2024年10月24日 星期四

姚克翻譯A. Miller之"推銷員之死"/ Life of a 'Salesman' /蝴蝶回憶錄

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Life of a 'Salesman'

Arthur Miller's "Death of a Salesman" has unusual currency in today's economic climate. Does this classic play hold a mirror up to American culture? What do you think?

林以亮為早年燕京大學西語系出身,內戰末期到香港,主要就是從事西書的翻譯和電影編劇,到我們通信的階段,他已經是朋輩中有名的「翻譯先生」(Mr. Translation)了。所謂朋輩,就是他有一次忽然在信中對我提到的,「同我差不多年齡的友好,如姚克,張愛玲,喬志高,蔡思果」等四人,都為衣食忙,他說,致未能專心文學,接下去就感慨地講了些自覺「蒼涼」的話。


譬如說 推銷員之死 楊必的浮華世界 趙元任的愛麗絲.....

翻譯A. Miller之"推銷員之死" (香港:今日世界 1970 後轉為台灣英文雜誌社)
70年代初 今日世界出版姚克翻譯的推銷員之死
序寫得及認真 妙的是 姚先生的野心是要用北京話翻譯 不過碰到許多困難 如現在很平常的 plug/socket等等

Charley ...Couldn't sleep well. I had a heartburn.
(睡不穩 鬧胃氣)
heartburn noun [U] 不可數-- 不過我的版本的確為 a heartburn

a painful burning feeling in the lower chest caused by the stomach not digesting food correctly

"Death of a Salesman" is a 1949 stage play written by the American playwright Arthur Miller. The play premiered on Broadway in February 1949, running for 742 performances. It is a two-act tragedy set in late 1940s Brooklyn, told through a montage of memories, dreams, and arguments of the protagonist, Willy Loman, a traveling salesman whose aspirations for success and elevated social status lead to a tragic unraveling of his mental state.

The play serves as a microcosm of the social pressures prevalent in post-World War II America and questions traditional values, reflecting the disillusionment felt by many in the face of economic and social changes. "Death of a Salesman" addresses loss of identity and a man's inability to accept change within himself and society, portraying Willy Loman's struggles with self-delusion and his inability to acknowledge his marginal success.

Arthur Miller's portrayal of Willy Loman redefined the tragic hero as a man whose dreams are insupportably vast and dangerously insubstantial, making "Death of a Salesman" a milestone of the American theater.

The play has maintained its impact over the years and has been adapted into several films and television productions, solidifying its enduring relevance and influence. It has been recognized as a Pulitzer Prize-winning drama and a significant contribution to American letters.

Overall, "Death of a Salesman" remains a powerful exploration of the American Dream and its toll on individuals and families, captivating audiences with its poignant portrayal of the human condition and societal pressures.

Arthur Miller's masterful storytelling and the timeless themes explored in "Death of a Salesman" have cemented its status as a classic work that continues to resonate with audiences, sparking discussions about its enduring relevance and impact on the American theatrical landscape.

BOOK: https://amzn.to/3YpmUFP

You can also get the audio book for FREE using the same link. Use the link to register for the audio book on Audible and start enjoying it.


姚克的簡短介紹 也可參考 蝴蝶回憶錄 台北:聯經 1986 pp.274-76

姚克(1905~1991) 原名姚志伊、姚莘農、筆名姚克。祖籍安徽歙縣,生於福建廈門。東吳大學畢業。 30年代初致力於優秀外國文學作品的介紹和翻譯。民國21年(1932年)為向世界介紹中國的作家,翻譯完成了魯迅《短篇小說選集》的英譯本,並與魯迅成為交往密切的朋友。魯迅對姚克“以西文介紹中國現狀”的工作,給予了很高的評價。民國26年盧溝橋事變後,姚克是全國文藝界最早的抗日統一戰線組織中國劇作家協會的發起人之一,並參與集體合作的三幕劇《保衛盧溝橋》,有近百人演出。是年8月,赴蘇聯參加全蘇第五屆戲劇節,在歐期間為爭取歐洲國家支持中國的抗戰,數度舉行廣場演說。而後赴美國耶魯大學戲劇學院進修。民國29年回國,此時上海已處於抗戰的“孤島時期”。姚克在聖約翰大學、復旦大學任教,同時參與戲劇活動,為複旦劇社排演戲劇。在進步話劇運動的影響下,姚克參與了中共地下組織領導的上海劇藝社的戲劇活動。民國30年和費穆創建天風劇團,主持演出了《浮塵若夢》、《十字街頭》、《梅花夢》等,編寫了歷史劇《清宮怨》。太平洋戰爭後,上海已淪陷,這一時期姚克在特定的政治環境中創作了許多歷史劇,如《楚霸王》、《美人計》、《蝴蝶夢》、《西施》、《秦始皇》、《銀海滄桑》等,撰述了專著《怎樣演齣戲劇》等。在戲劇活動上,姚克與佐臨等組建了苦幹劇團,任總幹事。抗戰勝利後擔任蘭心劇場經理,首演劇目是由他編劇的《熱血五十年》,內容描寫台灣回歸祖國。

民國37年姚克赴香港,將《清宮怨》改為電影《清宮秘史》,由永華影業公司拍攝。其後,他主要在香港中文大學、新亞書院、聯合書院任教。 1968年赴美國,在夏威夷大學執教現代中國文學和中國哲學史。 1980年3月中共中央組織部就《清宮秘史》之案為姚克平反,是年北京人民出版社重印了《清宮怨》劇作。

