2019年7月30日 星期二

貴族古今 Chief executives are today's aristocracy?

Corporate headquarters are modern-day country estates and bosses buy sports teams as a marker of their status. Chief executives have even become subjects of public fascination, like the aristocrats of yesteryear


Chief executives are today's aristocracy
Executives rules their companies. Why not countries?


2017/09/25 - 女兒,只是為了鞏固兒子能夠繼承自己王朝並延續千秋萬代的道具。從降生之日起,公主們就走上了宿命的軌道──嫁給外國王室,達成聯姻目的。儘管歷代的公主們,為了改變自己的命運,也曾嘗試拿起武器與男人們抗爭,但最終 ...

德國貴族歐洲其他國家和貴族一樣,原本指古代中世紀以及近代時期在社會、政治、經濟、文化和法律等方面享有特權的等級階層。客觀上講,貴族作為一個社會階層,對包括德國在內的歐洲各國社會、政治和文化的影響是極其巨大的。一位研究貴族史 ...

A Factory As It Might Be (1907) William Morris

A Factory As It Might Be (1907)

William Morris

A Factory As It Might Be

We Socialists are often reproached with giving no details of the state of things which would follow on the destruction of that system of waste and war which is sometimes dignified by the lying title of the harmonious combination of capital and labour: many worthy people say, "We admit that the present system has produced unsatisfactory results, but at least it is a system; you ought to be able to give us some definite idea of the results of that reconstruction which you call Socialism."
To this Socialists answer, and rightly, that we have not set ourselves to build up a system to please our tastes; nor are we seeking to impose it on the world in a mechanical manner, but that we are assisting in bringing about a development of history which would take place without our help, but which nevertheless compels us to help it: and that under these circumstances it would be futile to map out the details of life in a condition of things so different from that in which we have been born and bred. Those details will be taken care of by the men who will be so lucky as to be born into a society relieved of the oppression which crushes us, and who surely will be, not less, but more prudent and reasonable than we are. Nevertheless it seems clear that the economical changes which are in progress must be accompanied by corresponding developments of men's aspirations; and the knowledge of their progress cannot fail to rouse our imaginations into picturing for ourselves that life at once happy and manly which we know social revolution will put within the reach of all men.
Of course the pictures so drawn will vary according to the turn of mind of the picturer, but I have already tried to show in Justice that healthy and undomineering individuality will be fostered and not crushed out by Socialism. I will therefore as an artist and handicraftsman venture to develope a little the hint contained in this journal of April 12th on the conditions of pleasant work in the days when we shall work for livelihood and pleasure and not for "profit."
Our factory then, is in a pleasant place: no very difficult matter, when as I have said before it is no longer necessary to gather people into able sweltering hordes for profit's sake: for all the country is in itself pleasant or is capable of being made pleasant with very little pains and forethought. Next, our factory stands amidst gardens as beautiful (climate apart) as those of Alcinous, since there is no need of stinting it of ground, profit rents being a thing of the past and the labour on such gardens is like enough to be purely voluntary, as it is not easy to see the day when 75 out every 100 people will not take delight in the pleasantest and most innocent of all occupations; and our working people will assuredly want open air relaxation from their factory work. Even now, as I am told, the Nottingham factory hands could give many a hint to professional gardeners in spite of all the drawbacks of a great manufacturing town. One's imagination is inclined fairly to run riot over the picture of beauty and pleasure offered by the thought of skilful co-operative gardening for beauty's sake, which beauty would by no means exclude the raising of useful produce for the sake of livelihood.
Impossible! I hear an anti-Socialist say. My friend, please to remember that most factories sustain to-day large and handsome gardens, and not seldom parks and woods of many acres in extent; with due appurtenances of highly paid Scotch professional gardeners, wood reeves, bailiffs, game-keepers, and the like, the whole being managed in the most wasteful way conceivable: only, the said gardens, &c., are say, twenty miles away from the factory, out of the smoke, and are kept up for one member of the factory only, the sleeping partner to wit, who in may, indeed double that part by organizing its labour (for his own profit) in which case he receives ridiculously disproportionate pay additional.
Well, it follows on this garden business that our factory must make no sordid litter, befoul no water, nor poison the air with smoke. I need say nothing more on that point, as "profit" apart it would be easy enough.
Next, as to the buildings themselves I must ask leave to say something, because it is usually supposed that they must of necessity be ugly, and truly they are almost always at present mere night-mares; but it is, I must assert, by no means necessary that they should be ugly, nay, there would be no serious difficulty in making them beautiful, as every building might be which serves its purpose duly, which is built generously as regards material, and which is built with pleasure by the builders and designers; indeed, as things go, those nightmare buildings aforesaid sufficiently typify the work they are built for, and lack what they are, temples of overcrowding and adulteration and over-work, of unrest in a word; so it is not difficult to think of our factory buildings showing on their outsides what they are for, reasonable and light work, cheered at every step by hope and pleasure. So in brief, our buildings will be beautiful with their own beauty of simplicity as workshops, not bedizened with tomfoolery as some are now which do not any the more for that hide their repulsiveness; but moreover besides the mere workshops, our factory will have other buildings which may carry ornament further than that, will for it will need dining hall, library, school, places for study of various kinds, and other such structures; nor do I see why, if we have a mind for it, we should not emulate the monks and craftsmen of the middle ages in our ornamentation of such buildings, why we should be shabby in housing our rest and pleasure and our search for knowledge, as we may well be shabby in housing the shabby life we have to live now?
Add again, if it be doubted as to the possibility of getting these beautiful buildings on the score of cost; let me once again remind you that every great factory does to-day sustain a palace (often more than one) amidst that costly garden and park aforesaid out of the smoke, but that this palace, stuffed as it is with all sorts of costly things, is for one member of the factory only, the sleeping partner - useful creature! It is true that the said palace is mostly, with all it contains, beastly ugly; but this ugliness is but apart of the bestial waste of the whole system of profit-mongering, which refuses cultivation and refinement to the workers, and therefore can have no art, not even for all its money.
So we have come to the outside of our Factory of the future and seen that it does not injure the beauty of the world, but adds to it rather; on another occasion, if I may I will try to give a picture of how the work goes on there.
Justice, 17th May 1884, p. 2.

