《遠方之鏡:動盪不安的十四世紀》(A Distant Mirror, 1978 台北:廣場,2018)
比較頁316查理五世的圖書與 與Wikipedia 的Charles V (21 January 1338 – 16 September 1380), called "the Wise" (French: le Sage; Latin: Sapiens), was King of France from 1364 to his death,.... 之culture program:
Of great importance to Charles V's cultural program was his vast library, housed in his expanded Louvre, and described in great detail by the nineteenth-century French historian Leopold Delisle. Containing over 1,200 volumes, it was symbolic of the authority and magnificence of the royal person, but also of his concern with government for the common good. Charles was keen to collect copies of works in French, in order that his counsellors had access to them. Perhaps the most significant ones commissioned for the library were those of Nicole Oresme, who translated Aristotle's Politics, Ethics, and Economics into eloquent French for the first time (an earlier attempt had been made at the Politics, but the manuscript is now lost). If the Politics and Economics served as a manual for government, then the Ethicsadvised the king on how to be a good man.
Other important works commissioned for the royal library were the anonymous legal treatise "Songe du Vergier," greatly inspired by the debates of Philip IV's jurists with Pope Boniface VIII, the translations of Raol de Presles, which included St. Augustine's City of God, and the Grandes Chroniques de France edited in 1377 to emphasise the vassalage of Edward III.
Charles' kingship placed great emphasis on both royal ceremony and scientific political theory, and to contemporaries and posterity his lifestyle at once embodied the reflective life advised by Aristotle and the model of French kingship derived from St. Louis, Charlemagne, and Clovis which he had illustrated in his Coronation Book of 1364, now in the British Library.
Charles V was also a builder king, and he created or rebuilt several significant buildings in the late 14th century style including the Bastille, the Château du Louvre, Château de Vincennes, and Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, which were widely copied by the nobility of the day.
American historian who won a Pulitzer Prize for The Guns of August
(1962) and for Stilwell and the American Experience in China (1971).
『.......既能享受美式生活,而又保有中國文化認同,那麼回不回中國,也就無關宏旨了,況且他早在一九七八年已隨同美國史學家訪問團去過。余英時以 史學家的透視看過中國之後,對中共政權已不再有任何憧憬或寄望,至於中國近年的崛起及空前繁榮,在余英時的心目中,也不過是海市蜃樓而已。
舉目當今,在海外的知識界像余英時這樣基於個人信念而絕不和中共政權妥協的人,可說是少之又少的。這不禁讓筆者憶起美國史學家塔克曼(女)和參院外交委員會主席傅爾伯萊特的一段對話。塔克曼以寫「史迪威在華經驗(Stilwell and the American Experience in China)」一書而獲得普立茲獎,是有名的自由派,甚至有人認為她是左派。
七十年代初在一片「中國熱」(China euphoria)聲中,塔克曼應邀到參院作證,和外委會主席傅爾伯萊特對話時,塔克曼說,她對共產主義從來沒有幻想,也從不懷疑如果史達林式的共產主義 在美國成功的話,她將是第一批被處決的人,從塔克曼的話,不難看出,有真知灼見的自由主義者,必知共產主義絕不容許自由主義與其共存的。.......』----傅建中《華府瞭望:沒有鄉愁的余英時》,中國時報 ,2007.05.25
歷史學作者塔克曼 (Tuchman, Barbara Wertheim1912-1989) 是一个很有意思的女作家。她的中文翻譯可能有三本。
第一本是台灣的 《從史著論史學》 / 芭芭拉.塔克曼Barbara W. Tuchman著; 梅寅生譯 臺北 : 久大印行 : 久博總經銷, 1990[ 民79]
《從史著論史學》附林博文1889.2.8 《紐約中報》社論:《把歷史傳記融為一爐的美國史家芭芭拉.塔克曼》,很可參考。
著名的「塔克曼」(Tuch•man , Barbara Wertheim 1912–1989)訪談,可參考Bill
Moyers《美國心靈》(A WORLD OF IDEAS)(北京:三聯,第3-17頁)。她
英雄的定義 為 "A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose,especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life"。
不過,現代人都將名人當英雄( "A person noted for special achievement in a particular
field: the heroes of medicine. See synonyms at celebrity.")
