2024年11月30日 星期六

Jew with Torah, 1925. 猶太教神秘主義主流》What Gershom Scholem’s take on Jewish mysticism can teach us now.Gershom Scholem A Life in Letters, 1914-1982、 從柏林到耶路撒冷;

  • Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism, 1941




Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism




第一講 猶太教神秘主義的一般特征
第二講 默卡巴神秘主義與猶太諾斯替思想
第三講 中世紀德國的哈西德主義
第四講 亞伯拉罕·阿布拉菲亞和先知喀巴拉的教義
第五講 《佐哈爾》(一),其書及其作者
第六講 《佐哈爾》(二),其神智論教義
第七講 以撕·盧里亞及其學派
第八講 薩巴提安主義和神秘主義異端
第九講 哈西德主義:最新的階段


先說第一件。長期以來,我國宗教學界都把「世界宗教」定義為跨國家跨民族傳播的宗教,相應地還認為「世界宗教」只有三種,即基叔教、佛教和伊斯蘭教。於是,一些被划分為「民族宗教』』的宗教,例如猶太教、印度教、神道教等等的研究,就有意無意地受到了忽略。姑不論現在已有許許多多的宗教(尤其是新興宗教)在進行跨國家跨民族的傳播,以往在「世界宗教」與「民族宗教」之間進行的划分已經沒有多大的意義;也不論當今政治社會的變化和科學技術的發展,已造成了「民族宗教」的國際化(如美國不但民眾中有不少克里希那信徒、喇嘛教徒,而且學術界也有所謂「波士頓儒家」);僅僅就一種宗教的重要性而言,若只以其是否為「世界宗教」來判斷,似乎也會失之偏頗。西方學術界在論及the great religious traditions之時,多半不用這種偏頗的判斷標准,所以,他們常常把我們划為「民族宗教」的宗教,如猶太教、印度教,還有儒教和道教,都列入「世界各大宗教」的名單。

猶太教的重要性,是不待多言的。從對人類文化的影響來說,它從上古時期就提出的徹底的一神論,它對基督教從而對後來世界文明史的影響,它維系一個在全世界散居二千多年而不消亡的民族的特殊凝聚力,這些都是眾所周知的,也是很值得研究的。要說跨國家(政治性的「國家」而非文化性的「民族」)傳播,它恐怕是最早跨國傳播的宗教。至於民族界限問題,猶太民族一方面以一種宗教維系其同一性,另一方面又在許多世紀之中吸收不同民族的文化,甚至操著不同民族的語言,這也是舉世罕見的。而我認為,現在的全球化趨勢如果發展下去,各民族混居雜處的條件如果持續下去,語言的不同在人群分野中的作用,會逐漸超過膚色等非文化特征。(試想一個只會用英語聽說讀寫的「ABC」--’’America-Born Chinese,即美國土生土長的華人,是與同文不同種的美國人親近些,還是與同種不同文的中國人親近?)當今以色列的日益多樣化,不僅表現在宗教信仰的分派方面,而且表現在語言文字的紛繁方面。(當然,以色列說俄語的人口增加,並不表明信奉蘇式共產主義和傳統猶太教的人就相應增加,因為這些人有不少曾遭蘇共迫害,又有不少曾受無神論的熏陶。)總之,如果我們不執著於血緣至上的種族觀念,而是對語言等文化因素給予足夠的重視,我們還會發現,猶太教是一種早就傳播於不同的語言文化群體中的宗教。



Marc Chagall
"Liberation ~ Marc Chagall 1937 - 1952 France
Triptych "Resistance, Resurrection, Liberation"

Marc Chagall 1887-1985. Jew with Torah, 1925. Gouache on panel, mounted on wooden panel. Tel Aviv museum of art. Photo: Daniel Rabinovich

Six Hundred Thousand Faces
By Erik Hinton July 13, 2017

What Gershom Scholem’s take on Jewish mysticism can teach us now.


In the wake of so much political turmoil, we’re hungry for books that diagnose our broken world: books that lay out a grand ethical program and claw back some hope for humanity. Online, I’ve noticed a loose reading list coalescing. We’ve called on Hannah Arendt, who cut into the heart of evil and found a weak organ of banality instead of an engine of diabolic creativity; Walter Benjamin and his “weak messianic power,” which inspired us with the latent energy of history’s failed revolutions; the totalitarian gloom of 1984 and The Handmaid’s Tale; the grim prescience of Richard Rorty’s Achieving Our Country. Surely, the thinking goes, we could be saved if we find the proper pattern, fitting our dismal and uncertain present to the prescriptions of history.

