2016年3月31日 星期四

牛頓Isaac Newton、《牛頓傳記五種》等等The colossus of science was not the first king of reason

The architect of modern science—Sir Isaac Newton—died on March 31st 1727. He left behind a voluminous trove of papers, yet the Newton that emerges from these manuscripts is far from a rational practitioner of cold and pure reason

Isaac Newton died on this day in 1727

Isaac Newton was born in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England on this day in 1642.
"Truth is ever to be found in simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things."
--Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton was born in a stone farmhouse in 1642, fatherless and unwanted by his mother. When he died in London in 1727 he was so renowned he was given a state funeral—an unheard-of honor for a subject whose achievements were in the realm of the intellect. During the years he was an irascible presence at Trinity College, Cambridge, Newton imagined properties of nature and gave them names—mass, gravity, velocity—things our science now takes for granted. Inspired by Aristotle, spurred on by Galileo’s discoveries and the philosophy of Descartes, Newton grasped the intangible and dared to take its measure, a leap of the mind unparalleled in his generation. James Gleick, the author of Chaos and Genius, and one of the most acclaimed science writers of his generation, brings the reader into Newton’s reclusive life and provides startlingly clear explanations of the concepts that changed forever our perception of bodies, rest, and motion—ideas so basic to the twenty-first century, it can truly be said: We are all Newtonians. READ an excerpt here:http://knopfdoubleday.com/book/60766/isaac-newton/

我們當然也可以將誤差想像成變異,但我們還可以更多想一想。自從牛頓發明了第一到第三定律,我們就比較願意去想像宇宙萬事,不論是自然的,還是人文的,大概都有一個方程式可以表現出來。---- 趙民德

[法]豐特奈爾等《牛頓傳記五種》 趙振江譯 ,北京:商務印書館者,2007

通俗介紹 如《改遍歷史的書》介紹
安得瑞德.諾斯著  牛頓傳,許榮富編譯 30 協志工業叢書 社會

牛頓手稿大發現 設計紀念幣挺英女王
 2015年03月25日 11:20

一只由牛頓(Isaac Newton)親自設計、慶祝1702年安妮女王加冕的紀念幣,被牛津大學的博士生霍恩(Joseph Hone)發現上頭的圖案別有玄機,蘊藏著濃濃的政治意涵。
紀念幣正面是安妮女王的肖像,背面則描繪雅典娜擊敗雙頭怪物。在一份50頁的牛頓手稿中,記載了這枚紀念幣的設計理念,雙頭怪物象徵著女王登上王位前所面臨的雙重威脅——路易十四與「老僭王」詹姆士.斯圖亞特(James Stuart)。安妮女王與斯圖亞特是同父異母的姊弟,斯圖亞特長年遭流放在外,他認為自己才是當國王的最佳人選,比起安妮女王,更具有正當性(Legitimacy)。
該紀念幣有金、銀兩種版本,金幣發給出席加冕儀式的貴賓,銀幣則發給觀禮的老百姓。一般認為,這款紀念幣是由當時的宮廷畫家克奈勒(Godfrey Kneller)所設計,但根據手稿,真正的設計者應是當時擔任皇家鑄幣局長的牛頓。

The Golden Days {紅樓夢}後40回:閔福德(Prof. John Minford)廣東話與港人身份認同密不可分

The Golden Days (The Story of the Stone, or The Dream of the Red Chamber, Volume 1) (Paperback)

by Cao Xueqin (Author), Hsueh-Chin Tsao (Author), David Hawkes (Author), O Kao (Author), John Minford (Author), Hsueh-Ch'in Ts'ao (Author)