25年前,Lee A. Iacocca 出書大賣,日本有些評論家說,這種和老東家(Ford)吵架的「叛徒」,如果在日本,根本無法公然「賣出」…..
As the Going Gets Tough, Chrysler Calls on Its Old Pitchman
DETROIT, July 6 - Chrysler is bringing back Lee A. Iacocca to do what
he does best - pitch cars in commercials. At least that is the plan.
American historian who won a Pulitzer Prize for The Guns of August
(1962) and for Stilwell and the American Experience in China (1971).
塔奇曼《八月炮火》( The Gun of August by Barbara W. Tuchman) ,北京:新星出版社,2005
The Guns of August ( 1962) (also published as August 1914) is a
military history book by Barbara Tuchman describing the crisis and
events of the first 30 days of World War I. Beginning on July 28,
1914, The Guns of August plays out the cataclysm of events that lead
to Continental War, as well as the strategies behind the war which
would lead to inevitable stalemate. 】
Barbara Tuchman Dead at 77; A Pulitzer-Winning Historian
Published: February 7, 1989
Barbara W. Tuchman, whose skill at writing histories of men at war and on the brink of war won her two Pulitzer Prizes, died of complications of a stroke yesterday afternoon at Greenwich (Conn.) Hospital. She was 77 years old and was admitted to the hospital Saturday after suffering the stroke at her home at Cos Cob, Conn.
It was Mrs. Tuchman's fourth book, ''The Guns of August,'' a study of the background and beginning of World War I, that made her a celebrity after it came out in 1962, winning reviewers' salutes, a durable niche on best-seller lists and her first Pulitzer Prize.
The second Pulitzer came for ''Stilwell and the American Experience in China, 1911-45.'' The 1971 biography of Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell, a hard-driving American officer who played a major role in China during World War II, was combined with a history of modern China. Her other books included ''The Zimmermann Telegram,'' ''The Proud Tower'' and ''A Distant Mirror.'' Latest Book a Best Seller
Her most recent book, ''The First Salute,'' sets the American Revolution in international perspective. It has been on the New York Times best-seller list for 17 weeks, and last week was No. 9.
Born into a New York family that had long been eminent in finance and public service, Mrs. Tuchman could have had an easy, conventional life as the wife of a prominent physician. But as her three daughters grew older, she took up the historian's profession.
She had neither an academic title nor even a graduate degree. ''It's what saved me,'' she later said. ''If I had taken a doctoral degree, it would have stifled any writing capacity.''
Her Primary Obstacle
But to be a writer was difficult, she found, simply because she was a woman. ''If a man is a writer,'' she once said, ''everybody tiptoes around past the locked door of the breadwinner. But if you're an ordinary female housewife, people say, 'This is just something Barbara wanted to do; it's not professional.' ''
In fact, Mrs. Tuchman had a firm, even contentious, sense of her vocation. In history and biography, she told an audience at the National Portrait Gallery in 1978, ''the writer's object is - or should be - to hold the reader's attention.''
''I want the reader to turn the page and keep on turning to the end,'' she added. ''This is accomplished only when the narrative moves steadily ahead, not when it comes to a weary standstill, overloaded with every item uncovered in the research.'' An Impression of Authority
In her person as well as in her choice of words, Mrs. Tuchman gave an impression of authority. She had strong features, a high forehead, wise hazel eyes and a somewhat serious manner that gave way, now and then, to a dazzling smile.
