2023年5月21日 星期日

簡談英國"菁英層" 著作的介紹:查理三世、 大衛 霍克尼(我的觀看知道、隱密的知識) Martin Amis Christopher Hitchens( 致一位“愤青”的信. .....)


簡談英國"菁英層" 著作的介紹:查理三世、 大衛 霍克尼(我的觀看知道、隱密的知識)    Martin Amis   Christopher Hitchens( 致一位“愤青”的信. .....)


He is best known for his so-called London trilogy of novels — “Money: A Suicide Note” (1985), “London Fields” (1990) and “The Information” (1995) — which remain, along with his memoir, his most representative and admired work.


After leaving Oxford, Mr. Amis held a string of journalistic and literary jobs in London. He became an editorial assistant at The Times Literary Supplement in 1972, and two years later became its fiction and poetry editor. In 1975, he joined the editorial staff of The New Statesman magazine and within about a year he was its literary editor, at 27. It was there that he began his long friendship with Mr. Hitchens.

In his 2010 memoir, “Hitch-22,” Mr. Hitchens recalled Mr. Amis in the early years of their acquaintance, noting how the Rolling Stones had come to mind when Clive James referred to Mr. Amis as resembling “a stubby Jagger.”

Mr Amis's wife, the writer Isabel Fonseca, said the cause was esophageal cancer — the same disease that killed his close friend and fellow writer Christopher Hitchens in 2011.

Title, 致一位“愤青”的信. Authors, Christopher Hitchens, 希钦斯. Translated by, 苏晓军. Publisher, 上海人民出版社, 2005. ISBN, 7208052336, 9787208052338.
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