2009年8月30日 星期日

Heat by Bill Buford

Bill Buford (born 1954) is an American author and journalist. Buford is the author of the books Among the Thugs and Heat: An Amateur's Adventures as Kitchen Slave, Line Cook, Pasta-Maker, and Apprentice to a Dante-Quoting Butcher in Tuscany.

2006's Heat is Buford's account of working for free in the kitchen of Babbo, a New York restaurant owned by Chef Mario Batali. Buford's premise is that he considered himself to be a capable home cook and wondered if he had the skill to work in a busy restaurant kitchen. He met Batali at a dinner party and asked him if he would take on Buford as his "kitchen bitch".[2][3][4][5]

Buford begins his time at Babbo in a variety of roles including dishwasher, prep cook, garbage remover and any other role demanded of him. Over the course of the book his skills improve and he is able to butcher a hog and work any station in the restaurant. Buford travels to Italy to meet cooks and chefs who were critical to Batali's early culinary development, as Buford works and lives in some of the places Batali honed his craft.




果然是奴隸的生活。他不計尊嚴和收入,任人呼來喚去,從最基本的備料廚房做起,埋頭洗菜洗肉去骨剶殻幾個月後,進入煉獄般燒烤部門,─燥熱,「比你這一生 去過的任何地方更炎熱」;他渴望進加入手工麵食部,被馬利歐勸阻:「你已是坐四望五之年,太老了。那部門運轉太快,你已經沒有足夠敏捷的心思。」憑著意 志,他終究進入裝盤、捏麵、煮麵的傳統行列。

然後他參考當年馬利歐習藝的路線,到義大利托斯卡尼,向豬肉販學豬肉的知識和烹調。學完豬肉,他二度到托斯卡尼學牛肉。他說,那兒的師父,嗅聞一塊肉,就 知道那頭牛的品種、畜養方式和生活狀態。我突然想到一友人,早歲當遠洋輪船的水手,無論在天涯海角哪個港口下碇,只要站在碼頭用鼻子嗅一嗅,就知道妓女戶 座落何處。我想,專業到某個程度,就成了第二天性。



