2007年8月27日 星期一

Dictionary of Printing and Publishing

P. H. Collin (1997) Dictionary of Printing and Publishing 英漢雙解 出版印刷詞典 北京外語教學與研究 2003
原書收入詞不廣 無圖
缺許多 如 Wikipedia article "Microprinting".

翻譯粗糙--解釋都未翻譯 類似名詞對照

2007年8月26日 星期日

Japan in the Passing Lane: An Insider's Account of Life in a Japanese Auto Factory

Japan in the Passing Lane: An Insider's Account of Life in a Japanese Auto Factory
這可能是第一本西方記者體會Toyota公工廠生活的肅殺之紀律 奉承上司之作

Japan in the passing lane : an insider's account of life in a Japanese auto factory / Satoshi Kamata ; translated and edited by Tatsuru Akimoto ; introduction by Ronald Dore
出版項 New York : Pantheon Books, c1982

館藏地 索書號 條碼 狀態
總圖2F人社資料區 HD8039.A82 J3413 1982 2235903 可流通

Wikipedia article "Passing lane".

passing lane
Diagram showing lanes and road layout, with Irish road markings.
Diagram showing lanes and road layout, with Irish road markings.

A passing lane is the lane on a multi-lane highway or motorway closest to the center of the road (the central reservation).

In North American terminology, the passing lane is often known as a left lane or leftmost lane, due to left hand drive (driving on the right). In British/Irish terminology, the passing lane is termed an outer lane or outside lane, while a normal lane nearer the hard shoulder is termed an inner lane (or inside lane). Note that in some other countries, like Hungary and Australia, the passing lane is called the inner lane (belső sáv in Hungarian), because this lane is the closest to the middle of the road, thus it is the innermost.

In modern traffic planning, passing lanes on freeways are usually designed for through/express traffic, while the inner lanes have entry/exit ramps. However, many freeways often have ramps on the passing lane, these are known as "left exits" in North America.

A passing lane is often colloquially referred to as a fast lane because it is often used for extended periods of time for thru traffic or fast traffic. In theory, a passing lane should only be used for passing, thus allowing, even on a road with only two lanes in each direction, motorists to travel at their own pace. Good driving practice is to slip out of the passing lane once slower cars have been passed. The "fast lane" is also the most commonly used lane for speed limit law breakers (speeders).[citation needed] Many argue that the passing lane should be used for long-term use by fast drivers for long distance travel.[citation needed] Arguments in favor of this idea include decreasing the frequency of traffic jams and highway efficiency.[1]

2007年8月25日 星期六

Exploring Requirements : Quality before Design-

探索需求—設計前的質量』北京:清華大學出版社 2004

這本書的一些"譯注"都讓我傻眼 它們懷疑原作可能有誤
直徑大的紛筆 似乎不該用 thicker (對的) 而應為fatter

Frank Lloyd Wright (June 8 1867April 9 1959) was one of the world's most prominent and influential architects. 是飛機發明的萊特兄弟之第弟弟
(Brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright built and flew the first airplane in human history. The brothers were engineers and tinkerers who founded the Wright Cycle Comany in Dayton, Ohio in 1892.)

巴黎艾菲鐵塔的傾斜電梯 應是 Pisa塔

    Exploring Requirements : Quality before Design-US-
    ISBN:9780932633132 (Hard cover book)
    Gause, Donald C. /Weinberg, Gerald M. /Publisher:Dorset House Published 1989/09 入手不能(Not Available)

《曹寅與康熙:包衣與主子》(Ts`ao Yin and the K`ang-hsi Emperor:Bondservant and Master,


Jonathan Spence (史景遷)注《曹寅康熙:包衣主子》(Ts`ao Yin and the K`ang-hsi Emperor:Bondservant and Master, Second edition September 1988

或許因為「包衣」為專名 無吸引力,市場取書名副標題:《曹寅康熙 :一個皇室寵臣的生涯揭秘》。這對比堪玩味:原書為學術書、翻譯本想當普通書。

這是 Jonathan Spence 比較少為洋文所引用的。我學到江寧織造(其功用如此複雜而重要,真是寫「組織史」的好樣版:書中幾次談到質量之問題 ……..2007年 當初沒記下 現在不知所雲)等:

《紅樓夢》作者曹雪芹的祖父曹寅( His grandfather, Tsao Yin, was in charge of the Silk Bureau in Nanking ...of Kang Hsi, and when the emperor travelled south he put up in this bureau. ...

Jonathan Spence 基本的出發點是 大觀園為曹雪芹的童年(約12-3歲前)之記憶的再創造。


bond·ser·vant (bŏnd'sûr'vənt) pronunciation
  1. A person obligated to service without wages.
  2. A slave or serf.


