Biden Book Is a Hit
“Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics,” a memoir by Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., has become a best-selling title in the very brief time since Barack Obama, the Democrats’ presumptive presidential nominee, announced that Mr. Biden would be his running mate, The Associated Press reported. The book was released by Random House last summer, shortly after Mr. Biden announced he was running for president, but initial sales were unimpressive. That was then. As of Sunday afternoon, the book was at No. 31 on the bestseller list, and No. 11 on Barnes & Noble’s list.
ISBN:9781400065363 (Hardcover:ハードカバー版)
Biden, Joe /Publisher:Random House Inc Published 2007/07
BookWeb価格: \2,996(税込)
外貨定価:US$ 25.95
円換算額: \2,996(税込) +手数料:\0 (B)
Academic Descriptors:A42304030
Place of Publication :United States
Subject Development :Biography
Academic Level :Extracurricular
Table of Contents
Prologue xi
Impedimenta 3 (21)
Neilia 24 (16)
Something That Will Last 40 (17)
The Doors Swing Open 57 (22)
Give Me Six Months 79 (4)
A Start 83 (20)
Jill 103(14)
Transitions 117(20)
This Can't Hurt Us 137(26)
Intellectual Combat 163(25)
You Have to Win This 188(20)
The Kind of Man I Wanted to Be 208(16)
Time Will Tell 224(13)
Engage 237(21)
Effort Pays 258(32)
New Opportunities 290(21)
The Dark 311(15)
The Informed Consent of the American People 326(16)
My Mistake 342(12)
Why? 354(6)
Promises to Keep 360(7)
Acknowledgments 367
【星島網訊】拜登23日成為奧巴馬競選搭檔後,立刻獲得各界關注,他的自傳《要履行的承諾:論人生和政治》(Promises to Keep:On Life and Politics)也一躍成為暢銷書。
美聯社消息,在奧巴馬宣佈選擇拜登為自己副手的次日(24日),拜登這本原來名不見經傳的書就登上了Barnes & Noble.com的前10位,在Amazon.com的排名也進入前40,兩家書商24日都宣佈,這本書已經斷貨,而出版商Random House 則稱將再版此書。
現在不僅拜登的新書,他的財政狀況也開始引人關注。這位德拉瓦州參議員的年收入約30萬。他的主要資產包括銀行賬戶﹑共同基金及保險單共為約6 萬至36.6萬。其他收入包括《要履行的承諾:論人生和政治》一書的下班部分稿費11.25萬;在威登納大學(Widener University) 授課收入2.05萬。
Editorial Reviews
Product Description“Nearly forty years after I first got involved, I remain captivated by the possibilities of politics and public service. In fact, I believe that my chosen profession is a noble calling. That’s why I wanted to be a part of it.”
–Joe Biden
As a United States senator from Delaware since 1973, Joe Biden has been an intimate witness to the major events of the past four decades and a relentless actor in trying to shape recent American history. He has seen up close the tragic mistake of the Vietnam War, the Watergate and Iran-contra scandals, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the reunification of Germany, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, a presidential impeachment, a presidential resignation, and a presidential election decided by the Supreme Court. He’s observed Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Clinton, and two Bushes wrestling with the presidency; he’s traveled to war zones in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa and seen firsthand the devastation of genocide. He played a vital role by standing up to Ronald Reagan’s effort to seat Judge Robert Bork on the Supreme Court, fighting for legislation that protects women against domestic violence, and galvanizing America’s response (and the world’s) to Slobodan Milosevic’s genocidal march in the Balkans. In Promises to Keep, Biden reveals what these experiences taught him about himself, his colleagues, and the institutions of government.
With his customary candor, Biden movingly recounts growing up in a staunchly Catholic multigenerational household in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and Wilmington, Delaware; overcoming a demoralizing stutter; marriage, fatherhood, and the tragic death of his wife Neilia and infant daughter Naomi; remarriage and re-forming a family with his second wife, Jill; success and failure in the Senate and on the campaign trail; two life-threatening aneurysms; his relations with fellow lawmakers on both sides of the aisle; and his leadership of powerful Senate committees.
Through these and other recollections, Biden shows us how the guiding principles he learned early in life–the obligation to work to make people’s lives better, to honor family and faith, to get up and do the right thing no matter how hard you’ve been knocked down, to be honest and straightforward, and, above all, to keep your promises–are the foundations on which he has based his life’s work as husband, father, and public servant.
Promises to Keep is the story of a man who faced down personal challenges and tragedy to become one of our most effective leaders. It is also an intimate series of reflections from a public servant who refuses to be cynical about political leadership, and a testament to the promise of the United States.
About the Author
Joe Biden was first elected to the United States Senate in 1972 at the age of twenty-nine and is recognized as one of the nation’s most powerful and influential voices on foreign relations, terrorism, drug policy, and crime prevention. Senator Biden grew up in New Castle County, Delaware, and graduated from the University of Delaware and the Syracuse University College of Law. Since 1991, Biden has been an adjunct professor at the Widener University School of Law, where he teaches a seminar on constitutional law. He lives in Wilmington, Delaware.