In Gershom Scholem, the historian who popularized the study of Kabbalistic and Messianic movements in Judaism, I’ve found a refreshing vision of revolutionary change and justice, stimulating the utopian imagination beyond the traditional touchstones of leftist thought. Though he was a friend of Benjamin’s and, more distantly, of Arendt’s, Scholem is the least widely read of the three and arguably the least accessible. A scholar of esoteric Jewish experience who rarely divulged his personal religious and political philosophy, Scholem resists the immediate, quotable relevance enjoyed by his contemporaries. His work features ecstatic stories of men who believed they were the Messiah, and incoherent descriptions of God’s celestial chariot—of limited use to political dissidents, war victims, and alienated workers. When the jackboots of authoritarianism are kicking in doors, Scholem’s apocalyptic religiosity can seem cloying. Why should we need to hallucinate the end of days? It’s here.

But Scholem wrote from a similar vantage. An adolescent and budding anarchist in Germany during World War I, he found himself trapped between a zealous nationalism and a bourgeois Jewish community that little nothing to prevent the bloodshed. Even the supposedly revolutionary Zionist movement, which enchanted Scholem, proved to be a disappointment when Martin Buber, one of its most influential intellectuals, endorsed the war. Later, after Scholem had moved to Jerusalem on a spiritual quest to deepen his engagement with Jewish literature and tradition, still trying to salvage redemptive threads of the cultural Zionist project, he again encountered devastation. The idealized return to the holy land engulfed Palestine in violence, culminating in the 1929 riots that claimed hundreds of Jewish and Arab lives. “Zionism has triumphed itself to death,” Scholem wrote in a 1931 letter to Walter Benjamin. “Now it is no longer a matter of saving us … but of jumping into the abyss that yawns between victory and reality.” A decade later, he witnessed the unimaginable tragedy of World War II and the Holocaust, which took the life of his close friend, Walter Benjamin, murdered his brother Werner, and annihilated much of European Jewry.

Scholem reacted to these waves of devastation by turning to the study of mystical movements in Jewish history. Working in Jerusalem at the National Library and, eventually, as a professor of Jewish mysticism at the Hebrew University, he revitalized interest in Kabbalah, an esoteric tradition within Judaism. Dating back to the Talmudic era and thoroughly multifarious, Kabbalah is a mystical complement to Jewish religious life, driven by linguistic and metaphysical speculation. Rather than relegate the ecstatic and obscure threads of Kabbalah to a para-religious curiosity, Scholem detailed the evolution of Judaism as one that braided its mainline and mystical elements. In perhaps the best introduction to Scholem’s thought, his “Religious Authority and Mysticism,” he writes, “All mysticism has two contradictory or complementary aspects: the one conservative, the other revolutionary.” In his story of Judaism, the conservative tenets of the religion are tempered, subverted, and reinvented by mystical influences: blind sages meditating on the divine qualities of Hebrew letters, secretive rabbis forging mammoth tomes of speculative philosophy, and charismatic cult leaders claiming that they were the messiah. For Scholem, the history of Jewish mysticism held tradition open to innovation. He imagined a politics and ethics vitalized by an anarchistic spirit.


Why should a religious historian have any particular relevance to us now? After all, though he was a prolific scholar and an avid letter writer, Scholem rarely articulated his own philosophies, and he composed no sustained works of social critique. In 1960, he wrote to a friend, “I have made myself into one of the figures who camouflages himself in famous paintings.” He recedes into the negative space between his tableaus of historic mystical experience. In this absence, though, he articulates a radical vision of knowledge and truth.

In Stranger in a Strange Land, an excellent new biography of Scholem, George Prochnik writes: “Through all the provocative ideas that glittered through his writing, there was one concept that cropped up repeatedly, as a kind of choral refrain, which I found galvanizing: Kabbalah preserved the frame of monotheism while shattering the idol of monolithic truth.” Kabbalah never questions the ultimate authority of God. Instead, it transforms what it means to know this authority, bracketing human understanding as always falling short. God’s word is absolute, but withdrawn; eternally valid but always open for reinterpretation.

