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當初有許多專有名詞 沒參考"國立編譯館的學術名辭"
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on a roll 〔米話〕 (賭
(か)け事などで)勝ち続きで; 幸運[つき]が続いて.
120頁 花當然不會長/開得"榮耀極了
on Page 133: "... "Consider this poem by William Ernest Henley," he said, opening a book and adjusting his glasses. "Ughhhh," Roy Lee growled, getting restless. I ..."
2. from Back Matter: "... an old timber with a book of poetry illuminated by his miner's lamp. Which poems he enjoyed there I am not certain, but of all of them that were blackened by coal, ..."
Homer H. Hickam, 64, author of ''Rocket Boys,'' a memoir adapted for the movie ''October Sky.''
I was a high school sophomore in Coalwood, W. Va., and I read in the newspaper that Sputnik was going to fly over southern West Virginia. At the appointed hour, our neighbors came to our yard to help me watch it. My father said, ''Well, they can all go home because President Eisenhower will never allow anything Russian to fly over Coalwood!''
But at the appointed moment, Sputnik flew over Coalwood. If it had been God in his chariot that had flown over, I could not have been more impressed. It was awe-inspiring. Sputnik looked like a bright star that moved with such utter purpose that nothing could stop it; and I, in that moment, realized I wanted to be part of the movement into space. In that moment, I decided to get a job with Wernher von Braun.
I ended up having a 17-year career in NASA, as a designer of spacecraft and an astronaut training manager.
1999年初版 訂價沒變
/ CS132 October Sky(Rocket Boys)
| 作 者 | | 希坎姆 | 譯 者 | | 陳可崗 | 專家推薦 | | 洪蘭,陽明大學神經科學研究所教授 |
| 《費城詢問報》 |
| 《聖地牙哥聯合論壇報》 |
| 《紐約時報》 |
| 《路易斯維爾觀察家》 | | | |
擔 任煤礦場監督的父親對桑尼並沒有太大的期望,然而他的母親卻堅決要讓他從此擺脫煤塵瀰漫的灰濛煤林鎮。桑尼有一群同好,他們不屈不撓的研發與試射火箭,從 一開始用金屬廢料七拼八湊,到最後製造出結構精密的火箭,在這一路走來的奮鬥史中,充滿了青少年成長與實現夢想的歡笑與淚水,也展現出鍥而不舍的科學研究 精神。就在熊熊火箭衝破陰霾天空的剎那,桑尼與煤林鎮從此聲名遠播。
本書正是美國航太總署退休工程師桑尼‧希坎姆的回憶錄,他透過細膩的筆法,把衝突矛盾的親情、志同道合的友誼、春風化雨的師恩、情竇初開的戀愛交織成一部溫馨動人的故事。綿綿密密的情感像一縷絲線,不斷牽引讀者回到他的年少場景,去見證一趟築夢與逐夢的旅程。 |
| 希坎姆 著
生長於美國西維吉尼亞州煤林鎮,是一位退休的航太工程師,曾任職於美國國家航太總署十六年,至今仍擔任該機構的航太研發計畫顧問,現居於阿拉巴馬州亨次維 市(Huntsville)。他有多項著作,包括曾獲「每月一書俱樂部」推薦的軍事歷史名著《魚雷會合點》(Torpedo Junction),以及發表在《史密松航太期刊》(Smithsonian Air and Space)、《圖解美國歷史》(American History Illustrated)等刊物的多篇文章。新著小說《重回月球》(Back to the Moon)於一九九九年六月由狄拉可特出版公司發行。 | 陳可崗 譯
生於廣州,成長於台灣最艱困時期,曾就讀海軍官校,台大物理系畢業,美國普度大學物理博士,主修實驗固態物理。曾任教於清華大學,後移居美國,任職電子工 程師。 工餘及退休後,輒常撰寫科學新知投刊於海外華文報紙,有〈量子電腦的發展〉、〈火星上生物之謎〉、〈大陸生態環境破壞的事實〉。 譯作有《十月的天空》、《觀念物理IV:聲學.光學》、《觀念物理V:電磁學.核物理》、《牛頓(上)-最後的巫師》、《牛頓(下)-科學第一人》、《數 學妖法》、《阿基米德幹了什麼好事!》、《質數魔力(上)-橫跨兩世紀的狂熱》、《質數魔力(下)-百萬美元大挑戰》、《居禮們:一個傳奇的家族》、《時 光旅人》(皆為天下文化出版)。
1-10 of 17 pages with references to song: Return to book 1. | on Page 16: | "... 16 / OCTOBER SKY continued to rock and hold me, still singing her quietly insistent song. No, you're not. ..." | 2. | on Page 32: | "... 32 / OCTOBER SKY song in my brain. Over and over again it played: Dorothy Plunk, Dorothy Plunk. THE Big Store steps was a favorite ..." | 3. | on Page 36: | "... Wernher von Braun. Dorothy Plunk. My song now had two names in it. When the papers printed that Sputnik was going to fly over southern West Virginia, ..." | 4. | on Page 78: | "... A popular song across the country in the late 1950's was Tennessee Ernie Ford's "Sixteen Tons," where he sang about a miner owing ..." | 5. | on Page 133: | "... hushed silence, it had been as loud as a rifle shot. "Now the cheerleaders will lead us in the school song," Mr. Turner ordered. The cheerleaders had been sitting together. ..." | 6. | on Page 140: | "... . . Only trouble is, gee whiz, he's dreaming his life away . . ." I laughed off Roy Lee's song, but it stung just the same. ..." | 7. | on Page 148: | "... Katydids sang their repetitive song in the evenings, and rabbits came down from the mountains to investigate the dozens of little tomato and lettuce farms ..." | 8. | on Page 190: | "... SKY were the football team. Then, when we ran up our BCMA flag, they began to sing the school fight song. "On, on, green and white, we are right for the fight tonight! ..." | 9. | on Page 221: | "... THE MACHINISTS / 221 nights, the bus warm with radiating bodies. A favorite song was "Tell Me Why." "Tell me why the stars do shine. ..." | 10. | on Page 274: | "... Although we didn't buy the Rezoid Royal Crown hair dressing that was hocked in between the songs, ..." |
