"In reality art is always for everyone and for no one."
As a young man, literature laureate Eugenio Montale trained as an opera signer. He took voice lessons from baritone Ernesto Sivori, but the outbreak of World War I and his decision to pursue poetry instead led him to abandon his music career.
In 1925, Montale published his first poetry collection, 'Ossi di seppia' (Cuttlefish Bones), which immediately became one of the classics of contemporary Italian poetry. His collection of poems written in the middle of World War II, 'Finisterre', was smuggled to Switzerland and printed there. Montale’s poetry, in particular his vocabulary, style and imagery, is inspired by fellow Italian Dante Alighieri, but Montale created something of his own that was very modern from the work of the 14th century poet.
Montale was awarded the literature prize in 1975.
2011.1.13 的
(hc戲讀蒙塔萊(Eugenio Montale)為忙踏雷」)
由於12/01 (四)要在明目書社演出:「主題:鍾漢清先生談 「詮釋 伊塔羅.卡爾維諾( Italo Calvino)著《為什麼讀經典》 ( Why Read the Classics? 1991 ) ,(李桂蜜譯,臺北:時報出版, 2005 )-----文化的淵博知識系統與自覺的閱讀/編/譯/研究、追求。」一直想每篇都深入讀一下。
不過,《為什麼讀經典》有兩篇談他心儀的詩人蒙塔萊 (Montale, Eugenio, 1896- 1981):詩人過逝之紀念文『蒙塔萊的懸崖』(Montale’s Cliff 1981)和解釋 詩〈或許在一天早晨〉(Forse un mattino andando’)--由於沒附全詩,很不容易讀它。
查一下台大圖書館,他的英文翻譯不少,又有大陸之『蒙塔萊詩選』呂同六等譯; 林燿德導讀 臺北市 : 桂冠, 1994,所以決定去走一趟誠品,英詩只有一小部分,不過無意中發現一本1986年出版的義大利文-中文-英文對照的『現代義大利詩選』,收兩首(Montale, Eugenio的詩(書林)。此外,李魁賢和大陸的呂同六等都有其詩選之出版(桂冠)。
選它,因為讀I. Calvino 談(義大利) 蒙塔萊,只找到呂譯,這選篇中還有另外翻譯者錢鴻嘉、飛白等。不過,還是沒有Calvino談的那首。錢鴻嘉翻譯蒙塔萊的『急診室裡的歌謠』內有「懸崖」。
他的英文翻譯相當多,包括得翻譯獎的 Charles Wright (He received the PEN Translation Prize for his translation of Montale’s The Storm and Other Things.)
`Forse un mattino andando’ Eugenio Montal 1976:209(10) 蒙塔萊,〈或許在一天早晨〉From "Ossi di Seppia" by E. Montale (Genova 1896, Milano 1981).
Forse un mattino andando in un’aria di vetro,
arida, rivolgendomi, vedrò compirsi il miracolo:
il nulla alle mie spalle, il vuoto dietro
di me, con un terrore di ubriaco.
Poi come s’uno schermo, s’accamperanno di gitto
alberi case colli per l’inganno consueto.
Ma sarà troppo tardi; ed io me n’andrò zitto
tra gli uomini che non si voltano, col mio segreto.
May be one morning walking in a glassy arid air,
I will see the miracle accomplish itself :
the nothingness at my shoulders, the emptiness behind
me, with a drunken terror.
Then like on a screen they’ll encamp suddenly
trees houses hills for the abitual deception.
But it shall be too late and I will go silently
behind the men who do not turn, with my secret.
Poems translated in English by Fiamma Ferraro, available for medical and literary translations.
She can be contacted at fiafer@yahoo.com
除了讀些詩,我還買一本他82歲出版的詩集(義大利文-英文)--翻譯者說詩人的晚晴之作是少有的(T. Hardy開創英文界八十出版詩集之首例):
IT DEPENDS: A Poet’s Notebook, by Eugenio Montale, translated from Italian by G.Singh. New Directions. 170 pp. $12.95.
我還找到 Christina Robb Globe Staff 在 寫的書介:Friday, February 6, 1981
When starlings take over from humans