2008年8月6日 星期三

世界の記憶( Memory of the World) "Metropolis"

Wikipedia article "Memory of the World Programme".

世界の記憶(せかいのきおく, Memory of the World)は、危機に瀕した歴史的記録遺産を最新のデジタル技術を駆使して保全し、研究者や一般人に広く公開することを目的としたユネスコの事業。



[編集] 概要

歴史的文書などの記録遺産は人類の文化を受け継ぐ重要な文化遺産であるにもかかわらず、毀損されたり、永遠に消滅する危機に瀕している場合が多い。このため、ユネスコは1995年、 記録遺産の保存と利用のために記録遺産のリストを作成して效果的な保存手段を用意するために「世界の記憶」( Memory of the World)事業を開始し、記録遺産保護の音頭を取っている。事業の主要目的は、世界的な重要性を持つ記録遺産の最も適切な保存手段を講じることによって 重要な記録遺産の保存を奨励し、デジタル化を通じて全世界の多様な人々の接近を容易にし、平等な利用を奨励して全世界に広く普及することによって世界的観点で重要な記録遺産を持つすべての国家の認識を高めることである。登録は1997年から隔年(2年ごと)に行われている。

[編集] 登録手続


[編集] 東アジアの登録例

日本からは登録がなく、日本ではあまり知られていないが、大韓民国では1997年朝鮮王朝実録訓民正音解例本がこのリストに登録された。2001年には朝鮮時代に国家のすべての機密を扱った国王の“秘書室”と言える承政院で毎日扱った文書と事件を記録した「承政院日記」(世界最大の連帯記録物であり、総数3,243冊・2億4千250万字に及ぶ)がリストに登録された。 また2004年には世界最初の金属活字本と公認されているフランス国立図書館所蔵の『仏祖直指心経要節』も新登録されている。


[編集] 関連項目

[編集] 外部リンク

Film | 04.07.2008

Long-Lost "Metropolis" Reels Hint at Fritz Lang's Original Vision

A long-lost original cut of the 1927 silent film "Metropolis" found in an Argentine film museum was shown to journalists for the first time. The cut reveals some the extent of director Fritz Lang's original vision.

The celluloid of the German classic was in private hands for 80 years and then was in the Museum of Cinema in Buenos Aires where it was discovered in April with never before seen scratched images.

Museum director Paula Felix-Didier said theirs is the only copy of German director Fritz Lang's complete film.

Three reels, edited out and long thought lost, were part of the discovery of the film that depicts a 21st century world divided between an underworld working class and the above-ground thinkers who control them.

Buenos Aires film distributor Adolfo Z. Wilson acquired a long version of "Metropolis" in 1928 which survived as a copy, and finally ended up in the archive of a local film museum, said Felix-Didier.

Rediscovered reels deemed authentic

Fritz Lang Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Lang's original vision may finally be realized

A DVD of the version was brought to the Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Foundation in Wiesbaden, Germany, for analysis. Researchers at the foundation, which owns the rights to "Metropolis," confirmed that the scenes were original.

"We were overjoyed when we heard about the find," foundation head Helmut Possmann told Reuters news agency. "We no longer believed we'd see this. Time and again we had had calls about supposed footage but were disappointed.

"We're not being fooled," he said. "The film can now be shown more or less as Lang originally intended it. In terms of understanding what it's about, we'll be seeing a new film."

Material expands characters and plot

A film poster for Bildunterschrift: The film wasn't an initial success

Around 20 to 25 minutes of footage that fleshes out secondary characters and sheds light on the plot would be added to the film pending restoration, he added. But around five minutes of the original were probably still missing, he said.

Due to the poor condition of the film stock, it was too early to say how long restoration would take, Possmann said.

"It's taken several years with similar films," he added.

Written by Lang and his actress wife Thea von Harbou, “Metropolis” was originally three-and-a-half-hours long but was cut into a shorter version since seen by millions worldwide.

Commercial flop to influential blueprint

It was not a commercial success and nearly bankrupted the studio behind it. According to some estimates, it still ranks as one of the most expensive movies ever made once inflation is factored in.

With its cold, monumental vision of a vast mechanized society in the middle of a tumultuous class struggle, "Metropolis" forged a template for generations of science fiction cinema, and its enduring influence has been cited on films from "Blade Runner" to "Fahrenheit 451" and "Star Wars."

"Metropolis," was the first film to be entered into UNESCO's Memory of the World Register -- which aims to preserve cultural achievements of outstanding significance.


