2009年8月5日 星期三

‘Bleak House’ ; Charles Dickens As A Legal Historian

Charles Dickens As A Legal Historian

(Hardcover - Nov 2008)

William S. Holdsworth

(Author)Book: Charles Dickens As A Legal Historian Text extracted from opening pages of book: CHARLES DICKENS AS A LEGAL HISTORIAN PUBLISHED ON THE FUND ESTABLISHED IN MEMORY OF GANSON GOODYEAR DEPEW The Storrs Lectures The addresses contained in this book were de livered in the William L. Storrs Lecture Series, 1927, before the Law School of Yale University. Other titles in this series, published by the Yale University Press, are: The Reform of Legal Procedure, by Moorfield Storey. The Judiciary and the People, by Frederick N. Judson. Concerning Justice, by Lucilius A. Emery. Woman's Suffrage by Constitutional Amendment, by Henry St. George Tucker. The Nature of the Judicial Process, by Benjamin N. Cardozo. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law, by Roscoe Pound. LONDON Humphrey Milford: Oxford University Press CHARLES DICKENS AS A LEGAL HISTORIAN By William S. Holdsworth K. C., D. CJL Hon. LLD. Vinerian Professor of Law at Oxford University Bencher of Lincoln's Inn' NEW HAVEN Yak University Press 1929' C'opyrtgkV, 1928, by Yale University Press Printed in the United States of America First published, September, 1928 Second printing, January, 1929 I wish to thank my wife and Professor Smalley-Baker, Barber Professor of Law in the University of Birmingham, for seeing these Lectures through the press during my absence in India. W. S. E. Oxford April 1928 Contents I. The Courts and the Dwellings of the Lawyers i II The Lawyers, Lawyers' Clerks, and Other Satellites of the Law 43 III. Bleak House and the Procedure of the Court of Chancery 79 IV. Pickwick and the Procedure of the Common Law 117 Index 151 Dickens as a


作者: [英]威廉·S·霍尔兹沃斯
译者: 何帆
副标题: Charles Dickens As a Legal Historian
ISBN: 9787542630445
页数: 190
定价: 25
出版社: 上海三联书店
装帧: 平装
出版年: 2009年5月

作者简介 · · · · · ·

  威廉·S.霍尔兹沃思 (1871-1944),英国法律史学家,1922年任剑桥大学瓦伊纳法学教授,代表作为十六卷本的《英国法律史》。这部巨著讲述了从盎格鲁—撒克逊时代 至1875年司法改革时期的英国法历史,被誉为该领域最全面,也是最出色的作品之一。霍尔兹沃思还著有《盎格鲁—美国法律史》(1928)、《作为法律史 学家的狄更斯》(1928),后者是他在耶鲁大学法学院斯托尔斯讲座的授课内容。
  何帆,最高人民法院法官,中国人民大学刑法学博士。著有《刑 事没收研究:国际法与比较法的视角》(法律出版社,2007)、《刑民交叉案件审理的基本思路》(中国法制出版社,2007);译有《九人:美国最高法院 风云》(上海三联书店,2009);合著《国际法院新近案例研究:1990-2003》(商务印书馆,2006);另著有小说《一个伪知识分子的警察生 涯》(广西师范大学出版社,2004)。

Charles Dickens died ‪#‎onthisday‬ in 1870.
In ‘Bleak House’ we meet Inspector Bucket of the Detective Police – an unassuming man who believes that ‘every person should have their rights according to justice’. It is perhaps the first detective novel in English and was originally published in 19 instalments in Dickens’s own journal.
Explore a ‘Bleak House’ first edition with illustrationshttp://bit.ly/1O4BoT2‪#‎DiscoverLiterature‬

