2009年4月6日 星期一

中國文哲研究集刊 創刊號



王夢鷗 讀沈既濟〈枕中記〉補考
王叔岷 鍾嶸《詩品》概論
饒宗頤 後周整理樂章與宋初詞學有關諸問題
饒宗頤 楚恭王熊審盂跋
劉殿爵 A Study of Some Textual Problems in the Lü-shin ch'un-ch'in and Their Bearing on Its Composition
勞思光 對於如何理解中國哲學之探討及建議
龍宇純 也談《詩經》的興
張以仁 溫飛卿詞舊說商榷續
劉述先 朱熹的思想究竟是一元論或是二元論﹖
戴璉璋 王弼易學中的玄思
丁邦新 聲韻學知識用於推斷文學作品時代及真偽之限度
程元敏 尚書寧王寧武寧考前寧人寧人前文人解之衍成及其史的觀察(上)
吳宏一 趙執信《談龍錄》研究
林慶彰 《五經大全》之修篡及其相關問題探究
彭小妍 沈從文的烏托邦世界:苗族故事及鄉土故事研究
鍾彩鈞 二程心性說析論


Number 1 March 1991

Supplementary Study of Shen Chi-chi's “Chen-chung chi” (The World Inside a Pillow ) Wang meng-ou
On Chung Jung's Shih p'in ( An Evaluation of poetry) Wang Shu-min

Problems Regarding the Compilation and Revison of Court Music in the Later Chou Dynasty and the Poetics of T'su in the Early Sung

Jao Tsung-i
The Inscription on the Receptacle Owned by Hsiung-shen, King Kung of Ch'u Jao Tsung-i

A Study of Some Textual Problem in the Lu-shih ch'un-ch'iu and Their Bearing on Its Composition

D. C. Lau
Understanding Chinese Philosophy: An Inquiry and a Proposal Lau Ssu-kuang
On the Technique of Hsing in the Shih ching (Book of Poetry) Lung Yü-ch'un
On the Traditional Theories about Wen Fei-ch'ing's Lyrics (Part ) Chang Yi-jen
Chu Hsi's System of Thinking: Momistic or Dualistic? Liu Shu-hsien
The Metaphysical Thinking in Wang Pi's Interpretation of the I ching (Book of Changes) Tai Lien-chang

The Limits of Phonological Methods in Determining the Date and Authenticity of a Literary Work

Ting pang-hisn

The Hermeneutics and History of the Terms “Ning-jen,” “Ning-wu,” “Ning-k'ao,”“Ch'ien ning-jen,” “Ning-jen,”and“Ch'ien wen-jen”in the Shang shu (Book of Documents)

Cheng Yuan-min
A Study of Chao Chih-shen's T'an lung lu (Discourses on the Metamorphosis of the Dragon) Wu Hung-i

On the Compilation of Wu-ching ta-ch'uan (A Grand and Complete Collection of the Five Classics) and Related Problems

Lin Ch'ing-chang
Shen Ts'ung-wen's Utopian Vision: A Study of His Miao Romances and Country Stories Peng Hsiao-yen

An Analysis of the Theory of Mind and Human Nature in The Philosophy of the Two Ch'engs

Tsai-chun Chung





提 要



   楊炎執政不及二年(自大曆十四年以至建中二年七月),罷相兩月後,即因受讒賜死崖州,沈既濟亦隨而謫往東南。計其受職修史,前後僅一年又十月,是其好夢未 酣,即遭警醒,按所體驗,當有如〈枕中記〉中之盧生者。益以同年六月,蓋代勳臣郭子儀之喪,為之實錄者,不能無華屋山邱之感,此則於〈枕中記〉結局之安排 猶依稀可辨也。




A Supplementary Study of Shen Chi-chi's "Chen-chung chi" (枕中記 , "The World Inside a Pillow"

Wang Meng-ou

  A renowned literary man as he was , little of Shen Chi-chi's 沈既濟(740-800) output , mostly written on important occasions between the Ta-li 大曆 and the Chen-yuan 貞元 periods of the T'ang Dynasty , has been known by posterity . Neither the new nor the old T'ang-shu 新舊唐書 recorded that a collection of his writings had existed , and it was presumed that a freat deal of them had been lost , and that the extant ones , including "Chen-chung chi" , were his later writings .

  At Te-tsung's 德宗 entheronment , Yang Yen 楊炎 was appointed premier of the empire . Thanks to Yang's recommendation , Shen was promoted from a sinecure to an important position , and , as the court historian , undertook the writing of the Annals of the Chien-chung Period 建中實錄 . Ten volumes are believed to have not existed , of which the only extant fragments were recorded in Ssuma Kuang's T'ung-chien k'ao-i 通鑑考異 . These fragments are filled with encomiums of the contemporary premier , and Ssu-ma Kuang's comment is that Shen was soliciting Yang's favor .

