2021年8月23日 星期一

Zen Master Dogen道元禪師: An Introduction with Selected Writings(日)道元 (1200-53) 正法眼藏Zen Master Dōgen: An Introduction with Selected Writings

道元 (1200-53) :「當竊觀想,生於後五百年,雖身處邊地遠島,宿善不朽而正傳古佛之威儀,不污染而修證者,當隨喜、歡喜。」

Zen Master Dogen: An Introduction with Selected Writings
by Yuho Yokoi (Author), Weatherhill Inc (1976)...
此書說道元 (1200-53) 訪中國時,有二位韓國和尚可講道(經)多日,不過他們連個袈裟和缽都沒有,正如多數出國的日本和尚般,很不像話。

The Life Of Zen Master Dogen (Full Movie) - YouTube

(術語)又曰清淨法眼。禪家以之為教外別傳之心印。釋氏稽古略一曰:「佛在靈鷲山中,大梵天王以金色波 羅華持以獻佛。世尊拈華示眾,人天百萬悉皆罔 攝,獨有迦葉,破顏微笑。世尊曰:吾有正法眼藏涅槃妙心,分付迦葉。」今以禪門之意解之,則是正為佛心之德名,此心徹見正法,故曰正法眼。深廣而萬德含 藏,故曰藏。法華經所謂佛知見也。涅槃妙心,為佛心之本體。體寂滅,故曰涅槃。不可思量分別,故曰妙。法華所謂妙法也。但法華就客觀而謂為妙法。今就主觀 而謂為妙心。對一類頓悟之機,使離言句之假名,直爾會得此佛心,謂之以心傳心。然世尊付囑迦葉以正法眼藏,雖為涅槃經之誠說,而拈華微笑之事,寶為禪門後 輩之蛇足。其說基於慧炬之寶林傳,人天眼目,五燈會元已下與之雷同,惟為誇張其宗之具耳,隋唐之諸祖無言此事者。傳燈錄二曰:「說法住世四十九年,後告弟 子摩訶迦葉,吾以清淨法眼涅槃妙心實相無相微妙正法將付於汝,並敕阿難副貳傳化無令斷絕。」又曰:「佛告諸大弟子,迦葉來時可令宣揚正法眼藏。」明教傳法 正宗記所載亦同之。是正涅槃經二所謂:「爾時佛告諸比丘,我今所有無上正法悉以付囑摩訶迦葉,是迦葉者當為汝等作大依止」是也。然則謂為正法眼藏,謂為清 淨法眼,皆總以名佛一代所說無上之正法也。況大悲經教品曰:「如來法付囑諸聖,以正法眼之名,且指滅後三藏結集曰結集法眼,豈限於所謂教外別傳之心印 耶?」(參見:拈花微笑)。【】(書名)書名。有明徑山宗杲之正法眼藏。有日本道元禪師之永平正法眼藏。



「婆娑*世界大宋國 福州玄妙山….. 」
*婆娑:梵語saha ,意譯為"忍土" "忍界"等,意指忍受各種煩惱 困苦的世界。

--(日)道元 (1200-53) 正法眼藏何燕生譯注,北京:宗教文化出版社,2003 )p.76, 第七 "一顆明珠"

  道元 Dogen (1200-1253)   正法眼蔵

道元 Dogen 

Shikantaza は 註ネをすること"に" ただ集中されるように文字通り翻訳される。より頻繁にそれは呼ばれる: "公正なモデル" か"無声照明" 。それはZen の仏教のSoto の学校の主要な黙想の技術である。"公正なモデル" の"公正のに" 2 つの含蓄がある: 第一に、1 つは何もモデルをしないべきである。第二に、1 つは右の"意識する" 方法で坐るべきである。Shobogenzo のzen のマスターEihei Dogen Zenji (1200-1253 年) による古代文書は、shikantaza の最も重要な記述である。

Shikantaza は頻繁に方法の 方法と言われない。黙想の他の形態に頻繁にかなり明らかな指示がある間、- 呼吸プロセスに焦点を合わせることのような- 純粋な意識かmindfulness を利用するためにshikantaza は保持される。基本的アイデアは向こう行く、考える心が超越しなければならないことである。1 つを坐らせることがモデルについて考えるべきでないが"実際に" 坐らせなさい間、モデルとの1 がある。時1 は方法について考えることを止めるまたは他の事は、正しい方法突然現われる。Zen の視点からの、思考は基本的な問題である。時間のほとんど私達は実際に 事を しないが、それら について むしろ考える。啓発は洗面所へ皿洗浄し、行くことのような事で見つけられるべきであることそれはzen マスターが頻繁にポイントになぜ重点を置くかである。
Dogen によって有名な区別行う: 非対 ない考えること- 考える。1 つはなしに"思考" であるべきであるけれども完全に空白の心はshikantaza の目的絶対に でない もののように想像できる。考えることは全体で超越されなければならない。1 つはあるものがすべてのこれらの思考の後ろでそれぞれ発見する必要がある。

