The Oxford Book of Letters
Edited by Frank Kermode and Anita Kermode
- Comprehensive anthology of letters in English from the 6th century to Philip Larkin
- Includes letters by the famous (writers, royalty, politicians, poets, playwrights) and the unknown (emigrants to America, Australia and S. Africa), on subjects ranging from business and world affairs, love letters, begging letters, gossip etc.
- Includes British, American and Commonwealth writers
- Each letter set in context and annotated with helpful editorial comments
- Contains first publication of T.S.Eliot-Spender exchange of letters in verse
- 'a rich, ripe mid-summery collection ... The selection is so intelligent and lucid it reads like the most intimate of social histories ... This is a collection that almost achieves perfection: majestic and accessible, wonderfully funny, memorably sad.' The Observer
- The Oxford Book of Letters
- Reading other people's letters, like reading private diaries, offers thrilling and unexpected glimpses into their lives, and it is partly the guilty pleasure we take in such literary eavesdropping that makes this volume so compelling. ... Google Books
- Published: 1995
2015年8月12日 星期三
張貼留言 (Atom)
Some Blogs of Hanching Chung
- Ten droll tales By Honoré de Balzac
- Max Weber (Painter)《馬克斯·韋伯藝術隨筆》
- Jean-Piere Vernant《希臘思想的起源》《神話與政治之間》《眾神飛楊:希臘諸神的起源》
- Kullervo: Tolkien's fascination with Finland
- 劉以鬯
- 'The Call of the Wild'
- Henry George, "Progress and Poverty" (1879)
- 陸文夫
- 美術評論家の高階秀爾(たかしなしゅうじ), Claude Debussy;富士山的文化史
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- The Meaning of Kissinger / Kissinger: A Biography ...
- Henry Kissinger on China《論中國》(On China)《中國人民的老朋友》“...
- 林太乙《丁香遍野》《春雷春雨》《林語堂傳》《文英集》/《文華集》
- 「蝗蟲效應」
- What Bukowski taught us about life in nine quotes
- The File: A Personal History By Timothy Garton Ash...
- 「我們只授業不傳道不解惑」(1985) 作者:王麗華
- Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie
- The Economist 發展之抽樣 2007-2015《司徒雷登在華五十年》
- 莊永明〈杯底不可飼金魚〉「阿山」陳大禹和「阿海」呂泉生共同創作
- 山崎豊子Yamasaki Toyoko
- 莊永明先生蒐藏展 ; 《台灣記事》《台灣醫療史》《活該如此:莊永明七十自述》
- John W. Kluge Prize... Jürgen Habermas’s verdict o...
- The Oxford Book of Letters
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- 中國古代服飾辭典,台灣布袋戲的衣飾
- 我是一枝粉筆(葉慶炳)
- Saint-John Perse 《遠征記》中的「鹽」之種種意象、意義;Salt : Grain o...
- Wrong-Doing, Truth-Telling THE FUNCTION OF AVOWAL...
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