厄斯德拉(下)Nehemiah. Overview: Ezra-Nehemiah.Unlocking the Old Testament Part 26 - Ezra and Nehemiah 2.

Kang-i Sun Chang
7小時 ·

If someone asks me who my role model in this life is, that must be the prophet Nehemiah in the Old Testament!

Unlocking the Old Testament Part 26 - Ezra and Nehemiah 2


Overview: Ezra-Nehemiah

The Bible Project

811K views3 years ago
Watch our overview video on the prophetic books of Ezra and Nehemiah, which breaks down the literary design of each book's ...

2019年7月28日 星期日

Ben Chen簡談市面兩岸關係的書 《美中開戰,與台灣的未來》《島嶼無戰事?》《兩岸逆境》

《The Convenient Illusion of Peace》
哲學家史賓諾莎(Baruch Spinoza)有段話:“Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice. ”

China and Japan: Facing History By Ezra F. Vogel. Sheila Smith



'China and Japan': Facing off across the aeons, two giants of East Asia

Ezra Vogel's "China and Japan" is a timely reminder of how public perceptions are shaped by political expediency, how new leaders and propaganda can efface existing goodwill.


Ezra Vogel: “The China-Japan Relationship—A Lifetime's Reflections”

Paulson Institute
YouTube - 2015/05/13


China and Japan — Ezra F. Vogel | Harvard University Press

China and Japan
Facing History

One of the world’s most eminent scholars of East Asia reveals the important touchstones in the long history between China and Japan and argues that for the sake of world stability they must forge a new relationship for the twenty-first century.

  • Preface
  • 1. Chinese Contributions to Japanese Civilization, 600–838
  • 2. Trade without Transformative Learning, 838–1862
  • 3. Responding to Western Challenges and Reopening Relations, 1839–1882
  • 4. Rivalry in Korea and the Sino–Japanese War, 1882–1895
  • 5. Japanese Lessons for a Modernizing China, 1895–1937 [with Paula S. Harrell]
  • 6. The Colonization of Taiwan and Manchuria, 1895–1945
  • 7. Political Disorder and the Road to War, 1911–1937 [with Richard Dyck]
  • 8. The Sino–Japanese War, 1937–1945
  • 9. The Collapse of the Japanese Empire and the Cold War, 1945–1972
  • 10. Working Together, 1972–1992
  • 11. The Deterioration of Sino–Japanese Relations, 1992–2018
  • 12. Facing the New Era
  • Biographies of Key Figures
  • Notes
  • Sources and Further Reading
  • Acknowledgments
  • Index

2019年7月27日 星期六

Epic Complex

2019/05/22 - 紀錄片/慕夏壯麗藝術祭(DVD)/Epic Complex, ... 台灣. 紀錄片(所有作品). Epic Complex 慕夏壯麗藝術祭(DVD). 網路價NT$ : 350元. 產品條碼: 4712774604372. 產品編號:. 4712774604372. 發行公司: 聯影(發行商品).

