2011年10月8日 星期六

英國的科學--幾個重要的硏究機關: Rothamsted

這是一本好書 雖然各組織只講至1940年而已英國的科學--幾個重要的硏究機關:
皇家學院48頁/ 格林威基皇家天文台 45頁/ 英國的農業研究--樂桑斯特實驗站* 30頁

馬丁(Thomas Martin), 準兹(Harold Spencer Jones),拉塞爾(John E. Russell)撰
李曉舫譯 臺一版 臺北市|c臺灣商務 1976 [6],126面|d18公分

Rothamsted (rŏth'əmstĭd), world's oldest and England's most important agricultural experiment station, now the main center of the Institute of Arable Crops Research (IACR). It was founded in 1843 by John Bennet Lawes on his estate at Harpenden, in Hertfordshire, where he had been experimenting with fertilizers. In 1842 a patent had been granted him for the development of superphosphate-bone meal, or calcium phosphate, treated with sulfuric acid-an artificial fertilizer, which his factory soon produced in large quantities. The station continued experimenting with fertilizers and expanded its activities to include crop-production studies and animal nutrition experiments. Expansions started in 1902 provided new facilities and added to the staff botanists, bacteriologists, chemists, and writers, which increased the value of the station to Great Britain's varied agricultural interests, distributed as they were throughout the world. In 1934 a public appeal brought forth the funds needed to buy the grounds used by the station. The experimental work, which had once been financed entirely by Lawes, came to be sustained by government grants, supplemented by private contributions. In 1987 Rothamsted, the Long Ashton Research Station, and Broom's Barn Experimental Station merged to form the IACR. An important function of the institute now is the training of postgraduate research workers.http://www.answers.com/topic/rothamsted

我跟tAai 老師解釋 Rothamsted 的悠久歷史(1843- )
我們所熟悉的故事Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher FRS (1890 –1962R. A. Fisher, the life of a scientist by Joan Fis...) 在任職 Rothamsted 自1919始 他在那兒發展出實驗計畫學Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/ronald-fisher#ixzz1aHEhz6Uf

更有意思的是Deming 在1935年到英國學習一年 上過Fisher 的課
在數位化的Fisher 檔案中有篇論文cc給 Deming
Deming 那年的留學之旅的資料可能都還在美國國會圖書館
他只簡單提過 Fisher 在倫敦大學的教室昏暗 Fisher 在黑版上導證明時 也常常出錯
不過 全世界的人都會到此一流的人處去求教