ベテランの従業者のためにShikantaza は簡単、簡単である。まだ、なぜなら初心者この奇妙な"方法" は理解してがほとんど不可能である。それは文献の調査それを完全に理解する(および/または教授を) と実際の練習を要求する。その第一次elucidation は広大な哲学、言語、とhermeneutic 複雑さのinfamously 困難な仕事のDogen のShobogenzo にある。彼は逆説的な論理、破壊する引用語句の作戦、イメージ、及び豊富な文学的な教育の広汎な使用をし、仏教の原文の伝統の重要な一般教育そして専門にされた訓練なしの誰かが仕事のほとんどにアクセスし始めることができることを想像することは不可能である。現代的な教授は古典的な仕事へよい導入と同様、理解し比較的易い頻繁に。この頃は、多くのzen マスターに典型的のが、非常に練習について話す"現実的な" 方法ある。また彼らはこの特定の練習への黙想そして関係の全考えを非常に透明に説明することを試みる。
Loori 、J. D. 、Leighton 、T.D 。(2004 年) 公正なモデルの芸術: Shikantaza のZen の練習の必要な執筆、知恵書; 第2 版、ISBN 086171394X
鈴木、S. (2003 年の) ブラウン、E.E. 、 常にそう: Zen の本当の精神の練習。不断(176 pag 。); ISBN 0060957549
Waddell とAbe 、trs 。(2002 年) Dogen のShobogenzo の中心。ニメ[ヨークの出版物の状態Univ 。ISBN 0791452425
Sekida 、Katsuki 。 Zen の訓練: 方法と哲学、Weatherhill; ISBN 0834801140


1968年(昭和43年)12月10日、川端康成はストックホルム・コンサートホールで行われたノーベル賞授賞式に紋付き袴の正装で出席し、翌々日の12日昼2時10分にはスウェーデン・アカデミーにおいて、スーツ姿で受賞記念講演を日本語で行なった[1][8]。この『美しい日本の私―その序説』と題された講演では、道元 Dogen (1200-1253)、明恵Myoe (1173-1232).、西行Saigyo (法師 1118 ~1190)、良寛(1758–1831)、一休(1394~1481)などの和歌が引用され、エドワード・G・サイデンステッカーにより同時通訳された[1][注釈 1]

1968年12月10日,川端康成(Yasunari Kawabata)穿著盛裝的冠羽大衣出席了在斯德哥爾摩音樂廳舉行諾貝爾獎頒獎典禮,第二天中午2:10出席了瑞典科學院。在,適合在外觀上紀念演講日本是在執行[1] [8] 。這種“我的美麗的日本-導言”在題為講座,道玄秋江西行旅館一休,如詩歌詩歌條款引用是,愛德華·G·塞登斯蒂克一直同聲傳譯由[1 ] [注1]


Dōgen Zenji (道元禅師; also Dōgen Kigen 道元希玄, or Eihei Dōgen 永平道元, or Koso Joyo Daishi) (19 January 1200 – 22 September 1253) was a Japanese Zen Buddhist teacher born in Kyōto, and the founder of the Sōtō school of Zen in Japan after travelling to China and training under the Chinese Caodong lineage there. Dōgen is known for his extensive writing including the Treasury of the Eye of the True Dharma or Shōbōgenzō, a collection of ninety-five fascicles concerning Buddhist practice and enlightenment.

Yokoi, Yūhō and Victoria, Daizen; tr. ed. Zen Master Dōgen: An Introduction with Selected Writings. New York: Weatherhill Inc., 1990. ISBN 0-8348-0116-7.







以道元禪師生平為題材的電影為2009年日本電影《禪 ZEN》。故事內容是改編自大谷哲夫的2001年出版的小説『永平の風 道元の生涯』,由高橋伴明導演,中村勘太郎飾演道元禪師。



Dōgen often stressed the critical importance of zazen, or sitting meditation as the central practice of Buddhism. He considered zazen to be identical to studying Zen. This is pointed out clearly in the first sentence of the 1243 instruction manual "Zazen-gi" (坐禪儀; "Principles of Zazen"): "Studying Zen ... is zazen".[31] Dōgen taught zazen to everyone, even for the laity, male or female and including all social classes.[32] In referring to zazen, Dōgen is most often referring specifically to shikantaza, roughly translatable as "nothing but precisely sitting", or "just sitting," which is a kind of sitting meditation in which the meditator sits "in a state of brightly alert attention that is free of thoughts, directed to no object, and attached to no particular content".[33] In his Fukan Zazengi, Dōgen wrote:
For zazen, a quiet room is suitable. Eat and drink moderately. Cast aside all involvements and cease all affairs. Do not think good or bad. Do not administer pros and cons. Cease all the movements of the conscious mind, the gauging of all thoughts and views. Have no designs on becoming a Buddha. Zazen has nothing whatever to do with sitting or lying down.[34]
Dōgen called this zazen practice "without thinking" (hi-shiryo) in which one is simply aware of things as they are, beyond thinking and not-thinking - the active effort not to think.
The correct mental attitude for zazen according to Dōgen is one of effortless non-striving, this is because for Dōgen, enlightenment is already always present.
Further, Dōgen frequently distanced himself from more syncretic Buddhist practices at the time, including those of his contemporary Eisai. In the Bendowa, Dōgen writes:[35]
Commitment to Zen is casting off body and mind. You have no need for incense offerings, homage praying, nembutsu, penance disciplines, or silent sutra readings; just sit single-mindedly.