   Yang Yen's rule lasted less than two years(from the fourteenth year of Ta-li to the seventh month of the second year of Chien-chung). Two months after he had lost his position , he was ordered to commit suicide st Yai Chou 崖州 as a result of a libel suit against him . Thereupon Shen Chi-chi was exiled to the southeastern border . His position as the court historian had lasted only one year and ten months . Likf Scholar Lu 盧生 in "Chen-chung chi" , Shen was awakened from a dream before it came to the happy denouement . In addition , the great heroic courtier Kuo Tzu-I 郭子儀 died in the sixth month of that year . As a court historian , Shen was bound to lament the perishing of power , and one seems to detect a similar development at the edn of "Chen-chung chi" .

  The author of this article concludes that "Chen-chung chi" was written no early than the tenth month of the second year of Chien-chung(781).





提 要

   〈概論〉內容,計分一、引言,二、鍾嶸生卒年,三、寫《詩品》年代及態度,四、《詩品》凡例,五、《詩品》內容,六、評詩標準,七、《詩品》文體,八、結 語。凡八端。二、三、四、五、六所論,近人治《詩品》者,已偶有涉及。惟立論非僅詳略各殊,識解亦頗有出入。如第六,論「評詩標準」:一、「重性情反對用 典」,二、「重風力反對說理」,三、「重自然音韻反對聲律」,四、「重華靡而輕質直」,五、「重清雅而忌險俗」,六、「取華艷而輕淫靡」。分此六目,皆詳 細論證。又如第五,論「詩品內容」,所列 「三派詩人表」,屬於〈國風〉派曹植,亦兼屬〈小雅〉派。屬於〈小雅〉派之阮籍,亦兼屬〈國風〉派。重新加以聯繫。至於第七,論「詩品文體」,三品評語, 幾皆散文,與齊、梁駢儷之體迥別,而頗受司馬遷《史記》詞意影響,此則更無人道及者矣。



On Chung Jung's Shih p'in(詩品,An Evaluation of Poetry

Wang Shu-min

  This essay is divided into eight section: 1) introduction , 2) Chung Jung's 鍾嶸(465-518)life span , 3) the years of the composition of the Shih p'in and Chung's attitude as suthor , 4) the principles of its composition , 5) its contents , 6) the criteria followed in Chung's poetics , 7) the genre in which it is written , and 8) concluding remarks .

  Although the problems set forth in sections (2) , (3) , (4) , (5) , and (6) have been psrtly treated by recent scholars on the Shih p'in , this study is more detailed and its conclusion is different . For instance , in Section Six , the suthor divides Chung's poetic criteria into six items: 1) a preference for the expression of sentiments over Classical references , 2) a preference for emotional response over logical persuasion , 3) a preference for natural rhythm over stylized versification , 4) a preference for polish over straight forwardness , 5) a preference for elegance over stilted language , and 6) a preference for embellishment over licentiousness . For another example , in Section Five in the discussion of the contents of the Shih p'in , the three schools of poetic style are re-evaluated . Ts'ao Chih 曹植 , originally considered as belonging to the kuo-feng 國風 school , can also be included in the hsiao-ya 小雅 school , while Juan Chi 阮籍 , a poet of the hsiao-ya school , can likewise be included in the kuo-feng school . In Section Seven , in which the genre of Shih p'in is discussed , it is pointed out that almost all the parts discussing the three classes of poets are written in prose , as a sharp contrast to the three classes of poets of the Ch'i-Liang 齊梁 style . It is clear that Chung was influenced by the style of Ssu-ma Ch'ien's Shih chi 史記 . So far this has not been discussed by other scholars .





提 要


   本文從這一重點加以發揮,指出五代官方有「別撰樂章、舞曲,令歌者誦習」一事,為促進公、私曲詞寫作之緣由。和凝次子和峴在乾德六年十月上疏即陳其事。今 《全宋詞》第一首六州、十二時即其一例。五代宋初,雅樂與教坊曲在朝廷混雜使用,唐代梨園樂章在歌筵宴會上仍極盛行,曲子多用於歌舞場合。敦煌卷子中如題 顯德五年間抄本的舞譜,正可說明這一事實。當時樂章舞曲歌辭可由太常寺保管,五代有許多與整理樂章有關之人士,大都是太常寺裡之負責人員。柳永的《樂章 集》,何以命名曰「樂章」,由於他嘗官「太常博士」,他未之人必曾掌握許多的樂章之材料。觀於《樂章集》中長調之多,及柳氏所進之新曲,了明其故。柳詞所 以有承先啟後之地位而取得高度成就,應該和他任職太常寺得到舊樂章的灌溉吸取養料,不無關係。