Where the heart beats:John Cage, Zen Buddhism, and the Inner Life of Artists 心動之處:先鋒派音樂宗師約翰‧凱吉與禪的偶遇

【專題演講】行腳生涯和修行– 白雲老禪師的五言詩,主講: 鍾玲教授 ...
Where the heart beats:John Cage, Zen Buddhism, and the Inner Life of Artists 心動之處:先鋒派音樂宗師約翰‧凱吉與禪的偶遇


Where the heart beats:John Cage, Zen Buddhism, and the Inner Life of Artists


藝道磨心 棒喝雷鳴 一曲奏響當代藝術生命
先鋒音樂宗師約翰‧凱吉 首部完整傳記

雲門舞集創辦人 林懷民 專文推薦

【邊度有書。有音樂】店主 吳子嬰
樂評人 吳家恆
NEWS 98【音樂五四三】節目主持人 馬世芳
文化評論人 張鐵志
音樂作家 焦元溥
台北愛樂【室內閒話】節目主持人 Zoe 黃瑞芬
【PAR 表演藝術】雜誌總編輯 黎家齊





迷人的作品,未來任何有關凱吉的評論,都不可能無視本書作者的貢獻。她深刻掌握了凱吉的禪學思想源頭。本書是當代文化評論里程碑。─ 《舊金山紀事報》(San Francisco Chronicle)


傑出的作品,毫無疑問是我近年、甚至十年來讀過最棒的書 : 考究精妙、書寫優美,穿引勾勒出文化史千百經緯。這本書,你無法只讀精華、摘錄版,也無法分段緩讀,必須一口氣全盤讀覽,方能識其高妙之處。完全臣服吧。
─ Maria Popova, Brain Pickings 網站創辦人








凱‧拉森Kay Larson





1. 鈴木大拙
2. 約翰‧凱吉
3. 模斯‧康寧漢
4. 四壁
5. 追求寂靜


6. 自我的噪音
7. 道心
8. 天堂與人間
9. 存在之永恆
10. 零


11. 另類學校
12. 從零開始
13. 不確定性
14. 互相貫通
15. 樂章終曲 

施蟄存雜文《曼哈頓的中國女人》 「自傳體小說」及其災難


讀報心得 《莊子》與《文選》
我與文言文 創作的典範
從亞倫坡到海敏威 關於《黃心大師》
一人一書(上) 一人一書(下)
「文」而不「學」 愛好文學
新文學與舊形式 再談新文學與舊形式
兒童讀物 尼采之「中國舞」
一位性學家所見的日本 文學之貧困
怎樣紀念屈原 書簡
與客談自殺 過年
賦得睡 再「過年」
閒話重陽 夏原和知識分子
咬文嚼字 狄根司小說中的旅店
倒繃孩兒 第二第三
外行談戲 才與德
乙夜偶談 說「散文」
我治什麼「學」 寒山寺碑二題
支那·瓷器·中華 祠廟·宮觀·庵寺
堂名的起源 十年治學方法實錄
關於「當代文學史」 全集·文集·選集
賭博的訣竅 「俗文學」及其他
祝由科的巫術 古今中外的「小說」
古文名句賞析 雨窗隨筆
論老年 匹夫有責論
為書歎息 詩話
文學史不需「重寫」 閒話孔子
人道主義 魔棍
富貴·貧賤 旅遊景點設計
「自由談」舊話 「自傳體小說」及其災難

楊迎平 - 2017 - ‎Literary Criticism
但是,施蟄存也經常從古典書城中走出,讀一些年輕人看的暢銷書。如有一段時間,因周勵寫的《曼哈頓的中國女人》,評論界沸沸揚揚,熱鬧得很,施蟄存便托人把這本書買來看,看後還寫了文章評論。施先生的孫女看見就說:「我早有這本書,您又買?」施先生說:「 ...

施蟄存先生的閱讀興趣,施蟄存說:"週勵這本書,是在興高采烈的情緒中寫出來的,不免有許多自鳴得意之處。不過,從另一個角度看,這本書對於在外國打工求生的中國青年,可以起一點鼓勵作用,使他們有信心,有希望,也未嘗不是好事。" ⑭施老對於《曼哈頓的中國女人》也作了充分的肯定。

回目錄 「自傳體小說」及其災難






