談 法國巴黎 The Arcades Project By Walter Benjamin (2): CONTENTS
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哈佛大學出版社的The Arcades Project By Walter Benjamin一書,約1100頁。
The Arcades Project By Walter Benjamin
Translators' Foreword
"Paris, the Capital of the Nineteenth Century" (1935)
"Paris, Capital of the Nineteenth Century" (1939)
2〔植物〕 〈花弁・子葉などが〉包旋(形)の,片巻きの;〔動物〕 〈貝殻が〉片巻きの.
[名詞] (pl. sheaves[ʃíːvz])
1(麦などの刈り取った)束.2(一般に)(…の)束,房((of ...))
a sheaf of papers一束の書類.
3(矢の)一束.4〔数学〕 層.5((sheaves)) 多数,多量.
Overview A Arcades, Magasins de Nouveautis, Sales Clerks 31 B Fashion 62 C Ancient Paris, Catacombs, Demolitions, Decline of Paris 82 D Boredom, Eternal Return 101 E Haussmannization, Barricade Fighting 120 F Iron Construction 150 G Exhibitions, Advertising, Grandville 171 .H The Collector 203 I The Interior, The Trace 212 .J Baudelaire 228 K Dream City and Dream House, Dreams of the Future, Anthropological Nihilism, Jung 388 L Dream House, Museum, Spa 405 M TI,e FHmeur 416 N On the Theory of Knowledge, Theory of Progress 456O Prostitution, Gambling 489 P The Streets of Paris 516 Q Panorama 527
R Mirrors 537 S Paillting, Jugendstil, Novelty 543 T Modes of Lighting 562 U Saint-Simon, Railroads 571 V Conspiracies, Compagnonnage 603W Fourier 620 X Marx 651 Y Photography 671 Z The Doll, The Automaton 693
a Social Movement 698b Daurnier 740 cd Literary History, Hugo 744 e f g The Stock Exchange, Economic History 779 h i Reproduction Technology, Lithography 786 k The Commune 788 l The Seine, The Oldest Paris 796 m Idleness 800 noP Anthropological Materialism, History of Sects 807 q r Ecole Poly technique 818
First Sketches
Early Drafts
"The Arcades of Paris"
"The Ring of Saturn"
"The Arcades of Paris"
"The Ring of Saturn"
Expose of 1935,
Early Version
Materials for the Expose of 1935
Materials for "Arcades"
Early Version
Materials for the Expose of 1935
Materials for "Arcades"
"Dialectics at a Standstill, " by Rolf Tiedemann
The Story of Old Benjamin;' by Lisa Fittko
Translators' Notes
Guide to Names and Terms
The Story of Old Benjamin;' by Lisa Fittko
Translators' Notes
Guide to Names and Terms
其實,關於Walter Benjamin的中文著作和傳記,說不定是The Arcades Project By Walter Benjamin的兩倍:其中關於The Arcades Project 一書的,可能約200頁 (真正的直接翻譯,只"Paris, the Capital of the Nineteenth Century" (1935)和 "Paris, Capital of the Nineteenth Century" (1939) 兩短篇。)
當然,鹿島 茂先生等人的著作,也很有幫助。
由於在網路上有The Arcades Project的pdf檔,所以我們可以從該書的索引的主要內容和頻率出發,讓各位了解該書的主要人物與史地。
Passage Brady, 42, 48
Passage Choiseul, 42, 43, 52, 831, 927, 1009
Passage Colbert, 33, 42, 203, 422, 531, 835
Passage Commerce, 835
Passage Cmssol, 42
Passage Dauphine, 42
Passage de la Reunion, 33, 835
Passage de la Trinite, 33
Passage de l'Il1dustrie, 42
Passage de rOpera, 33, 38, 39, 43, 48-50, 51, 82, 103, 151, 406, 408, 830-831, 836, 871, 883, 904 Passage de Lonne, 43, 121
Passage des Colol1l1es, 961
Passage des Deux Pavillolls, 41
Passage des Gravilliers, 42
Passage des Panoramas, 6, 33, 34, 36, 37, 41, 43, 50, 51, 58, 530, 533, 535, 563, 564, 568, 830, 833, 834, 836, 837, 852, 874, 878, 914, 959, 992, 1009
Passage des Princes, 38, 253
Passage du Bois-de-Boulogne, 33, 835, 1009
