(英)伯曼(Burman E.){像紳士一樣生活}. 李釗平 張跣譯. 北京: 中國商業出版社,2006
第2章說明gentleman的起源 其實它是隨著時代便化的
gentleman Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 a polite way of addressing or referring to a man:
Ladies and gentlemen, the show is about to begin.
Excuse me, this gentleman has a question for you.
2 APPROVING a man who is polite and behaves well towards other people, especially women:
He was a perfect gentleman.
Not holding a door for a lady? You're no gentleman, are you?
3 APPROVING a man of a high social class:
a gentlemen's club
gentlemanly Show phonetics
typical of a polite gentleman:
a gentlemanly manner
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
紳士; 家柄のよい[上品な]人; 男子, 殿方; (-men) 皆さん ((男性たちへの呼びかけ)); (the Gentlemen('s), the gentlemen('s)) ((単数扱い)) 男子用公衆便所; 有閑階級の男性; 従僕; (the ~) 議員 ((from〈米〉, for〈英〉)); 【英史】準貴族 ((yeoman(郷士)より上)).
gentleman at large 無職の人.
my gentleman (今お話した)彼氏, やっこさん.
gen・tle・man・like a. 紳士的[風]な.
gen・tle・man・ly a. 紳士的[風]な.
gentleman-at-arms 〔英〕 (英国王および皇族の)護衛官, ボディーガード; (英国の)近衛儀仗(ぎじょう)兵.
gentleman farmer 〔英〕 豪農, 大地主.
gentleman's [gentlemen's] agreement 紳士協定.
gentleman's club 紳士クラブ.
gentleman's gentleman 従僕.
gentleman at large 無職の人.
my gentleman (今お話した)彼氏, やっこさん.
gen・tle・man・like a. 紳士的[風]な.
gen・tle・man・ly a. 紳士的[風]な.
gentleman-at-arms 〔英〕 (英国王および皇族の)護衛官, ボディーガード; (英国の)近衛儀仗(ぎじょう)兵.
gentleman farmer 〔英〕 豪農, 大地主.
gentleman's [gentlemen's] agreement 紳士協定.
gentleman's club 紳士クラブ.
gentleman's gentleman 従僕.