Problems Regarding the Compilation and Revision of Court Music in the Later Chou Dynasty and the Poetics of Tz'u in the Early Sung

Jao Tsung-i

  The scholarly tradition of the Sung Dynasty was to a large extent inherited from the Later Chou Dynasty . Although the latter lasted only a very short period (951-960) , there was at that time a tendency to revive ancient studies , and its efforts in establishing national protocol and music opended up new vistas for the Sung Dynasty . It was the same in the study of calligraphy , bronze inscriptions , and the poetics of tz'u . The flourishing of tz'u in the Sung Dynasty was closely connected with the compilation and revision of music in the Later Chou .

   With the understanding mentioned above , the author of this article points out that during the period of the Five Dynasties (907-960)the ciurt promoted the composition of music and tunes for dancing , and ordered the traning of court sinfers . This led to a flourishing of popular as well as court music . In the tenth month of the second year of the Ch'ien-te 乾德 period(944) , Ho Hsien 和峴 , the sevond son of Ho Ning 和凝 , submitted s memorial to the emperor expounding on this on this phenomenon . The former's two tz'u verses written in the melodies of “Liu Chou”六州 and “Shiherh Shih” 十二時 collected in the Ch'uan Sung-tz'u 全宋詞 (Complete Collection of Sung Ts'u) can best illustrate the influence of the music prevailing at the time . During the period of the music prevailing at the time . During the period of the Five Dynasties and the early Sung , both court music and popular music were performed at court , while the theatrical music of the T’ang Dynasty(695-905) was also prevailing in recitals , dances and banquets . This fact can be proven by a hand copy of the music for dancing dated the fifth year of Hsien 顯德 (958) found in the Tun-huang 敦煌 archives . At that time it was the huty of the T'ai-ch'ang Ssu 太常寺 (Ministry of Rites and Ceremonies) to keep records of music , dances and songs . A lot of people who were involved in the compilation and revision of music were officials in that organization . The Yueh-chang 樂章集 by Liu Yung 柳永(987-1053) was so named because he was once such an official . With his easy access to the materials collected there , it is no wonder that ch’ang tiao 長調(long verses) abound in his Yueh-chang chi , and that he was such a prolific composer of dance music himself . His artistic achievement as a tz'u poet who occupied a turning point in its history was closely related to his affiliation with the T'ai-ch'ang Ssu .





提 要






The Inscription on the Receptacle Owned by Hsiung-shen , King Kung of Ch'uB.C. 590-560

Jao Tsung-i

  Among the collections in the Metropolitan Museum in New York is a ritual implement of the State of Ch'u . Six words are inscribed on it , 楚王■■之■ , which can be identified as 楚共王熊審之器 . In this study the author uses evidence found in the inscription on the seals of the Han Dynasty and other kinds of inscriptions to prove that the character ■ is actually 審 , and thereby to identify the historical events connected with King Kung and the various official names used by him as recorded in ancient texts .

  From the variations of the character■ , the author also proves that it is the word 盂 . In ancient texts it is written as 杅 . This finding can be added to the section in Chin-wen pien 金文編 treating the same subject .

   The above-mentioned ritual implement was made with the “losing wax method” 失蠟法 . It is the oldest of the datable extant implements made with this method .





提 要


   首先,〈十二紀〉似乎是獨立成書的,理由是:一、從〈序意篇〉檢討內容的先後和它在全書的位置可以推斷〈十二紀〉曾經單獨出版。二、〈十二紀〉有一節文字 重見於〈八覽〉,從避諱的角度看此兩部分在傳承上有所不同;這情形在高誘作注時就是如此。三、所有在「解在乎」一語之後出現的故事都不見於〈十二紀〉,原 因可能是〈十二紀〉的成書年代在〈八覽〉之前。




A Study of Some Textual Problems in the Lu-shih ch’un-ch’iu 呂氏春秋 and Their Bearing on Its Composition

by D.C.Lau

The Lu-shih ch’un-ch’iu 呂氏春秋 wasnot a collection compiled according to a preconceived plan .

The first point made in the article is that the twelve chi 紀(schemata) seem to have been a separate work . The evidence is as follows : first , the position of the postface entitled “Hsu yi” 序意篇 in the whole work , together with its contents , points to the twelve chi having been published separately ; second , in a passage paralleled in the eight lan 覽(surveys) , the difference in the observance of taboo characters points to a separate transmission and this was to down to the time of Kao Yu’s 高誘 exegesis of the Lu-shih ch’un-ch’iu ; third , none of the illustrative stories introduced by the formula chieh tsai hu 解在乎(the explanation lies in) is to be found in the twelve chi , probably because they were composed before the eight lan .

