Book Report: Spring Reading for a Changing Business Landscape
Published: April 04, 2012 in Knowledge@WhartonSpring cleaning offers an opportunity to go through our bookshelves -- virtual and otherwise -- to find old favorites and make room for new ones. In our latest book report, we offer reviews, interviews and excerpts that touch on strategic, cultural and industry-specific trends that are changing the way we do business.
Wharton professor Adam Grant talks with Susan Cain about her bestselling book, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, in which she challenges the "Extrovert Ideal" and encourages companies to rethink their cultures in order to draw on the valuable contributions of the quieter set.
Two interviews provide insights into the defining changes that technology has brought to very different industries. Joseph Turow, author of The Daily You: How the Advertising Industry Is Defining Your Identity and Your Worth talks with Knowledge@Wharton about "one of history's most massive stealth efforts in social profiling." C. William Hanson, III, director of surgical intensive care at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, interviews Eric Topol about his new book, The Creative Destruction of Medicine: How the Digital Revolution Will Create Better Health Care.
Additional features dissect the DNA of three very different companies: Adam Lashinsky, author of Inside Apple, shares some of the company's most closely guarded secrets; The Bloomberg Way, a writing guide for reporters and editors, offers a window into how editorial decisions are made at Bloomberg News; and Richard Branson's autobiography, Losing My Virginity, paints an irreverent picture of how the founder and CEO of Virgin Atlantic Airways created an unusual and highly successful group of companies.
Finally, we offer excerpts from two recently published books. Phil McKinney's Beyond the Obvious argues that we need to ask more questions to generate new ideas and unlock breakthrough innovations.But in Repeatability, Chris Zook and James Allen remind us that we shouldn't favor broad changes over continuing to repeat what is working. We hope you enjoy this special section.
法治是法律主治rule of law,並不是法家思想所謂的依法而治;rule by law 政治的制衡是為了防止權力的腐化等。
林毓生《紀念五四六十五周年(1984)》, 收入《政治秩序與多元社會》台北:聯經1989,頁 202。

政治秩序與多元社會 (新版)
作者 / 林毓生
出版社 / 聯經出版事業股份有限公司
出版日期 / 1989/2001本書直接或間接討論到建立法治、字由、民主、與理性的政治秩序與多元社會的種種。從政治秩序的觀念,討論容忍與自由,深而探究臺灣是否為為一個多元社會的思考,再從五四時期做為切入,探討新儒家在中國推展民主的理論面臨的困境。