著名漢學家閔福德(Prof. John Minford)接受本刊專訪時直言,香港年輕人對廣東話的態度,令他震驚。「我請學生用廣東話念詩,他們都念得很快,彷彿感到羞家——學校的教育令他們以為廣東話是次等語言。於是我對年輕人說:不是這樣,請慢慢念,樂在其中、自豪地朗讀,因為廣東話很動聽,是珍貴的中國文化。」
漢學家閔福德:廣東話悅耳 簡體唐詩冒犯我
著名漢學家閔福德(Prof. John Minford)接受本刊專訪時直言,香港年輕人對廣東話的態度,令他震驚。「我請學生用廣東話念詩,他們都念得很快,彷彿感到羞家——學校的教育令他們以為廣東話是次等語言。於是我對年輕人說:不是這樣,請慢慢念,樂在其中、自豪地朗讀,因為廣東話很動聽,是珍貴的中國文化。」
Android揭頁版: https://bit.ly/hkejmonthlyandroid
廣東話與港人身份認同密不可分,本身也具文化價值。閔福德對香港不陌生,八十年代起在澳紐、中港台的大學教中國文學和翻譯,前前後後在港生活15年,分別於理大、嶺大、港大和中大翻譯系任教,曾翻譯多部香港文學作品。他能聽懂粵語,認為是中文的一種美麗形態(a beautiful form of Chinese)。「也斯每次朗讀自己的作品,都是用廣東話。他認為廣東話是動人的語言,也接近古韻,我很同意。用廣東話念唐詩會押韻,非常悅耳。」
他認為,當前不少內地人希望多閱讀繁體,惟繁簡體已成政治敏感議題,遭當局全力遏止。「我有預感,未來50年愈來愈多字會復繁。隨着城鎮化,教育程度高的城市人有增無減,他們應該學繁體字。 They deserve the best China.」

2016年3月30日 星期三

J. M. Coetzee 小說: Disgrace , Youth, Slowman, Foe. Scenes from Provincial Life (2011)

John Maxwell "J. M.Coetzee  (1940~) 的回憶錄小說三部曲:

Fictionalised autobiography[edit]

"How kind he is and how he loves us, and yet I was able to think so badly of him!"
--from "Childhood, Boyhood, and Youth" by Leo Tolstoy
Leo Tolstoy’s earliest published work, the trilogy Childhood, Boyhood, and Youth, was written when he was in his twenties, offering a tantalizing first glimpse of the literary talents that would come to fruition in his later masterpieces. Chronicling the experiences of a wealthy landowner’s son as he grows up and becomes aware of the world and his place in it, these three short novels were only loosely inspired by Tolstoy’s own memories. In old age he condemned the work as “an awkward mixture of fact and fiction,” but the imaginative powers that enabled him to capture so vividly the universal emotions and sensations of childhood have enthralled generations of readers. We are blessed to have, alongside the mature writer of Anna Karenina and War and Peace and the revolutionary mystic of the later years, the young Tolstoy who wrote these elegiac tales. In their sensitivity to nature and their evocations of fugitive feelings, they reveal his genius in all its untroubled early splendor. READ an excerpt here:http://knopfdoubleday.com/…/17…/childhood-boyhood-and-youth/

「照片和名字是不同的,照片更活生生。」J. M. Coetzee 小說《緩慢的人》 (Slowman),梁永安譯,台北:天培,2009,頁55

去年準備好談論Disgrace 兩翻譯本的對比。後來想,這樣的比較,其實不公平,所以就放棄了。B版本將書中的拉丁文逋翻譯出了。

前陣子「談一下utopian的反義字(antonyms)「反面烏托邦」dystopian,它在18世紀末即有,此 字的前置"dys+" 為'BAD'+(U)TOPIA。根據WordNet Dictionary ,它的意思和例子如下: Definition: [adj] as bad as can be; characterized by human misery; "AIDS is one of the dystopian harbingers of the global villages"- Susan Sontag

"In the dystopian novel Disgrace, David Lurie does not achieve creativity and freedom until, stripped of all dignity, he is afflicted by his own shame and history's disgrace. In this work, Coetzee summarises his themes: race and gender, ownership and violence, and the moral and political complicity of everyone in that borderland where the languages of liberation and reconciliation carry no meaning." 」


For a man of his age, fifty-two, divorced, he has, to his mind, solved the problem of sex rather well. On Thursday afternoons he drives to Green Point. Punctually at two p.m. he presses the buzzer at the entrance to Windsor Mansions, speaks his name, and enters. Waiting for him at the door of No. 113 is Soraya. He goes straight through to the bedroom, which is pleasant-smelling and softly lit, and undresses. Soraya emerges from the bathroom, drops her robe, slides into bed beside him. `Have you missed me?' she asks. `I miss you all the time,' he replies. He strokes her honey-brown body, unmarked by the sun; he stretches her out, kisses her breasts; they make love.