『最大的小發明:螺絲與螺絲刀』( One Good Turn: A Natural History of the Screwdriver and the Screw


台北貓頭鷹出版社 Witold Rybczynski 三書:

『等待周末:周休二日的起源意義』 梁永安 2004 Waiting for the weekend W Rybczynski - 1991 - New York, NY, USA: Viking

『金窩、銀窩、狗窩:人類打造舒適家居的歷史』 20011 Home: A Short History of an Idea W Rybczynski - 1987 - New York, NY: Penguin Books

螺絲、起子演化史 』吳光亞 2001 One good turn: a natural history of the screwdriver and the screw W Rybczynski - 2000 - New York: Scribner


2001 年的『螺絲、起子演化史 』在 2004年大陸重新翻譯:

『最大的小發明:螺絲螺絲刀』( One Good Turn: A Natural History of the Screwdriver and the Screw螺絲、起子演化史》是機械天才偉大發現的故事,帶領讀者漫遊自古希臘到維多利亞時代的蘇格蘭大港格拉斯哥,探索義大利文藝復興時期的武器設計,到美國工業時代的汽車設計。作者以一向優美、清晰的敘述,為這個改變文明走向的工具塑造新形象。

這種器具史類的書 很有學問(本書還只有大體說明而已,不過它也提出許多諸如「機械天才」之特質等。 THIS TS A WEIGHTY SUBJECT WORTH YOU SET TEETH IN?)。我們也可以學點英文。譬如說, One good turn deserves another. 意思為『行善積德』;

do (sb) a good turn OLD-FASHIONED

to do something kind which helps someone else

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

他是從O.E. D等英美辭典和法國百科全書等圖書來溯源英法文 SCREWDRIVER 的歷史

『最大的小發明:螺絲螺絲刀』將 Shingler's Hammer 翻譯成鍛造用器具,應為錯誤它用在修 屋頂板,等等 SHINGLER'S HAMMER



I am a bit down. The best tool is hardly a weighty subject as the best architecture or the best city, topics I could really sink my teeth into.

了解它必須知道作者以前的出書: 1995之書City life: urban expectations in a new world
W Rybczynski - 1995 - New York: Scribner

The perfect house: a journey with the Renaissance master Andrea Palladio
W Rybczynski - 2002 – Scribner

黎辛斯基 Witold Rybczynski 為波蘭裔,1943 年出生於愛丁堡,在英國加拿大的耶穌會學校進學。他獲有蒙特婁麥基爾(McGill )大學的建築學士(1960碩士(1972)學位,著有五十多項關於房屋、建築、科技主題的著述,包括《馴虎》、《紙英雄》、《世上最美麗的房屋》、《等候週末》、《漫游建築世界》、《城市生活》( City Life),以及使他榮獲克里斯多福獎( Christopher Award)和魯卡斯獎( J. Anthony Lukas Prize)的《遠方林中的空地》,最新作品為《螺絲、起子演化史》。他定期為《大西洋月刊》、《紐約客》雜誌、《紐約時報雜誌》及《紐約書評》撰稿,目前則任教於賓州大學。

讀者可參考 http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=Witold+Rybczynski+&hl=en&lr=&lr=&start=20&sa=N

Paper heroes: a review of appropriate technology
W Rybczynski - 1980 - Garden City, NY: Anchor Press/Doubleday
The most beautiful house in the world
W Rybczynski - 1990 - New York, NY, USA: Penguin Books

2007/8/25 重翻新買的 稍微補充

Wikipedia article "Henry Chapman Mercer".

Henry Chapman Mercer (b. June 24 1856, Doylestown, Pennsylvania - d. 1930, Bucks County, Pennsylvania).

Henry Chapman Mercer was born in Doylestown, Pennsylvania in 1856. He was educated at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Mercer, however, only practiced law for a short period of time. The University of Pennsylvania Museum appointed Mercer as the Curator of American and Prehistoric Archeology in the early 1890's. Leaving his position with the Museum in the late 1890's, Mercer devoted himself to finding old American artifacts and learning about German pottery. Mercer believed that the American society was being destroyed by industrialism, which inspired his search for American Artifacts. Mercer founded Moravian Pottery and Tile Works in 1898 after apprenticing himself to a Pennsylvania German potter. Mercer was also influenced by the American Arts and Crafts Movement.

Henry Mercer is well known for his research and books about ancient tool making, his ceramic tile creations, and his engineering and architecture. Major accomplishments included the assembly of the collection of early American tools now housed in the Mercer Museum. Mercer's tile work which makes up the floor of the Pennsylvania State Capitol Building in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and many other noteworthy buildings and houses. In the Pennsylvania State Capitol, Mercer created a series of mosaic images for the floor of the building. The series of four hundred mosaics trace the history of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania from prehistoric times. The Pennsylvania State Capitol is the largest single collection of Mercer's tiles. Other collections of tiles by Mercer can be found at Rockefeller's New York estate, Grauman's Chinese Theater, and the casino at Monte Carlo.

The Bucks County Historical Society now owns Fonthill, which is open to the public, as is the Mercer Museum. The Moravian Pottery and Tile Works is owned and operated by the Bucks County Department of Parks & Recreation. These three buildings make up "the Mercer Mile". All three buildings were designed and constructed by Henry Mercer in the early part of the 20th century.

Henry Ford stated that the Mercer museum was the only museum worth visiting in the US, and the Mercer Museum was apparently Henry Ford's inspiration for his own museum, The Henry Ford, located in Dearborn, Michigan. The Mercer Museum houses over forty thousand artifacts from early American society.

Henry Mercer wrote extensively on his interests, which included Archeology, Early tool making, German stove plates, and ceramics.

He died in 1930 at Fonthill, the house he designed and constructed from reinforced concrete in 1908-1912.