“The absolute word is as such meaningless, but it is pregnant with meaning,” Scholem writes. The divine can never be translated into human description or codified into law. Truth is always postponed, and the religious individual must labor in the impossible task of its comprehension and communication. This exertion creates a deep religious life, invulnerable to the stultifying effects of mundane obedience. “But it is precisely the shapeless core of his experience which spurs the mystic to his understanding of his religious world and its values … Here all religious authority is destroyed in the name of authority: here we have the revolutionary aspect of mysticism in its purest form.”

The image of a pious individual exploring an unsayable truth, wandering toward a withdrawn God, animates Scholem’s body of work. Mysticism argues that our systems of rationality and knowledge are always incomplete. Here Scholem finds a revolutionary religious spirit that won’t harden into orthodoxy: a mystical character moored to tradition, but still plastic.

This balance of conservative and revolutionary impulses fascinated Scholem, even in his earliest work. In his 1918 piece “The Bolshevik Revolution,” a young Scholem worries that although the revolution will be “the only high-point of the history of the world war,” it is ultimately compromised. Motivated by discrete ideology rather than a supernal dictate to strive toward a postponed good, the revolution justifies its authority and violence with the rigid rules of worldly philosophy. It will congeal into injustice and orthodoxy—the revolution will swallow its revolutionary character. Scholem wrestles with this self-eradicating character of revolution for his entire career, finding in Jewish mysticism a strange remedy. As long as knowledge can only tilt at an eternal and inaccessible truth, the revolution is sustained, bathed in the restorative waters of a continually reinterpreted tradition. For Scholem, this constant revolution held together by tradition, is his anarchistic, mystical utopia.

Now, more than ever, this strange utopia is worth reflecting on. Public interest in leftist thought has been reinvigorated by the rise of brutal nationalism and the collapse of neoliberalism’s Potemkin civility. We would be wise to take notes from Scholem, who found himself in a similar point of historical inflection. If we want these new transformative currents to elude the snares that have trapped and divided the left for a century, we need new, vitalizing material. Though there’s no shortage of postwar authors who punched against leftist orthodoxy on social, philosophical, and economic grounds—C.L.R. James, Chantal Mouffe, and Alexis Shotwell, to name a few of the best—Scholem occupies a unique position. He criticized radical projects as not revolutionary enough from the unconventional perspective of religious anarchism. Rather than relitigate the well-worn conflicts of economism, historicism, Stalinism, or the other hobbyhorses of internecine sparring on the left, Scholem charted another path, bursting with imaginative and anarchic potential.

If you’re interested in reading more about Scholem, Prochnik’s Stranger is the best place to start—it elegantly tracks Prochnik’s experiences in modern Jerusalem against Scholem’s life. As for Scholem work itself, I’d recommend the aforementioned essay in his collection On the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism, “Religious Authority and Mysticism.” It’s filled with colorful anecdotes and summarizes many of his motifs: divine inaccessibility, mystical creativity, and a history of revolutionary moments in the development of Jewish thought. In one of its most memorable sections, Scholem sketches such a world with a Kabbalistic reading of Moses delivering the law:

Every world of the Torah has six hundred thousand ‘faces.’ That is, layers of meaning or entrances, one for each of the children of Israel who stood at the foot of Mount Sinai. Each face is turned toward only one of them; he alone can see it and decipher it. Each man has his own unique access to Revelation. Authority no longer resides in a single unmistakable ‘meaning’ of the divine communication, but in its infinite capacity for taking on new forms.

Here we hear echoes of a rear-guardism that doesn’t destroy all authority, but radically democratizes it. Rummaging around in Scholem’s universe, dense as it is with esoteric symbols and stories, is revitalizing even when it’s not easy. Don’t let that frustrate you. His insight was that we don’t have master the truth to be transformed by it.

Erik Hinton is a developer and journalist focusing on interactive news. He currently works at The Outline. His work has previously appeared in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, andVICE.


