2007年11月21日 星期三

Irina Palm (2007)

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2007/11/21 晚上在NTU 看九成的片子:

· Irina Palm (2007)

洞裡春光. IRINA PALM. 導演: 山姆賈巴爾斯基 Sam GARBARSKI


(やわらかい 柔[軟]らかい

《体》pliable; supple; 《頭》flexible; pliable.
薪で焚いたお風呂はお湯が~ The water of a bath heated with firewood feels soft to the skin.)

Marianne Faithfull 女主角

又 可參考 http://www.answers.com/Marianne%20Faithfull

The Return of Marianne Faithful in "Irina Palm" (Bettina Peulecke)
As a young woman, Marianne Faithfull was a Chart's hit singer, had a heated affair with Mick Jagger and lived a life of sex drugs and rock and roll. She was considered one of the most talented of her generation - landing hits both in the box office and on the music charts. Now, at the ripe age of 60, Faithful has returned to the spotlight as leading lady in the film "Irina Palm", opening in theatres this week. Marianne plays Maggie, the "wanking widow" who is so desperately in need of money she takes a job that is a bit more than she bargained for.

2007第九屆台北電影節/ 2007 Taipei Film Festival

50歲的麥姬住在倫敦郊區,生活悠閒自在。她的孫子突因急症住院,需籌錢赴澳洲治病,為了解決困難,她四處找工作卻都因年紀不輕而屢遭碰壁,直到得 知情色區的「慾望世界」正急徵「新手」,走投無路的她瞞著家人跑去應徵,開始透過隔間上的圓洞用雙手為客人「服務」,她溫柔又實在的服務闖出鼎盛的口碑, 「慾望世界」門庭若市,此時麥姬終於鼓起勇氣開口預借薪水…。《洞裡春光》在捧腹之餘,將帶給觀眾精彩、意外又溫暖的結局。

Middle-aged Maggie must find a way to get enough money for her grandson’s lifesaving medical treatment. When a “Hostess Wanted” sign catches her eye, Maggie naively stumbles into a city sex club. The true job description is quite a surprise for the respectable, middle-class widow, even if she isn’t a prude. Maggie accepts this job as her very last option, having already sold her own home to pay for little Olly’s hospital bills...

