雨果說得好。 Will Durant 的史書也要用伏爾太的時代。他的檔案,似乎在英國的劍橋大學。
The Economist
Voltaire—a writer, philosopher and vocal critic of the abuses of the French Ancien Régime—was born on November 21st 1694. Victor Hugo said that “to name Voltaire is to characterise the entire eighteenth century”
情熱東京:1970年代回憶錄,日本最後的前衛十年中文書 , 伊恩・布魯瑪 白舜羽 鄭明宜 , 紅桌文化 , 出版日期: 2019-06-26
優惠價: 9 折, 342 元 放入購物車
永遠是外人的遺憾而離開…… 《零年》作者伊恩.布魯瑪(Ian Buruma)少年時期亟欲逃離家鄉海牙,遠離中產階級知識分子氛圍,在那個西方青年一批一批前往印度尋求性靈昇華的嬉皮年代,一場於阿姆斯特丹密克里劇院的寺山修司劇團天井棧敷演出...... more
二戰史轉型正義套書:《零年:1945年,現代世界的夢想與夢碎之路》+《殘酷劇場:藝術、電影、戰爭陰影》中文書 , 伊恩・布魯瑪 , 紅桌文化 , 出版日期: 2018-07-17
優惠價: 9 折, 990 元 放入購物車 試閱
沒有人天生是魔鬼:一次收藏《紐約書評》主筆、歐洲公共知識份子 伊恩・布魯瑪的史學代表作——《零年》 +《殘酷劇場》 ★《零年:1945年,現代世界的夢想與夢碎之路》簡介 「歷史最重要的是詮釋。... more
西方主義:敵人眼中的西方中文書 , 伊恩.布魯瑪、阿維賽.馬格利特 林錚顗 , 博雅書屋 , 出版日期: 2010-11-22
優惠價: 9 折, 216 元 放入購物車 試閱
之路,是一部探究反西方情緒及極富洞察力的作品。 作者簡介 伊恩.布魯瑪 Ian Buruma 生於荷蘭,於萊頓大學(Leyden University)研究中國與日本文學,在東京的日本大學藝學部(Nihon University...... more
零年:1945年,現代世界的夢想與夢碎之路中文書 , 伊恩‧布魯瑪 白舜羽 , 紅桌文化 , 出版日期: 2017-08-04
優惠價: 9 折, 495 元 放入購物車 試閱
中奇蹟倖存,躲過盟軍的空襲,直到德國人投降後歸鄉;這本書也指出,邪惡力量所造成的恐懼還在,陰霾未曾全然退去。 ★歷史學家伊恩・柯肖爵士(Sir Ian Kershaw) 深入鑽研史料,全書結構嚴謹,行文優美,作者栩栩如生地描述了二十...... more
殘酷劇場:藝術、電影、戰爭陰影中文書 , 伊恩・布魯瑪 周如怡 , 紅桌文化 , 出版日期: 2016-11-30
優惠價: 9 折, 495 元 放入購物車 試閱
《外交政策》評選全球百位思想家、百大公共知識分子 伊恩・布魯瑪 直面人心的28篇歷史與美學散文 ★美國筆會藝術評論大獎(Diamonstein-Spielvogel Award)肯定 「我不相... more
The China Lover: A Novel外文書 , Buruma Ian , Penguin Group USA , 出版日期: 2009-08-25
優惠價: 79 折, 442 元
early 1970s, Ian Buruma s masterful new novel about the intoxicating power of collective fantasy follows three star-struck...... more
Voltaire's Coconuts is a wonderfully engaging and witty combination of history and biography which looks at how Europeans have been fascinated by all that it means to be English. Dutch by birth, Buruma came to live in England in 1990 for the third time in his life and noticed a new mood of introspection. Englishness was a subject of endless discussion. Fox hunting was debated, loyalty to English cricket a hot issue, and the future of the monarchy rarely out of the news. This worrying over Englishness resulted, in Buruma's words, 'in great balls of intellectual wool', obscuring the more practical reasons why Europeans have admired (or hated) Britain in the past: its liberal institutions, its civil liberties, its delicate balance between social order and the free pursuit of self-interest. In this brilliant and elegantly written book Buruma examines these ideas about Englishness and what Europeans admired or loathed about Britain. Voltaire wondered why British laws could not be planted in France, or even Serbia, like the precious seeds of coconut trees. Karl Marx thought the English were too stupid to start a revolution; Goethe worshipped Shakespeare; Baron de Coubertin's idea of the modern Olympic Games was inspired by Tom Brown's Schooldays; Theodor Herzl's dream of the Jewish state was fuelled by his love of British aristocracy; and the German Kaiser was convinced that Britain was run by Jews. Combining biographical stories of these European Anglophiles and Anglophobes with memories of his own Anglo-Dutch-German-Jewish family, Ian Buruma has found a wholly original way of describing the relationship between Britain and Europe. This is a dazzlingly clever book which through its exploration of anglomania shows how much Englishness and people's view of it has shaped modern Europe.
