2021年6月14日 星期一

Hesiod’s Works and Day. καλὸν κακόν (a beautiful evil). 再訪Pandora's Box (文化史観)

禮拜天美術神遊 (75) :再訪 Pandora's Box (文化史観) :Paul Klee 1920: Max Beckmann 1947. The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan? - “Truth is the daughter,” said Francis Bacon, “not of authority but time.” 臺大藝術季2020;“手機裡有魔鬼” ;Catalonia: Fears that Madrid's decision to dissolve province's authority opens Pandora's box


N Riegel 著被引用数: 11 — Despite the evident importance of beauty (τὸ καλόν) in Plato, the precise relation between beauty and goodness (τὸ ... described as having been explicitly created by the gods as a καλὸν κακόν (a beautiful evil) in order to hinder the human ...

當然,Hesiod’s Works and Day 有中文本,包括尼采論他與Homer的"競爭"。

Times Literary Supplement

Advice from A. E. Stallings's translation of Hesiod's Works and Days: "Don't put off till tomorrow or till later – / No barn is filled by a procrastinator". Reviewed by Armand D'Angour.



Hesiod’s Works and Days | Armand D'Angour