Summing up her view of the historical process, she wrote in 1981, in the preface to ''Practicing History,'' a selection of her short writings, that she had arrived at ''a sense of history as accidental and perhaps cyclical, of human conduct as a steady stream running through endless fields of changing circumstances, of good and bad always coexisting and inextricably mixed in periods as in people, of cross-currents and counter-currents usually present to contradict too-easy generalizations.''
Lofty though her views might be, Mrs. Tuchman was down to earth in her research. Before she wrote ''The Guns of August,'' she rented a Renault sedan and toured the appropriate battlefields. When she took notes, it was always on index cards measuring 4 by 6 inches - a convenient size, she said, for storing in shoeboxes and carrying in her purse.
That sort of prosaic concern was far from her exalted birthright. Barbara Wertheim was born on Jan. 30, 1912, in New York, the daughter of Maurice Wertheim, an investment banker, art collector and philanthropist, and Alma Morgenthau Wertheim, a sister of Henry Morgenthau Jr., who was Secretary of the Treasury under President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Miss Wertheim attended the Walden School before entering Radcliffe College, where she concentrated on history and literature and received her bachelor's degree in 1933. Worked in Japan
Since, as she put it, ''paying jobs did not hang from the trees'' in that Depression year, she took an unpaid position with the American Council of the Institute of Pacific Relations.
The following year, she went to Tokyo to help work up an economic handbook of the Pacific area. While there, she wrote for two journals, Far Eastern Survey and Pacific Affairs.
An early contribution was a review of a French historian's book about Japan. Not long after it was printed, she later recalled: ''I was thrilled to receive from the author a letter addressed 'Chere consoeur' (the feminine of confrere, or as we would say, 'colleague'). I felt admitted into an international circle of professionals.''
In 1936, Miss Wertheim went to work for The Nation, which her father had bought to keep it from going bankrupt. Her first job was clipping newspaper articles, but soon she was writing herself, and in 1937, during the Spanish Civil War, she went to Valencia and Madrid as The Nation's correspondent. 'Heroes, Hopes, and Illusions'
From Spain she traveled elsewhere in Europe, savoring what she later called ''a somber, exciting, believing, betraying time, with heroes, hopes, and illusions.''
In London, she put together a short book, ''The Lost British Policy,'' about British policy toward Spain and the Western Mediterranean. Her later appraisal of the work, which came out in 1938, was that it was only ''a respectable piece of research,'' and she sometimes omitted it in listing her books.
By 1939, she was back in New York, writing largely on Spain, and the next year she married Dr. Lester Reginald Tuchman, a New York internist.
Mrs. Tuchman was soon showing her strength of will. With Nazi Germany looming, she later wrote, her husband ''not unreasonably felt at that time that the world was too unpromising to bring children into.
''Sensible for once, I argued that if we waited for the outlook to improve, we might wait forever, and that if we wanted a child at all we should have it now, regardless of Hitler.''
''The tyranny of men not being quite as total as today's feminists would have us believe,'' she added, writing in 1981, ''our first daughter was born nine months later.'' Separated by Wartime
After Pearl Harbor, Dr. Tuchman went overseas to a United States military hospital, and Mrs. Tuchman got a job in New York with the Office of War Information, preparing material on the Far East for use in broadcasts to Europe.
''After the war, when my husband came home, we had two more children, and domesticity for a while prevailed,'' she wrote later, ''combined with beginning the work I had always wanted to do, which was writing a book.''
''When the children were very small,'' she once recalled in an interview, ''I worked in the morning only and then gradually, as they spent full days at school, I could spend full days at work. I could never have done any of this work if I hadn't been able to afford domestic help.''
The fruit of those labors, ''Bible and Sword,'' about relations between Britain and Palestine, came out in 1956. It attracted relatively little notice, though what there was of it was favorable.
Two years later ''The Zimmermann Telegram'' appeared, about a message sent from Berlin to a German diplomat in Mexico in January 1917, raising the possibility of ''an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer territory in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona,'' and about the message's repercussions after it was intercepted and made public by the British.