Soraya is tall and slim, with long black hair and dark, liquid eyes. Technically he is old enough to be her father; but then, technically, one can be a father at twelve. He has been on her books for over a year; he finds her entirely satisfactory. In the desert of the week Thursday has become an oasis of luxe et volupté.

 B版本:「索拉婭身材高挑姚纖長,一頭長長的烏髮,一對水汪汪的深色眼睛。從年齡上,他足足以做她的父親,可真要從年齡上說,十二歲也可以當父親了。他成為她的顧客已經有一年多時間了,而且覺得她令人心滿意足。在荒蕪的一周裡,星期四成了一塊luxe et volupte*的綠洲。」



He has a shrewd idea of how prostitutes speak among themselves about the men who frequent them, the older men in particular. They tell stories, they laugh, but they shudder too, as one shudders at a cockroach in a washbasin in the middle of the night. Soon, daintily, maliciously, he will be shuddered over. It is a fate he cannot escape.


打個"精緻"的冷顫?/還是不懂.../沒有偏見, 只是和一般的"刻板印象"不太符合...為何形容"她們"這個shuddering的動作daintily?

路人 留言:


作者用形容妓女們談論老嫖客的樣子,打顫是做作又充滿惡意的。妓女可能會說:「哎喲,那個老不羞可噁心了。分明已經不行,還要‧‧‧」一面說一面微微打顫的樣子。daintly 和maliciously相得益彰,由daintly更加顯得malicious。

小讀者 留言:
借力使力copycat一下, 想把那文字氣氛和節奏表達出來.


上有一幅頭盔臂鎧,以及「苦盡」(註 10)的銘文。」(柯慈(J. M. Coetzee,1940~)<少年時>(Youth)鄭明萱譯,台北:時報,2004)
10 PER ARDUA通常以「苦盡甘來」(per ardua at astra)名之,直譯為吃盡辛苦而到達碰到星星的高度。

正確為:PER ARDUA AD ASTRA(艱難ヲ経テ星ヘ)」.
Per ardua ad astra ad 「~へ」 astra 「天体、星座」 astrum
i,n per 「~を越えて」 aspera 「荒い、でこぼこの、危険な」 asper era,erum,adj ardua
「険しい」 arduus a,um adj "Ad astra per aspera" は、カンザス州の標語らしい

(RAF(王立空軍)のバッジに記されたモットーより).. http://www.raf.mod.uk/history/hrafmotto.html
The Royal Air Force Motto
" Per Ardua ad Astra"
Shortly after this, two junior officers were walking from the Officers' Mess at Farnborough to Cody's Shed on Laffan Plain. As they walked, they discussed the problem of the motto and one of them, JS Yule, mentioned the phrase "Sicictar ad Astra", from the Virgilian texts. He then expanded on this with the phrase "Per Ardua ad Astra", which he translated as, "Through Struggles to the Stars". Colonel Sykes approved of this as the motto and forwarded it to the War Office. It was then submitted to the King, who approved its adoption.
他終究還是回到了母親的愛裡去了──他再怎麼也逃脫不了的牽絆──正如他要回到南非。」(<譯後>◎文/鄭明萱) 「他終究還是回到了母親的愛裡去了──他再怎麼也逃脫不了的牽絆──正如他要回到南非。」這是「鄭」解,hc讀不出此義來。
"Mommy, Mommy, I won a prize!"
"That's wonderful, my dear. Now eat your carrots before they get cold."


Foe is a 1986 novel by South African-born Nobel laureate J. M. Coetzee. Woven around the existing plot of Robinson CrusoeFoe is written from the perspective of Susan Barton, a castaway who landed on the same island inhabited by "Cruso" and Friday as their adventures were already underway. Like Robinson Crusoe, it is a frame story, unfolded as Barton's narrative while in England attempting to convince the writer Daniel Foe to help transform her tale into popular fiction. Focused primarily on themes of language and power, the novel was the subject of criticism in South Africa, where it was regarded as politically irrelevant on its release. Coetzee revisited the composition of Robinson Crusoein 2003 in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech.

