2010年3月3日 星期三

The Calling of Education:"The Academic Ethic" and Other Essays on Higher Education

书号:16029 ISBN:978-7-301-16029-9
作者: (美)爱德华·希尔斯 版次:1
开本:大32开 装订:平装
字数: 232 千字 页数:240 定价:¥30.00
出版日期:2010-01-07 丛书名:大学教师通识教育读本

大学是当今社会最主要的学术中心,所致力的是发现和传播真理。在这本平实晓畅的著作里,美国著名社会学家爱德华o希尔斯从大学的这一使命出发,探讨了大学 教师在其研究和教学的职业之"道"中所要恪守的"德":与教学、研究、大学行政管理相关的学术责任,以及与服务社会、政治参与、公共生活等相关的社会责 任。 大学的现代变迁(大学的扩张、大学对社会经费的依赖、政治思潮对大学的冲击、大学管理的官僚化等)对教师的道德风气造成了侵蚀和干扰。希尔斯由此认定,今 天的大学教师在享受大学自治、学术自由、终审教职等正当的权利时更应该怀有对真理的爱,对学术的诚信,对大学的忠诚,对学生、同行、社会和政府的责任。当 大学教师的学术责任与社会责任相互冲突时,后者应该让位于前者。

大学教师的道与德 如何聘任大学教师 我们还需要学术自由吗? 政府、社会、大学:彼此的权利和义务 当代社会的大学理念 现代大学与自由民主

Edward Shils

The Calling of Education

"The Academic Ethic" and Other Essays on Higher Education

Edited , and with an Introduction, by Steven Grosby
308 pages, 6 x 9 © 1997

Throughout his long and prolific career, Edward Shils brought an extraordinary knowledge of academic institutions to discussions about higher education. The Calling of Education features Shils's most illuminating and incisive writing on this topic from the last twenty-five years of his life. The first essay, "The Academic Ethic," articulates the unique ethical demands of the academic profession and directs special attention to the integration of teaching and research. Other pieces, including Shils's renowned Jefferson lectures, focus on perennial issues in higher learning: the meaning of academic freedom, the connection between universities and the state, and the criteria for appointing individuals to academic positions.

Edward Shils understood the university as a great symphonic conductor comprehends the value of each instrument and section, both separately and in cooperation. The Calling of Education offers Shils's insightful perspective on problems that are no less pressing than when he first confronted them.

Edward Shils (1910-1995) was distinguished service professor in the Committee on Social Thought and the department of sociology at the University of Chicago. Among his many books published by the University of Chicago Press are Portraits: A Gallery of Intellectuals and the three-volume Selected Papers of Edward Shils.

List of Jefferson Lecturers

The following table lists the Jefferson Lecturers and the titles of their lectures.[1]

1979 Edward Shils "Render Unto Caesar: Government, Society, and Universities in their Reciprocal Rights and Duties"

