2019年6月22日 星期六

書目 1998: 死亡的臉 HOW WE DIE (1993) by Sherwin B. Nuland 1930-2014

"There are no consolations in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. The anguish may be mitigated by good nursing care, support groups, and the closeness of friends and family, but in the end it will be necessary for patient and loved ones together to walk through that very tortuous valley of the shadow, in the course of which everything changes forever. There is no dignity in this kind of death. It is an arbitrary act of nature and an affront to the humanity of its victims. If there is wisdom to be found, it must be in the knowledge that human beings are capable of the kind of love and loyalty that transcends not only the physical debasement but even the spiritual weariness of the years of sorrow."
--From HOW WE DIE (1993) by Sherwin B. Nuland #AlzheimersAwarenessMonth
A runaway bestseller and National Book Award winner, Sherwin Nuland’s How We Die has become the definitive text on perhaps the single most universal human concern: death. This new edition includes an all-embracing and incisive afterword that examines the current state of health care and our relationship with life as it approaches its terminus. It also discusses how we can take control of our own final days and those of our loved ones.

2018年12月1日 星期六

Sherwin Bernard Nuland 1930-2014;death hath ten thousand several doors

About the Author 1994
Sherwin B. Nuland, M.D., is the author of Doctors: The Biography of Medicine. He teaches surgery and the history of medicine at Yale, and is also Literary Editor of Connecticut Medicine and Chairman of the Board of Managers of the Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences. In addition to his numerous articles for medical publications, he has written for The New Yorker, The New Republic, and Discover magazine. His book The Origins of Anesthesia is a volume in the Classics of Medicine Library Dr. Nuland and his family live in Hamden, Connecticut.

Also by Sherwin B. Nuland 1994
The Origins of Anesthesia
Doctors: The Biography of Medicine Medicines:
The Art of Healing
The Face of Mercy

Sherwin Bernard Nuland was an American surgeon and writer who taught bioethics, history of medicine, and medicine at the Yale School of Medicine, and occasionally bioethics and history of medicine at Yale College.Wikipedia

Born: December 8, 1930, New York City, New York, United States
Died: March 3, 2014, Hamden, Connecticut, United States
Spouse: Sarah Nuland (m. 1977–2014)
Cause of death: Prostate cancer
Children: Victoria Nuland

Doctors: The Biography of Medicine (New York: Knopf, 1988) ISBN 0-679-76009-1
Medicine: The Art of Healing (New York: Hugh Lauter Levin Associates, Inc. Distributed by Macmillan, 1992) ISBN 0-88363-292-6
How We Die: Reflections on Life's Final Chapter (New York: Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 1994) ISBN 0-679-41461-4
The Wisdom of the Body (New York: Knopf, 1997) ISBN 0-679-44407-6
How We Live (New York: Vintage Books, 1998) [originally published as The Wisdom of the Body in 1997] ISBN 0-09-976761-9
Leonardo Da Vinci (Penguin Lives) (New York: Viking, 2000) ISBN 0-670-89391-9
The Mysteries Within: A Surgeon Explores Myth, Medicine, and the Human Body (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000) ISBN 0-684-85486-4
The Doctors' Plague: Germs, Childbed Fever and the Strange Story of Ignac Semmelweis (New York: W.W. Norton, 2003) ISBN 0-393-05299-0
Lost in America: A Journey with My Father (New York: Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 2003) ISBN 0-375-41294-8
Maimonides (Jewish Encounters) (New York: Nextbook: Schocken, 2005) ISBN 0-8052-4200-7
The Art of Aging: A Doctor's Prescription for Well-Being (New York: Random House, 2007) ISBN 1-4000-6477-5
The Uncertain Art: Thoughts on a Life in Medicine (New York: Random House, 2008) ISBN 1-4000-6478-3
The Soul of Medicine (New York: Kaplan Publishing, 2009) ISBN 1-60714-055-1





Hanching Chung 這本書的文字檔:https://archive.org/stream/HowWeDie/How%20We%20Die_djvu.txt管理


Full text of "How We Die"

death hath ten thousand several doors men to take their exits. — John Webster, The Duchess of Malfi, 1612

To:組織學習論壇先進 (1998年8月4日,CPC主辦) 1998年7月24日


說明: 我代表華人戴明學院(網址 www.deming.com.tw,上網會有收獲!)與各位先進分享點資訊,盡點義務,做點交流,廣告一番。這裡談的組織學習當然不只是《第五項修練》。有些好消息,也有些挑戰。

首先,我們去年出版 Innovational Associates (彼得.聖吉為重要成員的顧問公司《加速度組織》,市面流通約二千本。這本優缺點互見,不過值得參考一下。

另外,鄙人在「戴明年會」上寫篇整合"Human Dynamics"與《戴明修練Ⅱ》融會貫通的論文。

今年出版的《精實系革命(Lean Thinking)》中有反「學習型組織」的批評,把它視為


的「偏見」。請注意,我為該書弄個「精」「實」「系統」的用心。該派自成-Lean Enterprise系統!有個議題供大家思考:為何《第五項修練》沒日譯本?為何《創新求勝》等書非議「學習型組織」?日本的改善傳統與學習型組織的關係,應進一步深入探討。

我們年底要出版的The Leader Handbook by Peter R.Scholtes, 該書序言由 Rusell L.Ackoff 教授所作,他們一貫的主張為系統思考(戴明的系統觀,非系統動力學式的)自然是廿一世紀領導者必備的修練。