The second argument is that the eight lan seem to have been conceived on the plan of ching 經(classic) and chieh 解(commentary) , and this plan was apparently abandoned . The material meant to be used as chieh was used freely in later books . Part of such material found its way into the six lun 論 . From here we can conclude that the order of chi , lan , lun in the existing Lu-shih ch’un-ch’iu reflects the order in which the three parts were compiled .




提 要

   不同哲學傳統間之溝通,一向是公認的難題。就中國哲學而言,由於其目的、功能及探究方式均與西方哲學有極大的差異,更不易為西方學人所了解。本文旨在幫 助西方哲學傳統下之學人了解中國哲學思想,乃從兩個層面試求解決此種溝通上之難題。第一步,對「哲學概念」作一修改,以「開放的哲學概念」代替「封閉的哲 學概念」,以期脫出學派成見之限制。第二步,重新畫定哲學之功能,將「引導功能」與「認知功能」並列,顯出非西方傳統之中國哲學傳統之特性,以期超越特殊 傳統之限制。最後,以孟子及莊子學說為例,闡釋中國之引導性哲學思想。





Understanding Chinese Philosophy : An Enquiry and a Proposal

by Lau Ssu-kuang

The communication between different philosophical traditions always constitutes a difficult problem . As far as Chinese philosophy is concerned , since its goal , function and methods of study are greatly distinct from those of Western philosophy , it is harder for Western scholars to understand . Intending to help scholars trained in the Western philosophical tradition to understand Chinese philosophy , the author of the present paper tries to solve this communication problem from two angles . First , he revises the general “concept of philosophy” and proposes the “open concept of philosophy” in place of the “closed concept of philosophy” , so that the boundaries between different schools can be crossed . Second , he redefines the function of philosophy , juxtaposing its “orientation function” against its “cognitive function” , so as to put in relief the difference between Chinese and Western philosophical traditions , and to transcend their limits . Finally , he uses the philosophies of Mencius and Chuang-tzu to illustrate the orientation function of Chinese Philosophy .

This article was originally written in English and collected in Understanding the Chinese Mind , published in 1989 by Oxford University Press . Except for a slight readjustment in tone , all the arguments in the Chinese version here remain the same as those in the original .




提 要

   本文提出四點意見:一、孔子所說「詩可以興」的興,與興體的名稱無直接關係。二、〈麟之趾〉一詩,可為興句取義的內在證明。改易〈桃夭〉、〈東山〉詠新婚 的興句,可見興句不得無義。詩雖間有只取趁韻的文字,但非興體獨有之現象,比賦亦然。三、比自智出,興由感來,兩者的區分,自摯虞以來早有明辨。由於心的 「自行」、有不期而然的興會,故有興句所言非眼前景者。四、興體為詩所獨具,故《毛傳》獨標興體;比賦只是相對於興建立的名號。興是詩的起頭,是以恆在章 首;言此賦,當以不在章首為限。章中間有興,必在換韻的開端;換韻,等於章節的另起。所謂章末之興,不僅詩中無有,根本亦不合語意。



On the Technique of Hsing in the Shih ching(詩經,Book of Poetry)

by Lung Yu-ch’un

Four points are made in this article : 1) The technique hsing 興 has no direct connection with the Confucisn statement , “Poetry can stir up human emotions”(Shih k’e i hsing 詩可以興). 2) From the poem “Lin chih chih” 麟之趾 , one can see that the technique hsing involves not only phonological patterns but also the intrinsic meaning of the poem . Although words of pure rhythmical patterns do exist , they are not restricted to the hsing verses ; the pi 比 and the fu 賦 verses also have them . 3) It has been known since Chih Yu 摯虞(d. 311) that while the pi involves the human intellect , the hsing is derived from emotions . Since emotions operate instinctively , they tend to make free associations . As a result , the hsing verses may refer to scenes in the past as well as the present . 4) The hsing is unique to the Shih ching 詩經 , therefore the Mao exegesis of the Shih ching emphasizes the hsing technique , while the pi technique derives its name from its nature as distinct from that of the hsing . The hsing verses mark the beginning of a poem and are always used to start a stanza . The opening lines of a poem are sufficient for us to judge whether its main technique is fu , pi , or hsing . If used in the middle of a stanza , the hsing verses must coincide with the change of rhyme , a marker technically equal to the beginning of a anew stanza . It is meaningless to talk about the hsing verses at the end of a stanza , and such a term would be contradictory to the semantic implications of the hsing .