Publications by Henry Mercer

  • The Bible in Iron
  • The Lenape Stone
  • Ancient Carpenters tools
  • Guidebook To The Tiled Pavement In The Pennsylvania State Capitol
  • The Hill-caves of Yucatan

Many books and articles have been written about Henry Mercer and his work:

Publications about Henry Mercer

  • Henry Chapman Mercer and the Moravian Pottery and Tile Works by Cleota Reed
  • Design and Construction Techniques of an American Vernacular Architect: The Work of Dr. Henry Chapman Mercer 1982 MIT Master of Architecture Thesis by Kurt Eichenberger

External links

Henry Maudslay


LEAN的著名書籍『改變世界的機器』("The Machine That Changed the

換句話說,Michael A. Cusumano (著)和Kentaro Nobeoka (著)所說的『超越精實思想』或『超越精益思想』,不過是名詞上,而非實質上之「超越」。我們看其副標題可知::『超越精實思想:多專案開發管理方式如何讓豐田等公司的產品開發轉型』


Preface 序
Acknowledgments 謝詞

1: Introduction: Beyond "Lean" in Product Development導論:超越產品開發之"精實"思想:管理方式如何讓豐田等公司的轉型』超越精實思想:多專案開發管理方式如何讓豐田等公司的轉型』超越精實思想:發管理方式如何讓豐田等公司的轉型』


2: The Toyota Benchmark: Multi-Project Development Centers 以豐田作為標竿:多專案開發中心
3: Organizing Product Development in the World Auto Industry 在世界汽車市場中組織產品開發之方式
4: Strategies for Product Development and Multiple Projects產品開發與多專案開之策略
5: Multi-Project Strategies and Project Performance 諸多專案策略與專案績效
6: Multi-Project Strategies and Company Performance諸多專案策略與公司績效
7: Organizational Requirements for Effective Multi-Project Management有效的多專案管理之組織要求
8: Implications and Lessons for Managers 對於經理主管的意義和參考教訓
Appendices 附錄
Endnotes 注
References 參考資料
Index 索引
About the Authors

這是全世界汽車業主要公司的產品開發組織之探討。其中也提到 :Chrysler和 Mazda等公司以傳統的開發方式大獲成功。


2007年8月24日 星期五


談點詞典之翻譯和量詞之英漢詞典 2004年)


這本牛津英語同義詞詞典(英漢版),我在2002-05 用得相當多。



譬如說,將CALCULATED 翻譯成「故意的」。這只能說部分適用。詳後英文例。它有趣之處是收 CALCULATING (專為自己打算的).....

昨日的「合作社Newsletter」說:「許久沒張華兄之信息,可否請梁兄轉此信問候。最近台北可買到大陸與牛津大學出版社合作翻譯出版的中英對照本:Advanced Learner Dictionary (北京:商務;這本書上版的翻譯可能是10多年前,有翻譯評論,風評不錯。)和Concise Oxford Dictionary(北京:外文研究;這本根據1995年的英文版,不過英文版已有2004新版),不知道他有沒「研究」……

planned or arranged in order to produce a particular effect:
It was a cruel, calculated crime with absolutely no justification.
[+ to infinitive] It's a policy that was hardly calculated to (= will not) win votes.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

calculated risk noun [C]
a risk which you consider worth taking because the result, if it is successful, will be so good:
The director took a calculated risk in giving the film's main role to an unknown actor.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

2007年8月16日 星期四

“哈耶克的挑戰”Hayek's Challenge: An Intellectual Biography of F. A. Hayek


Bruce Caldwell, Hayek’s Challenge: An Intellectual Biography of F.A. Hayek,

Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004. (xi+489pp.)


   那是1982年的夏天,我在紐約大學一個學年的博士後就要結束。幾年以前,我作為一名助教,以一項經濟思想史的專業研究穫得了經濟學博士學位。我的論文有 個一本正經的學究式題目:“從科學哲學的觀點看經濟學方法論”。我去紐約大學的部分原因是,我想把它改寫成一本人們確實願意讀的書,此外,我還想在那兒研 究一下奧地利人的經濟學,或者更確切地說,進一步了解奧地利人獨特的方法論觀點。它們與主流經濟學家的實證主義話語大不相同,實際上是跟這種話語針鋒相對 的。我尤其想進一步了解米瑟斯所提倡的那種怪怪的。先驗主義方法論,至於哈耶克,我對他幾乎還一無所知。

  如果您想了解奧地利人的運動,紐約大 學是個好去處。那兒有(至今仍有)為研究奧地利經濟學而設的正式課程。除了課程之外,還有每周的討論課、教職基金、博士後和研究生。我在那兒的一年裏,教 師有伊斯萊爾‧基爾澤納爾、馬裏奧‧裏佐、傑裏‧奧德里斯考和路德維希‧拉曼(春季學期)。拉裏‧懷特任客座教授,理查‧朗格盧瓦是博士後,還有十幾名學 生,其中包括唐‧波德魯、馬克‧布萊迪、桑迪‧伊科達、羅傑‧科普爾、庫特‧舒勒和喬治‧塞爾金。這裡人才薈萃,對我而言是一段非常豐富的經歷。