Writing in The New York Times, Samuel Flagg Bemis, the Yale diplomatic historian, said the value and importance of the book lay in Mrs. Tuchman's ''brilliant use of well known materials, her sureness of insight and her competent grasp of a complicated chapter of diplomatic history.'' 'The Guns of August'
Attempting something that might have seemed a bit beyond her reach, Mrs. Tuchman took up a far broader and more important topic in her next book, which was ''The Guns of August.'' World War I, as she saw it, was no less than ''the chasm between our world and a world that died forever.''
Though the book was largely about arms and men, it was also about aspirations and ideals. ''Men,'' she concluded, in one widely quoted passage, ''could not sustain a war of such magnitude and pain without hope - the hope that its very enormity would insure that it could never happen again.''
Clifton Fadiman, writing in the Book-of-the-Month-Club News, said: ''Its virtues are almost Thucydidean: intelligence, concision, weight, detachment.''
Writing in The New York Times, Cyril Falls, a British officer turned military historian, said Mrs. Tuchman ''writes so brilliantly and inspiringly.'' The book, he said, was ''lucid, fair, critical and witty.''
But he contended that her performance was uneven, and ''the errors and omissions amount to a formidable total.'' For his part, Bruce Bliven, writing in The New Yorker, complained that ''Mrs. Tuchman leans toward seeing issues as black and white.'' Emphasized Human Qualities
The book's emphasis on the human qualities of the leaders of the time helped make it popular with the public, and it served as the basis for a 1964 documentary film, produced by Nathan Kroll, with the same title.
The quarter-century preceding World War I was the subject of Mrs. Tuchman's next book, ''The Proud Tower,'' which came out in 1966. In a review in The New York Times, Martin Duberman, a Princeton history professor, praised her skill at narrating events, making historical personages come alive, and writing clearly and powerfully about complex matters.
But he said the book did ''not come up to the high level of 'The Guns of August.' '' It was not a portrait of the period, he contended, but merely ''random brush strokes, leaving a canvas unoccupied by any ruling vision.''
When ''Stilwell and the American Experience in China, 1911-45,'' came out, it was hailed as ''brilliant'' in a review in The New Republic by the dean of American China scholars, John K. Fairbank, the director of Harvard University's East Asian Research Center. 'A Distant Mirror'
Another book about Asia, ''Notes From China,'' a slim volume about a six-week trip Mrs. Tuchman had taken, appeared in 1972. But six years went by before the appearance of her next work, ''A Distant Mirror,'' a study of the 14th century, an era that was racked by plague and war.
Reviewing the book in The New York Times, Eric Cochrane, a professor of history at the University of Chicago, said, ''This book abounds in the same elements that have made her previous books masterpieces of popular scholarship: vivid battle scenes, scenes from daily life, brilliant portraits.'' But he also argued that she was guilty of grave omissions and misinterpretations.
In ''The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam,'' a 1984 book, Mrs. Tuchman scrutinized the Trojans' decision to admit the Greek horse into their city, the refusal of six Renaissance Popes to arrest church corruption in advance of the Protestant Reformation, British misrule under King George III and America's mishandling of the Vietnam conflict.
Mrs. Tuchman had an occasional fondness for twitting figures of authority. She once began a speech to the Army War College by noting that her subject, generalship, had been suggested by the college's commandant.
''No doubt,'' she observed, ''he could safely assume that the subject in itself would automatically interest this audience in the same way that motherhood would interest an audience of pregnant ladies.''
Mrs. Tuchman is survived by her husband, who is an emeritus professor of clinical medicine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine; a sister, Anne W. Werner of Manhattan; three daughters, Lucy T. Eisenberg of Los Angeles, Jessica Tuchman Mathews of Washington, and Alma Tuchman of Cos Cob and Manhattan, and four grandchildren.
