西倫敦的哥德式城堡–Strawberry Hill House 🍓
矗立在西倫敦Strawberry Hill的全白哥德式建築,是英國第一任首相Sir Robert Walpole之子Horace Walpole所建造的夏季度假城堡Strawberry Hill House。城堡在18世紀建造完成時,因為全白的外觀和豐富的藝術收藏,而造成轟動,成為當時文人雅士爭相造訪的處所,當時城堡每天只接待4位訪客。
Walpole過世後,他的藝術收藏四散在世界各處,但館方透過數位修復、3D列印、館際合作等方式恢復Strawberry Hill House在18世紀的風華。
Standing on Strawberry Hill in West London is the all-white Gothic building, Strawberry Hill House. This summer retreat was built by Horace Walpole, the son of Britain's first Prime Minister, Sir Robert Walpole. The all-white facade and Walpole's art collection caused a sensation when it was completed in the 18th century, and it became a place that literary figures and artists eagerly visited. At the time, only four visitors were received each day.
After Walpole's death, his art collection was scattered around the world, but the museum has used digital restoration, 3D printing, cross-museum collaborations to restore Strawberry Hill House to its 18th-century grandeur.