   那年春天,傑裏‧奧德里斯考遞給我一本特倫斯‧哈奇森的書,然後問我:“哈奇森認為哈耶克有過一次一百八十度的大轉彎,你怎麼看?”哈奇森曾說,哈耶克 在20世紀30年代經歷了一次“方法論上一百八十度的大轉變”。更確切地說,他認為哈耶克在1937年發表的“經濟學與知識”一文,標志著哈耶克已脫離了 米瑟斯的先驗主義立場,轉向哲學家卡爾‧波普提出的證偽主義方法論(Hutchison 1981,chap﹒7;另見Hayek [1937]1948a)。

  我對這種說法頗為不解。我在做博士論文時深入研究過波普的思想,當時對米瑟斯的觀點也有較多的了解。坦率地說,難 以想像還有比他們兩人更加南轅北轍的兩種觀點了。一個人怎麼可能發生如此大的變化,從一種觀點轉向另一種觀點呢?然而同樣千真萬確的是,哈耶克是他們兩人 的好友。哈奇森是數一數二的思想史專家,而且是那個時代的過來人,他提供了詳盡的文本證據來支援自己的看法。因此,哈奇森的說法帶來了一個謎。正是為了解 開這個謎,我開始專攻哈耶克。從此以後便潛心於此,儘管有些關心我的朋友也曾好言相勸,別把自己那麼多的雞蛋放在一個籃子裏。我希望在這篇導言裏解釋一下 自己矢志於此的若幹原因。

  經濟學家哈耶克在其學術生涯的最初八九年裏是用德語寫作。後來,至少直到1962年去德國以前,他主要是用英語寫 作。也許是採用新的語言表達思想的新鮮感和挑戰,他在選擇標題上十分用心,有時用它們來暗示另一些著作。譬如他在倫敦經濟學院的演說“經濟思想的趨勢”便 暗示著《經濟學的趨勢》,一本由雷克斯福德‧圖格維爾編輯、十年前在美國出版的著作(見Hayek[1933]1991c;Tugwell[1924] 1930)。他的知名度最高的著作《通往奴役之路》([1944]1976b),標題是取自托克維爾的一句話“通往奴役之路(the road to servitude)”(見Hayek 1983b,76)。另外,我估計,他在芬萊講座上的講稿“個人主義:真與假”[1946]1948c),也是在暗指奧斯卡‧王爾德的“社會主義制度下人 的靈魂”這篇文章中一段有關個人主義的話。

  有時標題還包含著多層含義。使哈奇森認為哈耶克有個“方法論上一百八十度大轉彎”的那篇文章,即 “經濟學與知識”,便是其中之一。它的主題是經濟學理論做出的有關實踐者的知識的假說,但也涉及經濟學家本人能夠知道什麼。對哈耶克的諾貝爾獎演說“知識 的僭妄”([1975]1978a)也可以做如是觀。我本人的標題“哈耶克的挑戰”便是遵循著哈耶克的引導,這個標題是指圍繞他的著作出現的多種挑戰。



第一卷 奧地利學派及其對手:歷史主義者、

第1章 門格爾的《經濟學原理》
第2章 德國歷史學派
第3章 方法之爭
第4章 馬克斯‧韋伯和歷史學派的衰落
第5章 實證主義和社會主義

第二卷 哈耶克的旅程

第6章 哈耶克在維也納
第7章 貨幣理論和方法論
第8章 哈耶克在倫敦經濟學院
第9章 20世紀30年代的幾次方法論論戰
第10章 “經濟學與知識”和哈耶克的轉變
第11章 理性濫用的研究計劃
第12章 個人主義和感覺的秩序
第13章 規則、秩序和進化

第三卷 哈耶克的挑戰

第14章 旅程的結束:哈耶克的多重遺產
第15章 結束語:對20世紀經濟學的反思


譯者(sic )簡介:
  布魯斯‧考德維爾(Bruce Caldwell):北卡羅來納大學經濟系教授,著有《超越實證主義:二十世紀的經濟學方法》和《經濟思想史》等書;曾任美國經濟史學會會長和《哈耶克全集》的主編。


Hayek's Challenge: An intellectual biography of F.A. Hayek.

橋本努 書評

Bruce Caldwell, Hayek’s Challenge: An Intellectual Biography of F.A. Hayek,

Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004. (xi+489pp.)

経済学史研究』(旧「経済学史年報」)47-1, 2005.6. 115-117

2007年8月14日 星期二

Child’s Play Has Become Anything but Simple


Child’s Play Has Become Anything but Simple

Christopher Capozziello for The New York Times

Howard P. Chudacoff, a history professor at Brown University.

Published: August 14, 2007

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — For children, play is easy. You can do it anytime, anywhere, with anyone, and it’s fun. For adults, play is hard. They want to know if it’s safe for their kids, if it’s educational, if it promotes motor coordination, if it’s environmentally friendly, if it will look good on a preschool application.

The tension between how children spend their free time and how adults want them to spend it runs through Howard P. Chudacoff’s new book, “Children at Play: An American History” (New York University Press), like a yellow line smack down the middle of a highway.

“Kids should have their own world, and parents are nuisances,” said Mr. Chudacoff, a professor of history at Brown University.

His critique is increasingly echoed today by parents, educators and children’s advocates who warn that organized activities, overscheduling and excessive amounts of homework are crowding out free time and constricting children’s imaginations and social skills.

“It seems like a really timely book,” said Cindy Dell Clark, a historian at Penn State Delaware County and a consultant to the Please Touch Museum in Philadelphia. “We’ve taken a lot of privacy and autonomy out of a child’s day.”

