2023年5月21日 星期日

人孔蓋 manhole covers and grates 大阪府大阪市住之江区にあるマンホールの蓋。The sarcophagi - in manhole cover style

manhole covers and grates
A covered opening in a street which provides access for cleaning and repairing of a sewer beneath, or for repairing a conduit for electric underground piping or electric cables.
noun [C]
a covered opening in a road which a worker can enter in order to reach underground pipes, wires or drains which need to be examined or repaired:
a manhole cover
━━ n. (暖炉の)火格子, 火床; 暖炉; =grating2.
n. - 人孔, 檢修孔
北市重慶南路、和平西路口人行道上的人孔蓋,昨因下方的台電高壓開關漏電引燃下水道沼氣,將人孔蓋爆開,灼傷一路人。 台電工程人員表示,因近日陰雨不斷,導致裝設在地底下的高壓開關絕緣效果變差,研判是台電高壓開關漏電,引燃下水道的沼氣。
The “manhole bag,” another of Ms. Tsukioka’s inventions, is a purse that can hide your valuables by unfolding to look like a round sewer cover. These ideas might strike foreigners as far-fetched,” Ms. Tsukioka said, “but in Japan, they can become reality.”
Photo: Torin Boyd/Polari, for The New York Times
Article: Fearing Crime, Japanese Wear the Hiding Place




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12月21日下午8:53 ·

The Sarcophagi of the Flave family in Volterra.
In 1760 in the Necropolis of Portone (Marmini di sotto) in Volterra the hypogeum of the Flave family was excavated.
Inside the tomb were found two stone sarcophagi, one belonging to a male character and another to a female member of the family. In the hypogeum there were also forty cinerary urns.
The sarcophagi - in manhole cover style - reproduce wooden frame boxes and have grooved feet ending in a lion's paw.
On the lids there are the deceased in a semi-recumbent position and the two characters, who rest the left on a double cushion, have their heads raised upwards. The man, semi-naked, holds a patera with his right hand; The female figure is dressed in chiton and cloak and with the right holds a pomegranate.
The case of the sarcophagus with male recumbent (Laris Flave) presents the procession of a magistrate of which the lictors with their attributes are part. The case relating to the female deposition is worked with a farewell scene, with representation, among other things, of dextrarum iunctio.
The sarcophagi of the gens Flave, dating back to the second century BC, are the only examples of this kind of monuments in Volterra, where the funerary rite seems to be exclusively that of the incineration of the bodies deposited in cinerary urns
In all probability the Flave family must have been of southern origin; once arrived in Volterra, however, it reached a significant social position to the point of counting among its members also a magistrate, but at the time of death some of its members preferred to keep the rite of burial.
The sarcophagi are exhibited at the Guarnacci Museum in Volterra.
Below are the images of the two sarcophagi of the gens Flave.


