2009年4月27日 星期一

Information anxiety 2

主要作者 伍爾曼 (Wurman, Richard Saul, 1935- )

Wurman, Richard Saul, 1935-
書名/作者 資訊焦慮 / 理查.伍爾曼著; 張美惠譯
出版項 臺北市 : 時報文化, 1994[民83]
版本項 初版

主要作者 Wurman, Richard Saul, 1935-
書名/作者 Information anxiety 2 / Richard Saul Wurman ; with additional research & writing by Loring Leifer & David Sume ; Karen Whitehouse, editor ; Michael J. Nolan, information designer
出版項 Indianapolis, Ind. : Que, c2001

anxiety in the Internet age
-- The business of understanding
-- Land mines in the understanding field
-- An age of connections: integrated messages
-- The structure of conversation
-- Talk is deep
-- There is always a question
-- Finding things
-- Beyond personalities
-- Empowerment: the word of the new century
-- Instructions: the driver of conversation
-- Talking on the job: seeing instructions in the context of work
-- Education is to learning as tour goups are to adventure
-- Learning is remembering what you're interested in
-- You only learn things relative to something you understand
-- Hailing, failing, and stil sailing
-- Designing your life

