Burton Watson著《司馬遷傳》和《史記》英譯的英文和日文書評。Literature and History in the Shi ji of Sima Qian:宮崎市定Miyazaki Ichisada解讀《史記》的經典研究譯成英文:
此文談他1958年的《司馬遷:中國大史家》Ssu-ma Ch'ien, Grand Historian of China, 1958
Ssu-ma Ch'ien, Grand Historian of China by Burton Watson (pp. 220-223)
Review by: Lien-sheng Yang
DOI: 10.2307/2718637
和他1961年的《中國大史家司馬遷的史記選譯》Records of the Grand Historian of China, 1961
- Records of the Grand Historian of China, 1961
- Ssu-ma Ch'ien, Grand Historian of China, 1958
哈佛的名漢學家楊聯陞在 HARVARD ASIAITIC JOURNAL都有書評,漢譯可參考楊聯陞《漢學書評》(北京:商務印書館,2016)。
2. 今鷹真〈評美國瓦特遜著《司馬遷傳》和《史記》英譯 〉,陳淑女翻譯
Chinese Porcelains From The Ardebil Shrine by John Alexander Pope (pp. 214-220)
楊聯陞在Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies Vol. 21, Dec., 1958 發表兩篇書評,上文
說的說的評Ssu-ma Ch'ien, Grand Historian of China by Burton Watson ,比起下篇,在質與量都比不上這篇:Chinese Porcelains From The Ardebil Shrine by John Alexander Pope (pp. 214-220)
世界陶瓷史很複雜,楊聯陞日文水準和哈佛大學的藏書,才可能讓他大力發揮綜合、評論。說的說的評Ssu-ma Ch'ien, Grand Historian of China by Burton Watson ,比起下篇,在質與量都比不上這篇:Chinese Porcelains From The Ardebil Shrine by John Alexander Pope (pp. 214-220)
Review by: Lien-sheng Yang
DOI: 10.2307/2718636
Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies
Vol. 21, Dec., 1958Chinese Porcelains From The Ardebil Shrine by John Alexander Pope (pp. 214-220)
Review by: Lien-sheng Yang
DOI: 10.2307/2718636