Nobel acceptance speech[edit]

When Coetzee was awarded the 2003 Nobel Prize in Literature, he revisited the theme of composition as self-definition in his acceptance speech, entitled "He and his Man".[14] Coetzee, who had lectured in character before, narrated a situation in which an elderly Crusoe quietly living in Bristol becomes the ambivalent muse of Defoe. According to The Guardian, this act of composition "write[s] "Defoe into existence, rather than the other way around."[14] Although Crusoe is the narrator of the piece, Coetzee indicated he did not know whether Crusoe or Defoe represented him in the lecture.[14] By contrast, he clearly identified himself with Barton inFoe: "the unsuccessful author—worse authoress."[15]

Further reading[edit]
"He and his Man", transcript. The Guardian
The castaway: DJ Taylor on JM Coetzee's intriguing Nobel acceptance speech, The Guardian

《葉公超散文集》《胡適、葉公超使美外交文件手稿》;Media vita in morte sumus

 .......嚴士望說。他說那堆紙片裏有一張葉公超英文寫的明信片,寫給一位西洋朋友,寫了沒寄出,輾輾轉轉落在沈阿姨手裏,他說胡適秘書胡頌平編著的《胡適之先生晚 年談話錄》裏記了胡先生稱讚葉公超的話。真巧,這本書我八十年代讀過,找不到了,上個月台北陳逸華替我在舊書店裏買到一冊,我剛重讀一遍,真是好書。嚴士 望說的是書中中華民國五十年十一月十四日星期二的那一段,記《徵信新聞報》有文章寫葉公超辭職的緣故,胡先生說:「葉公超的英文是第一等的英文,他說的更 好,大概是年輕時出去的緣故。蔣廷黻的英文寫得不錯,但說話還帶有湖南的口音,不如葉公超。就是在外國一班大政治家中,也不見得說得過公超。在我們一班人 之中,他說的最好。」那之前的十月二十日星期五,《談話錄》記了一段說那天早上葉公超來看胡先生,一進門說皮帶忘了,胡夫人笑着說:「找條麻繩給你吧!」 胡先生到卧房裏找一條黑色的皮帶送給他,太短些,勉強可用。葉公超又說台灣氣候熱,衣服帶太少了。胡先生又叫助手王志維找出兩件夏威夷衫送給他,接着一起 吃早點。那段日記收尾加一句「黃季陸來,一道加入談天。」民國五十年是西曆一九六一年,我在台南讀大二,黃季陸那時候是教育部長。.....

4月8日《朱自清日記》:“讀公超《從印像到評價》,甚清楚。錢鍾書《論東坡賦》一文,論宋代精神在理智與批評,尚佳,餘亦多恆語,不若其《論中國詩》也。”按《論東坡賦》是指他的英文論文Su Tong Po's Literary Background and His Prose-Poetry。錢鍾書用外文寫過若干文章,比較地不甚為人所知。 6月19日《朱自清日記》:“晚與蔣(夢麟)談錢鍾書事,殊未暢所欲言,余說話思想太慢,故總不能恰當也。公超後亦為錢進言,均無效。蓋校方不欲加聘新人也。”按這裡談起的當是錢鍾書的幾位老師想請他回清華大學教書,而此事未得學校當局的同意。我所見過的幾種錢鍾書傳均未涉及此事,而朱的日記卻為此提供了重要的線索。 


葉公超《病中瑣憶》:「生病開刀以來,許多老朋友 來探望,我竟忍不住落淚。回想這一生,竟覺自己是悲劇的主角,一輩子脾氣大,吃的也就是這個虧,卻改不過來,總忍不住要發脾氣。有天做物理治療時遇見張岳 公,他講:『六十而耳順,就是凡事要聽話。』心中不免感慨。」,1981年11月20日,《聯合報》 這是回憶過去 張群的意思可能指葉先生對蔣介石的不齒

hc:提問: 召回葉公超當時 葉公超連衣物(褲帶?)等都要向胡適借用.  他當時"事蔣"已多年. 難道還不知道基本的要求.
 另外一問題是1949年葉公超的選邊站之決定心理/ 那時候駐外人員多怎麼想的?