想想論壇 Thinking Taiwan Forum

這幅畫在1921年由舒勒姆購得,家境富裕與年輕的舒勒姆將這幅畫送給班傑明做為生日禮物。舒勒姆〈Gershom Scholem, 1897-1982〉後來成為猶太史學家,班傑明〈Walter Benjamin, 1892-1940〉則為當代重要的思想家,與國人較為熟悉的漢娜鄂蘭有姻親關係。如同那時歐陸的猶太人,班傑明痛苦地活在兩次世界大戰之間,一戰後的德國猶太人更是風聲鶴唳。納粹掌權前夕班傑明逃離德國來到巴黎,1940年巴黎淪陷後再度逃亡,卻在越過法境後被占領加泰隆尼亞的佛朗哥政權查獲。彼時血腥的西班牙內戰剛結束,法西斯佛朗哥與希特勒一個鼻孔出氣,班傑明面臨遣返與送往集中營的命運,最後自殺身亡。班傑明的自殺是思想界重大的損失,不是班傑明不敢面對納粹的集中營,而是他以死來表達他對歷史的絕望。



李中志 - 美好樂園裡的集體遺忘 - 想想Thinking Taiwan - 想想台灣,想想未來

融合表現主義與超寫實畫派的瑞士裔德籍畫家克利〈Paul Klee,…


A Life in Letters, 1914-1982
Gershom Scholem
Edited and translated by Anthony David Skinner

About This Book
About the Authors
Table of Contents

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Perhaps the greatest scholar of Jewish mysticism in the twentieth century, Gershom Scholem (1897-1982) once said of himself, "I have no biography, only a bibliography." Yet, in thousands of letters written over his lifetime, his biography does unfold, inscribing a life that epitomized the intellectual ferment and political drama of an era. This selection of the best and most representative letters—drawn from the 3000 page German edition—gives readers an intimate view of this remarkable man, from his troubled family life in Germany to his emergence as one of the leading lights of Israel during its founding and formative years.

In the letters, we witness the travails and vicissitudes of the Scholem family, a drama in which Gershom is banished by his father for his anti-kaiser Zionist sentiments; his antiwar, socialist brother is hounded and murdered; and his mother and remaining brothers are forced to emigrate. We see Scholem’s friendships with some of the most intriguing intellectuals of the twentieth century—such as Hannah Arendt, Walter Benjamin, and Theodor Adorno—blossom and, on occasion, wither. And we learn firsthand about his Zionist commitment and his scholarly career, from his move to Palestine in the 1920s to his work as Professor of Jewish Mysticism at the Hebrew University. Over the course of seven decades that comprised the most significant events of the twentieth century, these letters reveal how Scholem’s scholarship is informed by the experiences he so eloquently described.


I. A Jewish Zarathustra, 1914-1918

II. Unlocking the Gates, 1919-1932

III. Redemption through Sin, 1933-1947

IV. Master Magician Emeritus, 1948-1982


Selected Bibliography

“A biography of Gershom Scholem lies in these well selected and edited letters. Reading biographically between the letters’ lines, in the manner of Gershom Scholem, Master Scholar, you can learn how he found his own story between the lines of the Kabbalah’s texts he almost signlehandedly restored to life; and how he wrote his autobiography out so intensely, with such vast erudition and brilliance, in all his commentaries on the Kaballah that it became, over his lifetime, a biography of the whole endlessly resilient, culturally prolific Jewish people, a 20th century national epic.”—Elisabeth Young-Bruehl, author of Hannah Arendt: For Love of the World

“Scholem was a giant in the scholarly study of Jewish mysticism, responsible for bringing Kabbalah in particular to the attention of academia. However, the letters Skinner presents here reveal more of Scholem as a person than as a scholar. Scholem saw the two as intimately connected and would likely argue that these documents do aid in understanding his work. The decision to focus on the personal has the benefit of unearthing several firsthand accounts of critical events in 20th-century Jewish and European history.”—Stephen Joseph, Library Journal

“[Anthony David Skinner] has ably translated and edited a wide-ranging selection of letters from the life of this master scholar of Jewish mysticism. Most of the letters...appear here in English for the first time. [Skinner’s] selection illuminates a question that has always haunted readers of Scholem: How did the personality of this overly dignified and self-confident academic relate to the unbridled otherworldliness in the texts he analyzed with such seeming detachment?”—Publishers Weekly

