2015年3月16日 星期一
British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions 1843 By Anna Atkins
[Google Doodle] Anna Atkins 給你世界上第一本攝影書!安娜阿特金斯 216 歲冥誕紀念
日期:2015/03/16 | 作者:點子生活
Anna Atkins
1799 - 1871
Trained as a botanist, Anna Atkins developed an interest in photography as a means of recording botanical specimens for a scientific reference book, British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions. This publication was one of the first uses of light-sensitive materials to illustrate a book. Instead of traditional letterpress printing, the book's handwritten text and illustrations were created by the cyanotype method. Atkins printed and published Part I of British Algae in 1843 and in doing so established photography as an accurate medium for scientific illustration.
Atkins learned directly about the invention of photography through her correspondence with its inventor, William Henry Fox Talbot. Although she owned a camera, she used only the cameraless photogenic drawing technique to produce all of her botanical images. With the assistance of Anne Dixon, Atkins created albums of cyanotype photogenic drawings of her botanical specimens. She learned the cyanotype printing method through its inventor, the astronomer and scientist Sir John Herschel, a family friend.
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Viewing 1–12 of 33
Cyanotypes of British and Foreign Ferns. (photographic title page), British, 1853.84.XO.227
Uvena Novae Villiae, British, about 1854.84.XM.797
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Part VII. Fucus vesiculosus. v. balticus. Punctaria latifolia. Rhodomela subfuscia...pinastroides. Laurencia pinnatifida...v. angusta...dasyphylla...(partially title from 1st leaf), British, about 1851. 84.XA.1107
Polypodium Aureum (Jamaica), British, 1854. 87.XM.115
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Cypripedium, British, 1854. 84.XP.463.3
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Lastrea dilatato. British., British, 1853.84.XO.227.23
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Asplenium septentrionale., British, 1853. 84.XO.227.33
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