Passage du Caire, 33, 35, 40, 46, 55, 56, 89, 124, 835, 836, 854
Passage du Cheval-Blanc, 33
Passage du Cheval Rouge, 52
Passage du Commerce-Saint-Andre, 53
Passage du Desir, 33, 48, 837
Passage du Grand-Cerf, 43
Passage du Pont-Neuf, 33, 422, 835, 965, 1009
Passage du Prado, 1009
Passage du Saumon, 40, 43, 46, 47, 798
Passage Grosse-Tete, 33, 835
Passagc Henri IV, 835, 1009
Passage Mires (later Passage des Panoramas), 33, 38, 253, 852
Passage Prcssierc (Bessieres?), 33
Passage Raoul, 186, 723
Passage SaucCde, 42
Passagc Vero-Dodat, 32, 33, 34, 43, 48, 54, 55, 837
Passage Viollet, 41 Passage Vivienne, 33, 37, 82, 203, 835, 836
Balzac, Honore de,
Baudelaire, Charles, 最重要 (索引2~3頁)
B1arlqui, Louis-Auguste,
Bouchot, Henri, 略
Breton, Andn!,
Cabel, Etienne, 略
Caillois, Roger, 略
Champfleury (jules Husson), 略
Chesterton, G. K., 57, 233-234, 437-438, 535, 770, 774
Chevalier, Michel, 7, 18, 163, 181, 186, 191, 196, 198, 581, 582, 583, 587, 588, 592, 593, 594, 596,598, 763, 791
Clairville, Loui, F.,
Courbet, Gustave,
Crepet, Eugene,
Curtius, Ernst Robert,
Daguerre, LouisJacques,
Dante Alighieri,
Daudet, Leon, 91, 100, 245, 265, 266, 269-270, 755, 775, 862
Daumier, Honore,
Dclvau, Alfred,
Dc Maistre,Joseph,
Dickens, Charles, 5
Dubech, Lucien
Dn Camp, Maxime
Dupont, Pierre,
Ecole Poly technique, 4, 16, 502, 577, 581, 588,
.189, 609-610, 701, 711-712, 780, 818-82<"
863, 91,5, 937, 963, 996, 1002
Eiffel, Alexandre-Gustave, 886, 887
Enfantin, Barthelemy-Prosper, 7, 18, 181, 398,
572, 573, 582, 589, 591, 592, 593, 595, 596,
.197, 600,601, 602, 780, 783, 784, 905, 996
Engels, Friedrich, 1
EngHinder, Sigmund,
Espezel, Pierre d',
February Revolution, 參考李健吾【情感教育 譯者序】及馬克思專書,
F1aubert, Gustave,
F'ourier, Charles,
Freund, GiselalGisele
Fuchs, Eduard,
Gautier, Theophile
Giedion, Sigfried
Gocthc,Johatm Wolfgatlg von,
Grandville (Jean-Ignace-Isidore Gerard),
Gutzkow, Karl,
Guys, Constantin
HaUSSmaIlI1, Georges Eugene,
Heine, Heinrich
Hugo, Victor
Jugendstil, 9
July Revolution,
Kierkegaard, Soren
Kracauer, Siegfried:
Lamartine, Alphonse de
Louis Philippe
Marx, Karl, 8
Meryon, Charles, 2
Nadar (FeJix Toumachon
Napoleon III,
Alexandre Dumas at a dinner party given by Princess Mathilde. The verse is aimed at
Napoleon III.
Alexandre Dumas at a dinner party given by Princess Mathilde. The verse is aimed at
Napoleon III.
In their imperial splendor,
The uncle and nephew are equal:
The uncle seized the capitals,
The nephew seizes our capital.
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Proudhon, Pierre:Joseph, 58, 279, 297, 380, 413, 574, 598, 624-625, 637, 647, 667, 668, 711, 724, 728, 730, 731, 735, 791, 793, 794; on Hegel and Marx, 733; on production, 734 Proust, Marcel, 1
Poe, Edgar Allan,
Saint-Simon, HemifSaint-Simonianism,
Sue, Eugene
TIllers, Adolphe,
lousseue1, Alphonse,
Valery, Paul,
To say that Fashion took over the destinies of the fine arts is as much as to say that commercial interests were creeping in.
To say that Fashion took over the destinies of the fine arts is as much as to say that commercial interests were creeping in.
Vigny, Alfred de,
Wagner, Richard
W'iertz, Antoine:Joseph,
ZoIa, Emile, 5