The Journal of Architectural Education is a biannual peer-reviewed academic journal published by Routledge on behalf of the Associate of Collegiate Schools of Architecture. It was established in 1947 and the current editor-in-chief is Ellen Grimes (School of the Art Institute of Chicago).
External links
The Journal of Architectural Education (JAE) has been the primary venue for research and commentary on architectural education since it was founded in 1947. In 1982 the JAE established a blind-peer-review process, making it the oldest continuing operating journal of its kind. The JAE is published by the Associate of Collegiate School of Architecture (ACSA) through Taylor and Francis. The types of articles the journal publishes include: Scholarship of Design, Design as Scholarship, Op Arch, Translations, Transactions, Interviews, and several form of review, from buildings + projects to books and symposia.
Faculty members at ACSA full-member programs, affiliate members, and supporting members, receive print copies of the journal as part of their membership and is available online through a live link from the ACSA home page to the Wiley InterScience site. Subscribers may access the InterScience site directly. Libraries, individuals, and organizations interested in subscribing may do so through Wiley/Blackwell.
A member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the JAE endorses its "Best Practices", as do its publishers. By submitting one's work for review and publication, all authors attest to, and agree to abide by, the COPE code of ethical conduct.
Long a quarterly publication, commencing in autumn, 2009, the JAE transitioned to a biannual schedule (October and March), while increasing the number of pages it publishes yearly. This change is designed to better serve our international community of teachers, researchers, and administrators, daily confronted with an ever-expanding field of digital and print publications. Producing two larger issues per academic year (which coincide with the ACSA’s regional and national annual conferences), is intended to increase the journal’s visibility and usefulness by publishing more, less often. Moreover, the JAE is working to increase publishing opportunities and expanded services to our academic and professional community of design professionals through a substantially expanded web-based platform.
The Journal of Architectural Education is the flagship publication of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture.
The Journal of Architectural Education (JAE) has been the primary venue for research and commentary on architectural education since it was founded in 1947. In 1982 the JAE established a blind-peer-review process, making it the oldest continuing operating journal of its kind. The JAE is published by the Associate of Collegiate School of Architecture (ACSA) through Taylor and Francis. The types of articles the journal publishes include: Scholarship of Design, Design as Scholarship, Op Arch, Translations, Transactions, Interviews, and several form of review, from buildings + projects to books and symposia.
Faculty members at ACSA full-member programs, affiliate members, and supporting members, receive print copies of the journal as part of their membership and is available online through a live link from the ACSA home page to the Wiley InterScience site. Subscribers may access the InterScience site directly. Libraries, individuals, and organizations interested in subscribing may do so through Wiley/Blackwell.
A member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the JAE endorses its "Best Practices", as do its publishers. By submitting one's work for review and publication, all authors attest to, and agree to abide by, the COPE code of ethical conduct.
Long a quarterly publication, commencing in autumn, 2009, the JAE transitioned to a biannual schedule (October and March), while increasing the number of pages it publishes yearly. This change is designed to better serve our international community of teachers, researchers, and administrators, daily confronted with an ever-expanding field of digital and print publications. Producing two larger issues per academic year (which coincide with the ACSA’s regional and national annual conferences), is intended to increase the journal’s visibility and usefulness by publishing more, less often. Moreover, the JAE is working to increase publishing opportunities and expanded services to our academic and professional community of design professionals through a substantially expanded web-based platform.
The Journal of Architectural Education is the flagship publication of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture.
******Classic Readings in Architecture 建築經典選讀
這本書可以跳著讀. 2013.6.13 我看到 Louis Sullivan 的名字 決定深入了解一番在 YouTube等處看到其影片和自傳.....
最特別的是我看了Donald Alan Schön (1930–1997 我看過他在組織學習方面的書) 1988年發表在美國MIT的建築教育Journal of Architectural Education的論文 " Toward a Marriage of Artistry and Applied Science in the Architectural Design Studio", 375-387
Jay M. Stein, Kent F. Spreckelmeyer [editors].
Paperback: 528 pages
Publisher: W C B/McGraw-Hill (July 23, 1998)
Paperback: 528 pages
Publisher: W C B/McGraw-Hill (July 23, 1998)
Intended as either the main text or a supplement for the Introduction to Architecture course at the senior or first year graduate level. The book consists of a set of reading of "classics" in different subject areas normally covered in a introductory course. The complete collection of readings represents a comprehensive introduction to the field of architecture.
本书作者在建筑理论、建筑历史和建筑实践等方 面颇有建树。他从报刊中、从经典的建筑专著中摘录、选取了有代表性的文章和重要的章节收录于本书集36个读本,汇编成三大部分。这三大部分大分成九个专 题,即作为人造物的建筑(建筑历史与理论、建筑形式、建筑技术),建筑的文脉(城市环境、自然环境、人文环境),建筑的过程(设计过程、建设的社会含义、 建筑职业),加之全书开始的序篇和结尾的终篇,勾画出了完整的建筑学专业研究框架。书中每个读本都附以一段对于原作的概述,每个专题双编录了进一步阅读的 资料、文献和书目。这些书目对于研究机构、学生和专业人员的进一步学习和研究大有裨益。
读本1 第一书
第一部分 作为人造物的建筑
1 建筑历史与理论
读本2 文化转型和地域转型
读本3 乌托邦建筑
读本4 社区建筑
读本5 历史和先例:走向旧建筑
2 建筑形式
Architectural Form
读本6 建筑师及其符号
读本7 历史主义与符号学的局限性
读本8 审美过程的经验背景
读本9 列表作为一种设计方法,以及非对称和不协调性
3 建筑技术
Architectural Technology
读本10 智能的呼吸
读本11 一个新技术概念和几个特征
读本12 抵制形式的结构
读本13 高层办公大楼的艺术思考
第二部分 建筑的文脉
4 城市的环境
读本14 场所和力量:一个关于洛杉矶的设想
读本15 城市需要旧建筑
读本16 回顾与展望
读本17 回归古希腊广场
5 自然环境
读本18 美国的公共空间
读本19 场地的浪费
读本20 论价值
6 人文环境
读本21 作为人类自我之任号的房子
读本22 空间人类学:一种组织模式
读本23 论建筑对文化的回应
读本24 时空
第三部分 建筑的过程
7 设计过程
8 建筑的社会含义
9 建筑职业