我們年底或明年初也會出版本世紀最有影響力的Herbert Simon(司馬賀)的"管理行為"──這是他1978年諾貝爾經濟獎得獎作品最新版。他在1940年代第一版中首鑄「組織學習」,第四版(1996)中有一節「從有限理性談組織學習」。他推薦一本較採平的論文選:Organizational Learning edited by M.D Cohen和L.S.Sproull,Sage,1996。這本書為我們下年學習的重點。




我們也打算就"Learning by Doing and Innovation"做更深入的研究(含極少樣本的學習)。


建議:我第一次第(或第二次,若含上次"年會")參加貴研究小組,不妨給大家一嚴素肅主題:為何:為何不組個協會(學會),平行於Society for Organizational Learning 呢?這是我們合作練習-運作-組織的機會。在台灣,有這種「產官學及一般群眾」基礎的「小集團」不容易。如何才是可大可久之道呢?

Oxford Dictionary of Business English(1993)
The Latest English Words and Idioms《英語最新詞語》北京:商務,2000
G. Lienhardt轉引自許寶強和袁偉編選《語言與翻譯的政治》 北京:中央編譯社,2001,p.178。

Trevor Sather 《正方與反方-辯論者手冊》(Pros and Cons-a debater's handbook)北京:光明日報出版社
Jean-Denis Bredin and Thierry Levy《說服(Convaincre)》車琳譯,天津:百花文藝出版社,【1997】2000


Stephen Jay Gould Time's Arrow Times Cycle:Myth and Metaphor in the Discovery of Geological Time Harvard University Press, 1987.
Steps to an Ecology of Mind , p. 150,  by G. Bateson
D. C. Stephens 和 G. Heil合編《馬斯洛人性管理經典(Maslow on Management)》,台北:商周出版,【1998】1999。
Jean BAUDRILLARD《完美的罪行(LE CRIME PARFAIT)》王為民譯,北京:商務印書館,【1995】2000
Lewis Thomas《奇幻的世界(The Lives of a Cell:Notes of a Biology Watcher)》台北:大中國圖書公司,1978
Lewis Thomas 《一個細胞的生命》蔡美玲譯,台北:自華書店,1986
Lewis Thomas 《一個細胞的生命》蔡美玲譯,台北:九大書店,1990
Lewis Thomas 《水母與蝸牛(The Mesusa and the Snail:More Notes of a Biology Watcher)》長沙:湖南科學技術出版社,1999。
Lewis Thomas 《中夜冥思(Late Night Thoughts on Listening to Mahler's Ninth Symphony)》致虛譯,台北:自華書店,1987
Lewis Thomas《最年輕的科學(The Youngest Science:Notes of a Biology Watcher)》周惠民,石珍榮合譯 北京:三聯出版社(1996)
Lewis Thomas 《最年輕的科學(The Youngest Science:Notes of a Medicine Watcher)》周惠民,石珍榮和周云合譯  青島:青島出版社(1996)
Lewis Thomas ET CETERA, ET CETERA:Notes of a Word-WatcherBoston:Little Brown and Company,1990
Lewis Thomas The Fragile Species New York:Charles Scriber's Sons,1992
W. G. Manning et al The Costs of Poor Health Habits Harvard Univ. Press, 1991
Geoffrey Rose The Strategy of Preventive Medicine Oxford University Press 1992
R. M. Nesse and G. C. Williams 《我們為什麼生病(Evolution and Healing)》長沙:湖南科學技術出版社,【1994】1998

Frank Ryan 《肺結核之戰(Tuberculosis)》台北:絲路出版社【1992】1994
王海龍和張家瑄合譯C. Geertz的《地方性知識-闡述人類學論文集》北京:中央編譯社,2000
Susan Sontag《疾病的隱喻(Illness as Metaphor)》台北:大田出版社,【1978】
S. K. Toombs《疾病的意義(The Meaning of Illness)》邱鴻鍾等譯,青島出版社,1999
最年輕的科學(The Youngest Science)》Lewis Thomas 青島:青島出版社(1996)
《蛇杖的傳人(The Biography of Medicine)》Sherwin B. Nuland 上海:上海人民出版社(1999)
《中國醫學史》陳邦賢著 北京:商務(1937)
《實驗醫學研究導論》Claude Bernard 北京:商務(1991)
William F. Bynum《19世紀醫學科學史(Science and the Practice of Medecine in the Nineteenth Century)》曹珍芬譯,上海:復旦大學出版社,【1994】2000
Jonathan Miller 'The Body In Question' Papermac, 1978(BBC的電視集)

中村 元《慈悲》江支地譯 台北:東大圖書公司【1956】1997

羅素《西洋哲學史(History of Western Philosophy)》邱言曦譯  台北:中華書局【1946】 1984
G. Deleuze《解讀尼采》 天津:百花文藝【1965】 2000
G. Deleuze《哲學與權力的談判-德勒茲訪談錄》北京:商務印書館【1990】2000
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F. A. Hayek《經濟、科學與政治-哈耶克思想精粹》吳趙譯,杭州:江蘇人民出版社,2000
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Asimov 阿西莫夫  《詮釋人類萬年(The March of the Millennia: A Key to Look at History)》呼和浩特:內蒙古出版社【1992】1998
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Praise be to God and
    To Holy Mary
from Cennino  d'Andrea Cennini's The Craftsman's Handbook translated by D. V. Thompson, Jr., p.131.