The topic may seem an odd choice for Mr. Chudacoff, 64, given that he has no children of his own, but then again, Mr. Chudacoff is also the author of a book about bachelors (“The Age of the Bachelor,” Princeton University Press, 1999) even though he has been married for nearly 40 years.

He became interested in the idea for this latest book after coming across a book from the 1950s by Robert Paul Smith titled “Where Did You Go? Out. What Did You Do? Nothing.”

“He was trying to show that adults can be too intrusive,” Mr. Chudacoff explained. Children want to keep their world private, and “it was that world outside of adulthood that I tried to get access to.”

It was a hot, muggy day in Providence, and Mr. Chudacoff was standing in the middle of a small, brightly colored playground with a rubberized base beneath the swings and soft wooden chips around the plastic slide and monkey bars. With school out, many children were at camp or on vacation or in an air-conditioned living room watching television. Wherever they were, though, they were not here. The playground was deserted.

Playgrounds first found their way to the United States from Germany in the 1880s. They spread after the turn of the 20th century, Mr. Chudacoff said, with the idea of keeping children, particularly immigrant and working-class boys, from running wild on the streets of growing cities and from the seductive lure of pool halls and penny arcades.

Boys and girls were segregated, and trained supervisors kept watch. The idea was not simply to provide a play space but also to instill virtue.

Playground supervision “makes it a school of character and of all the social virtues,” Henry S. Curtis, a psychologist who helped form the Playground Association of America in 1906, declared, “whilst the unsupervised playground is apt to get into the hands of older boys, who should be working, and train the children in all of the things they ought not to be trained in.”

Today playgrounds are once again a topic of public debate, only now concerns for educational and environmental values have replaced moral ones. An environmentally friendly restroom with a planted roof and walls is planned for a playground that a celebrity architect, Frank Gehry, has agreed to build in Battery Park in Lower Manhattan.

Meanwhile, the Rockwell Group has designed a play area for South Street Seaport in Lower Manhattan that is based on the “adventure playgrounds” popular in Europe, where there are lots of loose parts, like blocks and buckets, so that children can express their creativity.

What strikes Mr. Chudacoff about the new designs, though, is their built-in need for attendants or “facilitators” — evidence of the familiar impulse to impose adult control.

As Ms. Clark notes, “Parents are thinking that they’re helping kids with play that has a goal.” But she adds, “It’s not really play, because play is something that’s self-determined.”

Mr. Chudacoff grew up in Omaha, the eldest of three children. In the late 1950s and early ’60s, he worked in his uncle’s toy distributing business during summer holidays. “I worked in the warehouse, loading and unloading toys, and packing boxes to be shipped,” he said.

It was right around the time that the toy business was transforming itself. In 1955 “The Mickey Mouse Club” had its premiere on television, running five days a week and sponsored partly by the Mattel Toy Company. Mr. Chudacoff quotes Sydney Ladensohn Stern and Ted Schoenhaus in their book, “Toyland: The High-Stakes Game of the Toy Industry”:

“Mattel’s decision to advertise toys to children on national television 52 weeks a year so revolutionized the industry that it is not an exaggeration to divide the history of the American toy business into two eras, before and after television.”

It divides the history of play, too, Mr. Chudacoff said, because while commercial toys have almost completely colonized children’s free time, for most of history, play primarily meant roaming around the countryside or improvising with objects found or made at home.

Mr. Chudacoff led the way to a small, old-fashioned Providence toy store, Creatoyvity, which carries hardly any toys licensed from television and movies. Mr. Chudacoff looked over the figures of knights and kings, gorillas, giraffes, cows, monkeys, rhinos, chickens and dinosaurs, as well as the beads, blocks, paint, glitter, trucks, cranes, tractors and wooden toys imported from Germany.

“It’s a toy store rather than an entertainment center,” Mr. Chudacoff said, explaining that with so much commercial licensing, toys have become more of an offshoot of the television and film industries than elements of play.

One result is that a toy comes with a prepackaged back story and ready-made fantasy life, he said, meaning that “some of the freedom is lost, and unstructured play is limited.”

Video games put more of a straitjacket on imagination, he complains. And online versions of traditional games like Monopoly don’t permit players to make up their own rules (like winning money when you land on Free Parking), to harvest the fake money and dice for an altogether different game or even to cheat.

Janet Golden, a historian at Rutgers University in Camden, N.J., who is writing a history of babies in the 20th century, points out that when Dr. Seuss’s “Cat in the Hat” was published, in 1957, there were “objections to children using their imaginations — it was subversive” for them to be on their own without the watchful eyes of a mother.

Looking back at diaries, baby books and letters before World War II, Ms. Golden described how people would matter-of-factly write about how “the baby fell down the staircase, the baby fell out of the window.” It used to be accepted, she said, “that in the world, there was a lot of danger, and things happened.”

Sitting on the edge of a slide in the Providence playground, Mr. Chudacoff said that he has two great-nieces who go to a nearby elementary school that doesn’t permit children in kindergarten through third grade to run, jump rope or throw balls during recess for fear of accidents.

“What do they want them to do?,” he said, shaking his head, “stand around and buy drugs?”

2007年8月13日 星期一





我今天問其弟弟【冊府 何意?