11. | on Page 275: | "... music-to him it was "plinky- plunk and tacky"--and therefore so did we. He played a mixture of slow and fast songs, the fast ones played if they had a good beat. ..." | 12. | on Page 276: | "... 276 / OCTOBER SKY able songs interspersed with romantic interludes, and then the inevitable ending. So powerful was the selection that couples clung to one another ..." | 13. | on Page 278: | "... Ed often chose slow songs to get a couple back together. He was usually successful. I saw it more than once-the boy and girl, eyes ..." | 14. | on Page 279: | "... pink and blue lights and green and white crepe paper and began to dance to a booming Ed Johnson middle-act song, ..." | 15. | on Page 280: | "... We swayed to the song, and then Valentine's lips were brushing my ear and I wasn't really thinking about Dorothy and Jim anymore. ..." | 16. | on Page 298: | "... duty, and job. I stood alone on the side of the road and listened to my town play its industrial song. ..." | 17. | from Copyright: | "... payment for this "stripped book." It'szllJrn the Game by Charles Gates Dawes and Carl Sigman. Lyrics reprinted courtesy of Major Songs (ASCAP) c/o The Songwriters Guild of America 1951, and Warner Bros. ..." |
1-10 of 14 pages with references to dream: Return to book 1. | on Page 125: | "... CAPE COALWOOD / 125 The Reverend was on a roll. "Sons, obey your fathers. But fathers, help your sons to dream. If they are confused, counsel them. If they stray, search them out and bring them home. ..." | 2. | on Page 139: | "... eye in my direction, he gave us a solo rendition of the Everly Brothers' "All I Have to Do Is Dream," with modi- fied lyrics: ..." 頁120
| 3. | on Page 140: | "... 140 / OCTOBER SKY "Dream, dream, dream, all Sonny does is dream, dream, dream. When he wants Dorothy in his arms, when be wants her ..." | 4. | on Page 221: | "... but my heart still thumped wildly at the audacity of it. The bus rolled on, filled with dreams. DURING one of our study sessions in late November, ..." | 5. | on Page 281: | "... on the rail, his head hung over the water. I stopped beside his bulk as if I were in a dream. ..." | 6. | on Page 311: | "... have nothing to be-" but I fell into a deep sleep before he finished. It was a sleep packed with dreams of swirling colors, ..." | 7. | on Page 312: | "... "Been prayin' for you, boy," he said. "Knew you needed it." He told me then that he had had a dream. ..." | 8. | on Page 366: | "... Caton and Calvin Suggs alternately intruded into my dreams. Nothing seemed right, the world askew. THE newspapers said the strike at Coalwood was just one of many across the ..." | 9. | from Back Matter: | "... to fight for freedom across the world. I believed equally in both, so I volunteered for Vietnam, delaying my dream of working on spaceflight. ..." | 10. | from Back Matter: | "... i have-and to me the emptys seem like dreams i sometimes dream- of a girl-or munn~or maybe fame- my dreams have all returned the same, ..." |
11. | from Back Matter: | "... but by the vibrant love of an honorable people, and the instruction of a dear teacher, and the dreams of boys. ..." | 12. | from Back Cover: | "... West Virginia, was slowly dying. Faced with an uncertain future, Homer Hickam nurtured a dream: ..." | 13. | from Front Matter: | "... Fulfillment of a boy's dreams is what makes Rocket soar."-Chicago Tribune "[A] NOSTALGIC AND ENTERTAINING MEMOIR. ..." | 14. | from Front Matter: | "... "-Publishers Weekly (starred review) "A REFRESHINGLY HOPEFUL BOOK about personal triumph and achieving one's dreams, a book that can be recommended to all. . . . ..." |
1-8 of 8 pages with references to bird: Return to book 1. | on Page 15: | "... she could reflect on her roses and bird feeders through the picture window the company carpenters had installed for her. Per her spec- ifications, it was angled so ..." | 2. | on Page 35: | "... looked over at Mom for support, but she was looking through the win- dow behind me. I supposed there were birds at her feeder. ..." | 3. | on Page 83: | "... aluminum tubing under the back porch that Dad had brought home from the mine to make a stand for Mom's bird feeders. I appropriated it with a clear con- science since ..." | 4. | on Page 104: | "... I named it Auk I, after the great auk, an extinct bird that couldn't fly. Quentin, for no apparent reason, had gone on and on the day before about extinct birds, so ..." | 5. | on Page 107: | "... Quentin and I were hiding be- hind, jerked twenty feet into the air, coughed once, and dropped like a dead bird. ..." | 6. | on Page 207: | "... up for the attention I had given the cat enemy upstairs. Then I went outside and scattered seeds for the birds on the picnic table and threw some old lettuce and carrots out for the rabbits. ..." | 7. | on Page 349: | "... WE DO THE MATH / 349 mouths open. So did we boys. If a flock of birds with a sense of humor had flown over at that moment, we might all have suffered. ..." | 8. | on Page 392: | "... a glossy light blue, about six inches wide, and painted on it was a big red cardinal, the West Virginia bird. ..." |
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