2012.8.20 因為與朋友討論到聖保羅的"信望愛"等資料, 我想參考
The Oxford Companion to the Bible 怎麼說 love 等, 結果先查「友情」 (friendship)---記得法國哲學家德里達寫過這方面的書, 卻查不到這。
我比較意外的是除了最長的一篇談「翻譯」translation (由十個分篇組成),還有Freud and the Bible等長文......
The Oxford Companion to the Bible

Bruce M. Metzger, Michael David Coogan
Oxford University Press, USA, 1993/10/14 - 932 頁
The Oxford Companion to the Bible
Edited by Bruce M. Metzger and Michael David Coogan
- The Oxford Companion to the Bible provides an authoritative
one-volume reference to the people, places, events, books, institutions,
religious belief, and secular influence of the Bible.
- An essential volume for every home and library, the first place to turn for information on the central book of Western culture.
- Includes twenty-eight pages of full-color maps, providing an accurate, detailed portrait of the biblical world.
The Bible has had an immeasurable influence on Western culture, touching on virtually every aspect of our lives. It is one of the great wellsprings of Western religious, ethical, and philosophical traditions. It has been an endless source of inspiration to artists, from classic works such as Michaelangelo's
Last Judgment, Handel's
Messiah, or Milton's
Paradise Lost, to modern works such as Thomas Mann's
Joseph and His Brothers or Martin Scorsese's controversial
Last Temptation of Christ. For countless generations, it has been a comfort in suffering, a place to reflect on the mysteries of birth, death, and immortality. Its stories and characters are an integral part of the repertoire of every educated adult, forming an enduring bond that spans thousands of years and embraces a vast community of believers and nonbelievers.
The Oxford Companion to the Bible provides an authoritative one-volume reference to the people, places, events, books, institutions, religious belief, and secular influence of the Bible. Written by more than 250 scholars from some 20 nations and embracing a wide variety of perspectives, the Companion offers over seven hundred entries, ranging from brief identifications--who is Dives? where is Pisgah?--to extensive interpretive essays on topics such as the influence of the Bible on music or law.Ranging far beyond the scope of a traditional Bible dictionary, the Companion features, in addition to its many informative, factual entries, an abundance of interpretive essays.
Here are extended entries on religious concepts from immortality, sin, and grace, to baptism, ethics, and the Holy Spirit. The contributors also explore biblical views of modern issues such as homosexuality, marriage, and anti-Semitism, and the impact of the Bible on the secular world (including a four-part article on the Bible's influence on literature).Of course, the Companion can also serve as a handy reference, the first place to turn to find factual information on the Bible. Readers will find fascinating, informative articles on all the books of the Bible--including the Apocrypha and many other ancient texts, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, Pseudepigrapha, and the Mishrah. Virtually every figure who walked across the biblical stage is identified here, ranging from Rebekah, Rachel, and Mary, to Joseph, Barabbas, and Jesus.
The Companion also offers entries that shed light on daily life in ancient Israel and the earliest Christian communities, with fascinating articles on feasts and festivals, clothing, medicine, units of time, houses, and furniture. Finally, there are twenty-eight pages of full-color maps, providing an accurate, detailed portrait of the biblical world.A vast compendium of information related to scriptures, here is an ideal complement to the Bible, an essential volume for every home and library, the first place to turn for information on the central book of Western culture.
Author Information
Bruce M. Metzger is George L. Collord Professor
Emeritus of New Testament Language and Literature, Princeton Theological
Seminary. A recognised authority on the text of the New Testament, he
was chairperson of the NRSV Bible Committee, which produced the New
Revised Standard Version, and he was co-editor (with Roland E. Murphy)
of The New Oxford Annotated Bible.
Michael D. Coogan is Professor of Religious Studies at Stonehill College.
Introduction vi
Directory of Contributors xi
Transliterations xix
Abbreviations xxi
The Oxford Companion to the Bible
Bibliography 831
Index 834
Maps follow page 874
Oxford University Press/OUP*。
《奇緣此生顧正秋》 台北:時報文化出版社,2007。不過沒看到。倒是看到牛津大學出版社*(中國)的兩本新書:章詒和新書和《 別了,毛澤東》。兩書都附人名索引。
《明報月刊》五百期誌慶特大號(二零零七年八月號),讀「專訪余英時教授」(陳 致)中錢鍾書先生的手書。
讀「想念林語堂先生」 (二○○六年十月,馬悅然先生應邀參與台北東吳大學舉辦林語堂逝世三十周年「跨越與前進——從林語堂研究看文化的相融/相涵」國際學術研討會的專題演講稿。)中《京華煙雲》中的北京之美(四季、歷來人與自然合一。我1992年對它已覺得”殘念”……)
我高中已知道林語堂先生每日誦讀Concise Oxford Dictionary,所以買來,未能詳讀。1977年旅英,第一件就是買本新版的—它到2000才由第9版取代(當初台北書市一批原版,每本只賣近500元,很奇怪。原來隔年出第10版10/e (Hardback Pearsall, Aug 27, 2001))。再幾年,我買大陸影印的 Shorrter Oxford English Dictionary(上月在書林看到20本O.E.D. 約6萬元,稱奇:20年前我的財力和空間才可能買它們;現在有CD版…..)
到賣大陸書物的”秋水堂”,不忘拿翻印的第10版,用 “bay “當測試,大概是 brown horse with black points. 查 point 一義指馬或貓之諸端部extremities 即指臉部、尾部、蹄部等等。回還查9/e,為 a bay horse with a black mane and tail.
它沒有hollow-backe解釋,不過 hollow之一解為 concave.
*翻讀《摩西五經》(馮象譯注;香港:牛津大學出版社,2006)的版權頁時,才注意到它已加上「牛津大學出版社」的使命宣言書【相對於1993年出版的The Oxford Companion to the Bible】:
Oxford University Press is a department of the of Oxford.
It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide ...
Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (2002)已有這了。
下述牛 津 大 學 出 版 社( 中 國 ) 的 《使 命 宣 言 摘 要 》,正 好 概 括 了其 宗 旨 。
牛 津 大 學 出 版 社 ( 中 國 ) 有 限 公 司 之 工 作 重 點 為 製 作 高 質 量 之 教 育 類 、 參 考 類 、 學 術 類 與 普 及 類 出 版 物 , 滿 足 市 場 需 要 , 從 而 推 動 教 育 。 為 此 , 出 版 社 竭 力 提 供 優 質 服 務 , 務 求 令 客 戶 滿 意 。
牛 津 大 學 出 版 社 ( 中 國 ) 有 限 公 司 為 達 致 此 等 目 標 , 務 必 以 合 乎 職 業 道 德 、 社 會 公 義 之 手 法 , 穩 健 經 營 , 獲 取 經 濟 回 報 , 並 履 行 其 對 各 方 伙 伴 之 責 任 。
類似上述的這種 Vision Statement, Mission Statement以及 Purpose Statement 的例子 ,請參考拙著:
《系統與變異: 淵博知識與理想設計法 》(2010)