教育部國語辭典 注音一式 ㄘㄜˋ ㄈㄨˇ

解釋:古代帝王藏書之所。晉書˙卷七十二˙葛洪傳˙史臣曰:紬奇冊府,總百代之遺編。唐˙楊 ˙原州百泉縣令李君神道碑:窺上帝之兵鈴,入先王之冊府。或作策府


冊府是帝王藏書的地方元龜是大龜﹐古代用以占卜國家大事。 ... 其中唐﹑五代史事部分﹐是的精華所在﹐不少史料為該書所僅見

冊府元龜"The Prime Tortoise of the Record Bureau".

Chinese Literature
Cefu yuangui
冊府元龜 "The Prime Tortoise of the Record Bureau"


The strange title of this political encyclopedia is interpreted as "Guiding lights". It was compiled under the guidance of Wang Qinruo 王欽若 (d. 1025) and published in 1013. It comprises 31 sections, reaching from emperor, feudal rulers, palaces, ancestral temples, consort clans, chancellor, generals, to the particular offices of the historiographers, academicians, rites officials, inspectors, eunuchs, and so on.

Quality Times No.122, May 9, 07;品質時報 第122期:07年5月9日(週三 ).

07年8月13日(週一 )「漢國冊府」綑綁完全 打算搬到台中 不知所終

The World's Worsts : A Compendium of the Most Ridiculous Feats, Facts, & Fools of All Time

The World's Worsts : A Compendium of the Most Ridiculous Feats, Facts, & Fools of All Time
by Les Krantz (Author) "In 2002 the Motion Picture Academy finally righted a wrong and gave Peter O'Toole an honorary Oscar for his body of work..." (more)
Key Phrases: United States, New York, Los Angeles (more...)


北京:三聯 2006

Excerpts from `The Best of the World's Worst'

Here are some of the world's "worsts," excerpted from "The Best of the World's Worst" by Stan Lee (General Publishing Group, $10).

That's right, the same Stan Lee that brought us Spiderman, the Fantastic Four and Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos.

The worst name for an artist: Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispin Crispiano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz Y Picasso or Pablo Picasso, for short.

The worst place to find a phone: The country of Chad in Africa has only one telephone per 1,673 people.

The worst nightclub: If you judge the quality of a nightclub by the number of police raids under its belt, then The Outer Limits is the place for you. By August of 1971, the club, opposite the Cow Palace in San Francisco, had been busted for the 150th time.

The worst way to stop a puck: From 1946 to 1971, Gordie Howe skated for the same hockey team, the Detroit Red Wings. Among the records he amassed during the 1,687 games in which he played, Howe received 500 stitches in his face.

Copyright 1995
Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights Reserved.

Robyn Sarah Good Poems for Hard Times

Good Poems for Hard Times

Good Poems for Hard Times
ISBN:9780670034369 (Hard cover book)
Keillor, Garrison (EDT) /Keillor, Garrison (INT) /Publisher:Viking Pr Published 2005/09

外貨定価:US$ 25.95 円換算額:\3,270 値引額:\328(10% OFF)
Price: \2,942(税込) (A)

"rivet (三本入門詞典)"

1 個意見 - 隱藏原本的文章

Definition rivet Show phonetics
noun [C]
a metal pin used to fasten flat pieces of metal or other thick materials such as leather

verb [T]
1 to fasten together with a rivet:
Many parts of an aircraft are riveted together.

2 be riveted to not be able to stop looking at something because it is so interesting or frightening:
It was an amazing film - I was absolutely riveted.
His eyes were riveted on the television.
He pulled out a gun and I was riveted to the spot (= so frightened that I could not move).

extremely interesting:
It was a riveting story.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

━━ n., vt. びょう[リベット](で留める,を打つ) ((on, to, together)); (愛情を)固める, 厚くする; (心・視線を)集中する, ひきつける ((on, upon)).
[Photo] riv・et・er ━━ n.
[Photo] rivet gun (自動式)リベット打込機.
[Photo] riv・et・ing ━━ a. 面白い, かっこいい, いかす.

三省堂提供「EXCEED 英和辞典

n. (名詞 noun) 鉚釘[C] vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb) 鉚,鉚接 They riveted the steel beams together.他們把鋼樑鉚接在一起。 固定;釘牢 Amy stood riveted to the spot and gazed at the entrance.艾美一動不動站在那裡,並緊盯著入口。 集中(目光、注意力);吸引[(+on/to)] Something in his appearance riveted our attention.他外表的某些特徵吸引了我們的注意力。He was riveted by the ancient pagoda.他的注意力被那座古塔吸引住了。

您是不是還想知道... rivet on

hanching chung 提到...

