Faith and footwear
Putting their best feet forward
In the Muslim world, removing one's shoes on entering a mosque is one of the basics of religious practice. Pig-leather shoes can never be worn. But all shoes are dirty in more than the literal sense. That's why throwing a shoe is considered a particularly contemptuous form of protest. The latest person to experience that was Pervez Musharraf, the former Pakistani president who is now on trial on multiple charges, and had to dodge a flying shoe on the way to court on Friday. George W. Bush had a similar adventure in Iraq in December 2008, and shoe protests have grown more popular since then.
Pastor Walt, an evangelical Christian preacher based in Tennessee, declares on his webpage that he has strong likes and dislikes in respect of footwear: "flipflops" imply a deplorable sort of ambivalence, while the best shoes of all are the "combat boots" needed by those who have "put on the whole armour of God" as Saint Paul recommends. But Pope Francis has more modest ideas about what to put on his feet. During his first encounter with journalists, one of the first things they noticed was that he had swapped his predecessor's bespoke red-leather numbers for an ordinary black pair.
There is also some footwear specially designed for atheists, but they may have trouble getting it delivered to Tennessee. I'm grateful to my fellow blogger Mark Silk, director of the Greenberg Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life, for pointing out some of the recent findings of a shop in Berlin which sells "atheist shoes" by mail order. The store did an experiment to see whether packages sent to American addresses arrived more slowly, or were more likely to be lost, if the wrapping revealed the non-religious leanings of the sender. The finding was positive. In some parts of the world, people of no faith have to tread carefully.
姑且不談本片之社會面 宗旨
我愛高跟鞋 (第295集) | |||
2010/11/2 | |||
賀照緹, | |||
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55分0秒 | |||
2010 | |||
女性議題 / 社會議題 / | |||
委製 |
這是個關於願望的故事,也是一個由美麗高跟鞋串起來的故事。售價美金300-1000元的名牌高跟鞋,到底是誰做出來的呢?從取得皮料、製作、代工到套進 一雙雙白皙的腳上,要經過多少人的手?這些養牛的農婦、工人、代工管理者和穿高跟鞋的紐約名媛,都有自己生活上的難處和小小的快樂。本片以他們的願望為主 軸,呈現出美麗高跟鞋背後的故事。
本片歷經兩年的拍攝,追著名牌高跟鞋的足跡,從中國和俄羅斯的邊境,一路拍到紐約的曼哈頓;從貧困的農村,殺牛取皮的血腥現場,到時尚奢華的大都會;春天,小牛的皮剛被割下,女工在生產線上,精心修飾每一個細節。到了那一年的冬天,那些細節就穿在紐約時尚女性的腳上。 全 球化對這個世界的影響,從這一雙雙高跟鞋中顯現。每個製作高跟鞋的環節,是一個小短片,裡面有不同的故事主角。透過攝影機,看到了主角腳上所穿的鞋,價格 從人民幣2元到美金600元不等。片中有女工的喜怒哀樂,也有台商作為代工者,和國際客戶協商的現場;有紐約名媛的內心世界,也有屠牛場的殘酷實境。這些 主角的願望,顯示了他們生活處境上的差異性。全片在平靜中潛伏巨大能量,猶如一首浩瀚浮於世事的詩篇。 影片網站: |
五年前,我開始拍衣服和鞋子的故事,在一個機緣下,看到了名牌高跟鞋的生產線,發現做一雙鞋真是複雜,有來自四面八方的材料。我當時想,如果不斷的追溯這 條生產線的上游,我會看到什麼?我要去哪裡找這些人?另一方面,如果我追到這條生產線的下游,又會是誰的腳,穿上這些美麗的鞋?從上游到下游,這些人們心 中的願望,會多麼的不同?
因此,我開始去找尋故事中的主角,同時問起他們的願望。這是一段十分難忘的時光。從極度的貧窮,到極度的富裕,我看到在這個世界上,充滿了令人嘆息的差異。 |