“Gershom Scholem: A Life in Letters offers a fascinating sample of the 16,000 letters he exchanged with members of his family...His correspondences with brilliant intellectuals of his time make for fascinating reading and provide a close look at the thoughts, beliefs and passions of a man discovering Judaism in a time and place when it seemed to be disappearing...Anthony David Skinner had chosen the letters wisely and offers excellent overviews of the periods in which they were written.”—Sylvia Rothchild, Jewish Advocate

“A lively...collection, which follows Scholem from his fevered adolescence to the sovereign authority of his final years. The editor’s illuminating biographical summaries set out useful links from decade to decade, but it is Scholem’s uncompromising voice that gives this volume its unified force and striking crescendos. In their unstinting energy, the letters show a man exactly where he wanted to be, and conscious of exactly why.”—Cynthia Ozick, New Yorker

“Over seven decades, Scholem sent and received 16,000 letters. The Hebrew University’s Anthony David Skinner has lovingly translated and edited a selection of these...The replies--from such luminaries as Walter Benjamin, Martin Buber, Theodor Adorno and Hannah Arendt--create an engrossing dialogue. Skinner’s artful annotations render Scholem’s most esoteric notions accessible to the lay reader. And he shows how the adolescent maverick evolved from a "Jewish Zarathustra to Master Magician Emeritus of the post-war years"...It will whet readers’ appetites to read Scholem’s own books. In an age of emails and faxes, Scholem is truly a man of letters--in both senses of the term.”—Lawrence Joffe, Jewish Chronicle

“Anthony David Skinner has done a useful and meticulous job. This is the most readable history of German destruction and Israeli construction I know. And it describes Jewish habits of thought leading to this day and trailing back into the darkness over thousands of hidden years.”—Atar Hadari, Jewish Quarterly

“What can this lucky bookworm say to readers who are not especially curious about the kabbalah or about the history of universities in Israel? A great deal, as this selection of letters to and from Scholem makes clear. Some of its pleasures are simple ones: the spell-binding story of the Scholem clan...But this narrative also asks difficult questions: one is whether cleaving to a particular people and its tradition constitutes a self-imposed exile from a realm of more-universal concerns...[Skinner’s] translations, thankfully, let the correspondents speak in voices that sound like their own.”—The Economist

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 部分

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Gerhard Scholem who, after his immigration from Germany to Palestine, changed his name to Gershom Scholem (Hebrew: גרשם שלום) (December 5, 1897 — February 21, 1982), was a German-born Israeli Jewish philosopher and historian, born and raised in Germany. He is widely regarded as the founder of the modern, academic study of Kabbalah, becoming the first Professor of Jewish Mysticism at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. [1] His close friends included Walter Benjamin and Leo Strauss, and selected letters from his correspondence with those philosophers have been published.

Scholem is best known for his collection of lectures, Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism (1941) and for his biography Sabbatai Zevi, the Mystical Messiah (1973). His collected speeches and essays, published as On Kabbalah and its Symbolism (1965), helped to spread knowledge of Jewish mysticism among non-Jews.

1 Life
2 Awards
3 Theories and scholarship
4 Debate with Hannah Arendt
5 Literary influence
6 Selected works in English
7 See also
8 Notes
9 References
10 Further reading


Gerhard Scholem was born in Berlin to Arthur Scholem and Betty Hirsch Scholem. His interest in Judaica was strongly opposed by his father, a printer, but, thanks to his mother's intervention, he was allowed to study Hebrew and the Talmud with an Orthodox rabbi.

Gerhard Scholem met Walter Benjamin in Munich in 1915, when the former was seventeen years old and the latter was twenty-three. They began a lifelong friendship that ended only with Benjamin's suicide in 1940. In 1915 Scholem enrolled at the Humboldt University of Berlin, where he studied mathematics, philosophy, and Hebrew, and where he came into contact with Martin Buber, Shmuel Yosef Agnon, Hayim Nahman Bialik, Ahad Ha'am, and Zalman Shazar. In Berlin, he first befriended and became an admirer of Leo Strauss (their correspondence would continue throughout his life).[2] He subsequently studied mathematical logic at the University of Jena under Gottlob Frege. He was in Bern in 1918 with Benjamin when he met Elsa Burckhardt, who became his first wife. He returned to Germany in 1919, where he received a degree in semitic languages at the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich. Less notable in his academic career was his establishment of the fictive University of Muri with Benjamin.

