今天日文老師提到李登輝先生和空海 所以找出此書 2016.1.20
林景淵:《空海:大唐文化傳入日本的橋樑》、《扶桑書物語》 第二集 (2020)
扶桑書物語 第二集 (2020)

引些心理分析語如 moratorium
Adolescents "are confronted by the need to re-establish [boundaries] for themselves and to do this in the face of an often potentially hostile world."[6] This is often challenging since commitments are being asked for before particular identity roles have formed. At this point, one is in a state of 'identity confusion', but society normally makes allowances for youth to "find themselves," and this state is called 'the moratorium':
扶桑書物語 第二集 (2020)

漢文本製作有點馬虎 (內文說的頁數是原書的) 需要地圖幫助讀者(p.40) 簡易年譜在 78頁
作者將頓教說成密教引些心理分析語如 moratorium
Adolescents "are confronted by the need to re-establish [boundaries] for themselves and to do this in the face of an often potentially hostile world."[6] This is often challenging since commitments are being asked for before particular identity roles have formed. At this point, one is in a state of 'identity confusion', but society normally makes allowances for youth to "find themselves," and this state is called 'the moratorium':
The problem of adolescence is one of role confusion—a reluctance to commit which may haunt a person into his mature years. Given the right conditions—and Erikson believes these are essentially having enough space and time, a psychological moratorium, when a person can freely experiment and explore—what may emerge is a firm sense of identity, an emotional and deep awareness of who he or she is.[7]
日本僧伽傳記 - 桃園縣公共圖書館資訊服務網日本僧伽傳記 ...
出版者 | 選擇 |
弘法大師: 空海╱林景淵,李如明著 | 民88 [1999] |
ザ・プロファイラー ~夢と野望の人生~
[BSプレミアム]1月20日(水) 午後9:00~10:00
[BSプレミアム]1月20日(水) 午後9:00~10:00