The funeral will be private. A memorial service is be held at 2 P.M. Sunday in the Celeste Bartos Forum at the main branch of the New York Public Library. Her Books And the Subjects ''The Lost British Policy'' (1938): British policy toward Spain and the Western Mediterranean.
''Bible and Sword'' (Alfred A. Knopf, 1956): Relations between Britain and Palestine.
''The Zimmermann Telegram'' (Alfred A. Knopf, 1958): A 1917 diplomatic message and its international repercussions.
''The Guns of August'' (Macmillan, 1962): The background and beginning of World War I. ''The Proud Tower'' (Alfred A. Knopf, 1966): The quarter-century preceding World War I. ''Stillwell and the American Experience in China, 1911-45'' (Macmillan, 1971): A biography of Gen. Joseph W. Stillwell. ''Notes From China (Macmillan, 1972): A trip to China.
''A Distant Mirror'' (Alfred A. Knopf, 1978): The 14th century.
''Practising History'' (Alfred A. Knopf, 1981): A collection of her shorter writings.
''The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam'' (Alfred A. Knopf, 1984): Some historical mistakes.
''The First Salute'' (Alfred A. Knopf, 1988): The American Revolution placed in an international perspective.
photos of Barbara Tuchman (NYT) (pgs. A1 & B7)
The second Pulitzer came for ''Stilwell and the American Experience in China, 1911-45.'' The 1971 biography of Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell, a hard-driving American officer who played a major role in China during World War II, was combined with a history of modern China. Her other books included ''The Zimmermann Telegram,'' ''The Proud Tower'' and ''A Distant Mirror.'' Latest Book a Best Seller
Her most recent book, ''The First Salute,'' sets the American Revolution in international perspective. It has been on the New York Times best-seller list for 17 weeks, and last week was No. 9.
Born into a New York family that had long been eminent in finance and public service, Mrs. Tuchman could have had an easy, conventional life as the wife of a prominent physician. But as her three daughters grew older, she took up the historian's profession.
She had neither an academic title nor even a graduate degree. ''It's what saved me,'' she later said. ''If I had taken a doctoral degree, it would have stifled any writing capacity.''
Her Primary Obstacle
But to be a writer was difficult, she found, simply because she was a woman. ''If a man is a writer,'' she once said, ''everybody tiptoes around past the locked door of the breadwinner. But if you're an ordinary female housewife, people say, 'This is just something Barbara wanted to do; it's not professional.' ''
In fact, Mrs. Tuchman had a firm, even contentious, sense of her vocation. In history and biography, she told an audience at the National Portrait Gallery in 1978, ''the writer's object is - or should be - to hold the reader's attention.''
''I want the reader to turn the page and keep on turning to the end,'' she added. ''This is accomplished only when the narrative moves steadily ahead, not when it comes to a weary standstill, overloaded with every item uncovered in the research.'' An Impression of Authority
In her person as well as in her choice of words, Mrs. Tuchman gave an impression of authority. She had strong features, a high forehead, wise hazel eyes and a somewhat serious manner that gave way, now and then, to a dazzling smile.
Summing up her view of the historical process, she wrote in 1981, in the preface to ''Practicing History,'' a selection of her short writings, that she had arrived at ''a sense of history as accidental and perhaps cyclical, of human conduct as a steady stream running through endless fields of changing circumstances, of good and bad always coexisting and inextricably mixed in periods as in people, of cross-currents and counter-currents usually present to contradict too-easy generalizations.''
Lofty though her views might be, Mrs. Tuchman was down to earth in her research. Before she wrote ''The Guns of August,'' she rented a Renault sedan and toured the appropriate battlefields. When she took notes, it was always on index cards measuring 4 by 6 inches - a convenient size, she said, for storing in shoeboxes and carrying in her purse.