Oneness of practice-enlightenment[edit]

The primary concept underlying Dōgen's Zen practice is "oneness of practice-enlightenment" (修證一如 shushō-ittō / shushō-ichinyo).
For Dōgen, the practice of zazen and the experience of enlightenment were one and the same. This point was succinctly stressed by Dōgen in the Fukan Zazengi, the first text that he composed upon his return to Japan from China:
To practice the Way singleheartedly is, in itself, enlightenment. There is no gap between practice and enlightenment or zazen and daily life.[36]
Earlier in the same text, the basis of this identity is explained in more detail:
Zazen is not "step-by-step meditation". Rather it is simply the easy and pleasant practice of a Buddha, the realization of the Buddha's Wisdom. The Truth appears, there being no delusion. If you understand this, you are completely free, like a dragon that has obtained water or a tiger that reclines on a mountain. The supreme Law will then appear of itself, and you will be free of weariness and confusion.[37]
The "oneness of practice-enlightenment" was also a point stressed in the Bendōwa (弁道話 "A Talk on the Endeavor of the Path") of 1231:
Thinking that practice and enlightenment are not one is no more than a view that is outside the Way. In buddha-dharma [i.e. Buddhism], practice and enlightenment are one and the same. Because it is the practice of enlightenment, a beginner's wholehearted practice of the Way is exactly the totality of original enlightenment. For this reason, in conveying the essential attitude for practice, it is taught not to wait for enlightenment outside practice.[38]


For Dōgen, Buddha-nature or Busshō (佛性) is the nature of reality and all Being. In the Shōbōgenzō, Dōgen writes that "whole-being is the Buddha-nature" and that even inanimate things (grass, trees, etc.) are an expression of Buddha-nature. He rejected any view that saw Buddha-nature as a permanent, substantial inner self or ground. Dōgen held that Buddha-nature was "vast emptiness", "the world of becoming" and that "impermanence is in itself Buddha-nature".[39] According to Dōgen:
Therefore, the very impermanency of grass and tree, thicket and forest is the Buddha nature. The very impermanency of men and things, body and mind, is the Buddha nature. Nature and lands, mountains and rivers, are impermanent because they are the Buddha nature. Supreme and complete enlightenment, because it is impermanent, is the Buddha nature.[40]


Dōgen's conception of Being-Time or Time-Being (Uji, 有時) is an essential element of his metaphysics in the Shōbōgenzō. According to the traditional interpretation, "Uji" here means time itself is being, and all being is time."[41] Uji is all the changing and dynamic activities that exist as the flow of becoming, all beings in the entire world are time.[42] The two terms are thus spoken of concurrently to emphasize that the things are not to be viewed as separate concepts. Moreover, the aim is to not abstract time and being as rational concepts. This view has been developed by scholars such as Steven Heine,[43] Joan Stambaugh[44] and others and has served as a motivation to compare Dōgen's work to that of Martin Heidegger's "Dasein".[citation needed] Recently, however, Rein Raud has argued that this view is not correct and that Dōgen asserts that all existence is momentary, showing that such a reading would make quite a few of the rather cryptic passages in the Shōbōgenzō quite lucid.[45]

Perfect expression[edit]

Another essential element of Dōgen's 'performative' metaphysics is his conception of Perfect expression (Dōtoku, 道得).[46] "While a radically critical view on language as soteriologically inefficient, if not positively harmful, is what Zen Buddhism is famous for,"[47] it[clarification needed] can be argued "'within the framework of a rational theory of language, against an obscurantist interpretation of Zen that time and again invokes experience.'"[48] Dōgen distinguishes two types of language: monji 文字, the first, – after Ernst Cassirer – "discursive type that constantly structures our experiences and—more fundamentally—in fact produces the world we experience in the first place"; and dōtoku 道得, the second, "presentative type, which takes a holistic stance and establishes the totality of significations through a texture of relations.".[49] As Döll points out, "It is this second type, as Müller holds, that allows for a positive view of language even from the radically skeptical perspective of Dōgen’s brand of Zen Buddhism."[50]

((國語辭典 中的"婆娑"