《葉公超的兩個世界》 :葉公超當年教書,曾以《傲慢與偏見》為教材,課堂上就讓學生輪流朗讀,讀到一段落,葉公超大喊一聲:Stop!然後問學生有沒有問題,沒有問題,就繼續下去,換個同學讀。有時有人提問,葉公超大喝一聲:「查字典去!」

1950年代,George Yeh可謂是「外交」的代名詞。喬治葉是誰?葉公超的兩個世界:「杜勒斯世界」和「艾略特世界」是什麼?身為外交官,他的外交辭令讓他成為兩個世界的中介溝通者。做為葉公超這一個人,他則悠游於兩個不同領域的世界。

葉公超 4歲喪母,父亦早逝,自幼依叔父葉恭綽膝下。葉恭綽官至北洋政府交通總長,嗜好收藏古物,雅好藏書,“惟與俗不同,專收山水記、書院名勝 ...


葉公超在《中央日報》: (收入《國語日報 書和人》第379號,1979.12.15
 1979.11.24  美國大學的中國國語教材問題
1979.11.19  中共的簡體字
1979.11.20  我們的簡體字的分析


讀馭聰的文章每令人想起中世紀時拉丁讚美詩裏一句答唱:Media vita in morte sumus。死似乎是我們亡友生時最親切的題目,是他最愛玩味的意境。

"Media vita in morte sumus ; quem quaerimus adjutorem, nisi te Domine, qui pro peccatis nostris juste irasceris? Sancte Deus, sancte fortis, sancte et misericors Salvator, amarae morti ne tradas nos."
"In the midst of life we are in death: of whom may we seek for succour, but of thee, O Lord, who for our sins art justly displeased? Yet, O Lord God most holy, O Lord most mighty, O holy and most merciful Saviour, deliver us not into the bitter pains of eternal death."

***** 《胡適、葉公超使美外交文件手稿》
劫後存稿, 還是很有看頭。
從這種五手扭曲的打小報告之風, 不難了解葉公超會被召回軟禁 (葉公超將他的薪水都捐出當公關費)。

駐美使署自十九世紀以來,館名常有變動,館址常有遷徙。每次遷館,舊檔即有散失。自清以來,舊檔數量龐大,乏人管理,多已潮溼、蟲蛀、破損不堪。胡適在任 時,館址十分破舊,乃另購新館。遷館時,主其事者視舊檔為廢物,幾遭橫掃無餘。六十年代初,作者在華府駐美大使館時,奉令監管全館舊檔。窮數年之力,通覽 自清楊儒欽差至民國以來歷任諸使之文件,深知中美外交交涉之艱辛過程。

本書包括胡適、葉公超及楊儒三使之手稿,極為珍貴。胡適四年使事,受知美國總統羅斯福,獲其全力支持,中國得以度過戰時金融困難。胡適每遇國際外交大事, 或辦理重大交涉案件,事必躬親,親擬文稿,一般館務則由參事劉鎧全權處理。 葉公超風度翩翩,文采風流,外任美使後,與甘迺迪新政府水乳交融,在華府非常活躍,順利達成蔣介石交辦各項事務。葉公超對重要事件,常親自撰寫文稿,一般 事務則委由一等秘書賴家球處理。 楊儒1893年以地方官道出任駐美國欽差大臣,為中國外交樹立兩項典範:外使不能「全權定計」,妄作主張;出使欽差應全力保護苦難海外遺民。當年紐約時報 和華盛頓郵報,對楊欽差分外推崇,常報導其外交活動。 本書除上述三使之手稿外,亦有許多外交往來文件,極具歷史價值。


The Fifth Child, Ben, in the World. The Golden Notebook By Doris Lessing and11 Essential Feminist Books 婦女節送女教職員面膜(中山大學)

她最著名的作品還要數她的突破性小說《金色筆記本》(The Golden Notebook),這是一部鬆散的自傳小說,在結構上富於創新色彩,亦是她最著名的作品。這部小說於1962年出版,因其對女性內心世界的直率探索,在當時顯得極為大膽,書中的女人們不受婚姻束縛,不管是否需要撫養子女,都按自己的選擇去追求事業與性生活。這本書公然描寫月經和性高潮等題材,以及感情崩潰的心理機制。
她在哈珀·科林斯的編輯尼古拉斯·佩爾森(Nicholas Pearson)周日說:「《金色筆記本》堪稱整整一代人的指引。」