<一砂一世界>M型社會下流人的告白  ■南方朔
《2007/08/08 15:37》

 最近,美國著名作家凱洛( Garrison Keillor)編了一本有趣的詩集《艱苦時代必讀詩選》hc補。這本詩集計收詩一八五首,多數都是在談人碰到不如意事時的心情,有安慰、有自嘲、有諷謔。讀了這本詩集,很難不發出會心的苦笑。

 其中,我最喜歡的是加拿大女詩人蘿碧恩.莎拉( Rodyn Saroh, 1949- sic Robyn Sarah 才對--hc案 )所寫的這首詩:





  近年來,不但全世界,甚至各國國內,貧富差距都日益嚴重。這乃是日本專家所謂的「M型社會」或「下流社會」,愈來愈多人在這個結構下已身不由己的向下沉 淪。如果一個國家的政府無能,這種情況就會格外嚴重。M型社會再加上來幾次物價飆漲,連最基本的安穩日子都將愈來愈遙遠。

 而蘿碧恩.莎 拉的這首詩,所談的就是向下流社會流動的人底心情告白。她用的雖是古典的「人生如戲」這個隱喻,但卻更直接,而且更銳利。我們早已在不知不覺裡向下跌落, 跌到了中線以外;我們的人生戲,等於已換成了另一齣更差的戲。我們拒絕相信,但核對一下入場券,信封上寫的是我們的名字沒錯。

 而人生向 下沉淪,有如人生戲愈來愈差。有人不甘心,非要熬到最後一幕,看看是否會有轉機。但熬到最後又怎樣,結局已定,不可能再有讓人驚奇的意外。這就是我們的人 生,充滿了無可奈何。詩裡用「咒住」( Spellbound)」「鎖住」( Riveted)這兩個一般少用的字來形容人生下墜,身不由己,格外多出了命定主義的色彩。當我們讀了這樣的詩,在苦笑別人時,又何妨也苦笑我們自己吧!

2007年8月12日 下午 6:41

Robyn Sarah, Poems

The World Is Its Own Museum

Robyn Sarah

From: Questions About the Stars. London, ON: Brick, 1998.

The World Is Its Own Museum

What is this box of shapes
that I'm assembling?

It is not a question to ask.

Say I assemble a box of shapes
as every human does, because my eye,
lighting on them, likes them,
because "life" is an inversion of "file",
because the world is its own museum.

It is not a question to ask,
running one's finger over the
dusty contours of the unidentified.

I assemble a box of shapes
as every human does,
watching them gather dust
in their corner--as we all
clutter our corners with the unidentified.
We are collectors all, and our
collections are collectors too,
collecting dust.

Still I assemble a box of shapes
because my eye, lighting on them,
likes them--as my eye (come fresh
from the dazzle of afternoon
into the gloomy entranceway) lights too
with pleasure upon the hall
table where one has placed
the bowl of what's currently blooming.

2007年8月11日 星期六

新單位 新新單位

http://www. exvv.comhttp://www. exvv.comhttp://www. exvv.comhttp://www. exvv.comhttp://www. exvv.comhttp://www. exvv.comhttp://www. exvv.comhttp://www. exvv.comhttp://www. exvv.comhttp://www. exvv.com
著/ 格林 /2005.11.03出版
定價:250 元 /特價:85折! 213
日本人氣節目爆笑製作,「以『我不會亂來』邀女生上賓館」的老套指數有多高?本書「不借指數」飆破最高值,朋友拿去看絕對不會還!  被孩子問說我:..

著/ 格林 /2005.11.03出版
定價:250 元 /特價:85折! 213

  史上最高爆笑指數,日本狂賣20萬冊。日本各大報紙書評,富士電視臺綜藝節目、《產經新聞》、《Tokyo Walker》強力推薦!


01 奢華指數
02 年輕指數
03 叛逆指數
04 完結篇指數
05 專業指數
06 不孝指數
07 窮酸指數
08 煩人指數
09 慷慨指數
10 不協調指數
11 悶熱指數
12 邋遢指數
13 過人指數
14 焦急指數
15 麻煩指數
16 可恨指數
17 貼心指數
18 無聊指數
19 娘娘腔指數
20 了不起指數
21 丟臉指數
22 色情指數
23 靈活指數
24 厚顏指數
25 尷尬指數
26 日本指數
27 可怕指數
28 骯髒指數
29 帥氣指數
30 惡劣指數
31 無常指數


作者:[日]世界單位認定協人 ISBN號:756134019
譯者:葉凱翎  開本:16開
出版社:陜西師範大學出版社 裝幀:平裝本

2007年8月10日 星期五

Mind and the World Order

Lewis (1929), Mind and the World Order, is now seen as one of the most important 20th century works in epistemology.【{劉易斯文選}李園山編,北京:社會科學文獻出版社,2007。此書選譯第1-3章和第8章】

這本書 Deming 在 Out of the Crisis 有四處提到它:兩次指定參考第6-9章;另外兩處直接引文,意思類似下文:

An operational account of concepts mainly eliminates the ineffable: "If your hours are felt as twice as long as mine, your pounds twice as heavy, that makes no difference, which can be tested, in our assignment of physical properties to things." Hence a concept is but a relational pattern. But it does not follow that one ought to discard the world as it is experienced:

"In one sense, that of connotation, a concept strictly comprises nothing but an abstract configuration of relations. In another sense, its denotation or empirical application, this meaning is vested in a process which characteristically begins with something given and ends with something done in the operation which translates a presented datum into an instrument of prediction and control."

Clarence Irving Lewis

2007年8月9日 星期四

Murphy's Law莫非定律

Murphy's Law

Administrative aphorism stating that whatever can go wrong, will. The law originated with developmental engineer Ed Murphy in 1949, who was allegedly frustrated by a laboratory technician's error.


