Lives of Confucius:Civilization’s Greatest Sage Through the Ages
作者: 戴梅可, 魏偉森
原文作者: Michael Nylam, Thomas Wilson
譯者: 何劍葉
戴梅可(Michael Nylan)、魏偉森(Thomas Wilson)兩位作者是美國漢學領域的資深教授。他們以史實為依據,敘事風格時而活潑有趣,時而揶揄諷刺,使本書既有深厚的學術基礎,又具有很強的可讀性。
戴梅可(Michael Nylan)
魏偉森(Thomas Wilson)
中文版序 戴梅可 vii
第一章 《史記》和《論語》中的孔子 戴梅可 1
第二章 孔子和他的批評者 戴梅可 37
第三章 孔子:素王 戴梅可 89
第四章 漢至宋傳說中的孔聖人 魏偉森 129
第五章 至聖與廟祀:禮儀與教義 魏偉森 175
第六章 在宗廟與祠堂裏的孔聖人 魏偉森 211
第七章 現代世界對孔子的招魂 戴梅可 245
後記 戴梅可 313
關於本書的寫作 魏偉森 337
附錄 美國人眼裏的中國人 347
自從20世紀80年代中華人民共和國開始重提孔子以來,成百上千以「孔子」為主題的圖書隨著這股「文化熱」應運而生,更不用說那些持續不斷的電視節目和數不勝數的學術活動。孔子學院如雨後春筍般湧現在世界各地。不過,這些由中國政府支持的努力卻在海外影響甚微。近年來出現的關於孔子「道統」衣鉢的激烈論爭,還有把新出土的寫本文獻歸於杜撰的「思孟學派」與「稷下學派」的做法,都使得歐裔美國人感到厭煩。1他們認為迄今為止這些官方和半官方的努力,只會把儒家思想的內容降格為含糊不清的現代中國特性(modern Chinese identity)的「標記」,而這些特性是專門為同化或者整合不同人群而設計的。1940年代,電影導演費穆已經認識到:歸功於孔子和他的追隨者的著作實際上對當權者提出了嚴峻的挑戰。但這一點,在最近的「孔子熱」中很少有人提及。
美國哲學家李亦理(Lee Yearley)曾經指出,傳統大師通常提出激進的觀點,他們的追隨者們則不斷使之常規化。沒有什麼比于丹版本的孔子思想,或兜售於中國的各大院校和旅遊中心的「輕鬆版」孔子更平易近人的了。弔詭的是,在現實中這樣的「促銷」反而削弱了東亞以外的人嚴肅思考孔子的可能性,因為他們無法從枯燥抽象的境界出發,就如何應用孔子的說教來解決當代的任何危機而提出最基本的問題。比如:
伯納德.威廉姆斯(Bernard Williams, 1929–2003),一位當代偉大的哲學家之一,這樣說:
(早期思想家的)倫理思想......不僅與大多數現代思想不同——尤其是那些受基督教影響的現代思想——而且,它也完善得多……因為這個思想體系基本上缺乏關於所謂的道德的概念。(按照康德對「道德」概念的解釋,「道德」是完全與「務實」相對的。)某種意義上它是一種理性或者需求, 與其他形式的理性或需求有著很大的不同......在社會中和更個人的空間裏,一個人與他人的關係如何被規範,這樣的問題與「什麼是有意義的生活」是密切相關的。
對那些研究複雜文化問題的學者來說,最關注的問題是,孔子與其他幾位身分非凡的人(如耶穌和蘇格拉底)如何不斷地被解讀,引起爭論和受到崇拜,作為「空洞的象徵」在廣泛的宗教崇祀、社會經濟發展和教育活動中被重新利用,並最終影響到幾乎所有的社會層面,上至天子(或者現在的中共領導人),下至平民。近年來,在中國之外的歐美國家中,對中國文化感興趣的學者傾向於不把早期儒家學說的重要性定位於「世俗人文主義」,而是在體現和睦社會「享樂文化」(alive to pleasure)的日常禮儀上,在慶祝「業餘理想」上,2 以及在對那些屢遭挫折而「堅持不懈」的高貴人物的仰慕上——這些人不遺餘力地致力於這樣的艱巨任務:為眾多生活在非人性化條件下的人們詮釋什麼是人類文明。
赫伯特.芬格萊特(Herbert Fingarette)有如下一段評論:
1無論是新出土文獻還是傳世文獻都不能證明:(1)在古典時代「學派」的存在;(2)「稷下學派」的存在。請參見Michael Nylan and Mark Csikszentmihalyi,“Constructing Lineages and Inventing Traditions through Exemplary Figures in Early China,”T’oung Pao 89 (2003), 1–41; Nathan Sivin,“The Myth of the Naturalists,”in Medicine,Philosophy and Religion in Ancient China: Researches and Reflections (Aldershot, Eng.; Brookfield, Vt.: Variorum, 1995), Chapter 4.