英國諾貝爾獎小說家萊辛(Doris Lessing)在七十歲的高齡,寫了兩部關於一個名叫「班」的孩子的故事:《第五個孩子》(The Fifth Child)和《浮世畸零人》(Ben, in the World)。這兩個故事前後相接,敘事重點卻不相同。

11 Essential Feminist Books: A New Reading List by The New York Public Library


  • A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf (1929). “This essay examines the question of whether a woman is capable of producing work on par with Shakespeare. Woolf asserts that ‘a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.'”
  • The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir (1949). “A major work of feminist philosophy, the book is a survey of the treatment of women throughout history.”
  • The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan (1963). “Friedan examines what she calls ‘the problem that has no name’ – the general sense of malaise among women in the 1950s and 1960s.”
  • Les Guérillères by Monique Wittig (1969). “An imagining of an actual war of the sexes in which women warriors are equipped with knives and guns.”
  • The Female Eunuch by Germaine Greer (1970). “Greer makes the argument that women have been cut off from their sexuality through (a male conceived) consumer society-produced notion of the ‘normal’ woman.”
  • Sexual Politics by Kate Millett (1970). “Based on her PhD dissertation, Millett’s book discusses the role patriarchy (in the political sense) plays in sexual relations. To make her argument, she (unfavorably) explores the work of D.H Lawrence, Henry Miller, and Sigmund Freud, among others.”
  • Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde (1984). “In this collection of essays and speeches, Lorde addresses sexism, racism, black lesbians, and more.”
  • The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf (1990). “Wolf explores “normative standards of beauty” which undermine women politically and psychologically and are propagated by the fashion, beauty, and advertising industries.”
  • Gender Trouble by Judith Butler (1990). “Influential in feminist and queer theory, this book introduces the concept of ‘gender performativity’ which essentially means, your behavior creates your gender.”
  • Feminism is for everybody by bell hooks (2000). “Hooks focuses on the intersection of gender, race, and the sociopolitical.”

  • 一份三八婦女節禮物,卻引起一場性別平等的論戰!高雄的中山大學婦女節送給學校女性教職員一人一盒面膜,沒想到引發校內女性教師不滿,認為這是性別刻板的印象,強調婦女節的意義,應該是改善女性勞動問題,不應該是送面膜。

    更多新聞與互動請上: 公視新聞網 (http://news.pts.org.tw ) PNN公視新聞議題中心 (http://pnn.pts.org.tw/ ) PNN 粉絲專頁 ( http://ww…

    James Dawes《惡人:普通人為何會變成惡魔?》(EVIL MEN )梁永安 譯;pain porn

    最近,梁永安先生跟我們介紹James Dawes著的【惡人】(Evil Men),其中似乎談到2戰戰俘等的慘絕狀況,稱為"人權色情"等。
    我寫,這是好機會學一下英文porn一字,在下述可看到food porn、pain porn等:
    porn / pornography, food porn, pain porn
    牛津大學出版社的辭典給我們解釋porn 的俗義:

    [IN COMBINATION OR WITH MODIFIER] Television programmes, magazine, books, etc. that are regarded as emphasizing the sensuous or sensational aspects of a non-sexual subject and stimulating a compulsive interest in their audience: 在電視節目,雜誌,書籍等,就"非性"之主題,強調其感性和煽情方面,來刺激他們的觀眾的必看之注意力。
    所以porn 的意思,有大肆誇張炒作、煽情等來吸睛。