簡體書 , [英]伊恩‧布魯瑪(Ian Buruma) 劉雪嵐 蕭萍 , 生活‧讀書‧新知三聯書店 , 出版日期: 2007-02-01
優惠價: 87 折, 131 元 試閱
伏爾泰、歌德、馬志尼、赫爾岑、馬克思、顧拜旦、德王威廉二世、哈耶克、以賽亞‧伯林。這些歐陸不同時期在政治、思想和文化領域的標志性人物,因為一個共同的特征而被伊恩‧布魯瑪組織到一起︰他們或是深切的“崇英... more
Voltaire's Coconuts: or Anglomania in Europe Hardcover – 11 Mar 1999
by Ian Buruma (Author)
Voltaire's Coconuts is a wonderfully engaging and witty combination of history and biography which looks at how Europeans have been fascinated by all that it means to be English. Dutch by birth, Buruma came to live in England in 1990 for the third time in his life and noticed a new mood of introspection. Englishness was a subject of endless discussion. Fox hunting was debated, loyalty to English cricket a hot issue, and the future of the monarchy rarely out of the news. This worrying over Englishness resulted, in Buruma's words, 'in great balls of intellectual wool', obscuring the more practical reasons why Europeans have admired (or hated) Britain in the past: its liberal institutions, its civil liberties, its delicate balance between social order and the free pursuit of self-interest. In this brilliant and elegantly written book Buruma examines these ideas about Englishness and what Europeans admired or loathed about Britain. Voltaire wondered why British laws could not be planted in France, or even Serbia, like the precious seeds of coconut trees. Karl Marx thought the English were too stupid to start a revolution; Goethe worshipped Shakespeare; Baron de Coubertin's idea of the modern Olympic Games was inspired by Tom Brown's Schooldays; Theodor Herzl's dream of the Jewish state was fuelled by his love of British aristocracy; and the German Kaiser was convinced that Britain was run by Jews. Combining biographical stories of these European Anglophiles and Anglophobes with memories of his own Anglo-Dutch-German-Jewish family, Ian Buruma has found a wholly original way of describing the relationship between Britain and Europe. This is a dazzlingly clever book which through its exploration of anglomania shows how much Englishness and people's view of it has shaped modern Europe.
Amazon Review
Ian Buruma's wonderful book on Europe's fascination with England takes its title from a remark made by Voltaire in the mid-18th century: wasn't it possible for England's love of law and liberty to be planted, like the seeds of coconut trees, throughout Europe? Voltaire was the ultimate Anglophile: liberal, humorous, enlightened and ultimately humane, not unlike Buruma himself, whose delightful Voltaire's Coconuts weaves a compelling story, from Voltaire onward, of the ways in which European exiles and emigrés have fallen under the spell of the intangible mix of snobbery, liberalism, xenophobia and tolerance which make up what it means to be English.
Buruma's roll call of Anglophiles is impressive. Wonderful sections on Voltaire are followed by chapters on Goethe's Bardolatry, a marvellously vivid account of frustrated revolutionary exiles in Victorian London (including Marx and Mazzini), Theodor van Herzl's vision of a Jewish state based on his admiration of the English aristocracy. The book concludes with sketches of two of the most influential Anglophiles of 20th-century English culture: Nikolaus Pevsner and Isaiah Berlin. But as well as being an elegant and witty cultural history of European "Anglomania", Voltaire's Coconuts never loses sight of the darker side of national belonging, as Buruma interweaves his own complex family history into his narrative, as well as some subtle and perceptive accounts of the state of the nation as Buruma views it from the office of The Spectator and the Conservative Party Conference in post-Thatcherite Britain. A marvellous book about belonging and Englishness: witty, erudite, subtle and above all humane. --Jerry Brotton
Voltaire's Coconuts is a wonderfully engaging and witty combination of history and biography which looks at how Europeans have been fascinated by all that it means to be English. Dutch by birth, Buruma came to live in England in 1990 for the third time in his life and noticed a new mood of introspection. Englishness was a subject of endless discussion. Fox hunting was debated, loyalty to English cricket a hot issue, and the future of the monarchy rarely out of the news. This worrying over Englishness resulted, in Buruma's words, 'in great balls of intellectual wool', obscuring the more practical reasons why Europeans have admired (or hated) Britain in the past: its liberal institutions, its civil liberties, its delicate balance between social order and the free pursuit of self-interest. In this brilliant and elegantly written book Buruma examines these ideas about Englishness and what Europeans admired or loathed about Britain. Voltaire wondered why British laws could not be p lanted in France, or even Serbia, like the precious seeds of coconut trees.
Karl Marx thought the English were too stupid to start a revolution; Goethe worshipped Shakespeare; Baron de Coubertin's idea of the modern Olympic Games was inspired by Tom Brown's Schooldays; Theodor Herzl's dream of the Jewish state was fuelled by his love of British aristocracy; and the German Kaiser was convinced that Britain was run by Jews. Combining biographical stories of these European Anglophiles and Anglophobes with memories of his own Anglo-Dutch-German-Jewish family, Ian Buruma has found a wholly original way of describing the relationship between Britain and Europe. This is a dazzlingly clever book which through its exploration of anglomania shows how much Englishness and people's view of it has shaped modern Europe.
簡體書 , [英]伊恩‧布魯瑪(Ian Buruma) 劉雪嵐 蕭萍 , 生活‧讀書‧新知三聯書店 , 出版日期: 2007-02-01
優惠價: 87 折, 131 元 試閱
伏爾泰、歌德、馬志尼、赫爾岑、馬克思、顧拜旦、德王威廉二世、哈耶克、以賽亞‧伯林。這些歐陸不同時期在政治、思想和文化領域的標志性人物,因為一個共同的特征而被伊恩‧布魯瑪組織到一起︰他們或是深切的“崇英... more
- 作者: [英]伊恩‧布魯瑪(Ian Buruma)
- 原文作者: Ian Buruma
- 譯者: 劉雪嵐 蕭萍
- 出版社:生活‧讀書‧新知三聯書店
- 出版日期:2007/02/01
- 語言:簡體中文