Ji Xianlin - Thirty Years East of the River... - The East-West Dichotomy
... The French scholar Aly Mazahéri who does Iranian studies dealt a lot with the ancient inventions of China in his monumental work La Route de la Soie, many of which are still unknown to us. I will not deliberate on details here, but I will only quote some pieces of talk between ancient Persians and Arabs about Chinese culture and Greek culture:
Jahez quoted a theory of the Sassanian Dynasty (226—Ca. 640), which says: “The Greeks never invented anything except some theories. They never taught any art. But the Chinese were different. They did teach all their arts, but they indeed had no scientific theories whatever.”
Here is a note by the present author Ji Xianlin: The last statement is not true. China did have theories. What this statement says is similar to Hegel’s idea that there was no philosophy in China, which is a rather lay comment. In the same book, there are statements saying:
After the Sassanian Dynasty, Ferdowsi, Salibee, Al’beruni, and others all attributed the discovery of silk fabrics, steel, mortar, and slurry to Yama and Jamashed. However, we have a firm belief in the origin of silk fabrics and steel knives in China. As to the rest of these discoveries such as slurry — cement and so on, there is a 99% probability that they also originated in China. Seeing things in this way we can appreciate the significance of a Parthian — Sassanian — Arabian — Turkman saying: “The Greeks have only one eye and only the Chinese have two eyes.” Josafa Barbaro had learned such a saying earlier in Persia, in 1471 and 1474. Around that time he also heard the same idea expressed in an abstruse manner: “The Greeks only understand theories, but the Chinese are the people who own the technologies.”
I would like to add more to the theory of one eye or two eyes, that is, I want to point out there are others who introduced the same idea, which must have originated in Manichaeism:
“Except the Chinese who observe with both eyes and the Greeks who observe with only one eye, all the other peoples are blind.”
I quote such sayings repeatedly not to feel the complacency and smugness about the flattery those foreigners heap upon the Chinese and then assume an air of self-importance. To my curiosity, such sayings existed in Persia and Arabia so long a time ago. And we cannot help today but wonder at the acumen and elaborate insight with which they observed. Indeed, at that time in the world, only China and Greece enjoyed a most prominent and magnificent culture. And it is high time that those handfuls of scholars or learners or whatever “-ers” in China who inevitably talk about nothing else but the Greek tradition come to an awakening....
季羡林舉的"單眼 vs 雙眼"舊說,為饒宗頤補充之,見"一眼與雙眼",收入【文化之旅】,北京:中華,2011
Ji Xianlin (季羡林; August 6, 1911 – July 11, 2009)
作 者:季羡林 著
出 版 社:华艺出版社
I S B N:9787801429643 出版时间:2008-
1911年生於山東清平(今併入臨清市 )。12歲考入正誼中學,半年後轉入山東大學附設高中。1930年考入清華大學西洋文學系,專業方向德文。1935年9月赴德學習,1946年5月回國。曾擔任北京大學德語系系主任、北京大學副校長。
季羨林自言:到了耄耋之年,忽發少年狂,一系列引人關注的怪論、奇思問世。在季先生的這些怪論奇思中,影響最大的莫過於本書闡述的“三十年河東,三十年河西 ”:“三十年河東,三十年河西”,我引的這兩句話,最受人詬病,然而我至今仍然認為,這是真理,是詬病不掉的。
Ji Xianlin (季羡林; August 6, 1911 – July 11, 2009)