2018年3月15日 星期四

《薄伽梵歌》Bhagavad Gītā

Simone Weil was a precocious student, proficient in ancient Greek by the age of 12. She later learned Sanskrit after reading the Bhagavad Gita. Her interests in other religions were universalist, and she attempted to understand each religious tradition as expressive of transcendent wisdom.

Nov 9th 2006
From The Economist print edition

Bulent Ecevit, a Turkish prime minister and poet, died on November 5th, aged 81

WHEN Bulent Ecevit decided, on July 20th 1974, to send an invasion force to Cyprus, he could find many reasons for it. Greeks and Turks on the island had been killing each other for years. Turkish-Cypriots, the minority, needed protection against "genocide". A coup had been staged by a Greek guerrilla leader in the name of union with Greece; and if it succeeded, Turkey's southern coast would be "almost imprisoned", as Mr Ecevit put it later, among the Greek Aegean islands.

But these considerations, weighty as they were, were not what fortified him as he was briefed that day, in an underground bunker, by a group of sweating generals. He was thinking of the "Bhagavad Gita", which he knew in the original Sanskrit; and the "Gita" taught that if a man was sure he was morally right, he should not hesitate to take action.

博客來-薄伽梵歌Bhagavad Gītā:最偉大的哲學詩

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Aug 16, 2017 - 薄伽梵歌》與《吠陀經》及《奧義書》同被譽為是印度三大聖典之一。《薄伽梵歌》出自古文明最長史詩《摩訶婆羅多》其中一篇,成為印度最著名的宗教哲學詩篇,廣為傳頌。十八世紀由英國威爾金斯首次翻譯成英文,當時著名的德國語言學家威廉.洪堡無比推崇《薄伽梵歌》:「是我們所知的一切文學中唯一真正的哲學詩。

我想看到您以前那副模樣: 執杵錘, 托神輪,王冠戴在頭上,啊!千臂者,遍宇貌! 請再現出您那四只手的形象。----第十一章 呈現遍宇形貌瑜珈 1146