提 要

   此文係繼本人舊作〈溫飛卿詞舊說商榷〉一文之續作,對以往學者有關溫詞之解說,續提商討意見。文中論及溫詞凡十八首,計〈菩薩蠻〉十四首,〈歸國謠〉十 首,〈楊柳枝〉三首。商榷問題共三十六事,其中涉及語義、賞析、校勘、音韻、名物、考訂等方面,商略是非、指陳美惡、疏深導淺、發隱闡微,尤於八其〈菩薩 蠻〉十四詞之為別有寄託之作之案,多列理據以證成之,以展露溫詞深美閎約之雅思睿想。



On the Traditional Theories about Wen Fei-ch'ing's Lyrics(Part Ⅱ)

by Chang Yi-jen

This is Part Ⅱ of a previous article bearing the same title by the author . He presents in this study more commentaries on the theories about Wen Fdi-ch'ing's 溫飛卿(812-870) lyrics by previous scholars . Eighteen of Wen's lyrics are covered , including fourteen in the melody of "P'u-sa man" 菩薩蠻 , one in the "Kui-kuo yao" 歸國謠 , and three in the "Yang-liu chih" 楊柳枝 . While evaluating Wen's lyrics , the author analyses in detail their meaning and versification . He compares various version and points out the typographical errors in some of them . Proofs are cited to bring to light the underlying meaning of the fourteen lyrics in the "P'u-sa man" and to illustrate the profundity and wisdom embedded in Wen's lyrics .





提 要

   朱熹的思想究是一元論或是二元論?學者聚訟不息,似無定論。各種說法固然言之成理,持之有故,但我覺得,如果能夠把觀點層次分開,許多矛盾衝突或者可以化 解大半。我的意思是,由形上構成的角度看,朱熹是二元論;由功能實踐的角度看,朱熹對於終極的體證偏離於孟子的直貫型態,確有一間之隔。但朱熹所以主張二 元,是為了要保住理的超越性。陽明以降的一元論容易陷落在內在之中,造成超越意義的減煞。從工夫論的觀點看,朱熹對陸象山的追隨者的批評,實涵有一種先 見,恰好可以針對王門後學的蕩越有所針砭,而有其不可忽視的意義。



Chu Hsi's System of Thinking : Monistic or Dualistic ?

by Shu-hsien Li

The question has troubled scholar's minds for years . There does not seem to be a good solution accepted by all . In this article I propose to see the problem from two different perspectives : ontological and functional . Only when both perspectives are taken into account , can a coherent picture of Chu Hsi's thinking emerge . As Chu His maintains that li 理(principle) and chi 氣(vital force )must not be mixed up with each other , he is to be regarded as a dualist from an ontological point of view . But as he also maintains that li and ch'i work closely together to the extent that they cannot be separated from each other , he is to be seen as a monist from a functional point of view . The two perspectives are not contradictory but complementary to each other .Chu His's dualism is inconsistent with Menciu's thinking ; actually he does not seem to be able to fully appreciate the latter's insight .But Chu Hsi's approach has its significance from the perspective of self-discipline , as it can safeguard the transcendence of li and help to avoid the pitfalls of a monism that sees immanence only ; he seems to have foreseen the bad influence of some of the impudent followers of Wang Yang-ming .




提 要

   本文討論王弼《易》學中的玄學思想。作者在王氏《周易略例》與《周易註》中,歸納出王氏《易》學的重要觀念,有卦以存時、爻以示變、彖以明體象以盡意四 項。這是我們了解王氏《易》學的關鍵。其中涉及卦、爻的兩項,有王氏據傳解經發展出來的洞見;而涉及彖、象的兩項,則有他援《老》入《易》發展出來的卓 識。後者已具玄思的成份。

   作者又在王弼的《周易註》中,分析出四項重要的論式,即:無陽而以之成,無陰而陰以之生,無應而應以之大,無知而知以之明。這是王氏用以指點玄理的獨特方 式。從這裡可以看出王氏玄學的主導思想,那就是明「無」必因於「有」,全「有」必返於「無」。作者認為王氏的這種玄思蘊涵著一種道家形態的工夫論與本體 論。我們可以從會通儒、道思想與開拓《易》學領域兩個角度來評估王氏這種玄思的意義。



The Metaphysical Thinking in Wang Pi’s Interpretation of the I Ching(易經,Book of Changes)

by Tai Lien-chang

This essay discusses the metaphysical thinking in Wang Pi’s 王弼(226-249) interpretation of the Book of Changes . The author of this article sums up four basic concepts as shown in Wang’s Chou-i lueh-li 周易略例 and Chou-i chu 周易註 : to conceive time by means of kua 卦 , to demonstrate changes by means of yao 爻 , to understand the substance of things by means of t’uan 彖 , and to grasp their import by means of hsiang 象 . The first two concepts are developed from his understanding of the I chuan 易傳 , while the latter two are conceived from a borrowing of the ideas in the Lao-tzu 老子 .

