戰場、他的課室、他的領域」。
Interest in C.Y. Tung was again aroused when his eldest son, C.H. Tung, became the first Chief Executive of the HKSAR in 1997. The family then decided that it was time to do a proper biography of C.Y. Tung. After much deliberation, they felt that the publication of the diary would be the best source for a thorough understanding of C.Y. Tung.
介紹董浩雲生平的文字一向紛繁,尤其長子董建華於1997年就任香港特別行政區首任行政長官的前後,更是不勝枚舉。有見及 此,董浩雲的子女特把先父的日記 整理成書,並連同相關文獻,交由香港中文大學出版社出版為《董浩雲日記》及《董浩雲的世界》,務將董浩雲的真實面貌呈現出來。
The 4-volume set comprising C.Y. Tung Diary and The World of C. Y. Tung, is published by The Chinese University Press. It is edited by Cheng Hwei Shing. Dr. Cheng, a historian well-versed in the socio-economics in Republican China, is currently Researcher at the Institute of Chinese Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Supplemented with scholarly annotations and precious photos, the diaries reveal the inner world of C.Y. Tung.
Spanning 34 years, the diary's first entry, dated March 1948, recorded that the writer, as one of the three representatives of the Ministry of Communication, was on his way to the United States to take delivery of old ships as payment for privately-owned ships destroyed during the Second World War. The last entry was dated 13 April 1982, just two days before his untimely death in Hong Kong.
《董浩雲日記》分上、中、下三冊,收錄自1948年月3月董浩雲第一次遠赴美國接收舊船,作為賠償二次大戰中損燬的私有 船隻;直至1982年4月13日 他逝世前兩天止的日記。時間跨度長達34年,總字數約一百萬字,記述他白手起家、創建董氏航運王國的經過與心跡,側見中國現代航運業發展的艱難進程。 The 4th volume, The World of C.Y. Tung, contains an anthology of articles, letters, reports and speeches by C.Y. Tung. It also features various interviews with C.Y. Tung's friends and counterparts by Alice King, C.Y.'s eldest daughter, in the last four years. They are themselves valuable verbal history records. Commentaries on C.Y. from around the world are included to complement the collection.
《董浩雲的世界》是《董浩雲日記》的姐妹篇,收錄董浩雲各個時期所發表的重要論文、報告、書信及演講;長女金董建平於過去 四年,更專誠走訪她父生前友好 及部屬,記錄各人對董浩雲的印象和評價,均為寶貴的口述史料。在此基礎上,本書又選編了當時海內外各界對他的評論,冀能從不同的層面揭示出這位世界船王的 內心世界與傳奇人生。
《董浩雲日 記》由鄭會欣編註,鄭博士專研民國社會經濟史,現職香港中文大學中國文化研究所研究員;《董浩雲的世界》則是由金董建平與鄭會欣共同編纂,書中輔以學者的 註釋及珍貴的照片。另外,香港中文大學出版社與董氏慈善基金會於11月22日至12月4日,假香港中環交易廣場第一、二座The Rotunda舉行「董浩雲 - 海洋巨子」展覽,歡迎參觀。
English Version
The "C.Y. Tung, Larger Than Life" Exhibition, hosted by The Chinese University Press and the Tung Foundation, takes place at The Rotunda, Exchange Square I & II, Central, Hong Kong from 22 November to 4
有關詳情,請聯絡香港中文大學出版社,電話:2609 6076。
編注者鄭會欣先生在"簡體字版後記" (北京三聯 2007) 說明個別文字"修定".....我可以指出主要的幾種"不全"
譬如說 老布希總統說中國是個"分列的國家" (a divided country) 都刪啦 將台灣的如張群....等多刪去 即 採用"......"或"中略"等方式 CHINESE 楊英風 等都變成"中國楊英風" 少數 台灣 改成 "台灣地區"
有些翻譯不準確 譬如說 採用 unwittingly...
Tung Chao-Yung and the 'Diaries of C.Y.Tung' 世界船王董浩云的传奇一生 董浩云(C.Y.Tung,1912-1982)是二十世纪中国走向现代远洋航海事业的先驱,他的奋斗与成功正是中国现代航运史发展的缩影和写照,他的事业遍及世界各地,早在上个世纪的七十年代他就被誉为世界船王.