That sort of prosaic concern was far from her exalted birthright. Barbara Wertheim was born on Jan. 30, 1912, in New York, the daughter of Maurice Wertheim, an investment banker, art collector and philanthropist, and Alma Morgenthau Wertheim, a sister of Henry Morgenthau Jr., who was Secretary of the Treasury under President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Miss Wertheim attended the Walden School before entering Radcliffe College, where she concentrated on history and literature and received her bachelor's degree in 1933. Worked in Japan
Since, as she put it, ''paying jobs did not hang from the trees'' in that Depression year, she took an unpaid position with the American Council of the Institute of Pacific Relations.
The following year, she went to Tokyo to help work up an economic handbook of the Pacific area. While there, she wrote for two journals, Far Eastern Survey and Pacific Affairs.
An early contribution was a review of a French historian's book about Japan. Not long after it was printed, she later recalled: ''I was thrilled to receive from the author a letter addressed 'Chere consoeur' (the feminine of confrere, or as we would say, 'colleague'). I felt admitted into an international circle of professionals.''
In 1936, Miss Wertheim went to work for The Nation, which her father had bought to keep it from going bankrupt. Her first job was clipping newspaper articles, but soon she was writing herself, and in 1937, during the Spanish Civil War, she went to Valencia and Madrid as The Nation's correspondent. 'Heroes, Hopes, and Illusions'
From Spain she traveled elsewhere in Europe, savoring what she later called ''a somber, exciting, believing, betraying time, with heroes, hopes, and illusions.''
In London, she put together a short book, ''The Lost British Policy,'' about British policy toward Spain and the Western Mediterranean. Her later appraisal of the work, which came out in 1938, was that it was only ''a respectable piece of research,'' and she sometimes omitted it in listing her books.
By 1939, she was back in New York, writing largely on Spain, and the next year she married Dr. Lester Reginald Tuchman, a New York internist.
Mrs. Tuchman was soon showing her strength of will. With Nazi Germany looming, she later wrote, her husband ''not unreasonably felt at that time that the world was too unpromising to bring children into.
''Sensible for once, I argued that if we waited for the outlook to improve, we might wait forever, and that if we wanted a child at all we should have it now, regardless of Hitler.''
''The tyranny of men not being quite as total as today's feminists would have us believe,'' she added, writing in 1981, ''our first daughter was born nine months later.'' Separated by Wartime
After Pearl Harbor, Dr. Tuchman went overseas to a United States military hospital, and Mrs. Tuchman got a job in New York with the Office of War Information, preparing material on the Far East for use in broadcasts to Europe.
''After the war, when my husband came home, we had two more children, and domesticity for a while prevailed,'' she wrote later, ''combined with beginning the work I had always wanted to do, which was writing a book.''
''When the children were very small,'' she once recalled in an interview, ''I worked in the morning only and then gradually, as they spent full days at school, I could spend full days at work. I could never have done any of this work if I hadn't been able to afford domestic help.''
The fruit of those labors, ''Bible and Sword,'' about relations between Britain and Palestine, came out in 1956. It attracted relatively little notice, though what there was of it was favorable.
Two years later ''The Zimmermann Telegram'' appeared, about a message sent from Berlin to a German diplomat in Mexico in January 1917, raising the possibility of ''an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer territory in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona,'' and about the message's repercussions after it was intercepted and made public by the British.
Writing in The New York Times, Samuel Flagg Bemis, the Yale diplomatic historian, said the value and importance of the book lay in Mrs. Tuchman's ''brilliant use of well known materials, her sureness of insight and her competent grasp of a complicated chapter of diplomatic history.'' 'The Guns of August'
Attempting something that might have seemed a bit beyond her reach, Mrs. Tuchman took up a far broader and more important topic in her next book, which was ''The Guns of August.'' World War I, as she saw it, was no less than ''the chasm between our world and a world that died forever.''
Though the book was largely about arms and men, it was also about aspirations and ideals. ''Men,'' she concluded, in one widely quoted passage, ''could not sustain a war of such magnitude and pain without hope - the hope that its very enormity would insure that it could never happen again.''
