2014年3月18日 星期二

ASIA FOR THE ASIANS: “亞洲屬亞洲人”/ 宮崎滔天 《三十三年の夢》


March 04, 2014
  前畑市長回國後在記者會上表示:「比預期中的氣氛還要好,雖然兩國外交關係陷入緊張。但荒尾市和上海市始終保持友好關係,能夠 順利進行展覽真是太好了。」2012年,荒尾市曾派出由15名中學生所組成的友好交流訪問團前往上海。如今,荒尾市也考慮在未來邀請上海的中學生造訪日 本。   雖然日中關係持續惡化,一個記述著辛亥革命領導人孫中山,及其支持者宮崎滔天所結下之深刻友誼的資料展,正在上海展出。   該資料展由荒尾市、熊本縣、上海市人民對外友好協會等機構共同主辦。在孫中山度過晚年的上海孫中山故居紀念館中,展示了由荒尾 市所提供的牌匾、掛軸、照片等史料複製品。此一展覽原本應該2012年舉辦,但當時因為釣魚台列嶼領土問題而被迫延期,而此次資料展將持續展至3月31 日。   根據荒尾市表示,包括宮崎滔天的後代子孫在內,共有80名日中相關人士出席了1月23日的開幕典禮。荒尾市市長前畑淳治致辭時 表示:「透過資料展能夠加深相互間的了解,希望能夠進一步地推動兩國間的友好交流。」上海市人民對外友好協會副會長汪小澍也回應道:「能夠舉辦這個資料 展,真的感到非常高興。今後也想繼續互相交流。」

Meiji Japanese who sought to improve China

ASIA FOR THE ASIANS: China in the Lives of Five Meiji Japanese, by Paula S. Harrell. Merwin Asia, 2012, 407 pp., $35 (paperback)亞洲屬於亞洲人:五位明治日本人與中國,由Paula S.哈勒爾。默溫(亞洲)出版,2012年,407頁,35元(平裝)
The radical makeover Japan prescribed itself in the course of the Meiji reforms, driven by entirely justified fear of Western domination, fundamentally changed conditions in East Asia. The threats of European and American encroachment prompted Japan to howl with the wolves, while China continued to believe in its time-tested cultural superiority.
News photo
While the Chinese tried to resist the imperialist powers, the Japanese joined them. They emulated Western institutions, technologies and habits, and, observing China's weakness, turned increasingly to the West. Japan's unexpected victory over China in 1895 could only strengthen the hands of those who considered Qing China a basket case and subscribed to the "Leaving Asia" ideology.
To be sure, disdain for China took hold in Japan; yet, cultural affinity, feelings of awe for an age-old tradition, and resentment of Western arrogance fed a strong pro-China counter-current among Meiji Japanese elites. The book under review here probes the depth of this current and, in so doing, draws a differentiated picture of the complexities of Sino-Japanese relations during the Meiji Era.
The author's approach is biographical. She portrays five Japanese individuals, born between 1860 and 1875, who, in one way or another, were involved in Japanese interests operating in China in the Meiji Era. Atsumaro Konoe, a prince, influential politician and president of the Peers School (later to become Gakushuin University) was a strong advocate of an "Asia for the Asians" policy. China scholar and educationalist Unokichi Hattori served to set up an institution of higher education in Beijing and witnessed the convulsions of the Boxer uprising. Misako Kawahara went to China as a pioneer female teacher, accepting a position in Shanghai first and then moving to Mongolia to set up Japanese-style schooling in Karachin. Naniwa Kawashima was a fervent anti-Western adventurer who immersed himself into the study of Chinese and rose to a position of considerable influence in the Qing bureaucracy. Nagao Ariga, cosmopolitan professor of international law of Tokyo Senmon Gakko (predecessor of Waseda University) and editor of Japan's first foreign policy journal, served as legal expert in the Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War and later advised the Chinese government on constitutional reform.
The life stories of these five figures are well worth telling. They were extraordinarily gifted and energetic individuals who lived through turbulent times. Harrell's narrative sheds much light on how they were drawn, each in their own different way, into the evolving drama that unfolded between a weakly governed China, Western powers' designs for extending their influence in East Asia, and their own country, which tried hard to gain a place among "civilized nations" and succeeded in this endeavor to the extent that it waged "just wars" against China and Russia.
Their actions were rife with contradictions as were those of the major players of the international power game. The Japanese government was determined to curb European and American interference in Asia, but sided with the Western powers to subdue an anti-Western uprising in China. Proclaiming Japanese solidarity with China was not incompatible with condoning Manchu separatism or advocating a Japanese mandate in Manchuria. Embracing Western institutions of governance, while holding on to Confucianism; participating in the quest to develop a rules-based system of international conflict resolution, while engaging in horrendous atrocities on the battlefield (in Port Arthur).
Those were some of the contradictions that weren't necessarily perceived as such. They grew out of objective conditions, shifting power relations in Asia and the quagmire of Chinese politics, and were reflected in the actions of the five protagonists of this book as well as many other Japanese individuals. Going to China as technical experts, educators and diplomats, they held positive feelings toward the country whose tradition they revered. At the same time they embodied Japan's ambition to become a global player, which was realized to a large extent on the ruins of the disintegrating Qing empire. Much like the Western nations they emulated, the Japanese pursued an aggressive diplomacy backed up by military force, in the interest, they professed, of expanding the rule of law. Their success on the battlefield proved them right, but also sowed the seeds of cynicism about the opportunistic nature of the Western-dominated world order.
In 1911, the curtain fell on the Meiji period and on the Qing dynasty. Reading "Asia for the Asians" helps to appreciate the difference this turning point meant for Japan, which had largely completed its modernization program, and China, which was only hesitantly embarking on its own. Many Japanese, the five individuals whose careers are recounted in this book among them, thought that what had transformed their country could be replicated in China and were willing to help bring this about. They each had their own expectations and motives for going to China.

