Carl Jung 作品集,英文、漢文的,我都有許多本。普林斯頓的英文文集,由美國女富豪--Jung的崇拜者--所支助的。
1974-75年,我在東海大學圖書館讀到他與朋友合著的 人類及其象徵 Man and His Symbols,英文精裝本,翻讀幾頁,頗受震憾。1978年,在英國倫敦的Design Museum看到它,不忘補充一本。可惜這本書後來借給朋友,流失了.....80年代中,台灣有譯本,我也補一本英文平裝本,沒味道。。
1974-75年,我在東海大學圖書館讀到他與朋友合著的 人類及其象徵 Man and His Symbols,英文精裝本,翻讀幾頁,頗受震憾。1978年,在英國倫敦的Design Museum看到它,不忘補充一本。可惜這本書後來借給朋友,流失了.....80年代中,台灣有譯本,我也補一本英文平裝本,沒味道。。
Carl Gustav Jung died on June 6th 1961. He saw himself as an empirical scientist whose sole professional interest lay in the workings of the psyche. He believed⋯⋯
Carl Jung - Face to Face
John Freeman interviews Carl Gustav Jung, the most famous living psychologist, at his home in Zürich. We learn about Jung's early life, including the moment in his eleventh year when he realized he was an individual consciousness. Jung speaks about his friendship with Sigmund Freud, and explains why the friendship could not last. Jung is asked about his belief in God, and Jung can only respond that there is no belief: he knows. And, he says, he knows - knows, not believes - that death is not an end. Finally, Jung forecasts what he thinks will happen to mankind and describes what man needs to survive.
Carl Jung 作品集,英文、漢文的,我都有許多本。普林斯頓的英文文集,由美國女富豪--Jung的崇拜者--所支助的。
1974-75年,我在東海大學圖書館讀到他與朋友合著的 人類及其象徵 Man and His Symbols,英文精裝本,翻讀幾頁,頗受震憾。1978年,在英國倫敦的Design Museum看到它,不忘補充一本。可惜這本書後來借給朋友,流失了.....80年代中,台灣有譯本,我也補一本英文平裝本,沒味道。。
Man and his Symbols Carl G.Jung - Monoskop
invited me to interview for British television Dr. Carl Gustav Jung. The interview .... tion that uses the symbols common to ajl mankind, but that uses them on every ...Man and His Symbols
throughout with revealing images, this is the first and only work in
which the world-famous Swiss psychologist explains to the layperson his
enormously influential theory of symbolism as revealed in dreams.前幾年買過The Portable Jung
The Basic Writings of C. G. Jung (Modern Library) Hardcover by
7 customer reviews
- Series: Modern Library
- Hardcover: 736 pages
- Publisher: Modern Library (October 26, 1993)
- Language: English
In exploring the manifestations of human
spiritual experience both in the imaginative activities of the
individual and in the formation of mythologies and of religious
symbolism in various cultures, C. G. Jung laid the groundwork for a
psychology of the spirit. The excerpts here illuminate the concept of
the unconscious, the central pillar of his work, and display ample
evidence of the spontaneous spiritual and religious activities of the
human mind. This compact volume will serve as an ideal introduction to
Jung's basic concepts.
Part I of this book, "On the Nature and Functioning of the Psyche," contains material from four works: "Symbols of Transformation," "On the Nature of the Psyche," "The Relations between the Ego and the Unconscious," and "Psychological Types." Also included in Part I are "Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious" and "Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype."
Part II, "On Pathology and Therapy," includes "On the Nature of Dreams," "On the Pathogenesis of Schizophrenia," and selections from "Psychology of the Transference." In Part III appear "Introduction to the Religious and Psychological Problems of Alchemy" and two sections of "Psychology and Religion."
Part IV, called "On Human Development," consists of the essay "Marriage as a Psychological Relationship."
Part I of this book, "On the Nature and Functioning of the Psyche," contains material from four works: "Symbols of Transformation," "On the Nature of the Psyche," "The Relations between the Ego and the Unconscious," and "Psychological Types." Also included in Part I are "Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious" and "Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype."
Part II, "On Pathology and Therapy," includes "On the Nature of Dreams," "On the Pathogenesis of Schizophrenia," and selections from "Psychology of the Transference." In Part III appear "Introduction to the Religious and Psychological Problems of Alchemy" and two sections of "Psychology and Religion."
Part IV, called "On Human Development," consists of the essay "Marriage as a Psychological Relationship."
2013.11.13 許達然老師贈這本
The Essential Jung: Selected Writings Introduced by Anthony Storr
volume presents the essentials of Jung's thought in his own words. To
familiarize readers with the ideas for which Jung is best known, the
British psychiatrist and writer Anthony Storr has selected extracts from
Jung's writings that pinpoint his many original contributions and
relate the development of his thought to his biography. Dr. Storr has
prefaced each extract with explanatory notes. These notes link the
extracts, and with Dr. Storr's introduction, they show the progress and
coherence of Jung's ideas, including such concepts as the collective
unconscious, the archetypes, introversion and extroversion,
individuation, and Jung's view of integration as the goal of the
development of the personality.
Man and His Symbols
半個多世紀前,BBC的某記者訪談晚年的容格Carl Jung (YouTube)。我忘不了記者問:你信神嗎?Jung 竟然無法回答或不敢說,只說他小時上教堂,虔誠,現在他架構的系統/想法,可以不用"神"這概念。Jung 的美國女富豪信士,絕對無法接受無神論者?
Would Voters Entrust The White House To An Atheist?