    梁永安 To HC




    從以上已可看出,本書的論題複雜眾多,但作者自言,《惡人》的「核心問題」與上述者在性質上迥然不同:「但若說本書有一個核心問題,其性質乃非常不同。那就是:我給各位說書中故事的用意何在?各位聽它們的用意何在?這至今仍是困擾我最甚的問題。」簡言之,這就是「人權書寫的吊詭」的問題:「人權書寫」的目的一方面是教育讀者同情心,但另一方面又極可能會流為一種「人權色情」(human rights pornography,一種從看八卦獲得的快感),以及讓讀者在付出同情心之後滿足於這種付出,不思進一步的行動:「也許,對著小說好好哭過一場以後,我們的感情便會燃燒殆盡,可以不用在真實世界付出同情。也許,這樣流過淚之後,我們便會覺得我們的付出盡已足夠,覺得我們的慈悲自我形象已獲得充分印證,無須做更多以達到人格均衡。」作者與此相關的另一個擔憂是:「我從展開這專案的一開始便受到這一類的憂慮縈繞。我聽見一些聲音在我腦袋裡悄悄說話:這些人(指日本老兵)在戰爭期間擁有神般的力量。他們單憑說一句話便可以予生或予死,而他們的受害者賤箭如草芥。現在,事隔多年以後,你卻把同樣大的權力重新賦予他們。有好長一段時間,這些聲音老是在我腦子裡嗡嗡響,讓我什麼都寫不出來。」


    立緒文化  2015
    ……另一方面,倘若我們不維持「他者化邪惡」(the otherness of evil)的意識,又會失去做出關鍵哲學區分的能力。我們會感覺某些行為抗拒理解和牴觸人性並不僅僅是感覺,而且還是一種範疇性區分的指標。如果不能把那些震撼我們良知的行為歸為一類,我們的道德語言將會變得非常貧乏。我們有需要把這些行為歸為另一類,既是為了尊重我們情感所包含的真理價值,也是為了尊重倖存者與死者。
    ——《惡人:普通人為何會變成惡魔?》EVIL MEN,p.48-50
    詹姆士.道斯 James Dawes 著;梁永安 譯

    2016年3月28日 星期一

    井上伊之助{上帝在編織 } (TOMINUN UTOF)

    作者: 井上伊之助 譯者:石井玲子

    台南: 人光出版社 出版日期:1997

    泰雅語TOMINUN UTOF 是"上帝在編織",是井上伊之助先生的墓誌銘。它在書中有兩種譯法,另一是"已經織好"。

    上帝在編織 (TOMINUN UTOF) 


    第一部  生蕃記 1925    21-195
    第二部  蕃社之曙     197-294
    第三部  雜記   295-364
    ‧生卒年:1882年--1966年 日本高知縣
        1903年 在東京受洗 1905年 就讀聖經學院,畢業後傳道
     1906年 父親井上彌之助在台遭原住民殺害
     1910 開始醫學實習與研究
     1911年 來台至新竹州加拉排原住民部落傳教
     1922年 再度來台到山地巡迴傳道
     1930年 通過總督府開業醫師資格考試
     1945年 日本統治結束留任樂山療養院
     1947年 奉台灣之中國命返回日本
     1966年 去世,墓碑上刻有「愛」字,下方寫著
         (泰雅語Tminun Utux),意指「上帝在編織」

    Act of Creation by Arthur Koestler. Koestler : the literary and political odyssey of a twentieth-century skeptic / Michael Scammell

    Koestler, Arthur, 1905-1983
    書名Koestler : the literary and political odyssey of a twentieth-century skeptic / Michael Scammell
    主要作者Scammell, Michael
    ImprintNew York : Random House, c2009

