康德(Immanuel Kant)
Immanuel Kant was born on April 22nd 1724. No philosopher since Aristotle has exercised such influence
Kant transformed how the modern world approached enduring problems
Philosopher Immanuel Kant was born on this day in 1724
比較1972.2.24 一封短信.中文有幾處重要的錯誤......
.......清楚地認識到自己的能力以及運用這種能力的界限,將會使人們在一切良好的、有用的東西面前變得確信、勇敢而堅定。相反,不斷地用甜美的希望欺騙人們,用不斷更新的、但卻時常失敗的嘗試,把人們羈絆在超出自己的力量的事物之中,將會導致輕視理性,、進而導致懶惰或者狂熱幻想。---李秋零編譯《康德書信百封‧致約翰‧貝林 (1786.4.7)》上海人民出版社,1992,頁103-104
is the most complete English edition of Kant's correspondence that has
ever been compiled. The letters are concerned with
This is the most complete English edition of Kant's correspondence that
has ever been compiled. The letters are concerned with philosophical and
scientific topics but many also treat personal, historical, and
cultural matters. On one level the letters chart Kant's philosophical
development. On another level they expose quirks and foibles, and reveal
a good deal about Kant's friendships and philosophical battles with
some of the prominent thinkers of the time: Herder, Hamann, Mendelssohn,
and Fichte.
is the most complete English edition of Kant's correspondence that has
ever been compiled. The letters are concerned with
This is the most complete English edition of Kant's correspondence that
has ever been compiled. The letters are concerned with philosophical and
scientific topics but many also treat personal, historical, and
cultural matters. On one level the letters chart Kant's philosophical
development. On another level they expose quirks and foibles, and reveal
a good deal about Kant's friendships and philosophical battles with
some of the prominent thinkers of the time: Herder, Hamann, Mendelssohn,
and Fichte.
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56 中文版10月28 | |
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82 中文12月31 | |
To Jacob Sigismund Beck January 20 1792 500
| 398 |
401 | |
402 | |
FromJobann Heinrich Kant February 8 1792 505
| 404 |
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To Friedrich Heinrich Jacohi August 30 1789 375
| 318 |
FromJobann Gottfried Carl Christian Kiesewetter
| 326 |
335 | |
341 | |
347 | |
no From Salomon Maimon May 25 1790 430
| 351 |
354 | |
355 | |
To August Wilhehn Rebberg before September 25 1790
| 357 |
From Ahrabam Gotthelf Kastner October 2 1790 451
| 359 |
FromJobann Benjamin Jachmann October 24 1790 451
| 361 |
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From Maria von Herhert August 1792 478
| 379 |
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From Salomon Maimon September 20 1792 486
| 387 |
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FromJobann Erich BiesterJune 18 1792 518
| 416 |
To Prince Aexander von Beloselsky Summer 1792 519
| 417 |
To Jacob Sigismund Beck July 3 1792 510
| 420 |
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433 | |
To Jacob Sigismund Beck October 26 27 1792 537
| 434 |
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From Jacob Sigismund Beck November 10 1792 545
| 439 |
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ToJobann Benjamin Erhard December 21 1792 551
| 447 |
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From Jobann Gottlieb Fichte September 20 1793 592
| 465 |
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From Jobann Gottfried Carl Christian Kiesewetter November 13 1793 605
| 468 |
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ToJobann Gottfried Carl Christian Kiesewetrer December 13 1793 609
| 472 |
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To Karl Leonhard Reinhold March 18 1794 610
| 476 |
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From Friedrich August Nitsch July 251794 636
| 483 |
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To Carl Friedrich Staudlin December 4 1794 644
| 490 |
From Samual Collenhusch December 26 1794 647
| 493 |
Letters 17951800
| 497 |
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512 | |
From Jacob Sigismund Beck June 24 1797 756
| 518 |
524 | |
ToJobann Gottlieb Fichte December 1797 789
| 534 |
| 541 |
From Jobn Richardson June 22 1798 808
| 548 |
From Jobann Gottfried Carl Christian Kiesewetter
| 554 |
563 | |
| 617 |
633 | |
康德歷史哲學論文集 - Google 圖書結果
台北:聯經2002 - 309 頁
康德的歷史哲學長久以來一直為國內學術界所忽略,往往被視為一套未成熟的理論,只是過渡到黑格爾、乃至馬克思的歷史哲學之橋樑。這是一種不幸的誤 解,因為康德的歷史哲學自成一套,與馬克思與黑格爾的歷史哲學屬於不同的類型。康德本人並未撰寫一部討論歷史哲學的專著,但是他有八種著作直接涉及歷史哲 學,包括1795年出版的《論永久和平》。
本書包括這八種著作的中譯及註釋,書末並附有詳細的研究書目,供研究者參考之用。康德歷史哲 學名句摘錄「啟蒙是人類之超脫於他自己招致的未成年狀態。」──〈答「何謂啟蒙?」之問題〉「如果現在有人問道:我們目前是否生活在一個已啟蒙的時代?其 答案為:不然!但我們生活在一個啟蒙底時代。」──〈答「何謂啟蒙?」之問題〉「建國底問題不論聽起來是多麼艱難,甚至對於一個魔鬼底民族﹙只要他們有理 智﹚也是可以解決的。」──《論永久和平》「君王從事哲學思考,或者哲學家成為君王,這是不可遇,亦不可求的;因為權力之佔有必然會腐蝕理性之自由判 斷。」──《論永久和平》「自然底歷史始於「善」,因為它是上帝底作品;自由底歷史始於「惡」,因為它是人底作品。」──〈人類史之臆測的開端〉
主要著作有《儒家與康德》、《儒學與現代意識》、《康德倫理學與孟子道德思考之重建》、《當代儒學之自我轉化》、《康德倫理學發展中的道德情感問 題》(德文本)、《現代中國儒學》(德文本,即將出版),譯作有H. M. Baumgartner的《康德「純粹理性批判」導讀》、康德的《通靈者之夢》及《道德底形上學之基礎》。
Albert Schweitzer – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture, November 4, 1954
The Problem of Peace
它提中國的一些人,又說到康德提「永久和平」的歷史淵 源。(Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), Zum ewigen Frieden (1795). English translation entitled Perpetual Peace (New York: Columbia University Press, 1932); the introduction is by Nicholas Murray Butler, Nobel Peace co-laureate for 1931. )最後引一節聖經。
May the men who hold the destiny of peoples in their hands, studiously avoid anything that might cause the present situation to deteriorate and become even more dangerous. May they take to heart the words of the Apostle Paul: "If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men".13 These words are valid not only for individuals, but for nations as well. May these nations, in their efforts to maintain peace, do their utmost to give the spirit time to grow and to act.
羅 馬 書 Romans 12:18 [hb5] 如若可能,應盡力與眾人和睦相處。
[kjv] If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
[bbe] As far as it is possible for you be at peace with all men.