He wrote his doctoral thesis on the oldest known kabbalistic text, Sefer ha-Bahir. Drawn to Zionism, and influenced by Buber, he emigrated in 1923 to the British Mandate of Palestine, where he devoted his time to studying Jewish mysticism and became a librarian, and eventually head of the Department of Hebrew and Judaica at the National Library. He later became a lecturer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

He taught the Kabbalah and mysticism from a scientific point of view and became the first professor of Jewish mysticism at the university in 1933, working in this post until his retirement in 1965, when he became an emeritus professor. In 1936, he married his second wife, Fania Freud.

Scholem's brother Werner was a member of the ultra-left "Fischer-Maslow Group" and the youngest ever member of the Reichstag, representing the Communist Party (KPD) in the German parliament. He was expelled from the party and later murdered by the Nazis during the Third Reich. Gershom Scholem, unlike his brother, was vehemently opposed to both Communism and Marxism.

Scholem died in Jerusalem, where he is buried next to his wife in Sanhedria. Jürgen Habermas delivered the eulogy.

Selected works in English
Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism, 1941
Jewish Gnosticism, Merkabah Mysticism, and the Talmudic Tradition, 1960
Arendt and Scholem, "Eichmann in Jerusalem: Exchange of Letters between Gershom Scholem and Hannah Arendt", in Encounter, 22/1, 1964
The Messianic Idea in Judaism and other Essays on Jewish Spirituality, trans. 1971
Sabbatai Sevi: The Mystical Messiah, 1973
From Berlin to Jerusalem: Memories of My Youth, trans. Harry Zohn, 1980.




Kabbalah, Meridian 1974, Plume Books 1987 reissue: ISBN 0-452-01007-1
Walter Benjamin: the Story of a Friendship, trans. Harry Zohn. New York: Schocken Books, 1981.
Origins of the Kabbalah, JPS, 1987 reissue: ISBN 0-691-02047-7
On the Mystical Shape of the Godhead: Basic Concepts in the Kabbalah, 1997
The Fullness of Time: Poems, trans. Richard Sieburth
On Jews and Judaism in Crisis: Selected Essays
On the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism
Tselem: The Representation of the Astral Body, trans. Scott J. Thompson 1987
Zohar — The Book of Splendor: Basic Readings from the Kabbalah, ed.

ゲルショム・ゲルハルト・ショーレム(גרשם גרהרד שלום Gershom Gerhard Scholem 1897年12月5日 - 1982年2月21日)はドイツ生まれのイスラエル思想家。ユダヤ神秘主義(カバラ)の世界的権威で、ヘブライ大学教授を務めた。1958年イスラエル賞を受賞。1968年にはイスラエル文理学士院の院長に選ばれた。



博士論文のテーマは、最古のカバラ文献סֵפֶר הַבָּהִיר(セフェル・ハ=バヒール; "光輝の書")だった。シオニズムに傾倒し、友人ブーバーの影響もあって、1923年に英領パレスチナへ移住。ここで彼はユダヤ神秘主義の研究に没頭し、司書の職を得た。最終的にはイスラエル国会図書館のヘブライ・ユダヤ文献部門の責任者となった。のちにエルサレムヘブライ大学で、講師として教え始めた。



邦訳著書 [編集]
『ユダヤ主義の本質』 河出書房新社, 1972年
『ユダヤ主義と西欧』 河出書房新社, 1973年
『ユダヤ教神秘主義』 河出書房新社, 1975年
『わが友ベンヤミン』 晶文社, 1978年
『ユダヤ神秘主義』 叢書ウニベルシタス・法政大学出版局, 1985年 別訳
『カバラとその象徴的表現』 叢書ウニベルシタス・法政大学出版局, 1985年
『ベンヤミンーショーレム往復書簡』 叢書ウニベルシタス・法政大学出版局, 1990年
『ベルリンからエルサレムへ 青春の思い出』 叢書ウニベルシタス・法政大学出版局, 1991年
『錬金術とカバラ』 作品社, 2001年
サバタイ・ツヴィ伝 神秘のメシア』 2冊組 叢書ウニベルシタス・法政大学出版, 2009年
『エラノス叢書』 平凡社全9巻別冊1、1994-95年、数編の論文が所収。

Arendt and Scholem, "Eichmann in Jerusalem: Exchange of Letters between Gershom Scholem and Hannah Arendt", in Encounter, 22/1, 1964

The Messianic Idea in Judaism and other Essays on Jewish Spirituality, trans. 1971

Sabbatai Sevi: The Mystical Messiah, 1973

From Berlin to Jerusalem: Memories of My Youth, trans. Harry Zohn, 1980.