2「業餘理想」是已故加州大學伯克利分校列文森教授(Joseph R. Levenson)在他的《儒教中國及其現代命運》(Confucian China and Its Modern Fate)一書中提出的概念。所謂「業餘理想」是相對於作為現代精神的理性化、專業化而言,指儒家的人格形態是全面型的,在專業分工越來越細的現代工業社會裏,儒家的「業餘理想」與現代社會所需要的專業技術性人才是相對立的,所以儒家所代表的這種人格形態很難在現代文明社會生存。
Zone Books: An independent publisher since 1985
Zone Books: An independent publisher since 1985
我以前讀的都由 The MIT Press 出版,下面的The Chinese Pleasure Book 。
Princeton University Press 出版,如:
From acclaimed historian Caroline Walker Bynum, Dissimilar Similitudes: Devotional Objects in Late Medieval Europe is a mesmerizing account of how medieval European Christians envisioned the paradoxical nature of holy objects. Out today in hardcover and ebook editions: https://hubs.ly/H0x7Lfp0
Zone Books

Dissimilar Similitudes
From an acclaimed historian, a mesmerizing account of how medieval Europe
Zone Books
A New Interview
A Q&A with Michael Nylan
October 19th, 2018
Now up on the MIT Press blog, Michael Nylan provides a short interview unpacking The Chinese Pleasure Book. Click here to learn more about the book. Click here to read the full interview. An excerpt appears below:
Q: “Did researching pleasure help you find it in your own life?”
A: “Yes, absolutely. When one is translating classical Chinese, one has to think about the precise word to translate the precise pleasure being described, and rolling those ideas over in the mind is marvelous. Also, I have enjoyed discussing the book, even the problems in writing the book, with trusted friends and with some new acquaintances.”
Q: “Could you describe your own philosophy of pleasure?”
A: “I am a firm believer in the Chinese model, which says first, that I have no identity apart from my social engagements, and second, that different parts of me will come to the fore in different social engagements, and all of them belong to the situation as it unfolds. Another firm belief: I recently read in The New York Times that neuroscientists are debating whether the pleasures to be had from watching porn are or are not the same as those to be had from viewing the “Mona Lisa.” I believe they are not the same, although I do not expect to be able to prove it. The Chinese do not use the word “pleasure” for many short-term delights, nor do they expect to be relieved of pain in life.”
An independent publisher since 1985
Princeton University Press 出版,如:
From acclaimed historian Caroline Walker Bynum, Dissimilar Similitudes: Devotional Objects in Late Medieval Europe is a mesmerizing account of how medieval European Christians envisioned the paradoxical nature of holy objects. Out today in hardcover and ebook editions: https://hubs.ly/H0x7Lfp0
Zone Books

Dissimilar Similitudes
From an acclaimed historian, a mesmerizing account of how medieval Europe
Zone Books
A New Interview
A Q&A with Michael Nylan
October 19th, 2018
Now up on the MIT Press blog, Michael Nylan provides a short interview unpacking The Chinese Pleasure Book. Click here to learn more about the book. Click here to read the full interview. An excerpt appears below:
Q: “Did researching pleasure help you find it in your own life?”
A: “Yes, absolutely. When one is translating classical Chinese, one has to think about the precise word to translate the precise pleasure being described, and rolling those ideas over in the mind is marvelous. Also, I have enjoyed discussing the book, even the problems in writing the book, with trusted friends and with some new acquaintances.”
Q: “Could you describe your own philosophy of pleasure?”
A: “I am a firm believer in the Chinese model, which says first, that I have no identity apart from my social engagements, and second, that different parts of me will come to the fore in different social engagements, and all of them belong to the situation as it unfolds. Another firm belief: I recently read in The New York Times that neuroscientists are debating whether the pleasures to be had from watching porn are or are not the same as those to be had from viewing the “Mona Lisa.” I believe they are not the same, although I do not expect to be able to prove it. The Chinese do not use the word “pleasure” for many short-term delights, nor do they expect to be relieved of pain in life.”
An independent publisher since 1985