Clifton Fadiman, writing in the Book-of-the-Month-Club News, said: ''Its virtues are almost Thucydidean: intelligence, concision, weight, detachment.''
Writing in The New York Times, Cyril Falls, a British officer turned military historian, said Mrs. Tuchman ''writes so brilliantly and inspiringly.'' The book, he said, was ''lucid, fair, critical and witty.''
But he contended that her performance was uneven, and ''the errors and omissions amount to a formidable total.'' For his part, Bruce Bliven, writing in The New Yorker, complained that ''Mrs. Tuchman leans toward seeing issues as black and white.'' Emphasized Human Qualities
The book's emphasis on the human qualities of the leaders of the time helped make it popular with the public, and it served as the basis for a 1964 documentary film, produced by Nathan Kroll, with the same title.
The quarter-century preceding World War I was the subject of Mrs. Tuchman's next book, ''The Proud Tower,'' which came out in 1966. In a review in The New York Times, Martin Duberman, a Princeton history professor, praised her skill at narrating events, making historical personages come alive, and writing clearly and powerfully about complex matters.
But he said the book did ''not come up to the high level of 'The Guns of August.' '' It was not a portrait of the period, he contended, but merely ''random brush strokes, leaving a canvas unoccupied by any ruling vision.''
When ''Stilwell and the American Experience in China, 1911-45,'' came out, it was hailed as ''brilliant'' in a review in The New Republic by the dean of American China scholars, John K. Fairbank, the director of Harvard University's East Asian Research Center. 'A Distant Mirror'
Another book about Asia, ''Notes From China,'' a slim volume about a six-week trip Mrs. Tuchman had taken, appeared in 1972. But six years went by before the appearance of her next work, ''A Distant Mirror,'' a study of the 14th century, an era that was racked by plague and war.
Reviewing the book in The New York Times, Eric Cochrane, a professor of history at the University of Chicago, said, ''This book abounds in the same elements that have made her previous books masterpieces of popular scholarship: vivid battle scenes, scenes from daily life, brilliant portraits.'' But he also argued that she was guilty of grave omissions and misinterpretations.
In ''The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam,'' a 1984 book, Mrs. Tuchman scrutinized the Trojans' decision to admit the Greek horse into their city, the refusal of six Renaissance Popes to arrest church corruption in advance of the Protestant Reformation, British misrule under King George III and America's mishandling of the Vietnam conflict.
Mrs. Tuchman had an occasional fondness for twitting figures of authority. She once began a speech to the Army War College by noting that her subject, generalship, had been suggested by the college's commandant.
''No doubt,'' she observed, ''he could safely assume that the subject in itself would automatically interest this audience in the same way that motherhood would interest an audience of pregnant ladies.''
Mrs. Tuchman is survived by her husband, who is an emeritus professor of clinical medicine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine; a sister, Anne W. Werner of Manhattan; three daughters, Lucy T. Eisenberg of Los Angeles, Jessica Tuchman Mathews of Washington, and Alma Tuchman of Cos Cob and Manhattan, and four grandchildren.
The funeral will be private. A memorial service is be held at 2 P.M. Sunday in the Celeste Bartos Forum at the main branch of the New York Public Library. Her Books And the Subjects ''The Lost British Policy'' (1938): British policy toward Spain and the Western Mediterranean.
''Bible and Sword'' (Alfred A. Knopf, 1956): Relations between Britain and Palestine.
''The Zimmermann Telegram'' (Alfred A. Knopf, 1958): A 1917 diplomatic message and its international repercussions.
''The Guns of August'' (Macmillan, 1962): The background and beginning of World War I. ''The Proud Tower'' (Alfred A. Knopf, 1966): The quarter-century preceding World War I. ''Stillwell and the American Experience in China, 1911-45'' (Macmillan, 1971): A biography of Gen. Joseph W. Stillwell. ''Notes From China (Macmillan, 1972): A trip to China.
