2025年2月24日 星期一

Burton Watson著《司馬遷傳》和《史記》英譯的英文和日文書評。Literature and History in the Shi ji of Sima Qian:宮崎市定Miyazaki Ichisada解讀《史記》的經典研究譯成英文:

Burton Watson著《司馬遷傳》和《史記》英譯的英文和日文書評。Literature and History in the Shi ji of Sima Qian:宮崎市定Miyazaki Ichisada解讀《史記》的經典研究譯成英文:   

名翻譯家Burton Dewitt Watson (June 13, 1925 – April 1, 2017) was an American sinologist, translator, and writer known for his numerous translations of Chinese and Japanese literature into English.
此文談他1958年的《司馬遷:中國大史家》Ssu-ma Ch'ien, Grand Historian of China, 1958
Ssu-ma Ch'ien, Grand Historian of China by Burton Watson (pp. 220-223)
Review by: Lien-sheng Yang
DOI: 10.2307/2718637

和他1961年的《中國大史家司馬遷的史記選譯》Records of the Grand Historian of China, 1961


哈佛的名漢學家楊聯陞在 HARVARD ASIAITIC JOURNAL都有書評,漢譯可參考楊聯陞《漢學書評》(北京:商務印書館,2016)。

 2. 今鷹真〈評美國瓦特遜著《司馬遷傳》和《史記》英譯 〉,陳淑女翻譯

楊聯陞在Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies Vol. 21, Dec., 1958 發表兩篇書評,上文
說的說的評Ssu-ma Ch'ien, Grand Historian of China by Burton Watson ,比起下篇,在質與量都比不上這篇:Chinese Porcelains From The Ardebil Shrine by John Alexander Pope (pp. 214-220)
Review by: Lien-sheng Yang
DOI: 10.2307/2718636

Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies

Vol. 21, Dec., 1958

Chinese Porcelains From The Ardebil Shrine by John Alexander Pope (pp. 214-220)
Review by: Lien-sheng Yang
DOI: 10.2307/2718636

【Japanese Sinology Series】
「日本漢學研究系列」叢書為香港中文大學出版社與傅佛果教授(Joshua A. Fogel) 及其他學者的合作成果,首本面世的作品為著名日本漢學家宮崎市定Miyazaki Ichisada著作Literature and History in the Shi ji of Sima Qian。
Literature and History in the Shi ji of Sima Qian is a translated and edited collection of studies on the Shi ji (Records of the historian) by Sima Qian, authored by the prestigious Japanese sinologist Miyazaki Ichisada. Providing a pathbreaking analysis of the structure and formation of the Shi ji, it serves not only as an excellent introduction to Sima Qian’s masterpiece but also offers historiographical and methodological insights that will stimulate further debate and research.
In this volume, Miyazaki presents fascinating evidence of the influence of narrative fiction and drama in Sima Qian’s recreation of the entire length and breadth of Chinese history right up to his own time. By establishing a foundational model for writing comprehensive histories in China, Sima Qian’s work is essential for understanding the subsequent tradition of historical writing. This volume offers readers valuable insights into how Sima Qian constructed his seminal work.

