這是 Google 對 http://www.my285.com/wgwx/zpj/bezk/gwy/index.htm 的快取。 這是該網頁於 2018年9月27日 09:00:19 GMT 顯示時的快照。 在此期間,目前網頁可能已經變更。 瞭解更多資訊.
提示:如要在這個網頁上快速尋找您所搜尋的字詞,請按下 Ctrl+F 鍵或 ⌘-F 鍵 (Mac),然後使用尋找列進行搜尋。 《公务员》最初于一八三七年七月在《新闻报》上连载,原题《卓越的女人》。一八三八年由威尔代书屋出版。同年十二月由威尔代书屋再版。一八四四年收入菲讷版《人间喜剧》第十一卷,属“巴黎生活场景”。 这是一幅十九世纪法国官场的风俗画,也可说是无情揭露官僚体制的“官场现形记”。小说以某政府部门司长病逝,职位出缺为契机,搬演了一出争夺司长职位的绝妙喜剧。最后,正直能干、效忠国家而又深孚众望的拉布丹,因致力于改革行政机构落得身败名裂,被迫辞职;不学无术、昏庸无能、被公认为蠢材的包杜阿耶却升任司长并获得荣誉勋位勋章。这一好象出乎众人意料,其实符合生活逻辑的结局,充分阐明了作家对这一“为庸人所创造,取悦于庸人”的官僚体制的批判。在这种体制下,“只有懒汉、低能儿或小人才有立足之地”,高尚正直的人很难摧眉折腰忍受下去,而且只能“逼得聪明人玩世不恭,天才走向绝望,勇敢的人心灰意懒”。 在这出喜剧中,写得最精彩的部分无疑是两位夫人的斗法。这两个女人看上去是那么力量悬殊:一个聪明美貌、受过良好教育,具有娴雅的风度和富有魅力的交际手腕;另一个却形容委琐,从未见过世面,也没有受过象样的教育。然而后者巧妙地运用了冷冰冰计算出来的利害关系和金钱的力量,于是轻而易举地取得了全面胜利。前者虽然机关算尽,使出浑身解数,到关键时刻却一败涂地。这两个女人的较量,高度概括地表现了高利贷者羊腿子所一语道破的真谛:“和往常一样,胜利总是属于金币的。” |
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The winner of 2017 Goncourt Prize and Co-op member Éric Vuillard browsed through our shelves and shared his thoughts on what makes literature beyond the fiction/non-fiction distinction. In this video, Éric talk about two books – "Physiology of the Employee" by Honoré de Balzac (Wakefield Press, 2014) and "The Fire Next Time" by James Baldwin (Penguin Random House, 1992) – to exemplify what makes great literature.
"Contrary to the common belief, literature is not about imagination but rather about how we relate to reality", says Vuillard.
"Contrary to the common belief, literature is not about imagination but rather about how we relate to reality", says Vuillard.
*In partnership with the French Culture in the Midwest
About the author (2014)
Bibliographic information
The Physiology of the Employee
If Honoré de Balzac's Treatise on Elegant Living addressed one crucial pillar of modernity--the "mode" itself, fashion--his Physiology of the Employee examines another equally potent cornerstone to the modern era: bureaucracy, and all of the cogs and wheels of which it is composed. Long before Franz Kafka described the nightmarish metaphysics of office bureaucracy, Balzac had undertaken his own exploration of the dust-laden, stifling environment of the paper-pusher in all of his roles and guises. "Bureaucracy," as he defined it: "a gigantic power set in motion by dwarfs." In this guidebook, published for mass consumption in 1841, Balzac's classic theme of melodramatic ambition plays itself out within the confined, unbreathable space of the proto-cubicle, filtered through the restricted scale of the pocket handbook. The template for such later novels such as The Bureaucrats, and one of the first significant texts to grapple with the growing role of the bureaucrat, this physiology reads like a birding field guide in its presentation of the various classifications of the office employee, from the Intern to the Clerk (all ten species, from Dapper to Bootlicker to Drudger) to Office Manager, Department Head, Office Boy and Pensioner. The job titles may change over the years, and paper-pushing has perhaps evolved into email-forwarding, but the taxonomy remains the same. In our twenty-first-century crisis of employment, jobs continue to be themselves a form of currency, and the question continues to loom: when will it be quitting time?