''A Distant Mirror'' (Alfred A. Knopf, 1978): The 14th century.
''Practising History'' (Alfred A. Knopf, 1981): A collection of her shorter writings.
''The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam'' (Alfred A. Knopf, 1984): Some historical mistakes.
''The First Salute'' (Alfred A. Knopf, 1988): The American Revolution placed in an international perspective.
photos of Barbara Tuchman (NYT) (pgs. A1 & B7)
著名的「塔克曼」(Tuchman , Barbara Wertheim 1912–1989)訪談,可參考Bill Moyers《美國心靈》(A WORLD OF IDEAS)(北京:三聯,第3-17頁)。
巴巴拉•W.塔奇曼(Barbara W. Tuchman)
她写出了20世纪最好的历史作品。以《八月炮火 》和《史迪威与美国在中国的经验》两次获得普利策奖。从1956年到1988年,她共出版了10部作品:
《圣经与剑》(Bible and Sword, 1956)、《齐默尔曼电报》(The Zimmermann Telegram, 1958)、《八月炮火》(The Guns of August, 1962 大陸有中文版)、《骄傲的城堡》(The Proud Tower, 1966)、《史迪威与美国在中国的经验》(Stilwell and the American Experience in China, 1971大陸有中文版)、《来自中国的函件》(Notes from China, 1972)、《遠方之鏡:動盪不安的十四世紀》(A Distant Mirror, 1978 台北:廣場,2018)、《实践历史 大陸有中文版》(Practicing History, 1981 大陸有中文版)、《“荒唐”进行曲》(The March of Folly, 1984)、《第一次敬礼》(The First Salute, 1988)。
英雄的定義 為A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life。
不過,現代人都將名人當英雄(A person noted for special achievement in a particular field: the heroes of medicine. See synonyms at celebrity.)
這作者名字之發音,翻譯錯誤: Tuch·man (tŭck`mən) , Barbara Wertheim 1912–1989.
如果沒有把握,應該參考各種發音辭典,如 Oxford Pronunciation Dictionary 或 『BBC英國人名發音辭典』等。
據 Oxford Pronunciation Dictionary,我們以前討論的 Laputa ,英美發音不同,不過,Laputan 則只一種發音。
【 http://www.answers.com/%20The%20Gun%20of%20August
這作者名字之發音,翻譯錯誤: Tuch·man (tŭck'mən) , Barbara Wertheim 1912–1989.
American historian who won a Pulitzer Prize for The Guns of August (1962) and for Stilwell and the American Experience in China (1971).
如果沒有把握,應該參考各種發音辭典,如 Oxford Pronunciation Dictionary 或 『BBC英國人名發音辭典』等。
據 Oxford Pronunciation Dictionary,我們以前討論的 Laputa ,英美發音不同,不過,Laputan 則只一種發音。
events of the first 30 days of World War I. Beginning on July 28, 1914, The Guns of August plays out the cataclysm of events that lead to Continental War, as well as the strategies behind the war which would lead to inevitable stalemate. 】
這作者名字之發音,翻譯錯誤: Tuch·man (tŭck`mən) , Barbara Wertheim 1912–1989.
如果沒有把握,應該參考各種發音辭典,如 Oxford Pronunciation Dictionary 或 『BBC英國人名發音辭典』等。
據 Oxford Pronunciation Dictionary,我們以前討論的 Laputa ,英美發音不同,不過,Laputan 則只一種發音。
【 http://www.answers.com/%20The%20Gun%20of%20August
书名: | 史迪威与美国在中国的经验:1911-1945 |
类别: | C.历史 |
书号: | 978-7-80225-321-6 |
作者: | [美]巴巴拉•W.塔奇曼 万里新 译 |
版别: | 新星出版社 |
出版日期: | 2007年9月 |
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