The author then draws out from Wang Pi’s Chou-i chu four significant arguments : non-yang 無陽 through which yang is achieved , non-yin 無陰 through which yin is born , non-response 無應 through which response is growing , and non-knowledge 無知 through which knowledge is illustrated . This is the unique way Wang unfolds the metaphysical truth in the I Ching . From here we can see the guiding principles in Wang’s reading of the I Ching , which are that the illumination of the non-being 無 is based on the being 有 , and that the preservation of the being must return to non-being . The author believes that underlying Wang’s metaphysics is a Taoist type of theory of practice and ontology . We may then evaluate Wang’s metaphysis from two angles : his combining Confucianism with Taoism , and his attempt to open up new perspectives in the study of the I Ching .




提 要




The Limits of Phonological Methods in Determining the Date and Authenticity of a Literary Work

by Ting Pang-hsin

Basing on both the validity of phonological methods and the characteristics of literary works themselves , the author of this article examines such methods when used in determining their date and authenticity . Different genres and their phonological patterns are discussed in depth . In conclusion the author points out that , though basically applicable , these methods have their limits , far from being a dependable tool .





提 要

   《尚書》「寧王、寧武、寧考、前寧人、寧人」之「寧」,漢至宋人多為「安」,謂是「安天下之王」、「安武事」、「寧祖聖考」、「祖宗安人」,義決不可 通。至清吳大澂始發現此諸「寧」乃「文」字之誤,後人多深信不疑。惟吳汝綸闓生父子、章炳麟、西人高本漢疑二字形體尚不致相淆。余廣采古文字形,證二字形 近易偽,以充實吳說。更因《尚書》言「寧王以德始受天命建國」,遍求文武事跡於經、經解、緯、史、子、彝銘及近人論文,證同文王昌始受天命創建周國稱王改 元,而周武王發但繼受天命伐商定邦而已;且文獻盛稱文王美德,稱武王則鮮及其德望,故斷此「寧王」確是「文王昌」。《禮記》引《尚書.君奭》「寧王」作 「文王」,鄭玄以下,頗有執以勘校《尚書》者,惜皆未盡正確。余通考全篇,貫穿文義,比次史跡,定其篇「前人、寧王、文王」同指姬昌一人,於是「寧」字 誤、「文」字正,灼然無可疑矣。



The Hermeneutics and History of the Terms Ning-wang , Ning-wu , Ning-k'ao , Ch'ien ning-jen , Ning-jen , and Ch'ien wen-jen in the Shang shu(尚書,Book of Documents)

by Cheng Yuan-min

The character ning 寧 in ning-wang 寧王 , ning-wu 寧武 , ning-k'ao 寧考 , ch'ien ning-jen 前寧人 , ning jen 寧人, and ch'ien wen-jen 前文人 from the Book of Documents was interpreted as an 安(calm , stability)by scholars from the Han to the Sung Dynasties . According to them ning-wang means "a king who brings peace and stability to the world" , but in my opinion this definition is not acceptable . During the Ch'ing Dynasty Wu Ta-ch'eng 吳大澂 discovered that the character wen 文 had been mistaken for ning , and he convinced later generations . But later Chang Ping-lin 章炳麟 and the Swedish scholar Bernhard Karlgren argued that in terms of character form wen and ning were very unlikely to have been mistaken for each other , and thus another controversy began . In my article I examine the Classics together with their exegeses , history books , philosophy books , bronze inscriptions , and recent articles and prove that it was believed that King Wen 文王 had become the founder of the Chou Dynasty due to his merits as a ruler . The Book of Documents is filled with such praises of him . At the end of this article I conclude that ning-wang is without doubt the mistaken form of wen-wang.