As Harrell expertly shows, imperialism wasn't on their mind; however, in their capacities as teachers, advisers and legal experts, they participated, some more deliberately than others, in shaping Japan's new role in Asia and the world.

Florian Coulmas is director of the German Institute for Japanese Studies Tokyo (DIJ). His recent book, written together with Ralph Luetzeler, is titled "Imploding Populations in Japan and Germany."弗洛里安Coulmas是東京的德國研究所日本研究所(DIJ)主任。他最近的一本書,寫與拉爾夫Luetzeler合著,題目是日本和德國的人口內爆。”


由Florian COULMAS




筆者的做法是個人簡歷。她描繪了五家日本個人,1860年和1875年之間出生的人,在這種或那種方式,參與了日本在明治時代在中國經營的利益。 Atsumaro近衛,一個王子,有影響的政治家和總統的同齡人學校(後來成為學習院大學)是一個大力倡導的“亞洲的亞洲人”的政策。中國的學者和教育家服部宇之吉服部擔任設立在北京的高等教育機構,見證了抽搐的義和團起義。美佐子川原的先驅女教師到中國去,接受上海第一的位置,然後移動到蒙古設立的日式教育在Karachin。川島浪速是一個狂熱的反西方的冒險家,全身心的投入到研究中國在清朝官僚機構和相當大的影響力上升到的位置。長尾有賀,國際化的教授,國際法東京Senmon樂戶(早稻田大學前身)及日本的第一個外國政策雜誌的編輯,擔任法律專家中的中日戰爭和Russo日本戰爭和以後建議,中國政府對憲政改革。






----- 宮崎滔天

1013 東京各大報首先報導武昌首義之消息….” (《三十三年之夢‧附錄 年譜》)

33年之夢》宮崎滔天著 啟彥譯 台北:帕米爾 1984

宮崎滔天(みやざき とうてん,1871年1月23日-1922年12月6日)本名寅藏(或作虎藏),號白浪庵滔天,世以號稱。是一位支持辛亥革命的日本革命家,孫中山的日本好友。他同時也是一名浪花節作家,藝名為桃中軒牛右衛門(とうちゅうけん うしえもん)。


1891年,滔天初到上海。本打算同岩本千綱一起,開始著手暹羅殖民計劃。然而,當時的時局非常複雜,日本和清政府的關係愈加緊張,天道教準備組建軍隊。最終,計劃未成功。回國後,他接到外務省的任命,被派去調查中國秘密結社的情況。從而開始了與中國革命黨人的聯繫。 1897年,宮崎滔天結識了孫中山,從此以後開始為中國的革命運動提供幫助。後來,中國的革命運動遭受挫折,滔天心灰意冷,拜桃中軒雲右衛門為師,作了一名浪曲作家。但他始終不忘革命事業,一直為同盟會的成立奔走效力。 1898年,同戊戌政變後逃往香港的康有為一起,回到日本。 1899年,美菲戰爭爆發,宮崎滔天在朝野間斡旋,並參與了介入戰爭的計劃。 1900年,袍哥會、三合會及興中會三派聯合,發動惠州起義。滔天前往拜見在新加坡的康有為,勸說其改保皇轉而支持孫中山革命。卻與康有為衝突,而被指控為刺客,受到警方追捕。宮崎滔天隨後逃往香港,但還是被港英政府當局逮捕下獄,後經孫中山等營救獲釋。 宮崎滔天曾與孫中山談及革命事業,高嘆在日本國內的計劃總是無法實施,加上資金短缺,使得宏偉的政治藍圖總成畫餅。

近年刊行の著作 [編集]

  • 『近代日本の狂と夢 滔天文選』 書肆心水、2006年
  • 『宮崎滔天 アジア革命奇譚集』 書肆心水  同年 渡辺京二解説


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