約30年前 臺灣商務印書館 發行過 顧一樵全集 / 約十來本小書
著者: | 顧一樵, 1902- [著作者顧一樵]. ; Yiqiao Gu |
出版商: | , Taibei Shi : Taiwan shang wu yin shu guan, Minguo 50 [1961] |
中國的文藝復興 (顧一樵) 可能出版於1946年/ 1968年台灣人人叢書
民國12年8月17日,清華留美班的吳文藻、梁實秋和顧一樵,與冰心同乘傑克遜總統號輪船赴美國。吳文藻從十幾歲起就是顧一樵的好朋友。吳文藻家在江陰,顧一樵家在無錫。吳文藻北上求學路過無錫,經常住在他家。在美國,冰心雖然與顧一樵相距一個多小時的火車路程,但交往頻繁。同時,他和梁實秋常邀冰心泛舟於勞倫比加湖。民國12年12月底,冰心患病入聖卜生療養院期間,許地山由紐約到波士頓邀顧一樵同去探望。 16年後,冰心以她的《寄小讀者》中的文字,為顧一樵親筆寫下一條長幅,直至1999年,這條長幅仍掛在他芝加哥家中的客廳。
顧一樵赴美定居後,由於各種原因,和冰心中斷聯繫,直至1973年才恢復通信。顧一樵每次回國必去探望冰心夫婦,而每年冰心都要給顧一樵寄去賀年卡,有時還寫整頁的信。 1992年5月,顧一樵以90高齡回國時,再到冰心家作客。他們似乎都知道也許是最後一次的聚會,所以談了許久,還留下一張合影。
Most widely held works about 顧一樵
- 徐振玉書顧毓琇詞 by 徐振玉( Book )
- 徐振玉書顧毓琇詩 by 徐振玉( Book )
- 顾毓琇传 by 万国雄( Book )
- 自訂年谱 by 顧一樵( Book )
- 文藝創作五十年 by 顧一樵( Book )
Most widely held works by 顧一樵
Analysis and control of nonlinear systems; nonlinear vibrations and oscillations in physical systems by Yiqiao Gu( Book )
4 editions published in 1958 in English and held by 294 libraries worldwide
4 editions published in 1958 in English and held by 294 libraries worldwide
Transient circuit analysis by Yiqiao Gu( Book )
6 editions published between 1961 and 1965 in English and held by 248 libraries worldwide
6 editions published between 1961 and 1965 in English and held by 248 libraries worldwide
Analysis and control of linear systems by Yiqiao Gu( Book )
3 editions published in 1962 in English and held by 178 libraries worldwide
3 editions published in 1962 in English and held by 178 libraries worldwide
Electric energy conversion by Yiqiao Gu( Book )
4 editions published in 1959 in English and held by 164 libraries worldwide
4 editions published in 1959 in English and held by 164 libraries worldwide
Collected scientific papers of Professor Yu Hsiu Ku by I-chʻiao Ku( Book )
2 editions published in 1971 in English and held by 75 libraries worldwide
2 editions published in 1971 in English and held by 75 libraries worldwide
一个家庭两个世界 = One family--two worlds by 顧一樵( Book )
8 editions published between 1982 and 2000 in Chinese and English and held by 42 libraries worldwide
8 editions published between 1982 and 2000 in Chinese and English and held by 42 libraries worldwide
顧一樵全集 by 顧一樵( Book )
9 editions published between 1960 and 1962 in Chinese and held by 42 libraries worldwide
9 editions published between 1960 and 1962 in Chinese and held by 42 libraries worldwide
芝蘭與茉莉 by 顧一樵( Book )
11 editions published between 1923 and 1993 in Chinese and held by 35 libraries worldwide
11 editions published between 1923 and 1993 in Chinese and held by 35 libraries worldwide
松風集 by 顧一樵( Book )
4 editions published between 1964 and 1969 in Chinese and held by 33 libraries worldwide
樵歌集 by 顧一樵( Book )4 editions published between 1964 and 1969 in Chinese and held by 33 libraries worldwide
6 editions published in 1963 in Chinese and held by 29 libraries worldwide