提 要



  1. 緒論:說明研究的動機與步驟。
  2. 《談龍錄》的寫作動機:就趙氏該書自序,探討《談龍錄》的寫作背景。趙氏持論所以與王士禎不同者,或與其廣交江南文士如閻若璩、顧以安等人有關。
  3. 《談龍錄》內容析論之一:重點帶析論趙氏對王士禛的抨擊,就抨擊王氏之詩作、詩論與為人三方面加以論述。並探討所以嚴厲抨擊王氏的原因。
  4. 《談龍錄》內容析論之二:重點在析論趙氏自己的論詩主張。發現他固然深受馮班、吳喬等人影響,但他所揭舉的論詩之語,無不與抨擊王士禛有關。
  5. 《談龍錄》的餘響:說明後人對趙氏《談龍錄》的看法。
  6. 結語:歸結全文,作成六點結論。



A Study of Chao Chih-hsin's T'an lung lu(談龍錄,Discourses on the Metamorphosis of the Dragon)

by Wu Hung-I

The subject of this study is T'an lung lu , a famous work discussing poetry by Chao Chih-hsin 趙執信(1662-1744). The different editions of this work , related documents , the intention of the author , his theories of poetics and its influence on later writers are all analyzed .

This article is divided into the following six sections:

1. Preface : The aim and the outline of this study ,

2. The intention of the author of the T'an lung lu : Based on Chao's own preface to the work , the author discusses its literary background . Chao's theories as distinct from those of Wang Shih-chen 王士禎(1634-1711) might have been influenced by his association with the literary circle in the South , which included writers like Yen Juo-ch'u 閻若璩 and Ku I-an 顧以安 .

3. The first argument : In this section Chao's criticism of Wang's poetry , poetics , and personality is discussed together with the reasons for Chao's relentless criticism .

4. The second argument : Chao's own poetics is discussed . The author discovers that as much influenced as Chao was by people like Feng Pan 馮班 and Wu Ch'iao 吳喬 , his poetics were mainly composed as a criticism of Wang Shih-chen .

5. The influence of the T'an lung lu : How later generations have thought about the work is discussed in this section .

6. Conclusion : Six conclusions are drawn here.




提 要

  《五 經大全》修纂於明成祖永樂十三年(1415),歷來學者對其修纂動機、修纂人、取材問題,和經學衰落的關係,往往未有正確的認識。經本文研究後,發現: (一)成祖修纂《大全》,除想繼承道統外,也有籠絡士人,消除怨怒之氣的作用。(二)修纂人,除一般所知的四十二人外,《永樂大典》的總裁陳濟,可能也有 參加意見。(三)取材方面,與顧炎武、朱彝尊、《四庫提要》等書所說,略有出入。(四)《大全》雖頒為士人考試用書,但當時考試都用八股文,士人僅讀八股 文範本,不但不讀《大全》,經書也廢棄了。所以,明代經學衰落,實導因於八股文,而非《五經大全》。



On the Compilation of Wu-ching ta-ch'uan 五經大全 and Related Problems

by Lin Ch'ing-chang

Wu-ching ta-ch'uan 五經大全 (A Grand and Complete Collection of the Exegeses of the Five Classics) was compiled in 1415 . Knowledge about the motive for its compilation , compilers , sources and its relation to the decline of the study of the Classics has been insufficient . The author of this study reaches the following conclusions :

1. Emperor Ch'eng-tsu 成祖〔of the Ming〕ordered its compilation with a view both to following the Classical tradition and to gaining literary men's favor by way of rechanneling their anger against him.

2. As to the compilers , besides the forty-two literary men usually known , the vice-editor of the Yung-lo ta-tien 永樂大典(Grand Repository of the Yung-lo Era) , might have offered his opinions on its compilation .

3. With regard to its sources , the views of Ku Yen-wu 顧炎武 , Chu I-tsun 朱彝尊 , and the editors of the Ssu-k'u t'i-yao 四庫提要(Annotative List of the Complete Library of the Four Branches of Books) are not wholly reliable .

4. Although the Wu-ching ta-ch'uan was stipulated as the standard textbook for the civil examinations , it was not to blame for the decline of the study of the Classics . Since the required genre used in writing the examinations was the pa-ku wen 八股文(eight-legged essay) , students needed only to study the model essays in that genre . Under such circumstances , not only the Wu-ching ta-ch'uan , but the Classics themselves were ignored .




提 要

  傳 統上沈從文被認為是寫實作家,實際上卻是一個理想主義者,他不滿社會現狀,冀望於建立一個未來新中國。從這角度看來,沈氏的理想主義,其實是本世紀初期大 多數中國知識分子所共有的烏托邦式遠景;當時文人深深感受到社會各層面的危機,相信惟有全面改革才能救中國。沈氏於1920年代寫了一系列苗族故事,把苗 族社會描寫成理想國化身,他所推崇的苗族習俗,頗為類似無政府主義式自由戀愛(反婚姻)和反政府的精神。由同樣角度看,沈氏一向被認為是寫實傑作的主要作 品,例如《湘行散記》(1934-5)和《長河》(1943)等,也透露出當時風行的平民革命傾向。最後分析的作品是〈知識〉,這是沈氏的一篇寓言式的短 篇小說,描寫一名知識分子「頓悟」(也就是得到真知識)後,慨然放棄一切,追隨農民上山,為農民而戰鎮。在文學批評課題上,本文提出有關「主導文學」和 「邊際文學」的討論。有別於五四時期主導的寫實趨勢,沈從文是否有意藉苗族故事和鄉土故事這類的邊際文類,表明他在小說美學上及政治上的特殊立場?