Many Americans say they would not vote for an atheist for president. It's…
Man and His Symbols
半個多世紀前,BBC的某記者訪談晚年的容格Carl Jung (YouTube)。我忘不了記者問:你信神嗎?Jung 竟然無法回答或不敢說,只說他小時上教堂,虔誠,現在他架構的系統/想法,可以不用"神"這概念。Jung 的美國女富豪信士,絕對無法接受無神論者?
Would Voters Entrust The White House To An Atheist?
Many Americans say they would not vote for an atheist for president. It's…
On Meeting Carl Gustav Jung | Psychology Today
...Shortly after my visit, Jung appeared on an hour-long BBC television program called Face to Face. He was interviewed by a Labour Member of Parliament called John Freeman (who later became the Governor General of Australia for services rendered to Britishpolitics.) Freeman was a tough interviewer. Well-informed and rational to a fault, Freeman was an aggressive interviewer pushing Jung hard to explain and rationally support his belief in a multi-layered human psyche. Patiently, Jung – who together with Sigmund Freud pioneered the innovative medical art of psychiatry in the first years of the 20th Century – explained how the objective and subjective aspects of consciousness worked together. How the senses, supported by intellect and the powers of reason introduced the existential ‘realities' of the outside world ... while the intuition, supported by the powers of imagination and the unconscious, brought an inner realm of awareness into play; one which largely introduced a highly individual self awareness and attitude to our very existence.
Such, Jung explained, constituted the dual nature of consciousness, and was responsible for the process of individuation which took each one of us on our own solitary path through life for good or ill.
Such, Jung explained, constituted the dual nature of consciousness, and was responsible for the process of individuation which took each one of us on our own solitary path through life for good or ill.
Gradually, the viewer noticed, Freeman was doing more listening than talking. His demeanor had changed. He was nodding his head from time to time, obviously impressed by Jung's discussion of these mental attributes possessed by the human psyche. The last question he shot at Jung was: "Well, Dr. Jung, do you believe in God?" Jung paused for a moment, and then said: "No, Mr. Freeman. I don't believe. I know.'' It took but an hour for this distinguished politician to both feel and know the credibility of Jung's position as both doctor and mental healer. He became a close friend, visiting Jung in Basel, and was responsible for persuading him to write a popular book for the layman entitled Man and His Symbols. In my book, What the Hell Are the Neurons Up To?,
I write extensively about the relationship between Freud and Jung and their divergent beliefs and psychiatric practices: and about Bruno Bettelheim's revelatory book, Freud and Man's Soul.
I write extensively about the relationship between Freud and Jung and their divergent beliefs and psychiatric practices: and about Bruno Bettelheim's revelatory book, Freud and Man's Soul.
容格 (Jung, C. G.(Carl Gustav), 1875-1961)
Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves."
--from MEMORIES, DREAMS, REFLECTIONS (1963) by Carl Jung
--from MEMORIES, DREAMS, REFLECTIONS (1963) by Carl Jung
An eye-opening biography of one of the most influential psychiatrists of the modern age, drawing from his lectures, conversations, and own writings. In the spring of 1957, when he was eighty-one years old, Carl Gustav Jung undertook the telling of his life story. Memories, Dreams, Reflections is that book, composed of conversations with his colleague and friend Aniela Jaffé, as well as chapters written in his own hand, and other materials. Jung continued to work on the final stages of the manuscript until shortly before his death on June 6, 1961, making this a uniquely comprehensive reflection on a remarkable life. Fully corrected, this edition also includes Jung’s VII Sermones ad Mortuos
書名: 榮格自傳 : 回憶.夢.省思 / 榮格(C.G. Jung)原著; 劉國彬,楊德友合譯
臺北市 : 張老師, 1997[民86]
本書是分析心理學大師榮格豐富的畢生回憶錄榮格說:「我的一生是一個潛意識充分發揮的故事……」這種罕有旅程的誠摯傳記記錄他終生無止盡的困惑、疑沮與不 快樂完成了一本深具思想史意義的獨特自傳。「生命就像以根莖來延續生命的植物,真正的生命是看不見、深藏於根莖的;露出地面的部分生命,只能延續一個夏 季,然後凋謝。然而,我從未失去的是埋藏於內心深處的潛意識,它持續地在永恆的流動中生存;我的夢境、各種幻覺猶如火紅的岩漿,於是,我欲加工的生命在其 中被賦予了形狀。」——榮格
Full text of "Memories Dreams Reflections"
《象征生活》是榮格晚年的一部作品集,其中主要內容為榮格的一些系列講座的講演錄,因此它也被視成榮格對自己思想的一種簡潔通俗的概括和表達。在本書中, 榮格對意識、潛意識問題以及感覺、直覺、思維、情感等各種心理機能做出了自己獨特的界定和闡述。全書圖文並茂、深入淺出,生動有趣,具有很強的可讀性和研 究價值,可謂了解榮格基本思想的必讀之書。
卡爾‧古斯塔夫‧榮格 (Carl G. Jung , 1875-1961)瑞士心理學家和精神分析醫師,分析心理學的創立者,動力心理學的鼻祖之一。畢生致力于人類心靈奧秘的探索。一生著述浩繁,思想博大精 深。他所創立的集體無意識理論不僅在心理治療中成為獨樹一幟的學派,而且對哲學、心理學、文化人類學、文學、藝術、宗教、倫理學、教育等諸多領域產生了廣 泛而深刻的影響。
第一部分 泰維斯托克系列講演錄(1935)——分析心理學的理論與實踐
第二部分 象征與夢的解析(1961)
第三部分 象征生活(1939)