因為受到I. Berlin等人對於 Hannah Arendt的評價 對她的作品比較少涉獵. 不過其作品不少有漢譯了.

Gershom Scholem A Life in Letters, 1914-1982 , pp.393-98 有兩人對於 “Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil,”一書的許多不同的見解 包括 “the banality of evil.” 是否只是一口號.http://hcbooks.blogspot.tw/…/gershom-scholem-life-in-letter…

Books 書海微瀾: Gershom Scholem A Life in Letters, 1914-1982 / Hannah Arendt: “the banality of evil.”

2024年11月25日 星期一

Devil's Dictionary 2024年台灣某書商重出版


The Devil's Dictionary 台灣的版本似乎從日譯本

Addicted to rhetoric.
  1. Lying; untruthful: a mendacious child.
  2. False; untrue: a mendacious statement. See synonyms at dishonest.

[From Latin mendācium, lie, from mendāx, mendāc-, mendacious.]

MIND, n.
A mysterious form of matter secreted by the brain. Its chief activity consists in the endeavor to ascertain its own nature, the futility of the attempt being due to the fact that it has nothing but itself to know itself with. From the Latin mens, a fact unknown to that honest shoe-seller, who, observing that his learned competitor over the way had displayed the motto "Mens conscia recti," emblazoned his own front with the words "Men's, women's and children's conscia recti."

mendaciously men·da'cious·ly adv.

The Enlarged Devil’s Dictionary, Penguin, 1968.

Devil's Dictionary

Devil's Dictionary

The Devil's Dictionary, by Ambrose Bierce
Satirical, cynical, quirky and tongue-in-cheek definitions by a 19th-century writer. Wise and witty, but not meant to be taken seriously!
On this page: labor to lyre.

Search inside for:
Title Index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Vale of tears, leg out, Devil's Dictionary: legacy

The so-called legacy airline carriers — such as Delta Air Lines, British Airways, and Air France — should be well positioned to take advantage of globalization, but due to strict regulations, globalization is not an opportunity, but a grave threat. To compete with low-cost carriers and rising stars in developing regions, legacy carriers must share costs and services with their global partners, build operating models that can support their vision, and prepare for the potential of a more globalized market.


n., pl.,
  1. Money or property bequeathed to another by will.
  2. Something handed down from an ancestor or a predecessor or from the past: a legacy of religious freedom. See synonyms at heritage.

[Middle English legacie, office of a deputy, from Old French, from Medieval Latin lēgātia, from Latin lēgātus, past participle of lēgāre, to depute, bequeath.]

Devil's Dictionary:


A cynical view of the world by Ambrose Bierce


A gift from one who is legging it out of this vale of tears.


intr.v. Informal,
legged, leg·ging, legs.
To go on foot; walk or run. Often used with the indefinite it: Because we missed the bus, we had to leg it across town.

Vale of tears is a phrase based upon the Christian religion that refers to Earthly sorrows that are to be left behind when one enters heaven. "Vale" means a valley or a dale. The phrase comes from the Latin in Psalm 84:6 in the Vulgate Bible: "in valle lacrimarum ..." (in the vale of tears ...). It implies that the wickedness of the world makes it dark and reprieve comes only from divine salvation.

Life Redefined: "The Devil's Dictionary" Turns 100


A century after its publication as The Devil’s Dictionary, Ambrose Bierce’s comic lexicon remains a beautifully nasty piece of work. Though it’s a work of satire first and foremost, its mock definitions incorporate whimsy, existential pessimism, cheap puns, sex jokes, and just about every other trick in the comedian’s book. Here’s a quick sampling of my favorite entries:

SELF-ESTEEM, n. An erroneous appraisement.

SELFISH, adj. Devoid of consideration for the selfishness of others.

OBSOLETE, adj. No longer used by the timid. Said chiefly of words.

