2021年5月7日 星期五

. TIME magazine publishes 52 issues per year, including 14 double issues

今天才知道TIME magazine 一年有14個雙期合併,全球8封面。
100 Most Influenced Companies (好像5月10起2期,美國以外區封面.....)還算很好,譬如對GM領導者的訪談等等。該公司網站還沒報導,市面上看得到。

TIME publishes 52 issues per year, including 14 double issues. TIME magazine’s signature voice and trusted content make it one of the most recognized news brands in the world. Offering incisive reporting, lively writing and world-renowned photography, TIME has been credited with bringing journalism at its best into the fabric of American life. Every issue delivers a deeper understanding of the world we live in.