     總圖2F人社資料區 PR6021.O4 Z84 2009  [鄰近架位館藏] 3417068 可流通

    稽核項xxi, 689 p., [16] p. of plates : ill., ports., geneal. table ; 25 cm
    附註Includes bibliographical references (p. [579]-585) and index
    內容Part One: A Long Apprenticeship - The Author as Journalist (1905-1936) -- Chapter 1: Beginnings -- Chapter 2: A Budapest Childhood -- Chapter 3: Rise, Jew, Rise -- Chapter 4: Zionist -- Chapter 5: A Runaway and a Fugitive -- Chapter 6: First Steps in Journalism -- Chapter 7: Hello To Berlin -- Chapter 8: In the Gale of History -- Chapter 9: Red Days -- Chapter 10: Anti-Fascist Crusader -- Chapter 11: Marking Time -- Chapter 12: Prisoner of Franco -- Chapter 13: Turning Point -- Part Two: Fame and Infamy - The Author as Novelist (1936-1946) -- Chapter 14: The God That Failed -- Chapter 15: No New Certainties -- Chapter 16: Darkness Visible -- Chapter 17: Scum of the Earth -- Chapter 18: Darkness Unveiled -- Chapter 19: In Crumpled Battledress -- Chapter 20: The Novelists Temptations -- Chapter 21: Identity Crisis -- Chapter 22: Commissar or Yogi? -- Chapter 23: Return to Palestine -- Chapter 24: Welsh Interlude -- Chapter 25: The Logic of the Ice Age -- Part Three: Lost Illusions - The Author Activist (1946-1959) -- Chapter 26: Adventures among the Existentialists -- Chapter 27: French Lessons -- Chapter 28: Discovering America -- Chapter 29: Farewell to Zionism -- Chapter 30: A Married Man -- Chapter 31: To the Barricades -- Chapter 32: The Congress for Cultural Freedom -- Chapter 33: Back to the USA -- Chapter 34: Politically Unreliable -- Chapter 35: The Language of Destiny -- Chapter 36: The Phantom Chase -- Chapter 37: I Killed Her -- Chapter 38: Cassandra Grows Hoarse -- Chapter 39: Matters of Life and Death -- Part Four: Astride the Two Cultures - The Author as Polymath (1959-1983) -- Chapter 40: Cosmic Reporter -- Chapter 41: The Squire of Alpbach -- Chapter 42: Retreat From Rationalism? -- Chapter 43: A Naive and Skeptical Disposition -- Chapter 44: Seeking a Cure -- Chapter 45: Wunderkind -- Chapter 46: Chance Governs All -- Chapter 47: The Koestler Problem -- Chapter 48: An Easy Way of Dying
    摘要The first authorized biography of one of the most influential and controversial intellectuals of the twentieth century, based on new research and full access to its subject's papers. Best known as the creator of the classic anti-Communist novel Darkness at Noon, Koestler is here revealed as a man whose personal life was as astonishing as his literary accomplishments. The young Hungarian Jew whose experience of anti-Semitism and devotion to Zionism provoked him to move to Palestine; the foreign correspondent who risked his life from the North Pole to Franco's Spain; the committed Communist for whom the brutal truth of Stalin's show trials inspired the angry novel that became an instant classic in 1940; the escape from occupied France by joining the Foreign Legion and his bluffing his way illegally to England, where his controversial 1943 novel Arrival and Departure was the first to portray Hitler's Final Solution. Scammell also gives a full account of the author's voluminous writings, making the case that the autobiographies and essays are fit to stand beside Darkness at Noon as works of lasting literary value.--From publisher description

    Paperback: 752 pages
    Publisher: Penguin (Non-Classics) (June 5, 1990)
    Language: EnglishAmazon.com: The Act of Creation (Arkana) (9780140191912): Arthur ...While the study of psychology has offered little in the way of explaining the creative process, Koestler examines the idea that we are at our most creative when rational thought is suspended--for example, in dreams and trancelike states. All who read The Act of Creation will find it a compelling and illuminating book.

    Act of Creation

    Koestler probes "bisociative" thinking--creativity and the new perceptions offered us by creative activity. An area of psychology that is often neglected, creativity is, according to Koestler, often suppressed by the daily near-automatic routine of our lives. He offers the suggestion that it is when our rational thought is suspended that we are at our most creative--in dreams and trances, when our minds are open to unexpected insight.

    Betty (1975級)上周 (哪一年?) 聚會時,提到她參加過1973級東海 IE學長的同學會。73級與我們75級比較親,由於我跳修吳玉印先生開的"實驗計畫"課,他們班上有4-5人,還是我的同學。

    畢業之後還與它們有交往的,最親近的,是張忠樸先生,他約8年前 (2016年補,約13.5年)過逝,對我是很大的感傷。尤其今年沒想到他創立的"尋智顧問公司網站"也收起來,更是一驚。

    現在談另外一位游思俊博士。我2008年寫書時在網路上找一下,知道他可能還在AT&T服務,但願如此。 我在他讀博士時曾託他COPY一本創意學經典 Act of Creation by Arthur Koestler 。這本書人多知道 ,現在市面上竟還在賣1990年的企鵝板,不過可能很少人讀它。台灣國內只有吳靜吉博士曾介紹過此書。我們熟悉的 R. Ackoff在{解決問題的藝術}一書中說,他女兒認為研究創造力的,以此書最佳,不過 Ackoff 在該書坦承,他沒看過他。