LIFE, n. A spiritual pickle preserving the body from decay. We live in daily apprehension of its loss; yet when lost it is not missed. The question, "Is life worth living?" has been much discussed; particularly by those who think it is not, many of whom have written at great length in support of their view, and by careful observance of the laws of health enjoyed for long terms of years the honors of successful controversy.

HASH, x. There is no definition for this word—nobody knows what hash is.

Like hash, Bierce himself was defiantly uncategorizable. His career is one of the oddities of American literature; after the Dictionary, his second best-known work is the eerie short story “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge,” which has inspired multiple film and TV adaptations. (Probably the most famous of these aired in the '60s as an episode of The Twilight Zone.) Along with his sister in cynicism, Dorothy Parker, he is quoted constantly, but few writers claim him as an influence. Exceptions include Kurt Vonnegut, who greatly admired “Owl Creek”—“I consider anyone a Twerp who hasn’t read [it]”—and the Australian writer Peter Bowler, whose Superior Person’s Book of Words series I’ve loved since childhood.

Bierce fought, and suffered injuries, in the gruesome Battle of Shiloh, an experience that some believe formed the nihilistic core of his comedy. Look into the eyes of the photo above: that is a man who’s seen some things. His influence on Vonnegut, witness to the Dresden massacre, becomes clearer in that light, though Bierce’s work is less tempered with the milk of human kindness.

A reticent man in life, Bierce died as a total enigma: he disappeared in Mexico in 1913 while traveling—at age 71—with Pancho Villa’s army. As a result, he joins a select club of famous authors who have vanished under mysterious circumstances. Others include the poets Hart Crane (drowned at sea, possibly a suicide) and Weldon Kees (probably a suicide; his car was found abandoned by the Golden Gate Bridge after he’d told a friend he was going to Mexico). And then there are Poe and Christopher Marlowe, whose bodies were recovered but whose deaths are shrouded in suspicions of foul play. My personal theory is that all of these men are gathered on an island somewhere in the Twilight Zone, discussing literature and the virtues of terrible mustaches.

***Review: 'The Devil's Dictionary,' by Ambrose Bierce
San Francisco Chronicle
who emerged as a writer in San Francisco right after the Civil War, is remembered best today for his clever "Devil's Dictionary." As this anthology demonstrates, however, he was skilled at multiple writing genres - fact, fiction and in between, ...

川端康成 『千羽鶴』; BBC ASIA 第3集;Kushiro's Red-crowned Cranes"

為你推薦 3天 
"In this episode, we visit Kushiro in the eastern part of Hokkaido Prefecture and meet a woman who is dedicated to the conservation of red-crowned cranes. 🎥⬇️
JAPAN FROM ABOVE: UP CLOSE / Co-production between NHK, Gedeon Programmes, ZDF Arte, and Voyage
Kushiro's Red-crowned Cranes"

私の小説『千羽鶴』は、日本のの心と形の美しさを書いたと読まれるのは誤りで、今の世間に俗悪となつた茶、それに疑ひと警めを向けた、むしろ否定の作品なのです。— 川端康成「ノーベル文学賞受賞記念講演」

讀到我的小說“Chibazuru”,寫下了日本茶的心臟和形狀之美,並且反對世界上變得庸俗的茶,懷疑,而是拒絕了茶,這是錯誤的。 這是一項工作。
 -  Yasunari Kawabata“諾貝爾文學獎”紀念講座

Yasunari, Kawabata, Thousand Cranes, Translated by Edward G. Seidensticker. (London and USA: Penguin )
— 川端康成「ノーベル文学賞受賞記念講演」
1 はじめに
2 「内魔」の生成について
2-1 「悪魔」の血をもつ「あざ」と「不潔」
2-2 「鼠」,「桃の花」の象徴性について ....

第三部 「魔界」の展開
第六章 『千羽鶴』における「魔界」の諸相 ―「内魔」の生成と深化を中心に― 1 はじめに 
性の深淵と不倫の罪意識―菊治と太田夫人 .
茶室による異界の構築 ...
おわりに ............................................................................................................... 232

Thousand Cranes (千羽鶴, Senbazuru) is a 1952 novel by Japanese author Yasunari Kawabata. The novel is divided into five episodes: "Thousand Cranes", "The Grove in the Evening Sun", "Figured Shino", "Her Mother's Lipstick" and "Double Star".
