喬志高《總而言之》-美語錄第三集-九歌出版社,2002 美語錄(三)總而言之(改版為:美語錄(三)自言自語(紀念版)):

喬志高《言猶在耳》、《聽其言也》、《總而言之》是談美語的好作品,每書都有索引,很方便查閱。缺點是《言猶在耳》封面將喬志高誤寫為喬治高。另外,這三本書都提到美國紐約時報的專欄作者William SAFIRE,《言猶在耳》的索引卻未收錄。
ohn F. KennedyAmerican University Commencement Addressdelivered 10 June 1963(Note: this is but a segment of President Kennedy's important address the whole of which can be found online athttp://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/jfkamericanuniversityaddress.html The President was speaking during the cold war about the conditions for peace between the (then) superpowers. In particular he announced discussions on a nuclear test ban treaty. Still, reading his words some 50 years later, we realize how they transcend the times, especially when he reminds us prophetically that "we all inhabit this small planet." Only later when men looked back at the earth from the moon did mankind truly realize it's isolation, fragility, and shared responsibility.)"For we are both devoting massive sums of money to weapons that could be better d"evoted to combat ignorance, poverty, and disease. We are both caught up in a vicious and dangerous cycle, with suspicion on one side breeding suspicion on the other, and new weapons begetting counter-weapons. In short, both the United States and its allies, and the Soviet Union and its allies, have a mutually deep interest in a just and genuine peace and in halting the arms race. Agreements to this end are in the interests of the Soviet Union as well as ours. And even the most hostile nations can be relied upon to accept and keep those treaty obligations, and only those treaty obligations, which are in their own interest.So let us not be blind to our differences, but let us also direct attention to our common interests and the means by which those differences can be resolved. And if we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's futures. And we are all mortal."make the world safe for diversity (將整個世界弄得使不同的制度可以安全共存。)初讀之下有點冗餘的翻譯,不過這是考慮上下文的。
這本《恍如昨日:喬志高自選集》內文計492頁,只收50年代兩篇Jack London之譯作:「亞陳別傳」(頁173-90)、「支那哥」(頁191-208)。
「亞陳別傳」(Chun Ah Chun by Jack London)收入高克毅(筆名喬志高)《恍如昨日:喬志高自選集》(香港:天地圖書,2003,頁173-90)。我們可以觀摩一下末段之部分翻譯:
In his palace, surrounded by all dear delights of the Orient, Ah Chun smokes his placid pipe and listens to the turmoil overseas. By each mail steamer, in faultless English, typewritten on an American machine, a letter goes from Macao to Honolulu, in which, by admirable texts and precepts, Ah Chun advises his family to live in unity and harmony. As for himself, he is out of it all, and well content. He has won to peace and repose. At times he chuckles and rubs his hands, and his slant little black eyes twinkle merrily at the thought of the funny world. For out of all his living and philosophizing, that remains to him--the conviction that it is a very funny world.
他一生掙扎,已經達到目標 – 老來享點清福。有時候他想想也忍俊不禁,兩手搓搓,一對小眼珠閃閃發光,想想這個世界也真好笑。不錯,在他畢生經驗所得的智慧中,他最終領悟到的一點 – 就是「造化弄人」。
《恍如昨日》收翻譯 Jack London 的 三和宵夜記 Midnight at the Three Harmony
鎮瀾宮前的炸芫荽…..。【說文解字:瀾,大波為瀾。如:力挽狂瀾、波瀾壯闊。孟子˙盡心上:觀水有術,必觀其瀾。趙岐˙注:瀾,水中大波也。】【大甲鎮瀾宮】 解釋 位於大甲鎮。是本省供祀媽祖的重要寺廟之一。
高克毅 (1912年05月29日~2008年03月01日)。 祖籍江蘇省江寧縣,一九一二年生於美國密西根州安亞伯市,在南京、北京、上海三地成長。北平燕京大學畢業,美國米蘇里大學新聞學院碩士、紐約哥倫比亞大學 國際關係碩士。三十年代曾任上海幾家中英文報刊駐美特約通訊。歷任紐約中華新聞社編輯,主編《戰時中國》(China at War) 雜誌;舊今山《華美周報》(The Chinese Press) 主筆;華盛頓「美國之音」編輯;香港中文大學翻譯中心客座高級研究員,創編英文《譯叢》(Renditions)雜誌。 作品書目
恍如昨日--喬志高自選集(精裝) --奇~怪~ 無法link