如何成為產品設計大師 , (美)布魯斯·漢納(Bruce Hannah)著, 上海人民美術出版社2007,
ISBN:9780471223535 (Paper cover book)
Hannah, Bruce /Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Inc Published 2004/01
The one-of-a-kind guide to a career in product design
Becoming a Product Designer is the most complete and concise survey of the many opportunities available today in the field of product design. Written by a leading expert with more than thirty years of experience, this highly visual guide delivers a comprehensive overview of the field, from prerequisites and requirements for a variety of educational paths to coverage of major design specialties, such as transportation, packaging, furniture, sports equipment, and medical equipment design.
Interviews and advice from leading product designers offer an inside look at the real world of product design. No other book provides the same unique, in-depth material on educational training, portfolio preparation, and career possibilities, as well as the business aspects of product design, and much more.
Bruce Hannah (New York, NY) has been a force in product design since 1967 and has owned his own successful design firm since 1976. He is a tenured professor at the Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York and in 1992 was named the Cooper Hewitt's first designer in residence. He is also the recipient of IDSA's National Design Education Award.
布鲁斯·汉纳,是一位极受尊敬的产品设计师,他在书中对教育、培训、如何给自己定位和找工作给出了很多很好的建议。 本书收入60多段与产品设计领军人物之间的前沿对话,涉及展示、包装、家具、运动装备、医疗设备,以及其他诸多方面,并包含了许多富有洞察力、权威的分 析。它从更广阔的视野提出了产品设计里许多有价值的、切实可行的建议。相信这么多有用、可操作性强的信息,会给有兴趣在产品设计行业发展并取得成功的每一 个人带来切实的帮助。
由這些訪談說法 Read Excerpt 1 (PDF) ( Quotes: Where do You Get Your Ideas?)我們可以了解翻譯水平不及格
譬如說 底下都翻譯錯誤:
I try to find ideas from something seemingly unrelated and extrapolate its essence to arrive at new and fresh ideas. That’s a good way to avoid sophomoric statements.
Inspiration can sneak in from the oddest (翻譯成最古老)places you’ll missed if your mind isn’t open and ready to take it. 整句會錯意
Table of Contents
Quotes: What is Product Design?
Design Education.
Medical Equipment.
Consumer Products.
Quotes: Where do You Get Your Ideas?
Corporate Design.
Design Futures.
The Optimum Portfolio.
Quotes: Who are Your Heroes?
Appendix A: List of Schools.
Appendix B: List of Design Organizations.
概述 剧院的生命力
第一章 设计教育—真谛与误区
第二章 照明设计
第三章 医疗
第四章 消费产品:日常设计
第五章 家具
第六章 时尚
第七章 桌面设计:把食物放到桌上来
第八章 展示设计
第九章 驻厂设计
第十章 设计之未来
第十一章 设计企业家
附录A 提供产品设计学位的院校
附录B 设计组织机构
p.173 的翻譯簡直是.....
no-nonsense panty hose. hosiery
*Becoming a Product Designer 可悲的翻譯 p.173 (中文) 簡直匪夷所思
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adjective [before noun]
practical and serious, and only interested in doing what is necessary or achieving what is intended, without silly ideas or methods:
a no-nonsense manner/leader
a no-nonsense approach to child-rearing
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noun [U] (ALSO hose) FORMAL
a word used especially in shops for items such as socks, tights and stockings:
Women's hosiery you'll find on the second floor, Madam.
DJ: [
- (總稱)襪子類
- 【主英】(總稱)針織品
DJ: [
- (運動員等的)緊身衣
- 貼身襯衣
- (婦女的)緊身下裝
panty liner
noun [C]細薄衛生棉
a small length of absorbent material which can be stuck to the inside of a woman's underpants
panty girdle パンティーガードル (〈英〉panty belt) ((パンティー型のコルセット)).
panty-hose 〔米〕 ((複数扱い)) パンティーストッキング, パンスト.褲襪
panty・liner パンティーライナー ((生理用ナプキン)).
panty raid 〔米〕 パンティーレイド ((大学の男子学生が女子学生寮のパンティーを奪う昔流行したいたずら)).
panty・waist ━━ a., n. 〔米〕 子供用パンツ付下着(の) ((上下をボタンでとめる)); 〔米話〕 めめしい(人).
KK: []
DJ: []
n. (名詞 noun)
幼兒用衣褲 孩童般的男人;柔弱的人