Shen Ts'ung-wen's Utopian Vison : A Study of His Miao Remances and Country Stories

by Peng Hsiao-yen

Shen Ts'ung-wen , traditionally considered a realistic writer , was actually an idealist who criticized the contemporary society with a view to constructing a better future for China . Seen from this perspective , Shen's idealism was in fact part of the utopian vision shared by most Chinese intellectuals at the turn of the century , who were beset by a strong sense of crisis at all levels of Chinese society , and were convinced that the future of China lay in large-scale reform . The ideal life led by the tribespeople as envisioned in Shen's Miao romances , published during the 1920s , smacks of the anarchist spirit of free love (a form of anti-marriage as an institution)and anti-government . His major works such as Hsiang-hsing san-chi 湘行散記(Travels in Hunan ; 1934-5) and Ch'ang-he 長河(Long River ; 1943), examined from a similar angle , reveal the tendency toward proletarian revolution prevailing in his time . Chih-shih 知識(Knowledge ; 1934), a fable about an intellectual who follows the peasants to the mountains in order to fight for their cause , epitomizes Shen's idea of the "knowledge" of truth that awaits discovery and that entails a total conversion to the people's cause . One of the major issues discussed in this paper is the relationship between literary canons and "the marginal" . In exploring marginal genres such as the Miao romances and the country stories as opposed to the dominant May Fourth realistic tendency , was Shen declaring an esthetic as well a political stance ?




提 要

   本文採發展觀點,由「出釋老而返儒家」的角度觀察明道的心性說,並找尋由明道至伊川的發展軌跡。明道青年時代更明白主儒家入世立場,然而用語與思考方式尚 受釋老影響。在成熟期,所謂心是禪宗「平常心」的的客觀化與道德化。同時,因為向客觀方向發展,且為了解決現實之性的善惡問題,更從氣質角度提出性說。伊 川心性說,早年便以道德範疇言性,以道德的認識與實錢能力言心。在此基礎上,晚期更發展出「極本窮源之性」與「生之謂性」兩分的看法。又謂氣之清濁決定才 的賢愚,性善由才而實現卻不由才而成立。至於心概念的發展,則經過中和觀念的討論,發展出「心體」觀,不單就知覺言心,而使之伸向未發的領域。心體指個人 主體,然而是「性之有形者」,故可為天下之大本。又因為不以知覺言心體,故在修為工夫上,呈現出涵養或敬的重要性。



An Analysis of the Theory of Human Nature and Mind in the Philosophy of the Two Ch'engs

by Tsai-chun Chung

From a developmental viewpoint the author of this article traces Ch'eng Hao's 程顥(alias 明道 , 1032-1085)theory of human nature and mind through his original Confucianism , his conversion to Buddhism and Taoism , and final embrace of Confucianism . He then reviews Ch'eng I's 程頤(alias 伊川 , 1033-1107)theory as developed from Ch'eng Hao's concept .

A declared Confucianist from his late twenties on , Ch'eng Hao failed to conceal the influence of Buddhism and Taoism on his diction and mode of thought . As he reached maturity his concept of the mind (心) became an objectification and a moralization of the "everyday mind" (平常心) of Zen Buddhism . In addition , he equated human nature (性) with physical nature (氣質之性) so as to objectify as well as to resolve the problem of evil in human nature .

During his early years Ch'eng I already confined human nature in moral categories , and described the mind as the knowing and moral behaving subject . Later he developed the twofold view of "ultimate nature" (極本窮源之性) and "existent nature" (生之謂性). He also maintained that a person's capacity (his wisdom or foolishness) is determined by the clarity or turbidity of the vital force (氣之清濁) , while the goodness of human nature is actualized by , but not founded upon , one's capacity . As to the concept of the mind , Ch'eng I developed the idea of the mind substance (心體) , a state of mind before consciousness , by means of discussing the problem of "equilibrium and harmony"(中和). The mind substance , equivalent to the knowing subject , is , however , the "human nature in concreteness"(性之有形者), which may therefore be "the great foundation of the world"(天下之大本). In line with his view of the mind substance as a state of mind before consciousness , Ch'eng I emphasized the importance of inner cultivation (涵養) or sincerity (敬) in moral cultivation .

