2020年8月30日 星期日

Fields of Glory By Jean Rouaud

Jean Rouaud (born December 13, 1952) is a French author,[1] who was born in CampbonLoire-Atlantique. In 1990 his novel Fields of Glory (French: Les Champs d'honneur) won the Prix Goncourt. First believed to be the first book in a trilogy, Fields of Glory turned out to be the first book in a series of five books on the family history of the author.

English bibliography[edit]

ジャン・ルオー(Jean Rouaud, 1952年12月13日 - )は、フランス作家


The Classic Fairy Tales(Norton Critical Editions); 死前活一次

The Classic Fairy Tales(Norton Critical Editions) 的安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen)選文 (四篇)的簡介,指出的故事中,常有對主角的殘忍無情"虐待"之描寫 (即使僅2頁的〈賣火柴女孩〉)......。

8月24日參加劉夏泱講座「童話的解析-從敘事與圖像交集的視角」。會前,我讀的是 Little Thumbling By Charles Perrault  (收入The Classic Fairy Tales(Norton Critical Editions)),劉夏泱老師談的是 Hans Christian Andersen〈拇指姑娘〉的各種插畫.......

The Classic Fairy Tales: Texts, Criticism, Edited By Tatar, Maria, 1999/2017

The Classic Fairy Tales (Second Edition) (Norton Critical Editions)

Maria Tatar
W. W. Norton & Company, 2017 - 304 ページ

Andersen Angela Carter animal asked Baba Yaga Beast began bird Bluebeard bride Brothers Grimm castle Catskin Charles Perrault child Cinderella cried culture dance daughter Disney Disney’s Donkeyskin door dress dwarfs Emperor everything eyes fairy tale fairy tales fairy­tale films father female finger folklore folktale forest frog genre gold golden grandmother hand Hans Christian Andersen Hansel and Gretel happy heart hero heroine husband Jack Jack Zipes Juleidah king king’s literary little mermaid Little Red Riding lived looked magic Maria Tatar marry Marylynn mirror mother narrative never night nightingale ogre old woman once oral palace Perrault prince prince’s princess queen Red Riding Hood rose Sally shoes sing sister Sleeping Beauty Snow White stepmother story storytelling Swallow tale type tell things Thumbling told took tradition tree trickster turned Vasilisa voice wife witch wolf women young


我讀的是The Classic Fairy Tales 1999年初版。覺得第二版應值得買,起碼可知此書經18年之後的新版的"進化"。


作者: Beate Lakotta & Walter Schels
譯者: 王威 出版社:大塊文化







貝雅特‧拉蔻塔﹙Beate Lakotta﹚
  生於1965年﹐現擔任德國︽明鏡︾週刊﹙Spiegel﹚科學編輯。攝影師華特‧謝爾斯﹙Walter Schels﹚生於1936年﹐以人物和動物的性格特質研究而聞名。他們在2003年於︽明鏡︾週刊所發表的〈死前再活一次﹀專題﹐因報導深入而獲頒漢薩–米特獎﹙Hansel-Mieth-Preis﹚﹐以及聯邦誌工福利工作會所頒發的德國社會獎﹙Deutsche Sozialpreis﹚。華特‧謝爾斯的攝影作品並榮獲2004年世界新聞攝影大賽二獎。


導讀 死亡之臉  余德慧
前言 死亡﹐不再禁忌
1. 六個星期瞭﹐我該死瞭
2. 我不想在你走開的時侯死
3. 他腦袋裡在想些什麼﹖
4. 如果我去非洲就好瞭
5. 愛是一切的答案
6. 親愛的上帝在哪兒﹖
7. 我在等一個信號
8. 精神仍會持續
9. 至少她來過這個世界
10. 看待這個問題要實際一點
11. 是生命在揹後推我
12. 曹女士笑瞭
13. 我還會回來
14. 小香腸和馬鈴薯沙拉
15. 我們的心靈之旅
16. 生命的畢業考
17. 夢想生命
18. 對不起﹐我得瞭癌症
19. 回到真正的生活
20. 他少受瞭不少苦
21. 我不該病得這麼重
22. 沙漠裡的一粒沙
23. 精心設計剩下的時間
後記 美好的死亡——臨終關懷和醫藥之所能

2020年8月29日 星期六

紐約時報每周書介"二戰專題":Books Update: The Good War

 The Good War 是1984年出版的一本二戰口述史的書名。

to have had a good warin British English

to have made the most of the opportunities presented to one during wartime


Dear Reader,
This month is the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II, marked by the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and then on Aug. 15, 1945, V-J Day. As is so often the case, publishers have released over the course of the last few months a number of books by historians and other writers re-examining the events of the period and their enduring legacy. In this special themed issue, we review the most noteworthy of those titles.
Several reviews stand out in particular. William Langewiesche, a writer at large for The Times Magazine, reviews the new book by Lesley M.M. Blume, “Fallout: The Hiroshima Cover-Up and the Reporter Who Revealed It to the World.” The book traces the story behind John Hersey’s enduring work of investigative narrative journalism “Hiroshima,” which Blume joins me on the podcast this week to discuss.
Timothy Snyder, the best-selling author of “On Tyranny,” among other books, reviews Roger Moorhouse’s “Poland 1939,” about the outbreak of the war; Jay Winik reviews Chris Wallace’s best seller, “Countdown 1945,” written with Mitch Weiss; and Scott Anderson, author of “Lawrence in Arabia,” among other books, reviews Jennet Conant’s “The Great Secret: The Classified World War II Disaster That Launched the War on Cancer.”
There’s so much more in this issue, each book covering a different angle of the war, that we worried about being able to fit it all in. We hope it will be enough to sate your own curiosity and reading needs on a subject that, should it not interest you already, hopefully will by the time you read through this issue.
Please stay in touch and let us know what you think — whether it’s about this newsletter, our reviews, our podcast, our literary calendar, our Instagram or what you’re reading. We read and ponder all of it. I even write back, albeit belatedly. You can email me at books@nytimes.com.
Pamela Paul
Editor of The New York Times Book Review