「才一洗車就下雨」、「才剛點上煙,公車就來」、「牙痛通常會在周六晚上發生」、「工具掉到地上,會滾到廚房裡最難拿的角落」、「另一排的隊伍移動 比較快,移到比較短的隊伍,那一排會突然變長」、「自助餐上你看準的那道菜,等排到了就會被前面的人拿走」、「如果你發現某個流程有四個破綻,而且都防範 了,那麼第五個會馬上出現」、「東西越重要,就壞的越嚴重」、「如果丟掉的東西又找回來,一定會有別的東西不見」、「等半天的電話,才出門就打來」、「如 果有兩種可能,不想要的會發生」、「問題走了,解決問題的人賴著不走…..不稱職的人一走,馬上會招募另一個來」、「到海外旅行,買了外匯隔天匯率就漲,回國把沒用的外匯賣掉,匯率又降」、「建設不是進度落後,要不就是超出預算」


Time's Arrow, Time's Cycle: Myth and Metaphor in the Discovery of Geological Time

Time's Arrow, Time's Cycle: 一本約20年前買過 讀過的書

封面是 Burnet's Frontispiece 21 此圖耶穌 Alpha Mu Omega (這句在
Hampton's Throne and Burners Frontispiece 181都出現 意義詳下

邊為過去 左邊為未來

Sample Cover
Cover may not depict

sine quibus non
In the most brutal, literal sense.

(Sine qua non - n., pl. sine qua nons; also sine quibus non [literally, without which not] something absolutely indispensable or essential. )

Alpha & Omega
Alpha and omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, and thus refer to the eternal nature of Christ.

Rev. 1:8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty." (NIV)

Season: Advent, Ascension Sunday


  1. 看,他乘著雲彩降來,眾目都要瞻望他,連那些刺透了他的人,也要瞻望他,地上的各種族都要哀悼他。的確這樣。阿們。
  2. 「我是『阿耳法』和『敖默加』,」那今在、昔在及將來永在的全能者上主天主這樣說。

Alpha and Omega(Gr.):始和終;原始與終結;阿耳法和敖默加:為希臘字母表之首尾兩字母「Α」和「Ω」;教會以此兩字母來代表天主,因祂是一切世物的起始與終結(默一8),聖史若望並用以指稱基督(默廿二13)。

Alpha Mu Omega
These letters are the initials for the Greeks words for "yesterday, today and forever," emphasizing not only Jesus' eternal nature, but His presence with us.
Hebr. 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (NIV)
  1. 你們應該記念那些曾給你們講過天主的道理,作過你們領袖的人,默想他們的生死,好效法他們的信德。
  2. 耶穌基督昨天、今天、直到永遠,常是一 樣。

Time's Arrow, Time's Cycle: Myth and Metaphor in the Discovery of Geological Time
by Stephen Jay Gould

About this title: The author of The Flamingo's Smile and Ever Since Darwin explores here the discovery of "deep time", the vastness of earth's history--a history so ancient that we can comprehend it only as metaphor. Illustrated.
Note: This is a


1. The Discovery of Deep Time 1

Deep Time 1

Myths of Deep Time 3

On Dichotomy 8

Time's Arrow and Time's Cycle 10

Caveats 16
2. Thomas Burners Battleground of Time 21

Burnet's Frontispiece 21

The Burnet of Textbooks 23

Science versus Religion? 24

Burnet's Methodology 26

The Physics of History 30

Time's Arrow, Time's Cycle: Conflict and Resolution 41

Burnet and Steno as Intellectual Partners in the Light of Time's Arrow and Time's Cycle 51

3. James Hutton's Theory of the Earth: A Machine without a History 61

Picturing the Abyss of Time 61

Hutton's World Machine and the Provision of Deep Time 63

The Hutton of Legend 66

Hutton Disproves His Legend 70

The Sources of Necessary Cyclicity 73

Hutton's Paradox: Or, Why the Discoverer of Deep Time Denied History 80

Borges's Dilemma and Hutton's Motto 92

Playfair: A Boswell with a Difference 93

A Word in Conclusion and Prospect 96
4. Charles Lyell, Historian of Time's Cycle 99

The Case of Professor Ichthyosaurus 99

Charles Lyell, Self-Made in Cardboard 104

Lyell's Rhetorical Triumph: The Miscastingof Catastrophism 115

Lyell's Defense of Time's Cycle 132

Lyell, Historian of Time's Cycle 150

The Partial Unraveling of Lyell's World View 167

Epilogue 178
5. Boundaries 181

Hampton's Throne and Burners Frontispiece 181

The Deeper Themes of Arrows and Cycles 191

Bibliography 211

Index 217

The Throne

Jan. 1, 2000, Fear Not!, Smithsonian

Fig. 1: The Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations Millennium General Assembly, on exhibit at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American Art, in Washington, D.C., United States of America. From Jan, 1, 2000, Smithsonian American Art Museum.

The Throne is a magnificent work of religious art. It consists of around 180 pieces. The many winged figures give a sense of exaltation. This photo can only suggest the impact of the original. Remarkably, this work of art was built, as the essay below by Mike Walsh notes, "from a very select collection of junk, including old furniture, burned-out light bulbs, jelly jars, carpet cylinders, desk blotters, cardboard, and foil. All the separate pieces are precariously held together with glue, tape, tacks, and pins." And it was built by an even more remarkable man.
